[Users] Using Cactus HDF5 Vector Data in Visit 2.6.0

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Wed Jan 30 23:03:17 CST 2013

Hello Brian,

> So far, I have tried to do this using HDF5 data organized two ways: one
> where all the data for each component is in one file (for example - Bx.h5,
> By.h5 etc.), the other way involved having the data separated by refinement
> grids in 32 files per component (so, Bx_file_*.h5 where "*" is from 0 to
> 31). With both methods I have run into issues when trying to draw vector or
> streamline plots.
You can make your life a little bit easier (by not requiring the
comparison operator) by either outputting all group members into a
single file (carpetiohdf5::one_file_per_group = yes) or by merging the
Bx,By and Bz files for each file_XXX using hdf5_merge (build via make
configname-utils then found in exe/configname/hdf5_merge).

> viewer: The expression was invalid: The expression parser encountered an
> unexpected token:
> conn_cmfe(</home/projects/B5/3d_data_201207012347/By.file_*
> database:MHD_EVOLVE--By>, Carpet AMR-grid)
> ^^^
> Again, the three carets are under "AMR"
You want to surround "Carpet AMR-grid" by angle brackets ie. "<Carpet
AMR-grid>". Also you likely want to add some timestepping magic to the
file name. Something like this:

conn_cmfe(</home/projects/By.h5[0]id:MHD_EVOLVE--By>, <Carpet AMR-grid>)

where the "[0]id" is actually explained somewhere in the VisIt pdf
manual (though I don't remember right now in which section).


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