[Users] Linker errors

Yosef Zlochower yosef at astro.rit.edu
Tue Jan 10 07:31:56 CST 2012

On 01/10/2012 07:14 AM, Ian Hinder wrote:
> On 7 Jan 2012, at 00:52, Bruno Coutinho Mundim wrote:
>> Hi Ian:
>> Ian Hinder wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have recently been getting the following linker error on some
>>> builds of the ET:
>>>> /home/ianhin/Cactus/EinsteinToolkitTests/configs/einsteintoolkit_e055fb02a4c17556fd41c009e44c5f0671d21e6e/lib/libthorn_CactusBindings.a(ScheduleGRHydro_InitData.c.o):
>>>> In function `CCTKi_BindingsSchedule_GRHydro_InitData':
>>>> /home/ianhin/Cactus/EinsteinToolkitTests/configs/einsteintoolkit_e055fb02a4c17556fd41c009e44c5f0671d21e6e/bindings/Schedule/ScheduleGRHydro_InitData.c:185:
>>>> undefined reference to `grhydro_cylindricalexplosionm_'
>>>> make[1]: ***
>>>> [/home/ianhin/Cactus/EinsteinToolkitTests/exe/cactus_einsteintoolkit_e055fb02a4c17556fd41c009e44c5f0671d21e6e]
>>>> Error 1
>>>> make: *** [einsteintoolkit_e055fb02a4c17556fd41c009e44c5f0671d21e6e]
>>>> Error 2
>>> It is reproducible, in the sense that I can run the build command
>>> again on the same configuration without cleaning it, and get the same
>>> error. But when a new configuration is built, the error goes away or
>>> changes. I first saw this a few days ago, and have never seen it before.
>> I haven't seen this error at all when I compile this routine. The only
>> thing "special" about this routine with respect to others is that it
>> contains a fortran function definition in there. You said the error goes
>> away or changes in a new configuration. When it changes, does it happen
>> to routines in GRHydro that contains functions definitions like for
>> example, GRHydro_TVDReconstruct.F90 and GRHydro_Startup.F90? Maybe
>> encapsulating the function cyl_fr in GRHydro_CylindricalExplosionM.F90
>> helps, i.e. to insert a "contains" statement such that:
>> subroutine GRHydro_cylindricalexplosionM(...)
>> ...
>> contains
>> function cyl_fr(...)
>> ...
>> end function cyl_fr
>> end subroutine GRHydro_CylindricalExplosionM
>> In any case I am still puzzled about this issue, since there seem to be
>> no change in the flesh or FORTRAN thorn in the last few days that could
>> be responsible for this change in behavior. Was there any change/patch
>> in the compiler in the last few days in your system? Was there any
>> change in your compiler option list?
> According to our cluster administrator, nothing has changed on the
> cluster, and there has been no change to the option list. I am now
> convinced of the following things:
> 1. The previous suspicion concerning GRHydro was incorrect - the problem
> seems to happen also with SymBase and CarpetSlab.
> 2. The problems appear after completely irrelevant changes (e.g. to
> simfactory definitions for another machine - something that should have
> absolutely no connection to the build).
> Given this, I now suspect some sort of problem on the machine I am
> running with, most likely related to the filesystem.
> --
> Ian Hinder
> http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/people/hinder

I saw something  similar several months ago on my workstation.
It turned out in the end the problem was a FPP flag (mistake) in my
config where F90 files preprocessed files were redirected
to a file ''penmp'' due to  an erroneous
config option
  Perhaps looking at the
verbose output from make will shed light onto what happened
to your F90 files.

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Dr. Yosef Zlochower
Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation
Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology
85 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623

Phone: +1 585-475-6103

yosef at astro.rit.edu

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