[Users] simfactory (python): small requests

Luca Baiotti baiotti at ile.osaka-u.ac.jp
Sun Sep 18 19:59:35 CDT 2011

Hello I have some other small questions and requests on simfactory.

1) I would like the name of the simulation and the output directory to 
be different. (The name of the simulation should be short in order to be 
meaningful (visible in the queueing system) while the name of the output 
directory can be long, in order to properly describe its content.)
Is this possible?

2) I would like to have a single file containing both sdtout and stderr 
from the job. I tried to insert
#$ -j y
into simfactory/mdb/submitscripts/ranger-intel11.sub (which is what I am 
using) and to remove the lines


but this didn't sort the wanted effect (i.e. the stdout and stderr are 
still in separate files). How can I achieve this?

3) How can one change the default warning level in the cactus run (the 
simfactory default is -L 3)?

4) For some reason (maximum core count exceeded), my job was rejected 
from the queueing system, so it never started and I received no 
notification email, and I was wondering what happened. Then I realised 
that actually the line "Submit finished, job id is 212....." was not 
printed by simfactory. Instead of simply not printing the final line, 
could simfactory print an error message in this case?


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