[Users] Migration from SVN to Git

Barry Wardell barry.wardell at gmail.com
Sun Aug 17 19:34:13 CDT 2014


Following on from the discussion in the last Einstein Toolkit meeting, this
is an update of the status of the transition from svn to git.

* (Almost) all Cactus and Einstein Toolkit arrangements have now been
converted to git and merged into a one-repository-per-arrangement layout.
* The repositories are available on Bitbucket under the Cactus <
https://bitbucket.org/cactuscode> and EinsteinToolkit <
https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit> team pages.
* The git testing thornlist <
http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/manifest/trunk/git_testing.th> has been
updated to point to the new repositories. I have verified that it is
possible to checkout and build the Einstein Toolkit using this thornlist.
* The conversion process is automated using scripts provided in the ET git
transition repository <https://bitbucket.org/ianhinder/etgittransition>.
* All master, ET release and Cactus release branches have been checked to
perfectly match (i.e. no missing commits, no file differences) their svn
counterparts. Similarly for the ET and Cactus release tags.
* There is a list of known outstanding issues available <
https://bitbucket.org/ianhinder/etgittransition/src/master/issues.md>. It's
likely that most, if not all of these issues are sufficiently minor that
they can be ignored.

To proceed further it would be helpful if people (particularly those
responsible for maintaining thorns and those who have opinions on how the
final layout should appear) could take a look at the repositories and
report any issues or suggested changes. In particular, it would be helpful
to have feedback on how to handle AEIThorns, LSUThorns, ExternalLibraries,
GRHydro, and the TAT thorns.

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