<html>#2483: Simfactory job parameters are not consistent
<table style='border-spacing: 1ex 0pt; '>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Reporter:</td><td>Steven R. Brandt</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Status:</td><td>new</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'>Milestone:</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Version:</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Type:</td><td>bug</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Priority:</td><td>major</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'>Component:</td><td>SimFactory</td></tr>
<p>Comment (by Roland Haas):</p>
<p>Not sure if <code>--total-threads</code> is more useful since that is not a quantity people normally think about. If one takes a look at what the <code>mpirun</code>/ <code>srun</code> / <code>aprun</code> etc commands actually use: “processes” (= MPI ranks) and “allocated (logical ie the thing the OS counts is /proc/cpuinfo) cpus per process”. Ie they start <code>n</code> processes which are then free to spread out on <code>t</code> threads each (or not, if they only need more memory).<br>
So a more useful new option might be <code>--ranks</code> or even <code>--mpi-ranks</code>.</p>
<p>“cores” or “nodes” may be what the queuing system allocates usually though the <code>mpirun</code> like options are more directly understandable to users and the queuing system options are derived from them (since each queuing system is set up slightly differently, even if they use eg SLURM).</p>
Ticket URL: <a href='https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2483/simfactory-job-parameters-are-not'>https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2483/simfactory-job-parameters-are-not</a></p>