[Users] debugging kranc .m

Comer Duncan comer.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 10:16:39 CDT 2015

Hi Ian,

I've made some changes taking info from the WeylScalar thorn stuff, but
apparently not really well enough.  I am attaching the BrillAnalytic.err
and BrillAnalytic.m files.  The error I get indicates that there is a big
mismatch between expected argument number (2) and 'passed' (17)!.  I can
not tell where this is coming from from the error.  Can you take a look,



On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Ian Hinder <ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de> wrote:

> On 11 Aug 2015, at 15:07, Comer Duncan <comer.duncan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> Yes, I have a recurring error which I can't track down. In fact there are
> probably several things wrong with the script.  I am attaching the script
> BrillAnalytic.m and BrillAnalytic.err.  I can not seem to locate a missing
> paren or bracket or brace.  vi tells me that there is a mismatch of 1 in
> the occurrence of a '[' and a ']' .  Also I am not at all sure that I have
> configured the calculation of TrRicci correctly.  On one hand I specify
> gxx,gxy,gxz, etc but never associate these expressions with g[la,lb].  I
> guess I don't understand well enough the working of Kranc.  Thanks for
> taking a look!
> Hi Comer,
> Observations in the order I have them:
>    - You can't define q[rho1_,zcyl_] in the way that you have, inside the
>    calculation.  The mathematica expression f[x_] := y has the effect of
>    defining the function f, but returns Null.  So you effectively have
>     epsi -> one,
>     Null,
>     rho1 -> Sqrt[x*x + y*y],
> in your calculation.  Just move this to outside the calculation.
> Get["KrancThorn`]"; should be Get["KrancThorn`"];  *that* was a subtle
> mistake!  I commented out the whole of the rest of the file before I found
> it! The issue is that the closing parenthesis is inside the string (before
> the ") so Mathematica thinks the whole of the rest of the file is inside
> the Get[], and when it reaches the end of the file, it complains that the
> Get hasn't been terminated.  This is your main error.
> 1/detg detgExpr is indeed 1.  However, detg is calculated from g only
> once, rather than in every component of gu, so it is more efficient.
> You need to define g as a tensor.  Anything which is used as a tensor in
> the .m file needs to be defined as a tensor with DefineTensor.  This is the
> cause of the RecursionLimit errors, which happen in MatrixInverse.  Kranc
> could in fact detect this; I am thinking about how to add such a check.
> The standard 3+1 metric variables are defined in the ADMBase thorn, and
> are called gxx, gxy, etc.  Kranc needs tensors to be called g11, g12, etc,
> so we usually just redefine these components: g11=gxx; g21=gxy; g22=gyy;
> g31=gxz; g32=gyz; g33=gzz
> You might want to take a look at
> https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/einsteinanalysis/src/master/WeylScal4/m/WeylScal4.m
> which is a thorn for computing the Weyl scalars from the ADMBase
> variables, which is similar to what you are trying to do in TrRicciCalc.
> --
> Ian Hinder
> http://members.aei.mpg.de/ianhin
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