[Users] meeting minutes for 2015-08-31

Roland Haas rhaas at aei.mpg.de
Mon Aug 31 10:53:08 CDT 2015

Present: Frank, Roland, Steve, Peter, Matt, Josh, Erik, Zach, Jonah, Elo

There will be no ET call next week due to labour day/Thanksgiving
weekend in North America.

* report is with Zach, was send via private email
* separate repo is fine, Zach will create a repository
* volunteer needed for the compatibility thorn
* Zach will move compatibility thorns into same repo as IllinoisGRMHD

GetComponents on OSX:
* no OSX user has written
* Roland will propose a patch

simfactory on BeeGFS:
* Erik will look into Bruno's proposed patch

writing timeseries data into hdf5:
* Frank would like to use this for things like the Hamiltonian norm
* HDF5 supports extensible datasets, an example on how to use this is
  the HDF5 output of Multipole

SPH in Cactus:
* Matt has a more or less working version of SPH on grid background
* came out of work at a national lab on generic grid methods
* currently linked in a shared objects for mesh handling and nearest
  neighbour finding
* currently writing his thesis, so code is not changing much right now
* load balancing through bisection initially then times the RHS and
  neighbour looked up push particles around
* no octree, instead a hierarchical hash
* particle to grid data currently uses SPH approximation for Tmunu at
  gridpoints of Cactus grid
* will arrange for time for presentation through mailing list


My email is as private as my paper mail. I therefore support encrypting
and signing email messages. Get my PGP key from http://keys.gnupg.net.

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