[Users] OpenMP is making it slower?

Scott Hawley scott.hawley at belmont.edu
Thu May 26 13:39:31 CDT 2011

As a follow-up....

In terms of performance: it turns out that, despite the overhead associated with defining 1000's of temporary variables over & over, it's not actually that time-consuming.  Thus, parallelization via OpenMP "wins" in the end.
In terms of coding: Trying to declare "privates" and/or "shared" carefully was too much work.  In the end I put it all in another subroutine --- Frank's original suggestion -- and got the benefit of the compiler helping me track the variables. :-)

So the relecant part of my code now reads

         do k = 1, nz
           call  bksslice(
     &        agxx, agxy, agxz, agyy, agyz, agzz,
     &        aKxx, aKxy, aKxz, aKyy, aKyz, aKzz,
     &        mask,
     &        M1,a1,pos1x,pos1y,pos1z,vx_1,vy_1,vz_1,v_1,v1,n1,
     &              gam_1,gam1,theta1,phi1,
     &        M2,a2,pos2x,pos2y,pos2z,vx_2,vy_2,vz_2,v_2,v2,n2,
     &              gam_2,gam2,theta2,phi2,
     &        ax,    ay,    az, nx, ny, nz,  ibonly, k
     &     )

And that's it.   Also, 'bkslice' includes a write statement for the "progress indicator" I wanted to preserve.  All works well.

FYI.  Thanks guys.

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