[Users] Carpet questions

Steven R. Brandt sbrandt at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Oct 16 12:37:38 CDT 2013

First: Is there a way to determine whether a given grid point 
(regardless of level in the refinement hierarchy) also exists on a finer 

Second: Is there a way to disable subcycling? I.e. what I want to do is 
evolve all levels simultaneously with the finest grid step. Is there a 
way to do that?

In case context helps, what I'm thinking about doing is performing a set 
of 1D elliptic solves (during the evolution) in Funwave across a refined 
mesh. I'm not sure how to sensibly do the elliptic solves with 
subcycling (I am aware of a paper by Praetorius on this topic, but what 
he proposes is quite complex).



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