[Users] problem with GenericFD

Bruno Giacomazzo bruno.giacomazzo at jila.colorado.edu
Thu Mar 1 13:34:15 CST 2012

	I'm trying to use the thorns WeylScal4 and Multipole to compute psi4, but I have the following problem. They require GenericFD and this returns the following error message soon after initial data computation:

WARNING level 0 in thorn GenericFD processor 0 host i114-208.ranger.tacc.utexas.edu
  (line 107 of /work/01052/tg803155/EinsteinToolkit/Maxwell/Cactus/arrangements/KrancNumericalTools/GenericFD/src/GenericFD.c): 
  -> Number of boundary points is different on different faces

	I'm using ReflectionSymmetry and RotatingSymmetry180. Do GenericFD,  Multipole and WeylScal4 work with these symmetries? At the end of the email you can find the parameters I'm using for the grid and for these thorns.


Dr. Bruno Giacomazzo
JILA - University of Colorado
440 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309

Tel.  : +1 303-492-0389
Fax  : +1 303-492-5235
email : bruno.giacomazzo at jila.colorado.edu
web: http://www.brunogiacomazzo.org

There are only 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't

# Parameters of thorn Carpet (implementing Driver)
Carpet::convergence_level            = 0
Carpet::domain_from_coordbase        = "yes"
Carpet::enable_all_storage           = "no"
Carpet::ghost_size                   = 3
Carpet::init_each_timelevel          = "no"
Carpet::init_fill_timelevels         = "yes"
Carpet::max_refinement_levels        = 7
Carpet::num_integrator_substeps      = 4
Carpet::output_timers_every          = 2800
Carpet::prolongation_order_space     = 5
Carpet::prolongation_order_time      = 2
Carpet::regrid_during_initialisation = "no"
Carpet::regrid_during_recovery       = "no"
Carpet::regrid_in_level_mode         = "yes"
Carpet::use_buffer_zones             = "yes"
Carpet::verbose                      = "no"

# Parameters of thorn CarpetLib (implementing CarpetLib)
CarpetLib::print_memstats_every  = 2800
CarpetLib::print_timestats_every = 2800

# Parameters of thorn CarpetRegrid2 (implementing CarpetRegrid2)
CarpetRegrid2::num_centres          = 1
CarpetRegrid2::num_levels_1         = 7
CarpetRegrid2::position_x_1         = 0
CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[1]          = 320
CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[2]          = 160
CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[3]          = 80
CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[4]          = 40
CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[5]          = 30
CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[6]          = 20
CarpetRegrid2::symmetry_rotating180 = "yes"
CarpetRegrid2::verbose              = "no"

# Parameters of thorn CartGrid3D (implementing grid)
CartGrid3D::type = "coordbase"

# Parameters of thorn CoordBase (implementing CoordBase)
CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower = 1
CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower     = 3
CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower     = 3
CoordBase::domainsize                = "minmax"
CoordBase::dx                        = 12.800000000000000711
CoordBase::dy                        = 12.800000000000000711
CoordBase::dz                        = 12.800000000000000711
CoordBase::xmax                      = 1024
CoordBase::xmin                      = 0
CoordBase::ymax                      = 1024
CoordBase::ymin                      = -1024
CoordBase::zmax                      = 1024
CoordBase::zmin                      = 0

# Parameters of thorn Multipole (implementing multipole)
Multipole::l_max        = 5
Multipole::nphi         = 240
Multipole::nradii       = 4
Multipole::ntheta       = 120
Multipole::out_every    = 64
Multipole::output_ascii = "no"
Multipole::output_hdf5  = "yes"
Multipole::radius[0]    = 100
Multipole::radius[1]    = 200
Multipole::radius[2]    = 400
Multipole::radius[3]    = 800
Multipole::variables    = "WeylScal4::Psi4r{sw=-2 cmplx='WeylScal4::Psi4i' name='psi4'}"

# Parameters of thorn ReflectionSymmetry (implementing ReflectionSymmetry)
ReflectionSymmetry::avoid_origin_x = "no"
ReflectionSymmetry::avoid_origin_y = "no"
ReflectionSymmetry::avoid_origin_z = "no"
ReflectionSymmetry::reflection_x   = "no"
ReflectionSymmetry::reflection_y   = "no"
ReflectionSymmetry::reflection_z   = "yes"

# Parameters of thorn WeylScal4 (implementing WeylScal4)
WeylScal4::fd_order = "2nd"

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