[Users] Meeting Minutes for 2015-06-22

Eloisa Bentivegna bentivegna at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Jun 24 05:24:11 CDT 2015

On 23/06/15 22:59, Roland Haas wrote:
> Hello all,
> Present were: Peter, Steve, Christine, Ian, Elo, Matt, Roland
> Tickets:
> 1667 include elliptic solver:
> * several options present themselves (1) use CactusEllitpic (2) use new
> arrangement Elliptic (3) use a arrangement collecting the author's
> thorns (4) postpone the decision
> * Roland objects to adding the solver to CactusElliptic since it is
> explicitly tied to Carpet and Carpet is not part of Cactus
> * a general issue exists in that we either have CactusXXX arrangements
> or EinsteinXXX arrangements but no neutral XXX arrangement

Thanks Roland for summing up nicely the result of the discussion. It  
is true that historical reasons are creating a bit of an impasse with  
arrangements named *Elliptic: the existing CactusElliptic implies more  
about its thorns than the fact that they apply to elliptic problems;  
on the other hand, the creation of additional *Elliptic arrangements  
would make life harder for (and potentially hide tools from) users who  
are just looking for an elliptic solver.

I am now leaning towards a mix of (3) and (4), perhaps under the form  
of a *Thorns or *Development arrangement (replace * with "Cosmo", or  
my current institution, or any other meaningful prefix). It seems to  
me that arrangements named this way have been used as incubators for  
newborn thorns, which may or may not be moved elsewhere once it's  
clear where (or whether at all) they belong inside Cactus or the ET.

For instance, would anyone object to a CataniaThorns arrangement?

> ET workshop:
> There will be an update email to the mailing list with instructions
> concerning on how to ask for time for a regular talk and how to sign up
> for lightning talks.

Roland made me notice that there was never a written call for talks  
for ET, so it's worth repeating here what we mentioned in past calls:  
if you have something you'd like to present at the ET workshop, please  
get in touch with either me or Oleg Korobkin. There will also be the  
opportunity to sign up for spontaneous, lighning talks on the first  
day of the workshop, but these will only give you about 5 minutes to  
pitch your project. If you need more time, please get in touch now.


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