[Users] making outScalar_style steerable

Baiotti Luca baiotti at ile.osaka-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 21 17:05:07 CDT 2010


making it steerable on recovery would be enough.


On 9/22/10 6:52 AM, Erik Schnetter wrote:
> Luca
> This parameter determines also the file name that is used to output
> the data. When you steer the parameter, IOBasic would have to create
> the new file. If you steer it back, it probably should append to the
> existing, old file. It would probably also need to indicate that the
> output has been distributed over several files, so that people are not
> surprised by "missing" data.
> I could be convinced to make it steerable upon recovery, but making it
> generally steerable seems to create a lot of complications. When would
> this feature be convenient for you?
> -erik
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Baiotti Luca<baiotti at ile.osaka-u.ac.jp>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> could the IOBasic parameter:
>> KEYWORD outScalar_style "Which style for Scalar output"
>> {
>>    "gnuplot" :: "1D output readable by gnuplot"
>>    "xgraph"  :: "1D output readable by xgraph"
>> } "xgraph"
>> be made steerable?
>> Luca
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