[Users] Meeting minutes

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Thu Nov 4 10:16:00 CDT 2010

Hello all,

> When you say 'the test', which one do you mean? 
Ah, sorry about that. I was speaking of GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_ML both 
using 1 and 2 MPI processes and no OpenMP.

> Did you by any chance
> also look into the similar testsuites from HydroInitExcision? 
I did not look into them any further beyond looking at 
halfsphere_pugh_ppm and noticing that the errors are in scon[0] and of 
relative order 2e-11.

> Can you
> commit the test results from your workstation?
Just did (results from yesterday so they don't include the wavebinary 
fixes yet).


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