[Users] simulation problem

Ian Hinder ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de
Thu Jul 18 06:16:24 CDT 2013


On 18 Jul 2013, at 11:22, Udayaraj Khanal <urkhanal at tucdp.edu.np> wrote:

> I found there is a directory /scratch/ettest52/simulations/static_tov. There are three directories and a file inside static_tov. They are output-0000, output-0000-active, SIMFACTORY and a file log.txt. Inside output-0000 there is a directory SIMFACTORY. There is not any log files. Inside SIMFACTORY there are three files properties.ini, simulation-1374132863.07 and SubmitScript.
> The log.txt file in /scratch/ettest52/simulations/static_tov contains following details.

> [LOG:2013-07-18 02:34:22] self.submit(submitScript)::allocation      = NO_ALLOCATION 


> [LOG:2013-07-18 02:34:23] job_id = self.extractJobId(output)::received raw output: Invalid allocation "NO_ALLOCATION". 

I think this is the problem.  Does your 


file have a valid allocation in it?  Can you post the content of this file?

Ian Hinder

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