[Users] meeting minutes

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Jul 9 11:39:57 CDT 2012

Present were: Tanja, Roland, Ian, Yosef, Josh, Erik, Philipp

* ET fall workshop location poll settled on RIT time is likely in weeks
of Oct 22nd or 29th

* required rebuilds
- suspect it to be related to auto generated files
- expect fix to be able to work along the lines of existing
force-reconfig files
- track down cause
- create trac ticket

* add paragraph to "How to contribute" [1] stating the patches are the
preferred method of submitting changes, but that full files are
acceptable as well. In both cases listing the base revision is a
- Erik will follow up on ML patch

* MHD paper status:
- tests in flat space close to completion
- needs some more text to describe figures
- plotting scheme might need update
- advection loop test stopped working recently. Will track down cause in
- Alv\'en test works now that ID is available
- more complex test still show problems:
-- unmagnetized Bondi with c2p fixes works for some time then fails with
large piled up matter inside the horizon
-- Josh will look into using excision
- magnetized Bondi test is likely harder
- TOV tests are done, look fine, plots need to be done
- collapse runs are in progress
- question as to which characteristic speed to use:
-- Josh suggest to use the speed of light in moving frame (see emails on
-- Bruno is working on deriving proper expressions
-- re-running these runs takes several days

* finish up MHD paper by time current grant finishes
* make public announcement once MHD is well tested

* MPI will be included as external thorn
* Erik has made announcement on the users list
* will require changes to thorns directly using MPI
* will require realclean, reconfig, build cycle


[1] http://einsteintoolkit.org/documentation/contribute/

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