<html>#2692: Inclusion of FUKA importer thorns
<table style='border-spacing: 1ex 0pt; '>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Reporter:</td><td>tootle</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Status:</td><td>new</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'>Milestone:</td><td>ET_2023_05</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Version:</td><td>ET_2023_05</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Type:</td><td>proposal</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Priority:</td><td>major</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'>Component:</td><td>EinsteinToolkit thorn</td></tr>
<p>Comment (by tootle):</p>
<p><span class="ap-mention" data-atlassian-id="557058:55837d30-c210-4b67-899f-972675258158">@Wolfgang Kastaun</span> Thank you for your comment. Indeed, I’m aware of your work and have looked at the new RePrimAnd library a bit, however, I haven’t worked with the new thorn nor looked at what would be needed to interface the Fuka thorns with another EOS framework.</p>
<p>The <code>kadath_pizza</code> thorn is quite trivial, but plays a necessary role. For simulations that utilize a tabulated equation of state, the initial temperature and Ye need to be initialized prior to the ID_CONVERT stages. For our internal codes, the EOS manager initializes these values for us based on the extracted cold beta equilibrium slice, however, this was not the case when I was trying to run some comparison tests with WhiskyTHC. Instead of making the importer thorn more bloated I decided to write <code>kadath_pizza</code> to keep this functionality isolated and modular since interfaces differ between EOS frameworks.</p>
Ticket URL: <a href='https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2692/inclusion-of-fuka-importer-thorns'>https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2692/inclusion-of-fuka-importer-thorns</a></p>