[Users] highest output frequency for CarpetIOBasic?

Kelly, Bernard J. (GSFC-660.0)[UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY] bernard.j.kelly at nasa.gov
Thu Dec 1 10:00:14 CST 2011

Hi all.

Something new (I think) and trivial, but is annoying me.

For diagnostic purposes, I was running a Cactus/Carpet executable (ETK Maxwell) with CarpetIOBasic::output_1Devery = 1. To my surprise, the output happens every *two* timesteps. When I switch the parameter to 2, the same thing happens. So I get the following behaviour:

parameter value  => actual output frequency
1 => 2
2 => 2
4 => 4
8 => 8

The grid has multiple refinement levels. I tried a smaller testsuite (perhaps one of the ML_BSSN tests, which are unigrid), and there "output_1Devery = 1" really did produce output every timestep.

I know a proper report needs a sample parameter file for reproducibility, but before I get that (not logged into the right machine right now), perhaps someone could tell me why this -might- happen? The logic in the IOBasic thorn seems simple enough ...

Thanks, Bernard

Bernard Kelly -- CRESST Research Associate, NASA/GSFC

Phone: +1 (301) 286-7243
E-Mail: bernard.j.kelly at nasa.gov
Web: http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/index.cfm?fuseAction=people.jumpBio&iphonebookid=13052

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