[Users] link problems

Frank Loeffler knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Fri Feb 25 08:48:05 CST 2011

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:36:32PM -0800, Mohror, Kathryn wrote:
> In configs/sim/lib there is a libthorn_EOSG_Polytrope.a which I believe should contain these symbols. However, when I do an 'nm' of the library, the symbols are undefined:
> configs/sim/lib/libthorn_EOSG_Polytrope.a:
> EOS_GP_Setup.c.o:
>                  U CCTK_Warn
>                  U EOS_GP_Inverse_SetArray
>                  U EOS_GP_SetArray
> 0000000000000000 T EOS_GP_Startup
>                  U EOS_RegisterCall
>                  U Util_TableCreate
>                  U Util_TableSetInt
>                  U Util_TableSetString
> EOS_GP.c.o:
> 0000000000000000 T EOS_GP_Inverse_SetArray
> 00000000000000e0 T EOS_GP_SetArray
>                  U eos_gp_cs2_
>                  U eos_gp_dpdie_
>                  U eos_gp_dpdrho_
>                  U eos_gp_inten_
>                  U eos_gp_inv_cs2_
>                  U eos_gp_inv_dpdie_
>                  U eos_gp_inv_dpdrho_
>                  U eos_gp_inv_inten_
>                  U eos_gp_inv_rho_
>                  U eos_gp_pressure_

Below I show the output for the same file for my installation. It
contains the sections you mention, but also the defined functions. Can
you double-check that libthorn_EOSG_Polytrope.a doesn't contain the
symbols from EOS_GP.F90.o in your case?

Frank Loeffler


                 U CCTK_Warn
                 U EOS_GP_Inverse_SetArray
                 U EOS_GP_SetArray
0000000000000000 T EOS_GP_Startup
                 U EOS_RegisterCall
                 U Util_TableCreate
                 U Util_TableSetInt
                 U Util_TableSetString

0000000000000000 T EOS_GP_Inverse_SetArray
0000000000000120 T EOS_GP_SetArray
                 U eos_gp_cs2_
                 U eos_gp_dpdie_
                 U eos_gp_dpdrho_
                 U eos_gp_inten_
                 U eos_gp_inv_cs2_
                 U eos_gp_inv_dpdie_
                 U eos_gp_inv_dpdrho_
                 U eos_gp_inv_inten_
                 U eos_gp_inv_rho_
                 U eos_gp_pressure_

0000000000000000 r .LC1
                 U __eos_gp_scalars_MOD_eos_gamma_local
                 U __eos_gp_scalars_MOD_eos_k_cgs
                 U __eos_gp_scalars_MOD_p_geom_factor
                 U __eos_gp_scalars_MOD_rho_geom_factor
                 U __eos_gp_scalars_MOD_rho_geom_factor_inv
0000000000000f50 T eos_gp_cs2_
0000000000000000 T eos_gp_dpdie_
0000000000001200 T eos_gp_dpdrho_
0000000000001570 T eos_gp_inten_
00000000000005a0 T eos_gp_inv_cs2_
00000000000002d0 T eos_gp_inv_dpdie_
0000000000000870 T eos_gp_inv_dpdrho_
0000000000000a60 T eos_gp_inv_inten_
0000000000000d30 T eos_gp_inv_rho_
0000000000001840 T eos_gp_pressure_
                 U pow


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