[Users] Automated Interactive Tutorial for ET

Dennis Castleberry dcastl2 at tigers.lsu.edu
Mon Jul 29 12:48:27 CDT 2013

Dear users,

In preparation for the user workshop, I had created a Virtualbox virtual
machine (VM) with a pre-compiled ET and several other utilities (see ticket
#780: https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/780) installed to facilitate
use of the ET for new users.  Unfortunately, another VM had been deployed
at the workshop for that same purpose before the existence of my own VM was
made known to the organizers; thus mine never saw use.  Here are the links
to it:


I would like to propose re-purposing my VM for an automated tutorial.  For
an (unrelated) automated testing project, I created a system which can
automatically detect sub-images within a screen shot and move the mouse
cursor to click on the sub-image (see here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xck7w-UeX8).  It can also do automated
keyboard entry.  I would like to port this system to my ET VM to follow
tutorials for setting up ET, running the WaveToy demo, thorn writing, etc.
 The tutorials would be interactive in the sense that they could be paused
to allow for the user to give input.  Such a system would provide an
interactive ET tutorial which is accessible to everyone.

Please let me know if you think this would be a worthwhile endeavor.  If
so, feel free to make any suggestions toward its development and feature


Dennis Castleberry
dcastl2 at tigers.lsu.edu
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