[Users] thorn NSTracker not found while

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Wed Apr 18 12:14:09 CDT 2018

Hello Chia-Hui,

thorn NSTracker is not included in any Einstein Toolkit release.

You need to use the thorn list nsnstohms.th provided on the gallery
page to download it. Ie:

./GetComponents http://einsteintoolkit.org/gallery/bns/nsnstohmns.th

after which you should recompile using the thorn list in simfactory:

cd Cactus
simfactory/bin/sim build --thornslist thornlists/nsnstohmns.th

Since you are not the first one to run into this issue, I will update
the gallery page to make this explicit.


> Dear whom it may concern,
> I tried to run a binary neutron star merge simulation with Einsteintoolkit on the workbench . And I mainly followed the tutorial (CactusTutorial.ipynb<https://siygc9-jupyteret-8888.einsteintoolkit.nationaldataservice.org/notebooks/work/CactusTutorial.ipynb>) and only changed the version of Einsteintoolkit from ET_2017_06 to ET_2018_02 in order to get the thorn NSTracker which is mentioned in https://einsteintoolkit.org/gallery/bns/index.html.
> However after I executed the code with the command:
> ./simfactory/bin/sim create-run nsns_test --parfile=par/nsnstohmns.par --procs=5 --num-threads=1 --ppn-used=5  --walltime=0:5:0
> I got an error as the attached file that thorn NSTracker can not be found.
> What step did I make mistake and how can I solve it ?
> Best regards,
> Chia-Hui
> [cid:5fe1a397-47ad-4dfe-8360-37f534285d2d]

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