[Users] Using Stampede2 SKX

James Healy jchsma at rit.edu
Mon Feb 19 09:07:19 CST 2018

Hello all,

I followed up our previous discussion a few weeks ago by redoing the 
scaling tests but with hwloc and SystemTopology turned on.  I attached a 
plot showing the difference when using or not using the openmp tasks 
changes to prolongation.  I also attached the stdout files for the 
ranks=24  for tasks on and off with hwloc with the output from TimerReport.


On 01/26/2018 10:26 AM, Roland Haas wrote:
> Hello Jim,
> thank you very much for giving this a spin.
> Yours,
> Roland
>> Hi Erik, Roland, all,
>> After our discussion on last week's telecon, I followed Roland's instructions on how to get the branch which has changes to how Carpet handles prolongation with respect to OpenMP.  I reran my simple scaling test on Stampede Skylake nodes using this branch of Carpet (rhaas/openmp-tasks) to test the scalability.
>> Attached is a plot showing the speeds for a variety of number of nodes and how the 48 threads are distributed on the nodes between MPI processes and OpenMP threads.  I did this for three versions of the ETK.  1. Fresh checkout of ET_2017_06.  2. The ET_2017_06 with Carpet switched to the rhaas/openmp-tasks (labelled "Test On") 3. Again with the checkout from #2, but without the parameters to enable the new prolongation code (labelled "Test Off").  The run speeds used were grabbed at iteration 256 from Carpet::physical_time_per_hour.  No IO or regridding.
>> For 4 and 8 nodes (ie 192 and 384 cores), there wasn't much difference between the 3 trials.  However, for 16 and 24 nodes (768 and 1152 cores), we see some improvement in run speed (10-15%) for many choices of distribution of threads, again with a slight preference for 8 ranks/node.
>> I also ran the previous test (not using the openmp-tasks branch) on comet, and found similar results as before.
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>> On 01/21/2018 01:07 PM, Erik Schnetter wrote:
>>> James
>>> I looked at OpenMP performance in the Einstein Toolkit a few months > ago, and I found that Carpet's prolongation operators are not well > parallelized. There is a branch in Carpet (and a few related thorns) > that apply a different OpenMP parallelization strategy, which seems to > be more efficient. We are currently looking into cherry-picking the > relevant changes from this branch (there are also many unrelated > changes, since I experimented a lot) and putting them back into the > master branch.
>>> These changes only help with prolongation, which seems to be a major > contributor to non-OpenMP-scalability. I experimented with other > changes as well. My findings (unfortunately without good solutions so > far) are:
>>> - The standard OpenMP parallelization of loops over grid functions is > not good for data cache locality. I experimented with padding arrays, > ensuring that loop boundaries align with cache line boundaries, etc., > but this never worked quite satisfactorily -- MPI parallelization is > still faster than OpenMP. In effect, the only reason one would use > OpenMP is once one encounters MPI's scalability limits, so that > OpenMP's non-scalability is less worse.
>>> - We could overlap calculations with communication. To do so, I have > experimental changes that break loops over grid functions into tiles. > Outer tiles need to wait for communication (synchronization or > parallelization) to finish, while inner tiles can be calculated right > away. Unfortunately, OpenMP does not support open-ended threads like > this, so I'm using Qthreads <https://github.com/Qthreads/qthreads> and > FunHPC <https://bitbucket.org/eschnett/funhpc.cxx> for this. The > respective changes to Carpet, the scheduler, and thorns are > significant, and I couldn't prove any performance improvements yet. > However, once we removed other, more prominent non-scalability causes, > I hope that this will become interesting.
>>> I haven't been attending the ET phone calls recently because Monday > mornings aren't good for me schedule-wise. If you are interested, then > we can ensure that we both attend at the same time and then discuss > this. We need to make sure the Roland Haas is then also attending.
>>> -erik
>>> On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 10:21 AM, James Healy <jchsma at rit.edu > <mailto:jchsma at rit.edu>> wrote:
>>>      Hello all,
>>>      I am trying to run on the new skylake processors on Stampede2 and
>>>      while the run speeds we are obtaining are very good, we are
>>>      concerned that we aren't optimizing properly when it comes to
>>>      OpenMP.  For instance, we see the best speeds when we use 8 MPI
>>>      processors per node (with 6 threads each for a total of 48 total
>>>      threads/node).  Based on the architecture, we were expecting to
>>>      see the best speeds with 2 MPI/node.  Here is what I have tried:
>>>       1. Using the simfactory files for stampede2-skx (config file, run
>>>          and submit scripts, and modules loaded) I compiled a version
>>>          of ET_2017_06 using LazEv (RIT's evolution thorn) and
>>>          McLachlan and submitted a series of runs that change both the
>>>          number of nodes used, and how I distribute the 48 threads/node
>>>          between MPI processes.
>>>       2. I use a standard low resolution grid, with no IO or
>>>          regridding.  Parameter file attached.
>>>       3. Run speeds are measured from Carpet::physical_time_per_hour at
>>>          iteration 256.
>>>       4. I tried both with and without hwloc/SystemTopology.
>>>       5. For both McLachlan and LazEv, I see similar results, with 2
>>>          MPI/node giving the worst results (see attached plot for
>>>          McLachlan) and a slight preferences for 8 MPI/node.
>>>      So my questions are:
>>>       1. Has there been any tests run by any other users on stampede2 skx?
>>>       2. Should we expect 2 MPI/node to be the optimal choice?
>>>       3. If so, are there any other configurations we can try that
>>>          could help optimize?
>>>      Thanks in advance!
>>>      Jim Healy
>>>      _______________________________________________
>>>      Users mailing list
>>>      Users at einsteintoolkit.org <mailto:Users at einsteintoolkit.org>
>>>      http://lists.einsteintoolkit.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>>>      <http://lists.einsteintoolkit.org/mailman/listinfo/users>
>>> -- > Erik Schnetter <schnetter at cct.lsu.edu <mailto:schnetter at cct.lsu.edu>>
>>> http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/personal/eschnetter/

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TACC:  Starting up job 741026 
TACC:  Starting parallel tasks... 
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  1   0101       ************************  
  01  1010 10      The Cactus Code V4.2.3    
 1010 1101 011      www.cactuscode.org     
  1001 100101    ************************  
     100011     (c) Copyright The Authors  
      0100      GNU Licensed. No Warranty  

Cactus version:    4.2.3
Compile date:      Jan 24 2018 (10:43:32)
Run date:          Feb 08 2018 (18:18:57-0600)
Run host:          c478-113.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu (pid=227805)
Working directory: /scratch/00921/healy/runs/McLachlanTest/WithHWLOC/McLachlanRHAAS/proc_test_o02
Executable:        /scratch/00921/healy/runs/McLachlanTest/WithHWLOC/McLachlanRHAAS/proc_test_o02/n24/cactus_mclachlan_rhaas
Parameter file:    n24.par

Activating thorn Cactus...Success -> active implementation Cactus
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
Activation requested for 
--->admbase admcoupling admmacros coordgauge spacemask StaticConformal  boundary time cartgrid3d ioutil CoordBase aeilocalinterp Slab SphericalSurface LocalReduce MoL Carpet CarpetInterp CarpetIOASCII CarpetLib CarpetReduce CarpetSlab CarpetRegrid2 CarpetIOHDF5 CarpetIOScalar TwoPunctures InitBase SymBase LoopControl GSL ReflectionSymmetry CarpetIOBasic hwloc SystemTopology TimerReport ML_BSSN ML_BSSN_Helper NewRad Dissipation ML_ADMConstraints TmunuBase <---
Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of MPI
Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of Timers
Thorn CarpetIOHDF5 requests automatic activation of HDF5
Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of Vectors
Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of CycleClock
Thorn hwloc requests automatic activation of zlib
Thorn ML_ADMConstraints requests automatic activation of GenericFD
Activating thorn admbase...Success -> active implementation ADMBase
Activating thorn admcoupling...Success -> active implementation ADMCoupling
Activating thorn admmacros...Success -> active implementation ADMMacros
Activating thorn aeilocalinterp...Success -> active implementation AEILocalInterp
Activating thorn boundary...Success -> active implementation boundary
Activating thorn Carpet...Success -> active implementation Driver
Activating thorn CarpetInterp...Success -> active implementation interp
Activating thorn CarpetIOASCII...Success -> active implementation IOASCII
Activating thorn CarpetIOBasic...Success -> active implementation IOBasic
Activating thorn CarpetIOHDF5...Success -> active implementation IOHDF5
Activating thorn CarpetIOScalar...Success -> active implementation IOScalar
Activating thorn CarpetLib...Success -> active implementation CarpetLib
Activating thorn CarpetReduce...Success -> active implementation reduce
Activating thorn CarpetRegrid2...Success -> active implementation CarpetRegrid2
Activating thorn CarpetSlab...Success -> active implementation Hyperslab
Activating thorn cartgrid3d...Success -> active implementation grid
Activating thorn CoordBase...Success -> active implementation CoordBase
Activating thorn coordgauge...Success -> active implementation CoordGauge
Activating thorn CycleClock...Success -> active implementation CycleClock
Activating thorn Dissipation...Success -> active implementation Dissipation
Activating thorn GenericFD...Success -> active implementation GenericFD
Activating thorn GSL...Success -> active implementation GSL
Activating thorn HDF5...Success -> active implementation HDF5
Activating thorn hwloc...Success -> active implementation hwloc
Activating thorn InitBase...Success -> active implementation InitBase
Activating thorn ioutil...Success -> active implementation IO
Activating thorn LocalReduce...Success -> active implementation LocalReduce
Activating thorn LoopControl...Success -> active implementation LoopControl
Activating thorn ML_ADMConstraints...Success -> active implementation ML_ADMConstraints
Activating thorn ML_BSSN...Success -> active implementation ML_BSSN
Activating thorn ML_BSSN_Helper...Success -> active implementation ML_BSSN_Helper
Activating thorn MoL...Success -> active implementation MethodOfLines
Activating thorn MPI...Success -> active implementation MPI
Activating thorn NewRad...Success -> active implementation NewRad
Activating thorn ReflectionSymmetry...Success -> active implementation ReflectionSymmetry
Activating thorn Slab...Success -> active implementation Slab
Activating thorn spacemask...Success -> active implementation SpaceMask
Activating thorn SphericalSurface...Success -> active implementation SphericalSurface
Activating thorn StaticConformal...Success -> active implementation StaticConformal
Activating thorn SymBase...Success -> active implementation SymBase
Activating thorn SystemTopology...Success -> active implementation SystemTopology
Activating thorn time...Success -> active implementation time
Activating thorn TimerReport...Success -> active implementation timerreport
Activating thorn Timers...Success -> active implementation Timers
Activating thorn TmunuBase...Success -> active implementation TmunuBase
Activating thorn TwoPunctures...Success -> active implementation TwoPunctures
Activating thorn Vectors...Success -> active implementation Vectors
Activating thorn zlib...Success -> active implementation zlib
WARNING[L3,P0] (IOUtil): No HDF5 checkpoint files with basefilename 'checkpoint.chkpt' found in recovery directory 'test_checks'
  if (recover initial data)
    Recover parameters

  Startup routines
      Carpet::MultiModel_Startup: Multi-model Startup routine
      CycleClock::CycleClock_Setup: Set up CycleClock
      LoopControl::lc_setup: Set up LoopControl
      ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_SetGroupTags: [meta] Set checkpointing and prolongation group tags
      SystemTopology::ST_system_topology: Output and/or modify system topology and hardware locality
      Timers::Timer_Startup: Prepare hierarchical timers
      Carpet::Driver_Startup: Startup routine
      CarpetInterp::CarpetInterpStartup: Startup routine
      CarpetReduce::CarpetReduceStartup: Startup routine
      CartGrid3D::SymmetryStartup: Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry
      CoordBase::CoordBase_Startup: Register a GH extension to store the coordinate system handles
      AEILocalInterp::AEILocalInterp_U_Startup: register CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() interpolation operators
      IOUtil::IOUtil_Startup: Startup routine
      LocalReduce::LocalReduce_Startup: Startup routine
      CarpetIOBasic::CarpetIOBasicStartup: [global] Startup routine
      ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_Startup: [meta] create banner
      ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_Startup: [meta] create banner
      ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_RegisterSlicing: [meta] Register slicing
      CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_Startup: Startup routine
      MoL::MoL_Startup: Startup banner
      Slab::Slab_InitMPIDatatypes: Create MPI datatypes for complex variables in C
      SymBase::SymBase_Startup: Register GH Extension for SymBase
      CarpetIOScalar::CarpetIOScalarStartup: [global] Startup routine
      CarpetIOASCII::CarpetIOASCIIStartup: [global] Startup routine
      Vectors::Vectors_Startup: Print startup message

  Startup routines which need an existing grid hierarchy
      ADMBase::Einstein_InitSymBound: [global] Set up GF symmetries
      Boundary::Boundary_RegisterBCs: [global] Register boundary conditions that this thorn provides
      CarpetRegrid2::CarpetRegrid2_Initialise: [global] Initialise locations of refined regions
      CartGrid3D::RegisterCartGrid3DCoords: [meta] Register coordinates for the Cartesian grid
      CoordGauge::Einstein_ActivateSlicing: Initialize slicing, setup priorities for mixed slicings
      CoordGauge::Einstein_SetNextSlicing: Identify the slicing for the next iteration
      ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ParamCompat: [meta] Handle parameter backward compatibility
      MoL::MoL_SetupIndexArrays: Set up the MoL bookkeeping index arrays
      MoL::MoL_SetScheduleStatus: [global] Set the flag so it is ok to register with MoL
      TmunuBase::TmunuBase_SetStressEnergyState: [global] Set the stress_energy_state variable
      GROUP MoL_Register: The group where physics thorns register variables with MoL
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_RegisterVars: [meta] Register Variables for MoL
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_RegisterVars: [meta] Register Variables for MoL
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_RegisterConstrained: [meta] Register ADMBase variables as constrained
      Slab::Slab_InitTimers: Initialise timers
      GROUP SymBase_Wrapper: Wrapper group for SymBase
        GROUP SymmetryRegister: Register your symmetries here
          CartGrid3D::RegisterSymmetryBoundaries: [meta] Register symmetry boundaries
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_RegisterSymmetries: [meta] register symmetries
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_RegisterSymmetries: [meta] register symmetries
          ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Register: Register reflection symmetry boundaries
        SymBase::SymBase_Statistics: Print symmetry boundary face descriptions
      MoL::MoL_ReportNumberVariables: [meta] Report how many of each type of variable there are
  Parameter checking routines
      ADMBase::ADMBase_ParamCheck: [global] Check consistency of parameters
      Boundary::Boundary_Check: Check dimension of grid variables
      Carpet::CarpetParamCheck: Parameter checking routine
      CarpetLib::CarpetLib_test_prolongate_3d_rf2: [global] Test prolongation operators
      CarpetRegrid2::CarpetRegrid2_ParamCheck: Check parameters
      CartGrid3D::ParamCheck_CartGrid3D: Check coordinates for CartGrid3D
      Dissipation::dissipation_paramcheck: Check dissipation parameters for consistency
      ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ParamCheck: [meta] Check parameters
      MoL::MoL_ParamCheck: Basic parameter checking
      TwoPunctures::TwoPunctures_ParamCheck: Check parameters and thorn needs
      Vectors::Vectors_Test: Run correctness tests.

    if (NOT (recover initial data AND recovery_mode is 'strict'))
      Set up grid hierarchy
        CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
          GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
            GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
              CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
              CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
            GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
            GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
        Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
        GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetShiftStateOn: Set the shift_state variable to 1
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtLapseStateOn: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtShiftStateOn: Set the dtshift_state variable to 1
        ADMMacros::ADMMacros_SetLocalSpatialOrder: Initialize the local_spatial_order
        CartGrid3D::SpatialSpacings: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates (on all grids)
        CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_SetupRes: [global] [loop-local] Set surface resolution automatically
        Dissipation::dissipation_basegrid: Ensure that there are enough ghost zones
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Setup: [global] Calculate surface coordinate descriptors
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
          GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
            GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
              CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
              CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
            GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
            GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns
        GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards
          SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces
        SymBase::SymBase_Check: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently
        Time::Time_Initialise: [global] Initialise Time variables
        Time::TemporalSpacings: [singlemap] Set timestep based on Courant condition (courant_static)
        TwoPunctures::TwoPunctures_TranslateParameters: [global] translate puncture position parameters
        StaticConformal::StaticConformal_InitialiseState: Set the conformal_state variable to 0
        GROUP ADMBase_InitialData: Schedule group for calculating ADM initial data
          TwoPunctures::TwoPunctures: Create puncture black hole initial data
        GROUP ADMBase_InitialGauge: Schedule group for the ADM initial gauge condition
          ADMBase::ADMBase_ShiftZero: Set the shift to 0 at all points
          ADMBase::ADMBase_DtLapseZero: Set the dtlapse to 0 at all points
          ADMBase::ADMBase_DtShiftZero: Set the dtshift to 0 at all points
        CarpetIOASCII::CarpetIOASCIIInit: [global] Initialisation routine
        CarpetIOBasic::CarpetIOBasicInit: [global] Initialisation routine
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_Init: [global] Initialisation routine
        CarpetIOScalar::CarpetIOScalarInit: [global] Initialisation routine
        GROUP ADMBase_PostInitial: Schedule group for modifying the ADM initial data, such as e.g. adding noise
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior
        MoL::MoL_StartLoop: [level] Initialise the step size control
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ExtrapolateGammas: Extrapolate Gammas and time derivatives of lapse and shift
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_CloseFiles: [global] Close all filereader input files
        GROUP MoL_PostStepModify: The group for physics thorns to schedule enforcing constraints
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere: ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere
        GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after the initial data have been set up
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
          ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
        GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolution: Calculate pseudo-evolved quantities
          GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
              ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
              GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
                GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                  Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                  CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                  ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
              ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
              GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
                GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                  Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                  CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                  ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
              ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
              GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
                GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                  Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                  CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                  ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
      Initialise finer grids recursively
      Restrict from finer grids
        GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after restriction
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
          ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
        GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii
        GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards
          SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces
        Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
    if (recover initial data)
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetShiftStateOn: Set the shift_state variable to 1
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtLapseStateOn: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtShiftStateOn: Set the dtshift_state variable to 1
        ADMMacros::ADMMacros_SetLocalSpatialOrder: Initialize the local_spatial_order
        CartGrid3D::SpatialSpacings: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates (on all grids)
        CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_SetupRes: [global] [loop-local] Set surface resolution automatically
        Dissipation::dissipation_basegrid: Ensure that there are enough ghost zones
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Setup: [global] Calculate surface coordinate descriptors
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
          GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
            GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
              CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
              CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
            GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
            GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns
        GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards
          SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces
        SymBase::SymBase_Check: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently
        Time::Time_Initialise: [global] Initialise Time variables
        Time::TemporalSpacings: [singlemap] Set timestep based on Courant condition (courant_static)
        TwoPunctures::TwoPunctures_TranslateParameters: [global] translate puncture position parameters
        IOUtil::IOUtil_RecoverGH: [level] Checkpoint recovery routine
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_InitCheckpointingIntervals: [global] Initialisation of checkpointing intervals after recovery
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_CloseFiles: [meta] Close all initial data checkpoint files after recovery
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
          GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
            GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
              CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
              CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
            GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
            GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
        GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after recovery
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
          ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
    if (checkpoint initial data)
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_InitialDataCheckpoint: [meta] Initial data checkpoint routine
    if (analysis)
        CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printtimestats: [global] Print timing statistics if desired
        CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printmemstats: [global] Print memory statistics if desired
        LoopControl::lc_statistics_analysis: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics
        GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysis: Calculate RHS at analysis
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior
          ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS
        TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report
  Output grid variables

  do loop over timesteps
    Change grid hierarchy
      CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding
      GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
          GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
            CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
          GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
          GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
      Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
      GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after regridding
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
      GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
    Rotate timelevels
    iteration = iteration+1
    t = t+dt
      CoordGauge::Einstein_SetNextSlicing: Identify the slicing for the next iteration
      LoopControl::lc_steer: [meta] Update LoopControl algorithm preferences
      MoL::MoL_StartLoop: [level] Initialise the step size control
      while (MoL::MoL_Stepsize_Bad)
        GROUP MoL_Evolution: A single Cactus evolution step using MoL
          GROUP MoL_StartStep: MoL internal setup for the evolution step
            MoL::MoL_SetCounter: [level] Set the counter for the ODE method to loop over
            MoL::MoL_SetTime: [level] Ensure the correct time and timestep are used
            MoL::MoL_AllocateScratchSpace: [level] Allocate storage for scratch levels
          GROUP MoL_PreStep: Physics thorns can schedule preloop setup routines in here
          MoL::MoL_AllocateScratch: Allocate sufficient space for array scratch variables
          MoL::MoL_InitialCopy: Ensure the data is in the correct timelevel
          while (MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Step)
            GROUP MoL_Step: The loop over the intermediate steps for the ODE integrator
              MoL::MoL_InitRHS: Initialise the RHS functions
              GROUP MoL_CalcRHS: Physics thorns schedule the calculation of the discrete spatial operator in here
                GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy: 
                  ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1
                  ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2
                  ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3
                ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS
              GROUP MoL_PostRHS: Modify RHS functions
                Dissipation::dissipation_add: Add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation to the right hand sides
              GROUP MoL_RHSBoundaries: Any 'final' modifications to the RHS functions (boundaries etc.)
              MoL::MoL_Add: Updates calculated with the efficient Runge-Kutta 4 method
              MoL::MoL_DecrementCounter: [level] Alter the counter number
              MoL::MoL_ResetTime: [level] If necessary, change the time
              GROUP MoL_PostStepModify: The group for physics thorns to schedule enforcing constraints
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere: ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere
              GROUP MoL_PostStep: The group for physics thorns to schedule boundary calls etc.
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
                ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
                GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
                  GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                    Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                    CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                    ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                  Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
                GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
                  GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                    Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                    CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                    ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                  Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
                ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
                GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
                  GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                    Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                    CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                    ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                  Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
                GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
              MoL::MoL_ResetDeltaTime: [level] If necessary, change the timestep
          end while
          MoL::MoL_FinishLoop: [level] Control the step size
          MoL::MoL_RestoreSandR: Restoring the Save and Restore variables to the original state
          MoL::MoL_FreeScratchSpace: [level] Free storage for scratch levels
      end while
      GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolution: Calculate pseudo-evolved quantities
        GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
    Evolve finer grids recursively
    Restrict from finer grids
      GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after restriction
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
      GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
      SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii
      GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces
      Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
    if (checkpoint)
      CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_EvolutionCheckpoint: [meta] Evolution checkpoint routine
      TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Checkpoint: [global] Print the timer report
    if (analysis)
      CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printtimestats: [global] Print timing statistics if desired
      CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printmemstats: [global] Print memory statistics if desired
      LoopControl::lc_statistics_analysis: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics
      GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysis: Calculate RHS at analysis
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS
      TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report
    Output grid variables

  Termination routines
      CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_TerminationCheckpoint: [meta] Termination checkpoint routine
      LoopControl::lc_statistics_terminate: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics
      MoL::MoL_FreeIndexArrays: Free the MoL bookkeeping index arrays
      TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report

  Shutdown routines
      Timers::Timer_Shutdown: Prepare hierarchical timers

  Routines run after changing the grid hierarchy:
      CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding
      GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
          GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
            CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
          GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
          GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
      Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
      GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after regridding
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
      GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model listing:
   model 0: "world"
INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model process distribution:
   processes 0-575: model 0 "world"
INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model: This is process 0, model 0 "world"
WARNING[L3,P0] (CarpetLib): Could not determine Cactus startup time (environment variable CACTUS_STARTTIME is not set; it should be set to the output of "date +%s")
Current core file size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=0 MB
Current memory size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=[unlimited]
INFO (CycleClock): Measuring CycleClock tick via OpenMP...
INFO (CycleClock): Calibrated CycleClock: 0.477294 ns per clock tick (2.09515 GHz)
INFO (SystemTopology): MPI process-to-host mapping:
This is MPI process 0 of 576
MPI hosts:
  0: c478-113.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  1: c493-011.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  2: c493-012.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  3: c493-013.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  4: c493-014.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  5: c493-021.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  6: c493-033.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  7: c493-034.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  8: c493-041.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  9: c493-042.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  10: c493-043.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  11: c493-063.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  12: c493-064.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  13: c493-071.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  14: c493-072.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  15: c493-073.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  16: c493-074.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  17: c493-081.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  18: c493-083.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  19: c493-084.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  20: c493-091.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  21: c493-092.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  22: c493-093.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  23: c493-094.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
This MPI process runs on host 0 of 24
On this host, this is MPI process 0 of 24
INFO (SystemTopology): Topology support:
Discovery support:
  discovery->pu                            : yes
CPU binding support:
  cpubind->set_thisproc_cpubind            : yes
  cpubind->get_thisproc_cpubind            : yes
  cpubind->set_proc_cpubind                : yes
  cpubind->get_proc_cpubind                : yes
  cpubind->set_thisthread_cpubind          : yes
  cpubind->get_thisthread_cpubind          : yes
  cpubind->set_thread_cpubind              : yes
  cpubind->get_thread_cpubind              : yes
  cpubind->get_thisproc_last_cpu_location  : yes
  cpubind->get_proc_last_cpu_location      : yes
  cpubind->get_thisthread_last_cpu_location: yes
Memory binding support:
  membind->set_thisproc_membind            : no
  membind->get_thisproc_membind            : no
  membind->set_proc_membind                : no
  membind->get_proc_membind                : no
  membind->set_thisthread_membind          : yes
  membind->get_thisthread_membind          : yes
  membind->set_area_membind                : yes
  membind->get_area_membind                : yes
  membind->alloc_membind                   : yes
  membind->firsttouch_membind              : yes
  membind->bind_membind                    : yes
  membind->interleave_membind              : yes
  membind->replicate_membind               : no
  membind->nexttouch_membind               : no
  membind->migrate_membind                 : yes
INFO (SystemTopology): Hardware objects in this node:
Machine L#0: (P#0, total=199955888KB, DMIProductName="PowerEdge C6420", DMIProductVersion=, DMIBoardVendor="Dell Inc.", DMIBoardName=0XG00K, DMIBoardVersion=A01, DMIBoardAssetTag=, DMIChassisVendor="Dell Inc.", DMIChassisType=23, DMIChassisVersion=, DMIChassisAssetTag=, DMIBIOSVendor="Dell Inc.", DMIBIOSVersion=1.1.7, DMIBIOSDate=08/14/2017, DMISysVendor="Dell Inc.", Backend=Linux, LinuxCgroup=/, OSName=Linux, OSRelease=3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64, OSVersion="#1 SMP Thu Jan 4 01:06:37 UTC 2018", HostName=c478-113.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu, Architecture=x86_64, hwlocVersion=1.10.1)
  NUMANode L#0: (P#0, local=99292592KB, total=99292592KB)
    Socket L#0: (P#0, CPUVendor=GenuineIntel, CPUFamilyNumber=6, CPUModelNumber=85, CPUModel="Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8160 CPU @ 2.10GHz")
      L3Cache L#0: (P#-1, size=33792KB, linesize=64, ways=11)
        L2Cache L#0: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#0: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#0: (P#0)
              PU L#0: (P#0)
              PU L#1: (P#48)
        L2Cache L#1: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#1: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#1: (P#5)
              PU L#2: (P#2)
              PU L#3: (P#50)
        L2Cache L#2: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#2: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#2: (P#1)
              PU L#4: (P#4)
              PU L#5: (P#52)
        L2Cache L#3: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#3: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#3: (P#4)
              PU L#6: (P#6)
              PU L#7: (P#54)
        L2Cache L#4: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#4: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#4: (P#2)
              PU L#8: (P#8)
              PU L#9: (P#56)
        L2Cache L#5: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#5: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#5: (P#3)
              PU L#10: (P#10)
              PU L#11: (P#58)
        L2Cache L#6: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#6: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#6: (P#8)
              PU L#12: (P#12)
              PU L#13: (P#60)
        L2Cache L#7: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#7: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#7: (P#13)
              PU L#14: (P#14)
              PU L#15: (P#62)
        L2Cache L#8: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#8: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#8: (P#9)
              PU L#16: (P#16)
              PU L#17: (P#64)
        L2Cache L#9: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#9: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#9: (P#12)
              PU L#18: (P#18)
              PU L#19: (P#66)
        L2Cache L#10: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#10: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#10: (P#10)
              PU L#20: (P#20)
              PU L#21: (P#68)
        L2Cache L#11: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#11: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#11: (P#11)
              PU L#22: (P#22)
              PU L#23: (P#70)
        L2Cache L#12: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#12: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#12: (P#16)
              PU L#24: (P#24)
              PU L#25: (P#72)
        L2Cache L#13: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#13: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#13: (P#21)
              PU L#26: (P#26)
              PU L#27: (P#74)
        L2Cache L#14: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#14: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#14: (P#17)
              PU L#28: (P#28)
              PU L#29: (P#76)
        L2Cache L#15: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#15: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#15: (P#20)
              PU L#30: (P#30)
              PU L#31: (P#78)
        L2Cache L#16: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#16: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#16: (P#18)
              PU L#32: (P#32)
              PU L#33: (P#80)
        L2Cache L#17: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#17: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#17: (P#19)
              PU L#34: (P#34)
              PU L#35: (P#82)
        L2Cache L#18: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#18: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#18: (P#24)
              PU L#36: (P#36)
              PU L#37: (P#84)
        L2Cache L#19: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#19: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#19: (P#29)
              PU L#38: (P#38)
              PU L#39: (P#86)
        L2Cache L#20: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#20: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#20: (P#25)
              PU L#40: (P#40)
              PU L#41: (P#88)
        L2Cache L#21: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#21: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#21: (P#28)
              PU L#42: (P#42)
              PU L#43: (P#90)
        L2Cache L#22: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#22: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#22: (P#26)
              PU L#44: (P#44)
              PU L#45: (P#92)
        L2Cache L#23: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#23: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#23: (P#27)
              PU L#46: (P#46)
              PU L#47: (P#94)
  NUMANode L#1: (P#1, local=100663296KB, total=100663296KB)
    Socket L#1: (P#1, CPUVendor=GenuineIntel, CPUFamilyNumber=6, CPUModelNumber=85, CPUModel="Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8160 CPU @ 2.10GHz")
      L3Cache L#1: (P#-1, size=33792KB, linesize=64, ways=11)
        L2Cache L#24: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#24: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#24: (P#0)
              PU L#48: (P#1)
              PU L#49: (P#49)
        L2Cache L#25: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#25: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#25: (P#5)
              PU L#50: (P#3)
              PU L#51: (P#51)
        L2Cache L#26: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#26: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#26: (P#1)
              PU L#52: (P#5)
              PU L#53: (P#53)
        L2Cache L#27: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#27: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#27: (P#4)
              PU L#54: (P#7)
              PU L#55: (P#55)
        L2Cache L#28: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#28: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#28: (P#2)
              PU L#56: (P#9)
              PU L#57: (P#57)
        L2Cache L#29: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#29: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#29: (P#3)
              PU L#58: (P#11)
              PU L#59: (P#59)
        L2Cache L#30: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#30: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#30: (P#8)
              PU L#60: (P#13)
              PU L#61: (P#61)
        L2Cache L#31: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#31: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#31: (P#13)
              PU L#62: (P#15)
              PU L#63: (P#63)
        L2Cache L#32: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#32: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#32: (P#9)
              PU L#64: (P#17)
              PU L#65: (P#65)
        L2Cache L#33: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#33: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#33: (P#12)
              PU L#66: (P#19)
              PU L#67: (P#67)
        L2Cache L#34: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#34: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#34: (P#10)
              PU L#68: (P#21)
              PU L#69: (P#69)
        L2Cache L#35: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#35: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#35: (P#11)
              PU L#70: (P#23)
              PU L#71: (P#71)
        L2Cache L#36: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#36: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#36: (P#16)
              PU L#72: (P#25)
              PU L#73: (P#73)
        L2Cache L#37: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#37: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#37: (P#21)
              PU L#74: (P#27)
              PU L#75: (P#75)
        L2Cache L#38: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#38: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#38: (P#17)
              PU L#76: (P#29)
              PU L#77: (P#77)
        L2Cache L#39: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#39: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#39: (P#20)
              PU L#78: (P#31)
              PU L#79: (P#79)
        L2Cache L#40: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#40: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#40: (P#18)
              PU L#80: (P#33)
              PU L#81: (P#81)
        L2Cache L#41: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#41: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#41: (P#19)
              PU L#82: (P#35)
              PU L#83: (P#83)
        L2Cache L#42: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#42: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#42: (P#24)
              PU L#84: (P#37)
              PU L#85: (P#85)
        L2Cache L#43: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#43: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#43: (P#29)
              PU L#86: (P#39)
              PU L#87: (P#87)
        L2Cache L#44: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#44: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#44: (P#25)
              PU L#88: (P#41)
              PU L#89: (P#89)
        L2Cache L#45: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#45: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#45: (P#28)
              PU L#90: (P#43)
              PU L#91: (P#91)
        L2Cache L#46: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#46: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#46: (P#26)
              PU L#92: (P#45)
              PU L#93: (P#93)
        L2Cache L#47: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#47: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#47: (P#27)
              PU L#94: (P#47)
              PU L#95: (P#95)
INFO (SystemTopology): Thread CPU bindings:
  MPI process 0 on host 0 (process 0 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{0-1,4-5} P#{0,4,48,52}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{0-1,4-5} P#{0,4,48,52}
  MPI process 1 on host 0 (process 1 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{8-11} P#{8,10,56,58}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{8-11} P#{8,10,56,58}
  MPI process 2 on host 0 (process 2 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{2-3,6-7} P#{2,6,50,54}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{2-3,6-7} P#{2,6,50,54}
  MPI process 3 on host 0 (process 3 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{12-13,16-17} P#{12,16,60,64}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{12-13,16-17} P#{12,16,60,64}
  MPI process 4 on host 0 (process 4 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{20-23} P#{20,22,68,70}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{20-23} P#{20,22,68,70}
  MPI process 5 on host 0 (process 5 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{14-15,18-19} P#{14,18,62,66}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{14-15,18-19} P#{14,18,62,66}
  MPI process 6 on host 0 (process 6 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{24-25,28-29} P#{24,28,72,76}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{24-25,28-29} P#{24,28,72,76}
  MPI process 7 on host 0 (process 7 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{32-35} P#{32,34,80,82}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{32-35} P#{32,34,80,82}
  MPI process 8 on host 0 (process 8 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{26-27,30-31} P#{26,30,74,78}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{26-27,30-31} P#{26,30,74,78}
  MPI process 9 on host 0 (process 9 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{36-37,40-41} P#{36,40,84,88}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{36-37,40-41} P#{36,40,84,88}
  MPI process 10 on host 0 (process 10 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{44-47} P#{44,46,92,94}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{44-47} P#{44,46,92,94}
  MPI process 11 on host 0 (process 11 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{38-39,42-43} P#{38,42,86,90}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{38-39,42-43} P#{38,42,86,90}
  MPI process 12 on host 0 (process 12 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{48-49,52-53} P#{1,5,49,53}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{48-49,52-53} P#{1,5,49,53}
  MPI process 13 on host 0 (process 13 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{56-59} P#{9,11,57,59}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{56-59} P#{9,11,57,59}
  MPI process 14 on host 0 (process 14 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{50-51,54-55} P#{3,7,51,55}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{50-51,54-55} P#{3,7,51,55}
  MPI process 15 on host 0 (process 15 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{60-61,64-65} P#{13,17,61,65}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{60-61,64-65} P#{13,17,61,65}
  MPI process 16 on host 0 (process 16 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{68-71} P#{21,23,69,71}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{68-71} P#{21,23,69,71}
  MPI process 17 on host 0 (process 17 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{62-63,66-67} P#{15,19,63,67}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{62-63,66-67} P#{15,19,63,67}
  MPI process 18 on host 0 (process 18 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{72-73,76-77} P#{25,29,73,77}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{72-73,76-77} P#{25,29,73,77}
  MPI process 19 on host 0 (process 19 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{80-83} P#{33,35,81,83}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{80-83} P#{33,35,81,83}
  MPI process 20 on host 0 (process 20 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{74-75,78-79} P#{27,31,75,79}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{74-75,78-79} P#{27,31,75,79}
  MPI process 21 on host 0 (process 21 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{84-85,88-89} P#{37,41,85,89}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{84-85,88-89} P#{37,41,85,89}
  MPI process 22 on host 0 (process 22 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{92-95} P#{45,47,93,95}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{92-95} P#{45,47,93,95}
  MPI process 23 on host 0 (process 23 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{86-87,90-91} P#{39,43,87,91}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{86-87,90-91} P#{39,43,87,91}
INFO (SystemTopology): Setting thread CPU bindings:
INFO (SystemTopology): Thread CPU bindings:
  MPI process 0 on host 0 (process 0 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{0} P#{0}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{2} P#{2}
  MPI process 1 on host 0 (process 1 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{4} P#{4}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{6} P#{6}
  MPI process 2 on host 0 (process 2 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{8} P#{8}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{10} P#{10}
  MPI process 3 on host 0 (process 3 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{12} P#{12}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{14} P#{14}
  MPI process 4 on host 0 (process 4 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{16} P#{16}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{18} P#{18}
  MPI process 5 on host 0 (process 5 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{20} P#{20}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{22} P#{22}
  MPI process 6 on host 0 (process 6 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{24} P#{24}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{26} P#{26}
  MPI process 7 on host 0 (process 7 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{28} P#{28}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{30} P#{30}
  MPI process 8 on host 0 (process 8 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{32} P#{32}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{34} P#{34}
  MPI process 9 on host 0 (process 9 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{36} P#{36}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{38} P#{38}
  MPI process 10 on host 0 (process 10 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{40} P#{40}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{42} P#{42}
  MPI process 11 on host 0 (process 11 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{44} P#{44}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{46} P#{46}
  MPI process 12 on host 0 (process 12 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{48} P#{1}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{50} P#{3}
  MPI process 13 on host 0 (process 13 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{52} P#{5}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{54} P#{7}
  MPI process 14 on host 0 (process 14 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{56} P#{9}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{58} P#{11}
  MPI process 15 on host 0 (process 15 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{60} P#{13}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{62} P#{15}
  MPI process 16 on host 0 (process 16 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{64} P#{17}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{66} P#{19}
  MPI process 17 on host 0 (process 17 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{68} P#{21}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{70} P#{23}
  MPI process 18 on host 0 (process 18 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{72} P#{25}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{74} P#{27}
  MPI process 19 on host 0 (process 19 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{76} P#{29}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{78} P#{31}
  MPI process 20 on host 0 (process 20 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{80} P#{33}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{82} P#{35}
  MPI process 21 on host 0 (process 21 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{84} P#{37}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{86} P#{39}
  MPI process 22 on host 0 (process 22 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{88} P#{41}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{90} P#{43}
  MPI process 23 on host 0 (process 23 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{92} P#{45}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{94} P#{47}
INFO (SystemTopology): Extracting CPU/cache/memory properties:
  There are 2 PUs per core (aka hardware SMT threads)
  There are 1 threads per core (aka SMT threads used)
  Cache (unknown name) has type "data" depth 1
    size 32768 linesize 64 associativity 8 stride 4096, for 2 PUs
  Cache (unknown name) has type "unified" depth 2
    size 1048576 linesize 64 associativity 16 stride 65536, for 2 PUs
  Cache (unknown name) has type "unified" depth 3
    size 34603008 linesize 64 associativity 11 stride 3145728, for 48 PUs
  Memory has type "local" depth 1
    size 101675614208 pagesize 4096, for 48 PUs
  Memory has type "global" depth 1
    size 203351228416 pagesize 4096, for 96 PUs
INFO (Vectors): Using vector size 4 for architecture AVX (64-bit precision)
AMR driver provided by Carpet
AMR info I/O provided by CarpetIOBasic
AMR HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
AMR 0D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
AMR 1D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
AMR 2D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
AMR 3D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
MoL: Generalized time integration.
AMR scalar I/O provided by CarpetIOScalar
AMR 0D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII
AMR 1D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII
AMR 2D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII
AMR 3D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII

INFO (Carpet): MPI is enabled
INFO (Carpet): Carpet is running on 576 processes
INFO (Carpet): This is process 0
INFO (Carpet): OpenMP is enabled
INFO (Carpet): This process contains 2 threads, this is thread 0
INFO (Carpet): There are 1152 threads in total
INFO (Carpet): There are 2 threads per process
INFO (Carpet): This process runs on host c478-113.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu, pid=227805
INFO (Carpet): This process runs on 2 cores: 0, 2
INFO (Carpet): Thread 0 runs on 1 core: 0
INFO (Carpet): Thread 1 runs on 1 core: 2
INFO (Carpet): This simulation is running in 3 dimensions
INFO (Carpet): Boundary specification for map 0:
   nboundaryzones: [[4,4,4],[4,4,4]]
   is_internal   : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   is_staggered  : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   shiftout      : [[0,0,1],[0,0,0]]
INFO (Carpet): CoordBase domain specification for map 0:
   physical extent: [-400,-400,0] : [400,400,400]   ([800,800,400])
   interior extent: [-397.619,-397.619,0] : [397.619,397.619,397.619]   ([795.238,795.238,397.619])
   exterior extent: [-407.143,-407.143,-9.52381] : [407.143,407.143,407.143]   ([814.286,814.286,416.667])
   base_spacing   : [2.38095,2.38095,2.38095]
INFO (Carpet): Adapted domain specification for map 0:
   convergence factor: 2
   convergence level : 0
   physical extent   : [-400,-400,0] : [400,400,400]   ([800,800,400])
   interior extent   : [-397.619,-397.619,0] : [397.619,397.619,397.619]   ([795.238,795.238,397.619])
   exterior extent   : [-407.143,-407.143,-9.52381] : [407.143,407.143,407.143]   ([814.286,814.286,416.667])
   spacing           : [2.38095,2.38095,2.38095]
INFO (Carpet): Base grid specification for map 0:
   number of grid points             : [343,343,176]
   number of coarse grid ghost points: [[4,4,4],[4,4,4]]
INFO (Carpet): Buffer zone counts (excluding ghosts):
   [0]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [1]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [2]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [3]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [4]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [5]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [6]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [7]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [8]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [9]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [10]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
INFO (Carpet): Overlap zone counts:
   [0]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [1]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [2]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [3]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [4]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [5]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [6]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [7]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [8]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [9]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [10]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
INFO (Carpet): Group and variable statistics:
INFO (Carpet):    There are 795 grid functions in 57 groups
INFO (Carpet):    There are 296 grid scalars in 48 groups
INFO (Carpet):    There are 81 1-dimensional grid arrays in 7 groups
INFO (Carpet):    There are 4 2-dimensional grid arrays in 2 groups
INFO (Carpet):    There are 0 3-dimensional grid arrays in 0 groups
INFO (Carpet):    (The number of variables counts all time levels)
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5' registered: AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_0D' registered: 0D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_1D' registered: 1D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_2D' registered: 2D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_3D' registered: 3D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_0D' registered: 0D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files
INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_1D' registered: 1D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files
INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_2D' registered: 2D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files
INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_3D' registered: 3D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files
INFO (MoL): Using Runge-Kutta 4 as the time integrator.
INFO (SymBase): Symmetry on lower z-face: reflection_symmetry
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of evolved variables is 539. 25 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of slow evolved variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of constrained variables is 539. 20 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of SandR variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of evolved array variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of constrained array variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of SandR array variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum size of any array variables is 0.
INFO (TwoPunctures): Solving for BHs
INFO (TwoPunctures): The two puncture-masses are 3.7184864994664302e-01 and 5.2992932897048906e-01.

INFO (Vectors): Testing vectorisation... [errors may result in segfaults]
INFO (Vectors): 2300/2300 tests passed 
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points):
   [0][0][0]   exterior: [0,0,0] : [342,342,175]   ([343,343,176] + PADDING) 20706224
   [1][0][0]   exterior: [141,141,4] : [543,543,209]   ([403,403,206] + PADDING) 33456254
   [2][0][0]   exterior: [420,420,12] : [948,948,280]   ([529,529,269] + PADDING) 75277229
   [3][0][0]   exterior: [1215,1238,28] : [1518,1498,162]   ([304,261,135] + PADDING) 10711440
   [4][0][0]   exterior: [2610,2657,60] : [2855,2815,143]   ([246,159,84] + PADDING) 3285576
   [5][0][0]   exterior: [5301,5395,124] : [5629,5549,205]   ([329,155,82] + PADDING) 4181590
   [6][0][0]   exterior: [10679,10867,252] : [10832,11021,333]   ([154,155,82] + PADDING) 1957340
   [6][0][1]   exterior: [11028,10867,252] : [11181,11021,333]   ([154,155,82] + PADDING) 1957340
   [7][0][0]   exterior: [21434,21811,508] : [21587,21965,589]   ([154,155,82] + PADDING) 1957340
   [7][0][1]   exterior: [22133,21811,508] : [22286,21965,589]   ([154,155,82] + PADDING) 1957340
   [8][0][0]   exterior: [42933,43689,1020] : [43108,43863,1111]   ([176,175,92] + PADDING) 2833600
   [8][0][1]   exterior: [44331,43689,1020] : [44505,43863,1111]   ([175,175,92] + PADDING) 2817500
   [9][0][0]   exterior: [88771,87486,2044] : [88902,87618,2114]   ([132,133,71] + PADDING) 1246476
   [9][0][1]   exterior: [85921,87432,2044] : [86160,87672,2168]   ([240,241,125] + PADDING) 7230000
   [10][0][0]   exterior: [177607,175038,4092] : [177739,175170,4162]   ([133,133,71] + PADDING) 1255919
   [10][0][1]   exterior: [171962,174984,4092] : [172201,175224,4216]   ([240,241,125] + PADDING) 7230000
INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates):
   [0][0][0]   exterior: [-407.142857142857167,-407.142857142857167,-9.523809523809520] : [407.142857142857167,407.142857142857167,407.142857142857167] : [2.380952380952381,2.380952380952381,2.380952380952381]
   [1][0][0]   exterior: [-239.285714285714306,-239.285714285714306,-4.761904761904758] : [239.285714285714278,239.285714285714278,239.285714285714278] : [1.190476190476190,1.190476190476190,1.190476190476190]
   [2][0][0]   exterior: [-157.142857142857167,-157.142857142857167,-2.380952380952378] : [157.142857142857167,157.142857142857167,157.142857142857139] : [0.595238095238095,0.595238095238095,0.595238095238095]
   [3][0][0]   exterior: [-45.535714285714334,-38.690476190476204,-1.190476190476186] : [44.642857142857110,38.690476190476147,38.690476190476197] : [0.297619047619048,0.297619047619048,0.297619047619048]
   [4][0][0]   exterior: [-18.750000000000000,-11.755952380952408,-0.595238095238091] : [17.708333333333314,11.755952380952351,11.755952380952385] : [0.148809523809524,0.148809523809524,0.148809523809524]
   [5][0][0]   exterior: [-12.723214285714334,-5.729166666666686,-0.297619047619044] : [11.681547619047592,5.729166666666629,5.729166666666670] : [0.074404761904762,0.074404761904762,0.074404761904762]
   [6][0][0]   exterior: [-9.858630952380963,-2.864583333333371,-0.148809523809520] : [-4.166666666666686,2.864583333333314,2.864583333333337] : [0.037202380952381,0.037202380952381,0.037202380952381]
   [6][0][1]   exterior: [3.125000000000000,-2.864583333333371,-0.148809523809520] : [8.816964285714278,2.864583333333314,2.864583333333337] : [0.037202380952381,0.037202380952381,0.037202380952381]
   [7][0][0]   exterior: [-8.444940476190482,-1.432291666666686,-0.074404761904759] : [-5.598958333333371,1.432291666666629,1.432291666666670] : [0.018601190476190,0.018601190476190,0.018601190476190]
   [7][0][1]   exterior: [4.557291666666629,-1.432291666666686,-0.074404761904759] : [7.403273809523796,1.432291666666629,1.432291666666670] : [0.018601190476190,0.018601190476190,0.018601190476190]
   [8][0][0]   exterior: [-7.840401785714334,-0.809151785714334,-0.037202380952378] : [-6.212797619047649,0.809151785714278,0.809151785714290] : [0.009300595238095,0.009300595238095,0.009300595238095]
   [8][0][1]   exterior: [5.161830357142833,-0.809151785714334,-0.037202380952378] : [6.780133928571388,0.809151785714278,0.809151785714290] : [0.009300595238095,0.009300595238095,0.009300595238095]
   [9][0][0]   exterior: [5.668712797619037,-0.306919642857167,-0.018601190476186] : [6.277901785714278,0.306919642857110,0.306919642857146] : [0.004650297619048,0.004650297619048,0.004650297619048]
   [9][0][1]   exterior: [-7.584635416666686,-0.558035714285722,-0.018601190476186] : [-6.473214285714334,0.558035714285666,0.558035714285717] : [0.004650297619048,0.004650297619048,0.004650297619048]
   [10][0][0]   exterior: [5.819847470238074,-0.153459821428612,-0.009300595238091] : [6.126767113095184,0.153459821428555,0.153459821428575] : [0.002325148809524,0.002325148809524,0.002325148809524]
   [10][0][1]   exterior: [-7.305617559523853,-0.279017857142890,-0.009300595238091] : [-6.749906994047649,0.279017857142833,0.279017857142861] : [0.002325148809524,0.002325148809524,0.002325148809524]
INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics:
INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 5218k active, 7477k owned (+43%), 17924k total (+140%), 2.05e+03 steps/time
INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 205, pts: 29260M active, 35369M owned (+21%), 67476M total (+91%), 1.0 comp/proc
INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 376, pts: 7M active, 7M total (+0%)
INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 539.861 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs)
INFO (Carpet): Load balance:  min     avg     max     sdv     max/avg-1
INFO (Carpet): Level  0:       5M      7M      8M      1M owned     16%
INFO (Carpet): Level  1:      10M     12M     12M      1M owned      6%
INFO (Carpet): Level  2:      24M     26M     27M      1M owned      4%
INFO (Carpet): Level  3:       3M      4M      4M      0M owned      9%
INFO (Carpet): Level  4:       1M      1M      1M      0M owned     13%
INFO (Carpet): Level  5:       1M      1M      2M      0M owned     16%
INFO (Carpet): Level  6:       1M      1M      2M      0M owned     17%
INFO (Carpet): Level  7:       1M      1M      2M      0M owned     17%
INFO (Carpet): Level  8:       2M      2M      2M      0M owned      9%
INFO (Carpet): Level  9:       2M      3M      3M      0M owned      8%
INFO (Carpet): Level 10:       2M      3M      3M      0M owned     13%
INFO (CartGrid3D): Grid Spacings:
INFO (CartGrid3D): dx=>2.3809524e+00  dy=>2.3809524e+00  dz=>2.3809524e+00
INFO (CartGrid3D): Computational Coordinates:
INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[-407.143,407.143]  y=>[-407.143,407.143]  z=>[-9.524,407.143]
INFO (CartGrid3D): Indices of Physical Coordinates:
INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[0,342]  y=>[0,342]  z=>[0,175]
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.793651 (courant_static)
tp_par_b is 6.5000000000000000e+00
angle1 is 0.0000000000000000e+00
angle2 is 0.0000000000000000e+00
INFO (Carpet): There are not enough time levels for the desired temporal prolongation order in the grid function group "TWOPUNCTURES::PUNCTURE_U".  With Carpet::prolongation_order_time=2, you need at least 3 time levels.
INFO (TwoPunctures): Solving puncture equation
Newton: it=0 	 |F|=2.510304e-01
bicgstab:  itmax 100, tol 2.510304e-04
bicgstab:     0   1.678e+00
bicgstab:     1   1.494e+00   1.038e+00   0.000e+00   5.829e-01
bicgstab:     2   1.448e-01   1.332e+00   1.858e-02   4.151e-01
bicgstab:     3   1.828e-02   3.604e-01  -3.396e-02   1.228e+00
bicgstab:     4   3.121e-03   2.629e+00  -1.968e-01   4.042e-01
bicgstab:     5   9.969e-04   4.103e-01  -7.008e-01   1.405e+00
bicgstab:     6   3.165e-03  -9.404e+00  -3.702e-02   6.317e-01
bicgstab:     7   4.066e-05  -9.088e-02  -1.299e+02   6.317e-01
Newton: it=1 	 |F|=2.222613e-02
bicgstab:  itmax 100, tol 2.222613e-05
bicgstab:     0   1.355e-01
bicgstab:     1   1.207e-01   1.023e+00   0.000e+00   6.033e-01
bicgstab:     2   1.835e-02   1.304e+00   1.380e-02   4.244e-01
bicgstab:     3   9.665e-04   4.302e-01   1.334e-01   1.134e+00
bicgstab:     4   1.241e-03  -1.432e+00   4.112e-02   4.705e-01
bicgstab:     5   1.428e-04  -7.098e-01  -6.022e+00   7.231e-01
bicgstab:     6   5.188e-05   6.077e-01  -1.897e-02   7.957e-01
bicgstab:     7   9.189e-06   1.401e+00   3.304e-01   7.957e-01
Newton: it=2 	 |F|=1.428902e-04
bicgstab:  itmax 100, tol 1.428902e-07
bicgstab:     0   8.508e-04
bicgstab:     1   7.614e-04   1.022e+00   0.000e+00   6.020e-01
bicgstab:     2   2.641e-04   7.706e-01   2.410e-02   5.525e-01
bicgstab:     3   1.529e-05   7.299e-01   4.086e-01   1.101e+00
bicgstab:     4   3.591e-06   2.783e-01  -7.751e-03   5.448e-01
bicgstab:     5   5.648e-07   3.347e+00  -4.164e-01   9.524e-01
bicgstab:     6   5.168e-07  -4.807e-01   1.172e-02   4.859e-01
bicgstab:     7   2.595e-07  -2.269e-01  -8.627e-01   1.303e+00
bicgstab:     8   1.416e-08   4.675e+00  -2.006e+00   1.303e+00
Newton: it=3 	 |F|=5.534450e-09
bicgstab:  itmax 100, tol 5.534450e-12
bicgstab:     0   3.589e-08
bicgstab:     1   3.305e-08   1.110e+00   0.000e+00   5.747e-01
bicgstab:     2   7.488e-09   5.662e-01   2.198e-01   9.413e-01
bicgstab:     3   6.996e-10   1.065e+00   1.669e-01   6.081e-01
bicgstab:     4   4.970e-10   2.547e-01  -3.956e-02   6.510e-01
bicgstab:     5   8.742e-11   5.547e+00  -4.325e-01   4.626e-01
bicgstab:     6   4.181e-12   5.785e-01  -1.622e+00   4.056e-01
Newton: it=4 	 |F|=9.546023e-13 
INFO (TwoPunctures): ADM mass is 9.9171445981473461e-01

INFO (TwoPunctures): Puncture 1 mass is 5.4053890767055557e-01

INFO (TwoPunctures): Puncture 2 mass is 4.5944395566938062e-01

INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.396825 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.198413 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0992063 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0496032 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0248016 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0124008 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0062004 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0031002 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0015501 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done  0% done

INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.00077505 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% doneINFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done

INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
Memory statistics from CarpetLib:
   Current number of objects: 2386
   Current allocated memory:  850.882 MB
   Maximum number of objects: 2417
   Maximum allocated memory:  889.943 MB
   Current administrative memory: 9.384 MB
   Total allocated used system memory: 463.881 MB
   Total allocated free system memory: 35.115 MB
   gh::allmemory:    3169064
   dh::allmemory:    5978512
   th::allmemory:    12944
   ggf::allmemory:   223096
   gdata::allmemory: 0
INFO (TimerReport): Timer Report at iteration 0 time 0
Iteration      Time | *me_per_hour |      ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::H
                    |              |      minimum      maximum
        0     0.000 |    0.0000000 |   -0.3417518 472244.4707008
      128     0.099 |    4.7654569 |   -0.9889759    0.5186026
INFO (TimerReport): Timer Report at iteration 256 time 0.198413
      256     0.198 |    4.9012046 |   -1.2387453    0.8514417
INFO (TimerReport): Timer Report before terminating at iteration 256 time 0.198413
Thorn           | Scheduled routine in time bin           | gettimeofday [secs] | getrusage [secs] | cycle [secs] | cycle[avg] [secs] | cycle[sdv] [secs] | cycle[min] [secs] | cycle[max] [secs] 
Carpet          | Multi-model Startup routine             |          0.09916700 |       0.09979600 |   0.00000000 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000000 
CycleClock      | Set up CycleClock                       |          0.10003000 |       0.19602800 |   0.00000218 |        0.00000218 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000218 |        0.00000218 
LoopControl     | Set up LoopControl                      |          0.00000500 |       0.00000800 |   0.00000430 |        0.00000430 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000430 |        0.00000430 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Set checkpointing and prolongation group|          0.00003200 |       0.00005500 |   0.00003230 |        0.00003230 |        0.00000000 |        0.00003230 |        0.00003230 
SystemTopology  | Output and/or modify system topology and|          1.31942600 |       0.24507200 |   1.31938657 |        1.31938657 |        0.00000000 |        1.31938657 |        1.31938657 
Timers          | Prepare hierarchical timers             |          0.00000900 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000890 |        0.00000890 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000890 |        0.00000890 
Carpet          | Startup routine                         |          0.00000300 |       0.00000300 |   0.00000379 |        0.00000379 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000379 |        0.00000379 
CarpetInterp    | Startup routine                         |          0.00000300 |       0.00000100 |   0.00000224 |        0.00000224 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000224 |        0.00000224 
CarpetReduce    | Startup routine                         |          0.00002200 |       0.00001600 |   0.00002256 |        0.00002256 |        0.00000000 |        0.00002256 |        0.00002256 
CartGrid3D      | Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry  |          0.00000100 |       0.00000100 |   0.00000114 |        0.00000114 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000114 |        0.00000114 
CoordBase       | Register a GH extension to store the coo|          0.00000200 |       0.00000100 |   0.00000112 |        0.00000112 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000112 |        0.00000112 
AEILocalInterp  | register CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() inter|          0.00000400 |       0.00000300 |   0.00000401 |        0.00000401 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000401 |        0.00000401 
IOUtil          | Startup routine                         |          0.00000300 |       0.00000200 |   0.00000323 |        0.00000323 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000323 |        0.00000323 
LocalReduce     | Startup routine                         |          0.00000900 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000950 |        0.00000950 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000950 |        0.00000950 
CarpetIOBasic   | Startup routine                         |          0.00000300 |       0.00000200 |   0.00000309 |        0.00000309 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000309 |        0.00000309 
ML_ADMConstraint| create banner                           |          0.00000100 |       0.00000000 |   0.00000096 |        0.00000096 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000096 |        0.00000096 
ML_BSSN         | create banner                           |          0.00000200 |       0.00000100 |   0.00000141 |        0.00000141 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000141 |        0.00000141 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Register slicing                        |          0.00000100 |       0.00000000 |   0.00000114 |        0.00000114 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000114 |        0.00000114 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Startup routine                         |          0.00003300 |       0.00002500 |   0.00003381 |        0.00003381 |        0.00000000 |        0.00003381 |        0.00003381 
MoL             | Startup banner                          |          0.00000200 |       0.00000200 |   0.00000268 |        0.00000268 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000268 |        0.00000268 
Slab            | Create MPI datatypes for complex variabl|          0.00008500 |       0.00006400 |   0.00008506 |        0.00008506 |        0.00000000 |        0.00008506 |        0.00008506 
SymBase         | Register GH Extension for SymBase       |          0.00000300 |       0.00000200 |   0.00000270 |        0.00000270 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000270 |        0.00000270 
CarpetIOScalar  | Startup routine                         |          0.00000300 |       0.00000200 |   0.00000331 |        0.00000331 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000331 |        0.00000331 
CarpetIOASCII   | Startup routine                         |          0.00002600 |       0.00001900 |   0.00002573 |        0.00002573 |        0.00000000 |        0.00002573 |        0.00002573 
Vectors         | Print startup message                   |          0.00000600 |       0.00000400 |   0.00000570 |        0.00000570 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000570 |        0.00000570 
                | Total time for CCTK_STARTUP             |          1.51888100 |       0.54112100 |   1.31964743 |        1.31964743 |        0.00000000 |        1.31964743 |        1.31964743 
ADMBase         | Set up GF symmetries                    |          0.00004400 |       0.00004100 |   0.00004413 |        0.00004413 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004413 |        0.00004413 
Boundary        | Register boundary conditions that this t|          0.00001100 |       0.00001100 |   0.00001127 |        0.00001127 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001127 |        0.00001127 
CarpetRegrid2   | Initialise locations of refined regions |          0.00004400 |       0.00004000 |   0.00004322 |        0.00004322 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004322 |        0.00004322 
CartGrid3D      | Register coordinates for the Cartesian g|          0.00011000 |       0.00010900 |   0.00011071 |        0.00011071 |        0.00000000 |        0.00011071 |        0.00011071 
CoordGauge      | Initialize slicing, setup priorities for|          0.00001200 |       0.00001100 |   0.00001119 |        0.00001119 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001119 |        0.00001119 
CoordGauge      | Identify the slicing for the next iterat|          0.00000800 |       0.00000800 |   0.00000812 |        0.00000812 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000812 |        0.00000812 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Handle parameter backward compatibility |          0.00014700 |       0.00014600 |   0.00014691 |        0.00014691 |        0.00000000 |        0.00014691 |        0.00014691 
MoL             | Set up the MoL bookkeeping index arrays |          0.00005000 |       0.00004900 |   0.00004956 |        0.00004956 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004956 |        0.00004956 
MoL             | Set the flag so it is ok to register wit|          0.00003700 |       0.00003600 |   0.00003643 |        0.00003643 |        0.00000000 |        0.00003643 |        0.00003643 
TmunuBase       | Set the stress_energy_state variable    |          0.00007700 |       0.00007700 |   0.00007687 |        0.00007687 |        0.00000000 |        0.00007687 |        0.00007687 
ML_ADMConstraint| Register Variables for MoL              |          0.00008500 |       0.00008400 |   0.00008434 |        0.00008434 |        0.00000000 |        0.00008434 |        0.00008434 
ML_BSSN         | Register Variables for MoL              |          0.00018200 |       0.00018100 |   0.00018128 |        0.00018128 |        0.00000000 |        0.00018128 |        0.00018128 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Register ADMBase variables as constraine|          0.00013700 |       0.00013600 |   0.00013634 |        0.00013634 |        0.00000000 |        0.00013634 |        0.00013634 
Slab            | Initialise timers                       |          0.00002100 |       0.00002100 |   0.00002097 |        0.00002097 |        0.00000000 |        0.00002097 |        0.00002097 
CartGrid3D      | Register symmetry boundaries            |          0.00004300 |       0.00004400 |   0.00004387 |        0.00004387 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004387 |        0.00004387 
ML_ADMConstraint| register symmetries                     |          0.00008000 |       0.00008000 |   0.00007991 |        0.00007991 |        0.00000000 |        0.00007991 |        0.00007991 
ML_BSSN         | register symmetries                     |          0.00015500 |       0.00015400 |   0.00015448 |        0.00015448 |        0.00000000 |        0.00015448 |        0.00015448 
ReflectionSymmet| Register reflection symmetry boundaries |          0.00001100 |       0.00001100 |   0.00001149 |        0.00001149 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001149 |        0.00001149 
SymBase         | Print symmetry boundary face description|          0.00001500 |       0.00001400 |   0.00001470 |        0.00001470 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001470 |        0.00001470 
MoL             | Report how many of each type of variable|          0.00009400 |       0.00009300 |   0.00009360 |        0.00009360 |        0.00000000 |        0.00009360 |        0.00009360 
                | Total time for CCTK_WRAGH               |          0.00136300 |       0.00134600 |   0.00135939 |        0.00135939 |        0.00000000 |        0.00135939 |        0.00135939 
ADMBase         | Check consistency of parameters         |          0.00002700 |       0.00002800 |   0.00002759 |        0.00002759 |        0.00000000 |        0.00002759 |        0.00002759 
Boundary        | Check dimension of grid variables       |          0.00000600 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000683 |        0.00000683 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000683 |        0.00000683 
Carpet          | Parameter checking routine              |          0.00004200 |       0.00004300 |   0.00004263 |        0.00004263 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004263 |        0.00004263 
CarpetLib       | Test prolongation operators             |          0.00001600 |       0.00001600 |   0.00001626 |        0.00001626 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001626 |        0.00001626 
CarpetRegrid2   | Check parameters                        |          0.00004600 |       0.00004600 |   0.00004648 |        0.00004648 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004648 |        0.00004648 
CartGrid3D      | Check coordinates for CartGrid3D        |          0.00001400 |       0.00001400 |   0.00001401 |        0.00001401 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001401 |        0.00001401 
Dissipation     | Check dissipation parameters for consist|          0.00006500 |       0.00006500 |   0.00006507 |        0.00006507 |        0.00000000 |        0.00006507 |        0.00006507 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Check parameters                        |          0.00013600 |       0.00013600 |   0.00013653 |        0.00013653 |        0.00000000 |        0.00013653 |        0.00013653 
MoL             | Basic parameter checking                |          0.00003000 |       0.00003000 |   0.00003005 |        0.00003005 |        0.00000000 |        0.00003005 |        0.00003005 
TwoPunctures    | Check parameters and thorn needs        |          0.00004300 |       0.00004300 |   0.00004325 |        0.00004325 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004325 |        0.00004325 
Vectors         | Run correctness tests.                  |          0.00043500 |       0.00043400 |   0.00043482 |        0.00043482 |        0.00000000 |        0.00043482 |        0.00043482 
                | Total time for CCTK_PARAMCHECK          |          0.00086000 |       0.00086200 |   0.00086353 |        0.00086353 |        0.00000000 |        0.00086353 |        0.00086353 
ADMBase         | Set the shift_state variable to 1       |          0.00096900 |       0.00175100 |   0.00096770 |        0.00008797 |        0.00006353 |        0.00006811 |        0.00007802 
ADMBase         | Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1     |          0.00033500 |       0.00057100 |   0.00033492 |        0.00003045 |        0.00001797 |        0.00002774 |        0.00002788 
ADMBase         | Set the dtshift_state variable to 1     |          0.00035100 |       0.00058200 |   0.00035149 |        0.00003195 |        0.00001618 |        0.00002840 |        0.00002913 
ADMMacros       | Initialize the local_spatial_order      |          0.00030500 |       0.00049100 |   0.00030343 |        0.00002758 |        0.00000252 |        0.00002668 |        0.00002704 
CartGrid3D      | Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian c|          0.00041000 |       0.00051000 |   0.00040820 |        0.00003711 |        0.00009225 |        0.00002750 |        0.00002764 
CartGrid3D      | Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates |          0.00342300 |       0.00493100 |   0.00342499 |        0.00031136 |        0.00084450 |        0.00012206 |        0.00015437 
SphericalSurface| Set surface resolution automatically    |          0.00081800 |       0.00083300 |   0.00081702 |        0.00007427 |        0.00075213 |        0.00000233 |        0.00000263 
Dissipation     | Ensure that there are enough ghost zones|          0.00142200 |       0.00253500 |   0.00142130 |        0.00012921 |        0.00031444 |        0.00005325 |        0.00008141 
ML_ADMConstraint| check boundaries treatment              |          0.00023300 |       0.00025000 |   0.00023110 |        0.00002101 |        0.00019406 |        0.00000229 |        0.00000252 
ML_BSSN         | check boundaries treatment              |          0.00018600 |       0.00020500 |   0.00018667 |        0.00001697 |        0.00015392 |        0.00000220 |        0.00000221 
SphericalSurface| Calculate surface coordinate descriptors|          0.00010600 |       0.00012200 |   0.00010385 |        0.00000944 |        0.00007439 |        0.00000222 |        0.00000254 
CarpetReduce    | Allocate the weight function            |          0.00016000 |       0.00018100 |   0.00015893 |        0.00001445 |        0.00012598 |        0.00000228 |        0.00000228 
CarpetReduce    | Initialise the weight function          |          0.00130200 |       0.00073200 |   0.00129921 |        0.00011811 |        0.00121484 |        0.00000218 |        0.00000225 
CarpetReduce    | Set up the outer boundaries of the weigh|          0.00085700 |       0.00148200 |   0.00085425 |        0.00007766 |        0.00079052 |        0.00000217 |        0.00000217 
CarpetReduce    | Set up the weight function for the restr|          0.00135500 |       0.00270100 |   0.00135582 |        0.00012326 |        0.00126754 |        0.00000224 |        0.00000226 
CarpetReduce    | Set the weight function                 |          0.00204800 |       0.00208400 |   0.00204566 |        0.00018597 |        0.00192581 |        0.00000225 |        0.00000228 
CarpetReduce    | Test the weight function                |          0.05755100 |       0.11287400 |   0.05754606 |        0.00523146 |        0.05484282 |        0.00000217 |        0.00000264 
SphericalSurface| Set surface radii to be used for initial|          0.00012900 |       0.00024300 |   0.00012789 |        0.00001163 |        0.00009819 |        0.00000217 |        0.00000229 
SphericalSurface| Test the state of the spherical surfaces|          0.00011100 |       0.00020800 |   0.00010986 |        0.00000999 |        0.00008041 |        0.00000217 |        0.00000218 
SymBase         | Check whether the driver set up the grid|          0.00052100 |       0.00097300 |   0.00051869 |        0.00004715 |        0.00011036 |        0.00002822 |        0.00002851 
Time            | Initialise Time variables               |          0.00005000 |       0.00009200 |   0.00004891 |        0.00000445 |        0.00002089 |        0.00000227 |        0.00000227 
Time            | Set timestep based on Courant condition |          0.00037400 |       0.00067600 |   0.00037516 |        0.00003411 |        0.00000906 |        0.00003058 |        0.00003201 
TwoPunctures    | translate puncture position parameters  |          0.00006700 |       0.00012600 |   0.00006632 |        0.00000603 |        0.00003384 |        0.00000254 |        0.00000277 
                | Total time for CCTK_BASEGRID            |          0.07308300 |       0.13515300 |   0.07305744 |        0.00664159 |        0.06304613 |        0.00044402 |        0.00051927 
StaticConformal | Set the conformal_state variable to 0   |          0.00048100 |       0.00093200 |   0.00047914 |        0.00004356 |        0.00003032 |        0.00003855 |        0.00003929 
TwoPunctures    | Create puncture black hole initial data |         42.74717900 |      57.83570600 |  42.74585037 |        3.88598640 |       26.71711203 |        0.43783783 |        0.90368775 
ADMBase         | Set the shift to 0 at all points        |          0.00679300 |       0.01067500 |   0.00679156 |        0.00061741 |        0.00120608 |        0.00024462 |        0.00030697 
ADMBase         | Set the dtlapse to 0 at all points      |          0.00359800 |       0.00633500 |   0.00359620 |        0.00032693 |        0.00057901 |        0.00014111 |        0.00017039 
ADMBase         | Set the dtshift to 0 at all points      |          0.00595600 |       0.00846800 |   0.00595606 |        0.00054146 |        0.00118074 |        0.00018779 |        0.00027602 
CarpetIOASCII   | Initialisation routine                  |          0.00007600 |       0.00013800 |   0.00007413 |        0.00000674 |        0.00004536 |        0.00000233 |        0.00000241 
CarpetIOBasic   | Initialisation routine                  |          0.00004800 |       0.00008600 |   0.00004859 |        0.00000442 |        0.00002075 |        0.00000226 |        0.00000252 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Initialisation routine                  |          0.00005300 |       0.00008800 |   0.00005085 |        0.00000462 |        0.00002407 |        0.00000225 |        0.00000227 
CarpetIOScalar  | Initialisation routine                  |          0.00004700 |       0.00007800 |   0.00004573 |        0.00000416 |        0.00001712 |        0.00000234 |        0.00000293 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere       |          0.01599300 |       0.02632500 |   0.01599313 |        0.00145392 |        0.00315066 |        0.00053173 |        0.00102662 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior         |          0.03439300 |       0.06459700 |   0.03439236 |        0.00312658 |        0.01472629 |        0.00059092 |        0.00139954 
MoL             | Initialise the step size control        |          0.00020900 |       0.00041400 |   0.00020916 |        0.00001901 |        0.00003653 |        0.00001459 |        0.00001508 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Extrapolate Gammas and time derivatives |          0.00126900 |       0.00251900 |   0.00126812 |        0.00011528 |        0.00047840 |        0.00006091 |        0.00006091 
                | Total time for CCTK_INITIAL             |         42.81609500 |      57.95636100 |  42.81475539 |        3.89225049 |       26.73860736 |        0.43965723 |        0.90699271 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Close all filereader input files        |          0.00009000 |       0.00018200 |   0.00008971 |        0.00000816 |        0.00005433 |        0.00000272 |        0.00000279 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere               |          0.00450600 |       0.00897900 |   0.00450664 |        0.00040969 |        0.00171853 |        0.00011676 |        0.00018389 
ML_BSSN         | select boundary conditions              |          3.08864200 |       4.85612400 |   3.08854712 |        0.28077701 |        0.90447273 |        0.07995566 |        0.15098438 
ML_ADMConstraint| select boundary conditions              |          0.00025800 |       0.00050000 |   0.00025453 |        0.00002314 |        0.00005506 |        0.00001562 |        0.00001665 
Boundary        | Apply all requested local physical bound|          0.00676600 |       0.01341900 |   0.00676645 |        0.00010252 |        0.00081428 |        0.00003049 |        0.00010230 
CartGrid3D      | Apply symmetry boundary conditions      |          0.00216300 |       0.00428300 |   0.00215488 |        0.00003265 |        0.00005552 |        0.00002628 |        0.00002989 
ReflectionSymmet| Apply reflection symmetries             |          0.00612000 |       0.01216500 |   0.00612074 |        0.00009274 |        0.00069081 |        0.00002487 |        0.00006085 
Boundary        | Unselect all grid variables for boundary|          0.00048600 |       0.00095400 |   0.00048105 |        0.00000729 |        0.00001669 |        0.00000531 |        0.00000673 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior                 |          0.03678900 |       0.07338900 |   0.03679197 |        0.00334472 |        0.01732645 |        0.00052042 |        0.00137438 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar           |          0.47715900 |       0.93706600 |   0.47714393 |        0.04337672 |        0.17198963 |        0.00559811 |        0.01716625 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere               |          0.01446000 |       0.02883600 |   0.01446151 |        0.00131468 |        0.00342885 |        0.00044978 |        0.00151670 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Select boundary conditions for ADMBase v|          0.00042500 |       0.00083800 |   0.00042218 |        0.00003838 |        0.00012141 |        0.00002288 |        0.00002396 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate              |          0.19874700 |       0.39358600 |   0.19874267 |        0.01806752 |        0.08347365 |        0.00342106 |        0.00876769 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs    |          0.46091100 |       0.91270200 |   0.46089656 |        0.04189969 |        0.17934667 |        0.00439068 |        0.01637470 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere           |          0.00307400 |       0.00612500 |   0.00307604 |        0.00027964 |        0.00075319 |        0.00010787 |        0.00016928 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs |          0.17458700 |       0.34136200 |   0.17458121 |        0.01587102 |        0.09687807 |        0.00181594 |        0.00301328 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior             |          0.09021400 |       0.17600500 |   0.09021298 |        0.00820118 |        0.04237104 |        0.00134953 |        0.00390191 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs   |          0.09024500 |       0.17612200 |   0.09024052 |        0.00820368 |        0.01604916 |        0.00400128 |        0.00616570 
                | Total time for CCTK_POSTINITIAL         |          4.65564200 |       7.94263700 |   4.65549068 |        0.42205043 |        1.51961605 |        0.10185526 |        0.20986132 
ML_BSSN         | select boundary conditions              |          0.26248600 |       0.50880800 |   0.26247389 |        0.02386126 |        0.05439955 |        0.00831094 |        0.01635049 
ML_ADMConstraint| select boundary conditions              |          0.00021500 |       0.00042900 |   0.00021587 |        0.00001962 |        0.00000937 |        0.00001682 |        0.00001705 
Boundary        | Apply all requested local physical bound|          0.00655700 |       0.01296100 |   0.00655111 |        0.00009926 |        0.00079040 |        0.00002865 |        0.00007435 
CartGrid3D      | Apply symmetry boundary conditions      |          0.00208100 |       0.00408200 |   0.00207562 |        0.00003145 |        0.00003368 |        0.00002655 |        0.00002874 
ReflectionSymmet| Apply reflection symmetries             |          0.00651300 |       0.01288800 |   0.00650110 |        0.00009850 |        0.00084535 |        0.00002590 |        0.00005572 
Boundary        | Unselect all grid variables for boundary|          0.00048200 |       0.00094700 |   0.00049037 |        0.00000743 |        0.00002120 |        0.00000556 |        0.00000644 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior                 |          0.04148500 |       0.08202200 |   0.04148406 |        0.00377128 |        0.01998168 |        0.00052592 |        0.00138721 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar           |          0.07824600 |       0.15219700 |   0.07824472 |        0.00711316 |        0.01385569 |        0.00220188 |        0.00628919 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere               |          0.01598900 |       0.03188900 |   0.01598974 |        0.00145361 |        0.00516927 |        0.00059022 |        0.00114267 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Select boundary conditions for ADMBase v|          0.00030100 |       0.00060200 |   0.00030290 |        0.00002754 |        0.00001748 |        0.00002181 |        0.00002532 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs    |          0.06596700 |       0.12862500 |   0.06596286 |        0.00599662 |        0.01175921 |        0.00274540 |        0.00324720 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs |          0.03046600 |       0.06077700 |   0.03046412 |        0.00276947 |        0.00603294 |        0.00123500 |        0.00175931 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs   |          0.06962500 |       0.13499700 |   0.06962317 |        0.00632938 |        0.00968260 |        0.00347313 |        0.00467459 
                | Total time for CCTK_POSTRESTRICTINITIAL |          0.58041300 |       1.13122400 |   0.58037955 |        0.05157858 |        0.12259843 |        0.01920780 |        0.03505828 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Initial data checkpoint routine         |          0.00010900 |       0.00004100 |   0.00010694 |        0.00000972 |        0.00006903 |        0.00000218 |        0.00007510 
                | Total time for CCTK_CPINITIAL           |          0.00010900 |       0.00004100 |   0.00010694 |        0.00000972 |        0.00006903 |        0.00000218 |        0.00007510 
CoordGauge      | Identify the slicing for the next iterat|          0.02114700 |       0.04062600 |   0.02098775 |        0.00003923 |        0.00008612 |        0.00003361 |        0.00003983 
LoopControl     | Update LoopControl algorithm preferences|          0.03184700 |       0.05981800 |   0.03184532 |        0.00005952 |        0.00143085 |        0.00000235 |        0.00010871 
                | Total time for CCTK_PRESTEP             |          0.05299400 |       0.10044400 |   0.05283307 |        0.00009875 |        0.00151697 |        0.00003595 |        0.00014854 
MoL             | Initialise the step size control        |          0.00926100 |       0.01741200 |   0.00918842 |        0.00001717 |        0.00004801 |        0.00001353 |        0.00001677 
MoL             | Set the counter for the ODE method to lo|          0.00831300 |       0.01544600 |   0.00818961 |        0.00001531 |        0.00005321 |        0.00001345 |        0.00001435 
MoL             | Ensure the correct time and timestep are|          0.00780800 |       0.01429800 |   0.00774417 |        0.00001448 |        0.00004750 |        0.00001237 |        0.00001427 
MoL             | Allocate storage for scratch levels     |          0.14059500 |       0.26825500 |   0.14058712 |        0.00026278 |        0.00542346 |        0.00003681 |        0.00046648 
MoL             | Allocate sufficient space for array scra|          0.03128700 |       0.06032300 |   0.03125377 |        0.00005842 |        0.00053840 |        0.00003482 |        0.00007431 
MoL             | Ensure the data is in the correct timele|          1.78243400 |       3.47967300 |   1.78248899 |        0.00333176 |        0.04207629 |        0.00109521 |        0.00395552 
MoL             | Initialise the RHS functions            |          2.46686400 |       4.81724700 |   2.46648827 |        0.00115256 |        0.03521984 |        0.00038730 |        0.00116850 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1       |          7.58949300 |      15.08707600 |   7.58912823 |        0.00354632 |        0.15440642 |        0.00112878 |        0.00344682 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2       |          9.29171000 |      18.50256100 |   9.29157539 |        0.00434186 |        0.19265037 |        0.00155006 |        0.00461080 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3       |          9.62146700 |      19.16694200 |   9.62106375 |        0.00449582 |        0.22172091 |        0.00144513 |        0.00487253 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS |          0.55653600 |       1.09882400 |   0.55627333 |        0.00025994 |        0.04453010 |        0.00014426 |        0.00020409 
Dissipation     | Add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation to the rig|          1.94910000 |       3.84731800 |   1.94910010 |        0.00091079 |        0.02141646 |        0.00042214 |        0.00105696 
MoL             | Updates calculated with the efficient Ru|          5.93476900 |      11.67947300 |   5.93476847 |        0.00277326 |        0.11064080 |        0.00095581 |        0.00315662 
MoL             | Alter the counter number                |          0.04587600 |       0.08908600 |   0.04555131 |        0.00002129 |        0.00015222 |        0.00001588 |        0.00002363 
MoL             | If necessary, change the time           |          0.03526400 |       0.06795700 |   0.03498192 |        0.00001635 |        0.00009692 |        0.00001410 |        0.00001584 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere               |          0.79209500 |       1.52531700 |   0.79218452 |        0.00037018 |        0.01016472 |        0.00015731 |        0.00036575 
ML_BSSN         | select boundary conditions              |         39.67557700 |      77.14796000 |  39.67411781 |        0.01853931 |        0.96105750 |        0.00212127 |        0.02321079 
ML_ADMConstraint| select boundary conditions              |          0.04271400 |       0.08397800 |   0.04258888 |        0.00001990 |        0.00012785 |        0.00001305 |        0.00001962 
Boundary        | Apply all requested local physical bound|          0.67550400 |       1.30257000 |   0.67452839 |        0.00008405 |        0.00310709 |        0.00002848 |        0.00010538 
CartGrid3D      | Apply symmetry boundary conditions      |          0.25444500 |       0.48110100 |   0.25383102 |        0.00003163 |        0.00035106 |        0.00002684 |        0.00002994 
ReflectionSymmet| Apply reflection symmetries             |          0.87549900 |       1.65693300 |   0.87487871 |        0.00010902 |        0.00656684 |        0.00002623 |        0.00006158 
Boundary        | Unselect all grid variables for boundary|          0.06051300 |       0.11145400 |   0.06017361 |        0.00000750 |        0.00014989 |        0.00000559 |        0.00000678 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior                 |          3.16575800 |       6.18605900 |   3.16579868 |        0.00147935 |        0.07359907 |        0.00050484 |        0.00136790 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar           |         11.61115500 |      22.71400700 |  11.61054826 |        0.00542549 |        0.22020275 |        0.00152446 |        0.00416905 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere               |          2.22430600 |       4.38680100 |   2.22444686 |        0.00103946 |        0.02493628 |        0.00033960 |        0.00135300 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Select boundary conditions for ADMBase v|          0.06278600 |       0.12244500 |   0.06247691 |        0.00002919 |        0.00023826 |        0.00002092 |        0.00002793 
MoL             | If necessary, change the timestep       |          0.03496900 |       0.06475500 |   0.03468716 |        0.00001621 |        0.00012854 |        0.00001314 |        0.00001537 
MoL             | Control the step size                   |          0.00801900 |       0.01449400 |   0.00786603 |        0.00001470 |        0.00007022 |        0.00001236 |        0.00001323 
MoL             | Restoring the Save and Restore variables|          0.02719400 |       0.04930900 |   0.02712834 |        0.00005071 |        0.00026587 |        0.00003864 |        0.00004506 
MoL             | Free storage for scratch levels         |          0.02693200 |       0.04393300 |   0.02685668 |        0.00005020 |        0.00270474 |        0.00002998 |        0.00003527 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate              |          5.12675800 |      10.20133400 |   5.12647495 |        0.00958220 |        0.16366803 |        0.00235800 |        0.01010304 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs    |          5.21622300 |      10.20364100 |   5.21605100 |        0.00974963 |        0.14495954 |        0.00289610 |        0.00452227 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere           |          0.09730600 |       0.18394500 |   0.09740786 |        0.00018207 |        0.00224399 |        0.00009034 |        0.00021252 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs |          2.56221600 |       5.00958800 |   2.56210816 |        0.00478899 |        0.06966973 |        0.00108401 |        0.00215816 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior             |          1.93213700 |       3.83342200 |   1.93216851 |        0.00361153 |        0.08045093 |        0.00119989 |        0.00387402 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs   |          6.54527100 |      12.80575000 |   6.54505190 |        0.01223374 |        0.17418751 |        0.00362829 |        0.00707415 
                | Total time for CCTK_EVOL                |        120.48815400 |     236.34068700 | 120.47975710 |        0.08863316 |        2.76787132 |        0.02338899 |        0.08186829 
ML_BSSN         | select boundary conditions              |         11.31256800 |      21.97415600 |  11.31219609 |        0.02953576 |        0.46838679 |        0.00780745 |        0.01638215 
ML_ADMConstraint| select boundary conditions              |          0.00654000 |       0.01283400 |   0.00653176 |        0.00001705 |        0.00004356 |        0.00001417 |        0.00001606 
Boundary        | Apply all requested local physical bound|          0.16703000 |       0.32465200 |   0.16688271 |        0.00007262 |        0.00107394 |        0.00002789 |        0.00007362 
CartGrid3D      | Apply symmetry boundary conditions      |          0.07034800 |       0.13455800 |   0.07028384 |        0.00003058 |        0.00015450 |        0.00002632 |        0.00002968 
ReflectionSymmet| Apply reflection symmetries             |          0.18594300 |       0.35455600 |   0.18584312 |        0.00008087 |        0.00270004 |        0.00002555 |        0.00006810 
Boundary        | Unselect all grid variables for boundary|          0.01596200 |       0.03005100 |   0.01595930 |        0.00000694 |        0.00006479 |        0.00000553 |        0.00000662 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior                 |          0.47718600 |       0.92707300 |   0.47722999 |        0.00124603 |        0.02135633 |        0.00050925 |        0.00148415 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar           |          3.80019300 |       7.44945500 |   3.80005665 |        0.00992182 |        0.12238065 |        0.00259264 |        0.00628399 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere               |          0.34081400 |       0.65686900 |   0.34087233 |        0.00089001 |        0.00755635 |        0.00039773 |        0.00108460 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Select boundary conditions for ADMBase v|          0.01058200 |       0.02081200 |   0.01056252 |        0.00002758 |        0.00007630 |        0.00002154 |        0.00002684 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs    |          2.94783300 |       5.75612400 |   2.94771908 |        0.00769639 |        0.13263935 |        0.00185647 |        0.00341108 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs |          1.36025800 |       2.65547700 |   1.36022440 |        0.00355150 |        0.05553521 |        0.00105451 |        0.00160120 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs   |          3.09322600 |       6.00800600 |   3.09314309 |        0.00807609 |        0.11965147 |        0.00333398 |        0.00463839 
                | Total time for CCTK_POSTRESTRICT        |         23.78848300 |      46.30462300 |  23.78750486 |        0.06115326 |        0.93161929 |        0.01767305 |        0.03510648 
SphericalSurface| Set surface radii                       |          0.00603900 |       0.01132800 |   0.00597438 |        0.00001145 |        0.00020326 |        0.00000221 |        0.00001896 
SphericalSurface| Test the state of the spherical surfaces|          0.00488300 |       0.00916900 |   0.00486920 |        0.00000933 |        0.00016128 |        0.00000214 |        0.00001587 
Dissipation     | Setup spatially varying dissipation     |          0.43266500 |       0.82362400 |   0.43264458 |        0.00082882 |        0.01142270 |        0.00028037 |        0.00045292 
                | Total time for CCTK_POSTSTEP            |          0.44358700 |       0.84412100 |   0.44348815 |        0.00084959 |        0.01178724 |        0.00028472 |        0.00048775 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Evolution checkpoint routine            |          0.10284200 |       0.19943800 |   0.10280506 |        0.00020118 |        0.00911866 |        0.00000223 |        0.00021313 
TimerReport     | Print the timer report                  |          0.00444500 |       0.00856500 |   0.00444094 |        0.00000869 |        0.00014602 |        0.00000210 |        0.00001468 
                | Total time for CCTK_CHECKPOINT          |          0.10728700 |       0.20800300 |   0.10724600 |        0.00020987 |        0.00926468 |        0.00000433 |        0.00022781 
CarpetLib       | Print timing statistics if desired      |          0.00469700 |       0.00882500 |   0.00467366 |        0.00000895 |        0.00015105 |        0.00000214 |        0.00001452 
CarpetLib       | Print memory statistics if desired      |          0.01665700 |       0.03015000 |   0.01665030 |        0.00003190 |        0.01242961 |        0.00000209 |        0.00001380 
LoopControl     | Output LoopControl statistics           |          0.01315800 |       0.02406000 |   0.01314330 |        0.00002518 |        0.00054610 |        0.00000212 |        0.00004716 
TimerReport     | Print the timer report                  |          0.01491000 |       0.01897000 |   0.01471735 |        0.00002819 |        0.00866122 |        0.00000212 |        0.00849599 
                | Total time for CCTK_ANALYSIS            |          0.04942200 |       0.08200500 |   0.04918460 |        0.00009422 |        0.02178798 |        0.00000846 |        0.00857147 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Termination checkpoint routine          |          0.00010900 |       0.00019100 |   0.00010663 |        0.00000969 |        0.00006900 |        0.00000219 |        0.00007498 
LoopControl     | Output LoopControl statistics           |          0.00008100 |       0.00014400 |   0.00008206 |        0.00000746 |        0.00005338 |        0.00000216 |        0.00005835 
MoL             | Free the MoL bookkeeping index arrays   |          0.00058900 |       0.00069900 |   0.00059013 |        0.00005365 |        0.00002465 |        0.00004104 |        0.00004104 
TimerReport     | Print the timer report                  |          0.00749500 |       0.00762700 |   0.00749620 |        0.00068147 |        0.00712379 |        0.00000216 |        0.00747374 
                | Total time for CCTK_TERMINATE           |          0.00827400 |       0.00866100 |   0.00827501 |        0.00075227 |        0.00727082 |        0.00004755 |        0.00764812 
Timers          | Prepare hierarchical timers             |          0.00044700 |       0.00087700 |   0.00044804 |        0.00044804 |        0.00000000 |        0.00044804 |        0.00044804 
                | Total time for CCTK_SHUTDOWN            |          0.00044700 |       0.00087700 |   0.00044804 |        0.00044804 |        0.00000000 |        0.00044804 |        0.00044804 
                | Total time for simulation               |        227.22730900 |     394.41104800 | 227.22027470 |       56.80506868 |      122.34653182 |        0.00016151 |        0.00016151 
TACC:  Shutdown complete. Exiting. 
-------------- next part --------------
TACC:  Starting up job 741451 
TACC:  Starting parallel tasks... 
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  1   0101       ************************  
  01  1010 10      The Cactus Code V4.2.3    
 1010 1101 011      www.cactuscode.org     
  1001 100101    ************************  
     100011     (c) Copyright The Authors  
      0100      GNU Licensed. No Warranty  

Cactus version:    4.2.3
Compile date:      Jan 24 2018 (10:43:32)
Run date:          Feb 08 2018 (19:42:45-0600)
Run host:          c484-042.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu (pid=47005)
Working directory: /scratch/00921/healy/runs/McLachlanTest/WithHWLOC/McLachlanRHAAS_CORRECT/proc_test_o02
Executable:        /scratch/00921/healy/runs/McLachlanTest/WithHWLOC/McLachlanRHAAS_CORRECT/proc_test_o02/n24/cactus_mclachlan_rhaas
Parameter file:    n24.par

Activating thorn Cactus...Success -> active implementation Cactus
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
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INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3
Activation requested for 
--->admbase admcoupling admmacros coordgauge spacemask StaticConformal  boundary time cartgrid3d ioutil CoordBase aeilocalinterp Slab SphericalSurface LocalReduce MoL Carpet CarpetInterp CarpetIOASCII CarpetLib CarpetReduce CarpetSlab CarpetRegrid2 CarpetIOHDF5 CarpetIOScalar TwoPunctures InitBase SymBase LoopControl GSL ReflectionSymmetry CarpetIOBasic hwloc SystemTopology TimerReport ML_BSSN ML_BSSN_Helper NewRad Dissipation ML_ADMConstraints TmunuBase <---
Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of MPI
Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of Timers
Thorn CarpetIOHDF5 requests automatic activation of HDF5
Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of Vectors
Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of CycleClock
Thorn hwloc requests automatic activation of zlib
Thorn ML_ADMConstraints requests automatic activation of GenericFD
Activating thorn admbase...Success -> active implementation ADMBase
Activating thorn admcoupling...Success -> active implementation ADMCoupling
Activating thorn admmacros...Success -> active implementation ADMMacros
Activating thorn aeilocalinterp...Success -> active implementation AEILocalInterp
Activating thorn boundary...Success -> active implementation boundary
Activating thorn Carpet...Success -> active implementation Driver
Activating thorn CarpetInterp...Success -> active implementation interp
Activating thorn CarpetIOASCII...Success -> active implementation IOASCII
Activating thorn CarpetIOBasic...Success -> active implementation IOBasic
Activating thorn CarpetIOHDF5...Success -> active implementation IOHDF5
Activating thorn CarpetIOScalar...Success -> active implementation IOScalar
Activating thorn CarpetLib...Success -> active implementation CarpetLib
Activating thorn CarpetReduce...Success -> active implementation reduce
Activating thorn CarpetRegrid2...Success -> active implementation CarpetRegrid2
Activating thorn CarpetSlab...Success -> active implementation Hyperslab
Activating thorn cartgrid3d...Success -> active implementation grid
Activating thorn CoordBase...Success -> active implementation CoordBase
Activating thorn coordgauge...Success -> active implementation CoordGauge
Activating thorn CycleClock...Success -> active implementation CycleClock
Activating thorn Dissipation...Success -> active implementation Dissipation
Activating thorn GenericFD...Success -> active implementation GenericFD
Activating thorn GSL...Success -> active implementation GSL
Activating thorn HDF5...Success -> active implementation HDF5
Activating thorn hwloc...Success -> active implementation hwloc
Activating thorn InitBase...Success -> active implementation InitBase
Activating thorn ioutil...Success -> active implementation IO
Activating thorn LocalReduce...Success -> active implementation LocalReduce
Activating thorn LoopControl...Success -> active implementation LoopControl
Activating thorn ML_ADMConstraints...Success -> active implementation ML_ADMConstraints
Activating thorn ML_BSSN...Success -> active implementation ML_BSSN
Activating thorn ML_BSSN_Helper...Success -> active implementation ML_BSSN_Helper
Activating thorn MoL...Success -> active implementation MethodOfLines
Activating thorn MPI...Success -> active implementation MPI
Activating thorn NewRad...Success -> active implementation NewRad
Activating thorn ReflectionSymmetry...Success -> active implementation ReflectionSymmetry
Activating thorn Slab...Success -> active implementation Slab
Activating thorn spacemask...Success -> active implementation SpaceMask
Activating thorn SphericalSurface...Success -> active implementation SphericalSurface
Activating thorn StaticConformal...Success -> active implementation StaticConformal
Activating thorn SymBase...Success -> active implementation SymBase
Activating thorn SystemTopology...Success -> active implementation SystemTopology
Activating thorn time...Success -> active implementation time
Activating thorn TimerReport...Success -> active implementation timerreport
Activating thorn Timers...Success -> active implementation Timers
Activating thorn TmunuBase...Success -> active implementation TmunuBase
Activating thorn TwoPunctures...Success -> active implementation TwoPunctures
Activating thorn Vectors...Success -> active implementation Vectors
Activating thorn zlib...Success -> active implementation zlib
WARNING[L3,P0] (IOUtil): No HDF5 checkpoint files with basefilename 'checkpoint.chkpt' found in recovery directory 'test_checks'
  if (recover initial data)
    Recover parameters

  Startup routines
      Carpet::MultiModel_Startup: Multi-model Startup routine
      CycleClock::CycleClock_Setup: Set up CycleClock
      LoopControl::lc_setup: Set up LoopControl
      ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_SetGroupTags: [meta] Set checkpointing and prolongation group tags
      SystemTopology::ST_system_topology: Output and/or modify system topology and hardware locality
      Timers::Timer_Startup: Prepare hierarchical timers
      Carpet::Driver_Startup: Startup routine
      CarpetInterp::CarpetInterpStartup: Startup routine
      CarpetReduce::CarpetReduceStartup: Startup routine
      CartGrid3D::SymmetryStartup: Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry
      CoordBase::CoordBase_Startup: Register a GH extension to store the coordinate system handles
      AEILocalInterp::AEILocalInterp_U_Startup: register CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() interpolation operators
      IOUtil::IOUtil_Startup: Startup routine
      LocalReduce::LocalReduce_Startup: Startup routine
      CarpetIOBasic::CarpetIOBasicStartup: [global] Startup routine
      ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_Startup: [meta] create banner
      ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_Startup: [meta] create banner
      ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_RegisterSlicing: [meta] Register slicing
      CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_Startup: Startup routine
      MoL::MoL_Startup: Startup banner
      Slab::Slab_InitMPIDatatypes: Create MPI datatypes for complex variables in C
      SymBase::SymBase_Startup: Register GH Extension for SymBase
      CarpetIOScalar::CarpetIOScalarStartup: [global] Startup routine
      CarpetIOASCII::CarpetIOASCIIStartup: [global] Startup routine
      Vectors::Vectors_Startup: Print startup message

  Startup routines which need an existing grid hierarchy
      ADMBase::Einstein_InitSymBound: [global] Set up GF symmetries
      Boundary::Boundary_RegisterBCs: [global] Register boundary conditions that this thorn provides
      CarpetRegrid2::CarpetRegrid2_Initialise: [global] Initialise locations of refined regions
      CartGrid3D::RegisterCartGrid3DCoords: [meta] Register coordinates for the Cartesian grid
      CoordGauge::Einstein_ActivateSlicing: Initialize slicing, setup priorities for mixed slicings
      CoordGauge::Einstein_SetNextSlicing: Identify the slicing for the next iteration
      ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ParamCompat: [meta] Handle parameter backward compatibility
      MoL::MoL_SetupIndexArrays: Set up the MoL bookkeeping index arrays
      MoL::MoL_SetScheduleStatus: [global] Set the flag so it is ok to register with MoL
      TmunuBase::TmunuBase_SetStressEnergyState: [global] Set the stress_energy_state variable
      GROUP MoL_Register: The group where physics thorns register variables with MoL
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_RegisterVars: [meta] Register Variables for MoL
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_RegisterVars: [meta] Register Variables for MoL
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_RegisterConstrained: [meta] Register ADMBase variables as constrained
      Slab::Slab_InitTimers: Initialise timers
      GROUP SymBase_Wrapper: Wrapper group for SymBase
        GROUP SymmetryRegister: Register your symmetries here
          CartGrid3D::RegisterSymmetryBoundaries: [meta] Register symmetry boundaries
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_RegisterSymmetries: [meta] register symmetries
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_RegisterSymmetries: [meta] register symmetries
          ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Register: Register reflection symmetry boundaries
        SymBase::SymBase_Statistics: Print symmetry boundary face descriptions
      MoL::MoL_ReportNumberVariables: [meta] Report how many of each type of variable there are
  Parameter checking routines
      ADMBase::ADMBase_ParamCheck: [global] Check consistency of parameters
      Boundary::Boundary_Check: Check dimension of grid variables
      Carpet::CarpetParamCheck: Parameter checking routine
      CarpetLib::CarpetLib_test_prolongate_3d_rf2: [global] Test prolongation operators
      CarpetRegrid2::CarpetRegrid2_ParamCheck: Check parameters
      CartGrid3D::ParamCheck_CartGrid3D: Check coordinates for CartGrid3D
      Dissipation::dissipation_paramcheck: Check dissipation parameters for consistency
      ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ParamCheck: [meta] Check parameters
      MoL::MoL_ParamCheck: Basic parameter checking
      TwoPunctures::TwoPunctures_ParamCheck: Check parameters and thorn needs
      Vectors::Vectors_Test: Run correctness tests.

    if (NOT (recover initial data AND recovery_mode is 'strict'))
      Set up grid hierarchy
        CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
          GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
            GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
              CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
              CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
            GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
            GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
        Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
        GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetShiftStateOn: Set the shift_state variable to 1
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtLapseStateOn: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtShiftStateOn: Set the dtshift_state variable to 1
        ADMMacros::ADMMacros_SetLocalSpatialOrder: Initialize the local_spatial_order
        CartGrid3D::SpatialSpacings: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates (on all grids)
        CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_SetupRes: [global] [loop-local] Set surface resolution automatically
        Dissipation::dissipation_basegrid: Ensure that there are enough ghost zones
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Setup: [global] Calculate surface coordinate descriptors
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
          GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
            GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
              CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
              CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
            GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
            GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns
        GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards
          SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces
        SymBase::SymBase_Check: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently
        Time::Time_Initialise: [global] Initialise Time variables
        Time::TemporalSpacings: [singlemap] Set timestep based on Courant condition (courant_static)
        TwoPunctures::TwoPunctures_TranslateParameters: [global] translate puncture position parameters
        StaticConformal::StaticConformal_InitialiseState: Set the conformal_state variable to 0
        GROUP ADMBase_InitialData: Schedule group for calculating ADM initial data
          TwoPunctures::TwoPunctures: Create puncture black hole initial data
        GROUP ADMBase_InitialGauge: Schedule group for the ADM initial gauge condition
          ADMBase::ADMBase_ShiftZero: Set the shift to 0 at all points
          ADMBase::ADMBase_DtLapseZero: Set the dtlapse to 0 at all points
          ADMBase::ADMBase_DtShiftZero: Set the dtshift to 0 at all points
        CarpetIOASCII::CarpetIOASCIIInit: [global] Initialisation routine
        CarpetIOBasic::CarpetIOBasicInit: [global] Initialisation routine
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_Init: [global] Initialisation routine
        CarpetIOScalar::CarpetIOScalarInit: [global] Initialisation routine
        GROUP ADMBase_PostInitial: Schedule group for modifying the ADM initial data, such as e.g. adding noise
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior
        MoL::MoL_StartLoop: [level] Initialise the step size control
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ExtrapolateGammas: Extrapolate Gammas and time derivatives of lapse and shift
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_CloseFiles: [global] Close all filereader input files
        GROUP MoL_PostStepModify: The group for physics thorns to schedule enforcing constraints
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere: ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere
        GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after the initial data have been set up
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
          ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
        GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolution: Calculate pseudo-evolved quantities
          GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
              ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
              GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
                GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                  Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                  CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                  ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
              ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
              GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
                GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                  Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                  CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                  ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
              ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
              GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
                GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                  Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                  CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                  ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
      Initialise finer grids recursively
      Restrict from finer grids
        GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after restriction
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
          ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
        GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii
        GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards
          SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces
        Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
    if (recover initial data)
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetShiftStateOn: Set the shift_state variable to 1
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtLapseStateOn: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1
        ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtShiftStateOn: Set the dtshift_state variable to 1
        ADMMacros::ADMMacros_SetLocalSpatialOrder: Initialize the local_spatial_order
        CartGrid3D::SpatialSpacings: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates (on all grids)
        CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_SetupRes: [global] [loop-local] Set surface resolution automatically
        Dissipation::dissipation_basegrid: Ensure that there are enough ghost zones
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Setup: [global] Calculate surface coordinate descriptors
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
          GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
            GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
              CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
              CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
            GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
            GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns
        GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards
          SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces
        SymBase::SymBase_Check: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently
        Time::Time_Initialise: [global] Initialise Time variables
        Time::TemporalSpacings: [singlemap] Set timestep based on Courant condition (courant_static)
        TwoPunctures::TwoPunctures_TranslateParameters: [global] translate puncture position parameters
        IOUtil::IOUtil_RecoverGH: [level] Checkpoint recovery routine
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_InitCheckpointingIntervals: [global] Initialisation of checkpointing intervals after recovery
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_CloseFiles: [meta] Close all initial data checkpoint files after recovery
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
          GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
            GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
              CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
              CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
            GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
            GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
        GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after recovery
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
          ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
          GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
    if (checkpoint initial data)
        CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_InitialDataCheckpoint: [meta] Initial data checkpoint routine
    if (analysis)
        CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printtimestats: [global] Print timing statistics if desired
        CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printmemstats: [global] Print memory statistics if desired
        LoopControl::lc_statistics_analysis: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics
        GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysis: Calculate RHS at analysis
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior
          ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS
        TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report
  Output grid variables

  do loop over timesteps
    Change grid hierarchy
      CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding
      GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
          GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
            CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
          GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
          GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
      Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
      GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after regridding
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
      GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
    Rotate timelevels
    iteration = iteration+1
    t = t+dt
      CoordGauge::Einstein_SetNextSlicing: Identify the slicing for the next iteration
      LoopControl::lc_steer: [meta] Update LoopControl algorithm preferences
      MoL::MoL_StartLoop: [level] Initialise the step size control
      while (MoL::MoL_Stepsize_Bad)
        GROUP MoL_Evolution: A single Cactus evolution step using MoL
          GROUP MoL_StartStep: MoL internal setup for the evolution step
            MoL::MoL_SetCounter: [level] Set the counter for the ODE method to loop over
            MoL::MoL_SetTime: [level] Ensure the correct time and timestep are used
            MoL::MoL_AllocateScratchSpace: [level] Allocate storage for scratch levels
          GROUP MoL_PreStep: Physics thorns can schedule preloop setup routines in here
          MoL::MoL_AllocateScratch: Allocate sufficient space for array scratch variables
          MoL::MoL_InitialCopy: Ensure the data is in the correct timelevel
          while (MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Step)
            GROUP MoL_Step: The loop over the intermediate steps for the ODE integrator
              MoL::MoL_InitRHS: Initialise the RHS functions
              GROUP MoL_CalcRHS: Physics thorns schedule the calculation of the discrete spatial operator in here
                GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy: 
                  ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1
                  ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2
                  ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3
                ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS
              GROUP MoL_PostRHS: Modify RHS functions
                Dissipation::dissipation_add: Add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation to the right hand sides
              GROUP MoL_RHSBoundaries: Any 'final' modifications to the RHS functions (boundaries etc.)
              MoL::MoL_Add: Updates calculated with the efficient Runge-Kutta 4 method
              MoL::MoL_DecrementCounter: [level] Alter the counter number
              MoL::MoL_ResetTime: [level] If necessary, change the time
              GROUP MoL_PostStepModify: The group for physics thorns to schedule enforcing constraints
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere: ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere
              GROUP MoL_PostStep: The group for physics thorns to schedule boundary calls etc.
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
                ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
                GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
                  GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                    Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                    CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                    ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                  Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
                GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
                  GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                    Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                    CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                    ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                  Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
                ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
                ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
                GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
                  GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                    Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                    CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                    ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
                  Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
                GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
              MoL::MoL_ResetDeltaTime: [level] If necessary, change the timestep
          end while
          MoL::MoL_FinishLoop: [level] Control the step size
          MoL::MoL_RestoreSandR: Restoring the Save and Restore variables to the original state
          MoL::MoL_FreeScratchSpace: [level] Free storage for scratch levels
      end while
      GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolution: Calculate pseudo-evolved quantities
        GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
            GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
              GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
                Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
                CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
                ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
              Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
    Evolve finer grids recursively
    Restrict from finer grids
      GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after restriction
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
      GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
      SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii
      GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards
        SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces
      Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
    if (checkpoint)
      CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_EvolutionCheckpoint: [meta] Evolution checkpoint routine
      TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Checkpoint: [global] Print the timer report
    if (analysis)
      CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printtimestats: [global] Print timing statistics if desired
      CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printmemstats: [global] Print memory statistics if desired
      LoopControl::lc_statistics_analysis: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics
      GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysis: Calculate RHS at analysis
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS
      TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report
    Output grid variables

  Termination routines
      CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_TerminationCheckpoint: [meta] Termination checkpoint routine
      LoopControl::lc_statistics_terminate: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics
      MoL::MoL_FreeIndexArrays: Free the MoL bookkeeping index arrays
      TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report

  Shutdown routines
      Timers::Timer_Shutdown: Prepare hierarchical timers

  Routines run after changing the grid hierarchy:
      CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding
      GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function
        GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function
          GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
            CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function
            CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions
          GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here)
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function
          GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here)
          CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function
      Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation
      GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after regridding
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar
        ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere
        ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables
          GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
            Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
            CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
            ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
          Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards
      GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities
        GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
          ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
        GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
          ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs
          GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior
            GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions
              Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions
              CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions
              ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries
            Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions
INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model listing:
   model 0: "world"
INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model process distribution:
   processes 0-575: model 0 "world"
INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model: This is process 0, model 0 "world"
WARNING[L3,P0] (CarpetLib): Could not determine Cactus startup time (environment variable CACTUS_STARTTIME is not set; it should be set to the output of "date +%s")
Current core file size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=0 MB
Current memory size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=[unlimited]
INFO (CycleClock): Measuring CycleClock tick via OpenMP...
INFO (CycleClock): Calibrated CycleClock: 0.477287 ns per clock tick (2.09517 GHz)
INFO (SystemTopology): MPI process-to-host mapping:
This is MPI process 0 of 576
MPI hosts:
  0: c484-042.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  1: c485-053.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  2: c485-054.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  3: c489-064.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  4: c489-071.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  5: c490-011.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  6: c490-012.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  7: c490-061.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  8: c490-062.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  9: c490-073.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  10: c490-074.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  11: c491-013.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  12: c491-014.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  13: c491-093.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  14: c491-094.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  15: c491-101.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  16: c491-102.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  17: c491-104.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  18: c491-111.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  19: c491-112.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  20: c491-114.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  21: c491-121.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  22: c491-133.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
  23: c491-134.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu
This MPI process runs on host 0 of 24
On this host, this is MPI process 0 of 24
INFO (SystemTopology): Topology support:
Discovery support:
  discovery->pu                            : yes
CPU binding support:
  cpubind->set_thisproc_cpubind            : yes
  cpubind->get_thisproc_cpubind            : yes
  cpubind->set_proc_cpubind                : yes
  cpubind->get_proc_cpubind                : yes
  cpubind->set_thisthread_cpubind          : yes
  cpubind->get_thisthread_cpubind          : yes
  cpubind->set_thread_cpubind              : yes
  cpubind->get_thread_cpubind              : yes
  cpubind->get_thisproc_last_cpu_location  : yes
  cpubind->get_proc_last_cpu_location      : yes
  cpubind->get_thisthread_last_cpu_location: yes
Memory binding support:
  membind->set_thisproc_membind            : no
  membind->get_thisproc_membind            : no
  membind->set_proc_membind                : no
  membind->get_proc_membind                : no
  membind->set_thisthread_membind          : yes
  membind->get_thisthread_membind          : yes
  membind->set_area_membind                : yes
  membind->get_area_membind                : yes
  membind->alloc_membind                   : yes
  membind->firsttouch_membind              : yes
  membind->bind_membind                    : yes
  membind->interleave_membind              : yes
  membind->replicate_membind               : no
  membind->nexttouch_membind               : no
  membind->migrate_membind                 : yes
INFO (SystemTopology): Hardware objects in this node:
Machine L#0: (P#0, total=199955888KB, DMIProductName="PowerEdge C6420", DMIProductVersion=, DMIBoardVendor="Dell Inc.", DMIBoardName=0XG00K, DMIBoardVersion=A01, DMIBoardAssetTag=, DMIChassisVendor="Dell Inc.", DMIChassisType=23, DMIChassisVersion=, DMIChassisAssetTag=, DMIBIOSVendor="Dell Inc.", DMIBIOSVersion=1.1.7, DMIBIOSDate=08/14/2017, DMISysVendor="Dell Inc.", Backend=Linux, LinuxCgroup=/, OSName=Linux, OSRelease=3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64, OSVersion="#1 SMP Thu Jan 4 01:06:37 UTC 2018", HostName=c484-042.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu, Architecture=x86_64, hwlocVersion=1.10.1)
  NUMANode L#0: (P#0, local=99292592KB, total=99292592KB)
    Socket L#0: (P#0, CPUVendor=GenuineIntel, CPUFamilyNumber=6, CPUModelNumber=85, CPUModel="Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8160 CPU @ 2.10GHz")
      L3Cache L#0: (P#-1, size=33792KB, linesize=64, ways=11)
        L2Cache L#0: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#0: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#0: (P#0)
              PU L#0: (P#0)
              PU L#1: (P#48)
        L2Cache L#1: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#1: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#1: (P#5)
              PU L#2: (P#2)
              PU L#3: (P#50)
        L2Cache L#2: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#2: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#2: (P#1)
              PU L#4: (P#4)
              PU L#5: (P#52)
        L2Cache L#3: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#3: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#3: (P#4)
              PU L#6: (P#6)
              PU L#7: (P#54)
        L2Cache L#4: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#4: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#4: (P#2)
              PU L#8: (P#8)
              PU L#9: (P#56)
        L2Cache L#5: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#5: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#5: (P#3)
              PU L#10: (P#10)
              PU L#11: (P#58)
        L2Cache L#6: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#6: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#6: (P#8)
              PU L#12: (P#12)
              PU L#13: (P#60)
        L2Cache L#7: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#7: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#7: (P#13)
              PU L#14: (P#14)
              PU L#15: (P#62)
        L2Cache L#8: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#8: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#8: (P#9)
              PU L#16: (P#16)
              PU L#17: (P#64)
        L2Cache L#9: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#9: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#9: (P#12)
              PU L#18: (P#18)
              PU L#19: (P#66)
        L2Cache L#10: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#10: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#10: (P#10)
              PU L#20: (P#20)
              PU L#21: (P#68)
        L2Cache L#11: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#11: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#11: (P#11)
              PU L#22: (P#22)
              PU L#23: (P#70)
        L2Cache L#12: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#12: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#12: (P#16)
              PU L#24: (P#24)
              PU L#25: (P#72)
        L2Cache L#13: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#13: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#13: (P#21)
              PU L#26: (P#26)
              PU L#27: (P#74)
        L2Cache L#14: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#14: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#14: (P#17)
              PU L#28: (P#28)
              PU L#29: (P#76)
        L2Cache L#15: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#15: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#15: (P#20)
              PU L#30: (P#30)
              PU L#31: (P#78)
        L2Cache L#16: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#16: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#16: (P#18)
              PU L#32: (P#32)
              PU L#33: (P#80)
        L2Cache L#17: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#17: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#17: (P#19)
              PU L#34: (P#34)
              PU L#35: (P#82)
        L2Cache L#18: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#18: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#18: (P#24)
              PU L#36: (P#36)
              PU L#37: (P#84)
        L2Cache L#19: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#19: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#19: (P#29)
              PU L#38: (P#38)
              PU L#39: (P#86)
        L2Cache L#20: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#20: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#20: (P#25)
              PU L#40: (P#40)
              PU L#41: (P#88)
        L2Cache L#21: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#21: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#21: (P#28)
              PU L#42: (P#42)
              PU L#43: (P#90)
        L2Cache L#22: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#22: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#22: (P#26)
              PU L#44: (P#44)
              PU L#45: (P#92)
        L2Cache L#23: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#23: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#23: (P#27)
              PU L#46: (P#46)
              PU L#47: (P#94)
  NUMANode L#1: (P#1, local=100663296KB, total=100663296KB)
    Socket L#1: (P#1, CPUVendor=GenuineIntel, CPUFamilyNumber=6, CPUModelNumber=85, CPUModel="Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8160 CPU @ 2.10GHz")
      L3Cache L#1: (P#-1, size=33792KB, linesize=64, ways=11)
        L2Cache L#24: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#24: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#24: (P#0)
              PU L#48: (P#1)
              PU L#49: (P#49)
        L2Cache L#25: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#25: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#25: (P#5)
              PU L#50: (P#3)
              PU L#51: (P#51)
        L2Cache L#26: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#26: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#26: (P#1)
              PU L#52: (P#5)
              PU L#53: (P#53)
        L2Cache L#27: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#27: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#27: (P#4)
              PU L#54: (P#7)
              PU L#55: (P#55)
        L2Cache L#28: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#28: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#28: (P#2)
              PU L#56: (P#9)
              PU L#57: (P#57)
        L2Cache L#29: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#29: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#29: (P#3)
              PU L#58: (P#11)
              PU L#59: (P#59)
        L2Cache L#30: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#30: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#30: (P#8)
              PU L#60: (P#13)
              PU L#61: (P#61)
        L2Cache L#31: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#31: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#31: (P#13)
              PU L#62: (P#15)
              PU L#63: (P#63)
        L2Cache L#32: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#32: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#32: (P#9)
              PU L#64: (P#17)
              PU L#65: (P#65)
        L2Cache L#33: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#33: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#33: (P#12)
              PU L#66: (P#19)
              PU L#67: (P#67)
        L2Cache L#34: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#34: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#34: (P#10)
              PU L#68: (P#21)
              PU L#69: (P#69)
        L2Cache L#35: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#35: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#35: (P#11)
              PU L#70: (P#23)
              PU L#71: (P#71)
        L2Cache L#36: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#36: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#36: (P#16)
              PU L#72: (P#25)
              PU L#73: (P#73)
        L2Cache L#37: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#37: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#37: (P#21)
              PU L#74: (P#27)
              PU L#75: (P#75)
        L2Cache L#38: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#38: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#38: (P#17)
              PU L#76: (P#29)
              PU L#77: (P#77)
        L2Cache L#39: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#39: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#39: (P#20)
              PU L#78: (P#31)
              PU L#79: (P#79)
        L2Cache L#40: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#40: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#40: (P#18)
              PU L#80: (P#33)
              PU L#81: (P#81)
        L2Cache L#41: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#41: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#41: (P#19)
              PU L#82: (P#35)
              PU L#83: (P#83)
        L2Cache L#42: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#42: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#42: (P#24)
              PU L#84: (P#37)
              PU L#85: (P#85)
        L2Cache L#43: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#43: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#43: (P#29)
              PU L#86: (P#39)
              PU L#87: (P#87)
        L2Cache L#44: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#44: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#44: (P#25)
              PU L#88: (P#41)
              PU L#89: (P#89)
        L2Cache L#45: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#45: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#45: (P#28)
              PU L#90: (P#43)
              PU L#91: (P#91)
        L2Cache L#46: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#46: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#46: (P#26)
              PU L#92: (P#45)
              PU L#93: (P#93)
        L2Cache L#47: (P#-1, size=1024KB, linesize=64, ways=16)
          L1dCache L#47: (P#-1, size=32KB, linesize=64, ways=8)
            Core L#47: (P#27)
              PU L#94: (P#47)
              PU L#95: (P#95)
INFO (SystemTopology): Thread CPU bindings:
  MPI process 0 on host 0 (process 0 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{0-1,4-5} P#{0,4,48,52}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{0-1,4-5} P#{0,4,48,52}
  MPI process 1 on host 0 (process 1 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{8-11} P#{8,10,56,58}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{8-11} P#{8,10,56,58}
  MPI process 2 on host 0 (process 2 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{2-3,6-7} P#{2,6,50,54}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{2-3,6-7} P#{2,6,50,54}
  MPI process 3 on host 0 (process 3 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{12-13,16-17} P#{12,16,60,64}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{12-13,16-17} P#{12,16,60,64}
  MPI process 4 on host 0 (process 4 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{20-23} P#{20,22,68,70}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{20-23} P#{20,22,68,70}
  MPI process 5 on host 0 (process 5 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{14-15,18-19} P#{14,18,62,66}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{14-15,18-19} P#{14,18,62,66}
  MPI process 6 on host 0 (process 6 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{24-25,28-29} P#{24,28,72,76}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{24-25,28-29} P#{24,28,72,76}
  MPI process 7 on host 0 (process 7 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{32-35} P#{32,34,80,82}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{32-35} P#{32,34,80,82}
  MPI process 8 on host 0 (process 8 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{26-27,30-31} P#{26,30,74,78}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{26-27,30-31} P#{26,30,74,78}
  MPI process 9 on host 0 (process 9 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{36-37,40-41} P#{36,40,84,88}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{36-37,40-41} P#{36,40,84,88}
  MPI process 10 on host 0 (process 10 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{44-47} P#{44,46,92,94}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{44-47} P#{44,46,92,94}
  MPI process 11 on host 0 (process 11 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{38-39,42-43} P#{38,42,86,90}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{38-39,42-43} P#{38,42,86,90}
  MPI process 12 on host 0 (process 12 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{48-49,52-53} P#{1,5,49,53}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{48-49,52-53} P#{1,5,49,53}
  MPI process 13 on host 0 (process 13 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{56-59} P#{9,11,57,59}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{56-59} P#{9,11,57,59}
  MPI process 14 on host 0 (process 14 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{50-51,54-55} P#{3,7,51,55}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{50-51,54-55} P#{3,7,51,55}
  MPI process 15 on host 0 (process 15 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{60-61,64-65} P#{13,17,61,65}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{60-61,64-65} P#{13,17,61,65}
  MPI process 16 on host 0 (process 16 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{68-71} P#{21,23,69,71}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{68-71} P#{21,23,69,71}
  MPI process 17 on host 0 (process 17 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{62-63,66-67} P#{15,19,63,67}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{62-63,66-67} P#{15,19,63,67}
  MPI process 18 on host 0 (process 18 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{72-73,76-77} P#{25,29,73,77}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{72-73,76-77} P#{25,29,73,77}
  MPI process 19 on host 0 (process 19 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{80-83} P#{33,35,81,83}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{80-83} P#{33,35,81,83}
  MPI process 20 on host 0 (process 20 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{74-75,78-79} P#{27,31,75,79}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{74-75,78-79} P#{27,31,75,79}
  MPI process 21 on host 0 (process 21 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{84-85,88-89} P#{37,41,85,89}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{84-85,88-89} P#{37,41,85,89}
  MPI process 22 on host 0 (process 22 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{92-95} P#{45,47,93,95}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{92-95} P#{45,47,93,95}
  MPI process 23 on host 0 (process 23 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{86-87,90-91} P#{39,43,87,91}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{86-87,90-91} P#{39,43,87,91}
INFO (SystemTopology): Setting thread CPU bindings:
INFO (SystemTopology): Thread CPU bindings:
  MPI process 0 on host 0 (process 0 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{0} P#{0}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{2} P#{2}
  MPI process 1 on host 0 (process 1 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{4} P#{4}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{6} P#{6}
  MPI process 2 on host 0 (process 2 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{8} P#{8}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{10} P#{10}
  MPI process 3 on host 0 (process 3 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{12} P#{12}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{14} P#{14}
  MPI process 4 on host 0 (process 4 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{16} P#{16}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{18} P#{18}
  MPI process 5 on host 0 (process 5 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{20} P#{20}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{22} P#{22}
  MPI process 6 on host 0 (process 6 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{24} P#{24}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{26} P#{26}
  MPI process 7 on host 0 (process 7 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{28} P#{28}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{30} P#{30}
  MPI process 8 on host 0 (process 8 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{32} P#{32}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{34} P#{34}
  MPI process 9 on host 0 (process 9 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{36} P#{36}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{38} P#{38}
  MPI process 10 on host 0 (process 10 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{40} P#{40}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{42} P#{42}
  MPI process 11 on host 0 (process 11 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{44} P#{44}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{46} P#{46}
  MPI process 12 on host 0 (process 12 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{48} P#{1}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{50} P#{3}
  MPI process 13 on host 0 (process 13 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{52} P#{5}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{54} P#{7}
  MPI process 14 on host 0 (process 14 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{56} P#{9}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{58} P#{11}
  MPI process 15 on host 0 (process 15 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{60} P#{13}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{62} P#{15}
  MPI process 16 on host 0 (process 16 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{64} P#{17}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{66} P#{19}
  MPI process 17 on host 0 (process 17 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{68} P#{21}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{70} P#{23}
  MPI process 18 on host 0 (process 18 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{72} P#{25}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{74} P#{27}
  MPI process 19 on host 0 (process 19 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{76} P#{29}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{78} P#{31}
  MPI process 20 on host 0 (process 20 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{80} P#{33}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{82} P#{35}
  MPI process 21 on host 0 (process 21 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{84} P#{37}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{86} P#{39}
  MPI process 22 on host 0 (process 22 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{88} P#{41}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{90} P#{43}
  MPI process 23 on host 0 (process 23 of 24 on this host)
    OpenMP thread 0: PU set L#{92} P#{45}
    OpenMP thread 1: PU set L#{94} P#{47}
INFO (SystemTopology): Extracting CPU/cache/memory properties:
  There are 2 PUs per core (aka hardware SMT threads)
  There are 1 threads per core (aka SMT threads used)
  Cache (unknown name) has type "data" depth 1
    size 32768 linesize 64 associativity 8 stride 4096, for 2 PUs
  Cache (unknown name) has type "unified" depth 2
    size 1048576 linesize 64 associativity 16 stride 65536, for 2 PUs
  Cache (unknown name) has type "unified" depth 3
    size 34603008 linesize 64 associativity 11 stride 3145728, for 48 PUs
  Memory has type "local" depth 1
    size 101675614208 pagesize 4096, for 48 PUs
  Memory has type "global" depth 1
    size 203351228416 pagesize 4096, for 96 PUs
INFO (Vectors): Using vector size 4 for architecture AVX (64-bit precision)
AMR driver provided by Carpet
AMR info I/O provided by CarpetIOBasic
AMR HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
AMR 0D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
AMR 1D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
AMR 2D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
AMR 3D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5
MoL: Generalized time integration.
AMR scalar I/O provided by CarpetIOScalar
AMR 0D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII
AMR 1D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII
AMR 2D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII
AMR 3D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII

INFO (Carpet): MPI is enabled
INFO (Carpet): Carpet is running on 576 processes
INFO (Carpet): This is process 0
INFO (Carpet): OpenMP is enabled
INFO (Carpet): This process contains 2 threads, this is thread 0
INFO (Carpet): There are 1152 threads in total
INFO (Carpet): There are 2 threads per process
INFO (Carpet): This process runs on host c484-042.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu, pid=47005
INFO (Carpet): This process runs on 2 cores: 0, 2
INFO (Carpet): Thread 0 runs on 1 core: 0
INFO (Carpet): Thread 1 runs on 1 core: 2
INFO (Carpet): This simulation is running in 3 dimensions
INFO (Carpet): Boundary specification for map 0:
   nboundaryzones: [[4,4,4],[4,4,4]]
   is_internal   : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   is_staggered  : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   shiftout      : [[0,0,1],[0,0,0]]
INFO (Carpet): CoordBase domain specification for map 0:
   physical extent: [-400,-400,0] : [400,400,400]   ([800,800,400])
   interior extent: [-397.619,-397.619,0] : [397.619,397.619,397.619]   ([795.238,795.238,397.619])
   exterior extent: [-407.143,-407.143,-9.52381] : [407.143,407.143,407.143]   ([814.286,814.286,416.667])
   base_spacing   : [2.38095,2.38095,2.38095]
INFO (Carpet): Adapted domain specification for map 0:
   convergence factor: 2
   convergence level : 0
   physical extent   : [-400,-400,0] : [400,400,400]   ([800,800,400])
   interior extent   : [-397.619,-397.619,0] : [397.619,397.619,397.619]   ([795.238,795.238,397.619])
   exterior extent   : [-407.143,-407.143,-9.52381] : [407.143,407.143,407.143]   ([814.286,814.286,416.667])
   spacing           : [2.38095,2.38095,2.38095]
INFO (Carpet): Base grid specification for map 0:
   number of grid points             : [343,343,176]
   number of coarse grid ghost points: [[4,4,4],[4,4,4]]
INFO (Carpet): Buffer zone counts (excluding ghosts):
   [0]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [1]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [2]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [3]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [4]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [5]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [6]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [7]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [8]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [9]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
   [10]: [[12,12,12],[12,12,12]]
INFO (Carpet): Overlap zone counts:
   [0]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [1]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [2]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [3]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [4]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [5]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [6]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [7]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [8]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [9]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
   [10]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
INFO (Carpet): Group and variable statistics:
INFO (Carpet):    There are 795 grid functions in 57 groups
INFO (Carpet):    There are 296 grid scalars in 48 groups
INFO (Carpet):    There are 81 1-dimensional grid arrays in 7 groups
INFO (Carpet):    There are 4 2-dimensional grid arrays in 2 groups
INFO (Carpet):    There are 0 3-dimensional grid arrays in 0 groups
INFO (Carpet):    (The number of variables counts all time levels)
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5' registered: AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_0D' registered: 0D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_1D' registered: 1D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_2D' registered: 2D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_3D' registered: 3D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files
INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_0D' registered: 0D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files
INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_1D' registered: 1D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files
INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_2D' registered: 2D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files
INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_3D' registered: 3D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files
INFO (MoL): Using Runge-Kutta 4 as the time integrator.
INFO (SymBase): Symmetry on lower z-face: reflection_symmetry
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of evolved variables is 539. 25 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of slow evolved variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of constrained variables is 539. 20 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of SandR variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of evolved array variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of constrained array variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum number of SandR array variables is 539. 0 are registered.
INFO (MoL): The maximum size of any array variables is 0.
INFO (TwoPunctures): Solving for BHs
INFO (TwoPunctures): The two puncture-masses are 3.7184864994664302e-01 and 5.2992932897048906e-01.

INFO (Vectors): Testing vectorisation... [errors may result in segfaults]
INFO (Vectors): 2300/2300 tests passed 
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0
INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1
INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points):
   [0][0][0]   exterior: [0,0,0] : [342,342,175]   ([343,343,176] + PADDING) 20706224
   [1][0][0]   exterior: [141,141,4] : [543,543,209]   ([403,403,206] + PADDING) 33456254
   [2][0][0]   exterior: [420,420,12] : [948,948,280]   ([529,529,269] + PADDING) 75277229
   [3][0][0]   exterior: [1215,1238,28] : [1518,1498,162]   ([304,261,135] + PADDING) 10711440
   [4][0][0]   exterior: [2610,2657,60] : [2855,2815,143]   ([246,159,84] + PADDING) 3285576
   [5][0][0]   exterior: [5301,5395,124] : [5629,5549,205]   ([329,155,82] + PADDING) 4181590
   [6][0][0]   exterior: [10679,10867,252] : [10832,11021,333]   ([154,155,82] + PADDING) 1957340
   [6][0][1]   exterior: [11028,10867,252] : [11181,11021,333]   ([154,155,82] + PADDING) 1957340
   [7][0][0]   exterior: [21434,21811,508] : [21587,21965,589]   ([154,155,82] + PADDING) 1957340
   [7][0][1]   exterior: [22133,21811,508] : [22286,21965,589]   ([154,155,82] + PADDING) 1957340
   [8][0][0]   exterior: [42933,43689,1020] : [43108,43863,1111]   ([176,175,92] + PADDING) 2833600
   [8][0][1]   exterior: [44331,43689,1020] : [44505,43863,1111]   ([175,175,92] + PADDING) 2817500
   [9][0][0]   exterior: [88771,87486,2044] : [88902,87618,2114]   ([132,133,71] + PADDING) 1246476
   [9][0][1]   exterior: [85921,87432,2044] : [86160,87672,2168]   ([240,241,125] + PADDING) 7230000
   [10][0][0]   exterior: [177607,175038,4092] : [177739,175170,4162]   ([133,133,71] + PADDING) 1255919
   [10][0][1]   exterior: [171962,174984,4092] : [172201,175224,4216]   ([240,241,125] + PADDING) 7230000
INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates):
   [0][0][0]   exterior: [-407.142857142857167,-407.142857142857167,-9.523809523809520] : [407.142857142857167,407.142857142857167,407.142857142857167] : [2.380952380952381,2.380952380952381,2.380952380952381]
   [1][0][0]   exterior: [-239.285714285714306,-239.285714285714306,-4.761904761904758] : [239.285714285714278,239.285714285714278,239.285714285714278] : [1.190476190476190,1.190476190476190,1.190476190476190]
   [2][0][0]   exterior: [-157.142857142857167,-157.142857142857167,-2.380952380952378] : [157.142857142857167,157.142857142857167,157.142857142857139] : [0.595238095238095,0.595238095238095,0.595238095238095]
   [3][0][0]   exterior: [-45.535714285714334,-38.690476190476204,-1.190476190476186] : [44.642857142857110,38.690476190476147,38.690476190476197] : [0.297619047619048,0.297619047619048,0.297619047619048]
   [4][0][0]   exterior: [-18.750000000000000,-11.755952380952408,-0.595238095238091] : [17.708333333333314,11.755952380952351,11.755952380952385] : [0.148809523809524,0.148809523809524,0.148809523809524]
   [5][0][0]   exterior: [-12.723214285714334,-5.729166666666686,-0.297619047619044] : [11.681547619047592,5.729166666666629,5.729166666666670] : [0.074404761904762,0.074404761904762,0.074404761904762]
   [6][0][0]   exterior: [-9.858630952380963,-2.864583333333371,-0.148809523809520] : [-4.166666666666686,2.864583333333314,2.864583333333337] : [0.037202380952381,0.037202380952381,0.037202380952381]
   [6][0][1]   exterior: [3.125000000000000,-2.864583333333371,-0.148809523809520] : [8.816964285714278,2.864583333333314,2.864583333333337] : [0.037202380952381,0.037202380952381,0.037202380952381]
   [7][0][0]   exterior: [-8.444940476190482,-1.432291666666686,-0.074404761904759] : [-5.598958333333371,1.432291666666629,1.432291666666670] : [0.018601190476190,0.018601190476190,0.018601190476190]
   [7][0][1]   exterior: [4.557291666666629,-1.432291666666686,-0.074404761904759] : [7.403273809523796,1.432291666666629,1.432291666666670] : [0.018601190476190,0.018601190476190,0.018601190476190]
   [8][0][0]   exterior: [-7.840401785714334,-0.809151785714334,-0.037202380952378] : [-6.212797619047649,0.809151785714278,0.809151785714290] : [0.009300595238095,0.009300595238095,0.009300595238095]
   [8][0][1]   exterior: [5.161830357142833,-0.809151785714334,-0.037202380952378] : [6.780133928571388,0.809151785714278,0.809151785714290] : [0.009300595238095,0.009300595238095,0.009300595238095]
   [9][0][0]   exterior: [5.668712797619037,-0.306919642857167,-0.018601190476186] : [6.277901785714278,0.306919642857110,0.306919642857146] : [0.004650297619048,0.004650297619048,0.004650297619048]
   [9][0][1]   exterior: [-7.584635416666686,-0.558035714285722,-0.018601190476186] : [-6.473214285714334,0.558035714285666,0.558035714285717] : [0.004650297619048,0.004650297619048,0.004650297619048]
   [10][0][0]   exterior: [5.819847470238074,-0.153459821428612,-0.009300595238091] : [6.126767113095184,0.153459821428555,0.153459821428575] : [0.002325148809524,0.002325148809524,0.002325148809524]
   [10][0][1]   exterior: [-7.305617559523853,-0.279017857142890,-0.009300595238091] : [-6.749906994047649,0.279017857142833,0.279017857142861] : [0.002325148809524,0.002325148809524,0.002325148809524]
INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics:
INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 5218k active, 7477k owned (+43%), 17924k total (+140%), 2.05e+03 steps/time
INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 205, pts: 29260M active, 35369M owned (+21%), 67476M total (+91%), 1.0 comp/proc
INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 376, pts: 7M active, 7M total (+0%)
INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 539.861 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs)
INFO (Carpet): Load balance:  min     avg     max     sdv     max/avg-1
INFO (Carpet): Level  0:       5M      7M      8M      1M owned     16%
INFO (Carpet): Level  1:      10M     12M     12M      1M owned      6%
INFO (Carpet): Level  2:      24M     26M     27M      1M owned      4%
INFO (Carpet): Level  3:       3M      4M      4M      0M owned      9%
INFO (Carpet): Level  4:       1M      1M      1M      0M owned     13%
INFO (Carpet): Level  5:       1M      1M      2M      0M owned     16%
INFO (Carpet): Level  6:       1M      1M      2M      0M owned     17%
INFO (Carpet): Level  7:       1M      1M      2M      0M owned     17%
INFO (Carpet): Level  8:       2M      2M      2M      0M owned      9%
INFO (Carpet): Level  9:       2M      3M      3M      0M owned      8%
INFO (Carpet): Level 10:       2M      3M      3M      0M owned     13%
INFO (CartGrid3D): Grid Spacings:
INFO (CartGrid3D): dx=>2.3809524e+00  dy=>2.3809524e+00  dz=>2.3809524e+00
INFO (CartGrid3D): Computational Coordinates:
INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[-407.143,407.143]  y=>[-407.143,407.143]  z=>[-9.524,407.143]
INFO (CartGrid3D): Indices of Physical Coordinates:
INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[0,342]  y=>[0,342]  z=>[0,175]
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.793651 (courant_static)
tp_par_b is 6.5000000000000000e+00
angle1 is 0.0000000000000000e+00
angle2 is 0.0000000000000000e+00
INFO (Carpet): There are not enough time levels for the desired temporal prolongation order in the grid function group "TWOPUNCTURES::PUNCTURE_U".  With Carpet::prolongation_order_time=2, you need at least 3 time levels.
INFO (TwoPunctures): Solving puncture equation
Newton: it=0 	 |F|=2.510304e-01
bicgstab:  itmax 100, tol 2.510304e-04
bicgstab:     0   1.678e+00
bicgstab:     1   1.494e+00   1.038e+00   0.000e+00   5.829e-01
bicgstab:     2   1.448e-01   1.332e+00   1.858e-02   4.151e-01
bicgstab:     3   1.828e-02   3.604e-01  -3.396e-02   1.228e+00
bicgstab:     4   3.121e-03   2.629e+00  -1.968e-01   4.042e-01
bicgstab:     5   9.969e-04   4.103e-01  -7.008e-01   1.405e+00
bicgstab:     6   3.165e-03  -9.404e+00  -3.702e-02   6.317e-01
bicgstab:     7   4.066e-05  -9.088e-02  -1.299e+02   6.317e-01
Newton: it=1 	 |F|=2.222613e-02
bicgstab:  itmax 100, tol 2.222613e-05
bicgstab:     0   1.355e-01
bicgstab:     1   1.207e-01   1.023e+00   0.000e+00   6.033e-01
bicgstab:     2   1.835e-02   1.304e+00   1.380e-02   4.244e-01
bicgstab:     3   9.665e-04   4.302e-01   1.334e-01   1.134e+00
bicgstab:     4   1.241e-03  -1.432e+00   4.112e-02   4.705e-01
bicgstab:     5   1.428e-04  -7.098e-01  -6.022e+00   7.231e-01
bicgstab:     6   5.188e-05   6.077e-01  -1.897e-02   7.957e-01
bicgstab:     7   9.189e-06   1.401e+00   3.304e-01   7.957e-01
Newton: it=2 	 |F|=1.428902e-04
bicgstab:  itmax 100, tol 1.428902e-07
bicgstab:     0   8.508e-04
bicgstab:     1   7.614e-04   1.022e+00   0.000e+00   6.020e-01
bicgstab:     2   2.641e-04   7.706e-01   2.410e-02   5.525e-01
bicgstab:     3   1.529e-05   7.299e-01   4.086e-01   1.101e+00
bicgstab:     4   3.591e-06   2.783e-01  -7.751e-03   5.448e-01
bicgstab:     5   5.648e-07   3.347e+00  -4.164e-01   9.524e-01
bicgstab:     6   5.168e-07  -4.807e-01   1.172e-02   4.859e-01
bicgstab:     7   2.595e-07  -2.269e-01  -8.627e-01   1.303e+00
bicgstab:     8   1.416e-08   4.675e+00  -2.006e+00   1.303e+00
Newton: it=3 	 |F|=5.534451e-09
bicgstab:  itmax 100, tol 5.534451e-12
bicgstab:     0   3.589e-08
bicgstab:     1   3.305e-08   1.110e+00   0.000e+00   5.747e-01
bicgstab:     2   7.488e-09   5.662e-01   2.198e-01   9.413e-01
bicgstab:     3   6.996e-10   1.065e+00   1.669e-01   6.080e-01
bicgstab:     4   4.969e-10   2.547e-01  -3.957e-02   6.512e-01
bicgstab:     5   8.743e-11   5.547e+00  -4.324e-01   4.626e-01
bicgstab:     6   4.181e-12   5.784e-01  -1.622e+00   4.057e-01
Newton: it=4 	 |F|=1.034873e-12 
INFO (TwoPunctures): ADM mass is 9.9171445981474637e-01

INFO (TwoPunctures): Puncture 1 mass is 5.4053890767055557e-01

INFO (TwoPunctures): Puncture 2 mass is 4.5944395566938062e-01

INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.396825 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% doneINFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done

INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.198413 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0992063 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0496032 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done  0% done

INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0248016 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done  0% done

INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0124008 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0062004 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0031002 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures):   0% doneINFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done

INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.0015501 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.00077505 (courant_static)
INFO (TwoPunctures): Interpolating result
INFO (TwoPunctures): INFO (TwoPunctures):  50% done
  0% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  10% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  60% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  20% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  70% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  30% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  80% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  40% done
INFO (TwoPunctures):  90% done
Memory statistics from CarpetLib:
   Current number of objects: 2485
   Current allocated memory:  850.882 MB
   Maximum number of objects: 2758
   Maximum allocated memory:  890.653 MB
   Current administrative memory: 9.384 MB
   Total allocated used system memory: 464.629 MB
   Total allocated free system memory: 35.624 MB
   gh::allmemory:    3169064
   dh::allmemory:    5978512
   th::allmemory:    12944
   ggf::allmemory:   223096
   gdata::allmemory: 0
INFO (TimerReport): Timer Report at iteration 0 time 0
Iteration      Time | *me_per_hour |      ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::H
                    |              |      minimum      maximum
        0     0.000 |    0.0000000 |   -0.3417518 472244.4707008
      128     0.099 |    5.0365768 |   -0.9889759    0.5186026
INFO (TimerReport): Timer Report at iteration 256 time 0.198413
      256     0.198 |    5.1855756 |   -1.2387453    0.8514417
INFO (TimerReport): Timer Report before terminating at iteration 256 time 0.198413
Thorn           | Scheduled routine in time bin           | gettimeofday [secs] | getrusage [secs] | cycle [secs] | cycle[avg] [secs] | cycle[sdv] [secs] | cycle[min] [secs] | cycle[max] [secs] 
Carpet          | Multi-model Startup routine             |          0.13618800 |       0.14070400 |   0.00000000 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000000 
CycleClock      | Set up CycleClock                       |          0.10002900 |       0.19812900 |   0.00000229 |        0.00000229 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000229 |        0.00000229 
LoopControl     | Set up LoopControl                      |          0.00000400 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000338 |        0.00000338 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000338 |        0.00000338 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Set checkpointing and prolongation group|          0.00003200 |       0.00005500 |   0.00003187 |        0.00003187 |        0.00000000 |        0.00003187 |        0.00003187 
SystemTopology  | Output and/or modify system topology and|          1.30016800 |       0.22838900 |   1.30011970 |        1.30011970 |        0.00000000 |        1.30011970 |        1.30011970 
Timers          | Prepare hierarchical timers             |          0.00000900 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000899 |        0.00000899 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000899 |        0.00000899 
Carpet          | Startup routine                         |          0.00000400 |       0.00000300 |   0.00000328 |        0.00000328 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000328 |        0.00000328 
CarpetInterp    | Startup routine                         |          0.00000200 |       0.00000200 |   0.00000214 |        0.00000214 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000214 |        0.00000214 
CarpetReduce    | Startup routine                         |          0.00002100 |       0.00001700 |   0.00002171 |        0.00002171 |        0.00000000 |        0.00002171 |        0.00002171 
CartGrid3D      | Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry  |          0.00000100 |       0.00000100 |   0.00000111 |        0.00000111 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000111 |        0.00000111 
CoordBase       | Register a GH extension to store the coo|          0.00000100 |       0.00000100 |   0.00000106 |        0.00000106 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000106 |        0.00000106 
AEILocalInterp  | register CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() inter|          0.00000400 |       0.00000300 |   0.00000423 |        0.00000423 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000423 |        0.00000423 
IOUtil          | Startup routine                         |          0.00000300 |       0.00000200 |   0.00000298 |        0.00000298 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000298 |        0.00000298 
LocalReduce     | Startup routine                         |          0.00000900 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000864 |        0.00000864 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000864 |        0.00000864 
CarpetIOBasic   | Startup routine                         |          0.00000300 |       0.00000300 |   0.00000375 |        0.00000375 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000375 |        0.00000375 
ML_ADMConstraint| create banner                           |          0.00000100 |       0.00000100 |   0.00000093 |        0.00000093 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000093 |        0.00000093 
ML_BSSN         | create banner                           |          0.00000100 |       0.00000100 |   0.00000106 |        0.00000106 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000106 |        0.00000106 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Register slicing                        |          0.00000100 |       0.00000000 |   0.00000115 |        0.00000115 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000115 |        0.00000115 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Startup routine                         |          0.00004700 |       0.00009400 |   0.00004772 |        0.00004772 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004772 |        0.00004772 
MoL             | Startup banner                          |          0.00000300 |       0.00000600 |   0.00000307 |        0.00000307 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000307 |        0.00000307 
Slab            | Create MPI datatypes for complex variabl|          0.00009100 |       0.00018300 |   0.00009162 |        0.00009162 |        0.00000000 |        0.00009162 |        0.00009162 
SymBase         | Register GH Extension for SymBase       |          0.00000300 |       0.00000500 |   0.00000272 |        0.00000272 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000272 |        0.00000272 
CarpetIOScalar  | Startup routine                         |          0.00000400 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000343 |        0.00000343 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000343 |        0.00000343 
CarpetIOASCII   | Startup routine                         |          0.00002500 |       0.00005200 |   0.00002586 |        0.00002586 |        0.00000000 |        0.00002586 |        0.00002586 
Vectors         | Print startup message                   |          0.00000600 |       0.00001300 |   0.00000691 |        0.00000691 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000691 |        0.00000691 
                | Total time for CCTK_STARTUP             |          1.53666000 |       0.56769200 |   1.30039960 |        1.30039960 |        0.00000000 |        1.30039960 |        1.30039960 
ADMBase         | Set up GF symmetries                    |          0.00004400 |       0.00004100 |   0.00004400 |        0.00004400 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004400 |        0.00004400 
Boundary        | Register boundary conditions that this t|          0.00001100 |       0.00001000 |   0.00001082 |        0.00001082 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001082 |        0.00001082 
CarpetRegrid2   | Initialise locations of refined regions |          0.00004300 |       0.00004000 |   0.00004343 |        0.00004343 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004343 |        0.00004343 
CartGrid3D      | Register coordinates for the Cartesian g|          0.00008000 |       0.00007400 |   0.00008018 |        0.00008018 |        0.00000000 |        0.00008018 |        0.00008018 
CoordGauge      | Initialize slicing, setup priorities for|          0.00001100 |       0.00001000 |   0.00001023 |        0.00001023 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001023 |        0.00001023 
CoordGauge      | Identify the slicing for the next iterat|          0.00000700 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000739 |        0.00000739 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000739 |        0.00000739 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Handle parameter backward compatibility |          0.00013800 |       0.00012800 |   0.00013821 |        0.00013821 |        0.00000000 |        0.00013821 |        0.00013821 
MoL             | Set up the MoL bookkeeping index arrays |          0.00008100 |       0.00008100 |   0.00008081 |        0.00008081 |        0.00000000 |        0.00008081 |        0.00008081 
MoL             | Set the flag so it is ok to register wit|          0.00004100 |       0.00004200 |   0.00004157 |        0.00004157 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004157 |        0.00004157 
TmunuBase       | Set the stress_energy_state variable    |          0.00007600 |       0.00007500 |   0.00007595 |        0.00007595 |        0.00000000 |        0.00007595 |        0.00007595 
ML_ADMConstraint| Register Variables for MoL              |          0.00008400 |       0.00008400 |   0.00008407 |        0.00008407 |        0.00000000 |        0.00008407 |        0.00008407 
ML_BSSN         | Register Variables for MoL              |          0.00018200 |       0.00018200 |   0.00018251 |        0.00018251 |        0.00000000 |        0.00018251 |        0.00018251 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Register ADMBase variables as constraine|          0.00013600 |       0.00013700 |   0.00013680 |        0.00013680 |        0.00000000 |        0.00013680 |        0.00013680 
Slab            | Initialise timers                       |          0.00002100 |       0.00002000 |   0.00002008 |        0.00002008 |        0.00000000 |        0.00002008 |        0.00002008 
CartGrid3D      | Register symmetry boundaries            |          0.00004500 |       0.00004600 |   0.00004552 |        0.00004552 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004552 |        0.00004552 
ML_ADMConstraint| register symmetries                     |          0.00007300 |       0.00007300 |   0.00007333 |        0.00007333 |        0.00000000 |        0.00007333 |        0.00007333 
ML_BSSN         | register symmetries                     |          0.00015400 |       0.00015200 |   0.00015311 |        0.00015311 |        0.00000000 |        0.00015311 |        0.00015311 
ReflectionSymmet| Register reflection symmetry boundaries |          0.00001200 |       0.00001200 |   0.00001161 |        0.00001161 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001161 |        0.00001161 
SymBase         | Print symmetry boundary face description|          0.00001500 |       0.00001400 |   0.00001442 |        0.00001442 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001442 |        0.00001442 
MoL             | Report how many of each type of variable|          0.00010800 |       0.00010700 |   0.00010724 |        0.00010724 |        0.00000000 |        0.00010724 |        0.00010724 
                | Total time for CCTK_WRAGH               |          0.00136200 |       0.00133500 |   0.00136128 |        0.00136128 |        0.00000000 |        0.00136128 |        0.00136128 
ADMBase         | Check consistency of parameters         |          0.00002800 |       0.00002800 |   0.00002806 |        0.00002806 |        0.00000000 |        0.00002806 |        0.00002806 
Boundary        | Check dimension of grid variables       |          0.00000600 |       0.00000700 |   0.00000682 |        0.00000682 |        0.00000000 |        0.00000682 |        0.00000682 
Carpet          | Parameter checking routine              |          0.00004300 |       0.00004200 |   0.00004237 |        0.00004237 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004237 |        0.00004237 
CarpetLib       | Test prolongation operators             |          0.00001800 |       0.00001800 |   0.00001806 |        0.00001806 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001806 |        0.00001806 
CarpetRegrid2   | Check parameters                        |          0.00004600 |       0.00004600 |   0.00004573 |        0.00004573 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004573 |        0.00004573 
CartGrid3D      | Check coordinates for CartGrid3D        |          0.00001300 |       0.00001300 |   0.00001309 |        0.00001309 |        0.00000000 |        0.00001309 |        0.00001309 
Dissipation     | Check dissipation parameters for consist|          0.00006800 |       0.00006800 |   0.00006807 |        0.00006807 |        0.00000000 |        0.00006807 |        0.00006807 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Check parameters                        |          0.00013600 |       0.00013500 |   0.00013608 |        0.00013608 |        0.00000000 |        0.00013608 |        0.00013608 
MoL             | Basic parameter checking                |          0.00003100 |       0.00003000 |   0.00003053 |        0.00003053 |        0.00000000 |        0.00003053 |        0.00003053 
TwoPunctures    | Check parameters and thorn needs        |          0.00004300 |       0.00004300 |   0.00004336 |        0.00004336 |        0.00000000 |        0.00004336 |        0.00004336 
Vectors         | Run correctness tests.                  |          0.00042400 |       0.00042300 |   0.00042418 |        0.00042418 |        0.00000000 |        0.00042418 |        0.00042418 
                | Total time for CCTK_PARAMCHECK          |          0.00085600 |       0.00085300 |   0.00085636 |        0.00085636 |        0.00000000 |        0.00085636 |        0.00085636 
ADMBase         | Set the shift_state variable to 1       |          0.00098900 |       0.00188100 |   0.00098667 |        0.00008970 |        0.00007233 |        0.00006879 |        0.00007054 
ADMBase         | Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1     |          0.00034300 |       0.00064000 |   0.00034206 |        0.00003110 |        0.00001290 |        0.00002827 |        0.00002827 
ADMBase         | Set the dtshift_state variable to 1     |          0.00033600 |       0.00062200 |   0.00033258 |        0.00003023 |        0.00001011 |        0.00002839 |        0.00002839 
ADMMacros       | Initialize the local_spatial_order      |          0.00030200 |       0.00057500 |   0.00030324 |        0.00002757 |        0.00000154 |        0.00002695 |        0.00002759 
CartGrid3D      | Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian c|          0.00041200 |       0.00070100 |   0.00041473 |        0.00003770 |        0.00009145 |        0.00002767 |        0.00002854 
CartGrid3D      | Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates |          0.00324400 |       0.00622100 |   0.00324534 |        0.00029503 |        0.00072478 |        0.00011917 |        0.00014996 
SphericalSurface| Set surface resolution automatically    |          0.00082000 |       0.00026700 |   0.00081712 |        0.00007428 |        0.00075329 |        0.00000230 |        0.00000241 
Dissipation     | Ensure that there are enough ghost zones|          0.00125500 |       0.00224200 |   0.00125533 |        0.00011412 |        0.00021403 |        0.00005780 |        0.00008171 
ML_ADMConstraint| check boundaries treatment              |          0.00023600 |       0.00005000 |   0.00023350 |        0.00002123 |        0.00019580 |        0.00000232 |        0.00000241 
ML_BSSN         | check boundaries treatment              |          0.00019700 |       0.00017600 |   0.00019935 |        0.00001812 |        0.00016560 |        0.00000221 |        0.00000225 
SphericalSurface| Calculate surface coordinate descriptors|          0.00010200 |       0.00012500 |   0.00010290 |        0.00000935 |        0.00007285 |        0.00000233 |        0.00000246 
CarpetReduce    | Allocate the weight function            |          0.00014800 |       0.00016600 |   0.00014623 |        0.00001329 |        0.00011302 |        0.00000229 |        0.00000291 
CarpetReduce    | Initialise the weight function          |          0.00122200 |       0.00135300 |   0.00122018 |        0.00011093 |        0.00113842 |        0.00000221 |        0.00000225 
CarpetReduce    | Set up the outer boundaries of the weigh|          0.00080900 |       0.00157000 |   0.00080654 |        0.00007332 |        0.00074494 |        0.00000221 |        0.00000224 
CarpetReduce    | Set up the weight function for the restr|          0.00131600 |       0.00262800 |   0.00131680 |        0.00011971 |        0.00122961 |        0.00000225 |        0.00000233 
CarpetReduce    | Set the weight function                 |          0.00200800 |       0.00400800 |   0.00200775 |        0.00018252 |        0.00188964 |        0.00000232 |        0.00000237 
CarpetReduce    | Test the weight function                |          0.16980300 |       0.32991100 |   0.16979720 |        0.01543611 |        0.16186970 |        0.00000222 |        0.00000229 
SphericalSurface| Set surface radii to be used for initial|          0.00012900 |       0.00024600 |   0.00012705 |        0.00001155 |        0.00009642 |        0.00000229 |        0.00000232 
SphericalSurface| Test the state of the spherical surfaces|          0.00011000 |       0.00021600 |   0.00011121 |        0.00001011 |        0.00008100 |        0.00000213 |        0.00000230 
SymBase         | Check whether the driver set up the grid|          0.00045800 |       0.00090200 |   0.00045258 |        0.00004114 |        0.00006877 |        0.00002833 |        0.00002903 
Time            | Initialise Time variables               |          0.00004800 |       0.00009800 |   0.00004861 |        0.00000442 |        0.00002128 |        0.00000229 |        0.00000242 
Time            | Set timestep based on Courant condition |          0.00037100 |       0.00073700 |   0.00037163 |        0.00003378 |        0.00000826 |        0.00002965 |        0.00003627 
TwoPunctures    | translate puncture position parameters  |          0.00006600 |       0.00013100 |   0.00006727 |        0.00000612 |        0.00003408 |        0.00000276 |        0.00000293 
                | Total time for CCTK_BASEGRID            |          0.18472400 |       0.35546600 |   0.18470588 |        0.01679144 |        0.16960981 |        0.00044717 |        0.00051417 
StaticConformal | Set the conformal_state variable to 0   |          0.00047300 |       0.00093800 |   0.00047260 |        0.00004296 |        0.00002795 |        0.00003924 |        0.00004068 
TwoPunctures    | Create puncture black hole initial data |         40.64889500 |      55.65756400 |  40.64734053 |        3.69521278 |       24.77476565 |        0.43698417 |        0.90127486 
ADMBase         | Set the shift to 0 at all points        |          0.00692900 |       0.01084400 |   0.00692671 |        0.00062970 |        0.00129684 |        0.00022994 |        0.00031840 
ADMBase         | Set the dtlapse to 0 at all points      |          0.00366100 |       0.00628100 |   0.00366197 |        0.00033291 |        0.00060650 |        0.00013526 |        0.00017022 
ADMBase         | Set the dtshift to 0 at all points      |          0.00607200 |       0.00966800 |   0.00607177 |        0.00055198 |        0.00121248 |        0.00019774 |        0.00026451 
CarpetIOASCII   | Initialisation routine                  |          0.00008700 |       0.00015700 |   0.00008521 |        0.00000775 |        0.00005384 |        0.00000239 |        0.00000242 
CarpetIOBasic   | Initialisation routine                  |          0.00005100 |       0.00009200 |   0.00005225 |        0.00000475 |        0.00002367 |        0.00000237 |        0.00000240 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Initialisation routine                  |          0.00005300 |       0.00009300 |   0.00005337 |        0.00000485 |        0.00002499 |        0.00000236 |        0.00000247 
CarpetIOScalar  | Initialisation routine                  |          0.00004700 |       0.00008500 |   0.00004803 |        0.00000437 |        0.00001952 |        0.00000229 |        0.00000270 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere       |          0.01612100 |       0.02679900 |   0.01611906 |        0.00146537 |        0.00343513 |        0.00050507 |        0.00087793 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior         |          0.03354000 |       0.06485000 |   0.03353756 |        0.00304887 |        0.01437490 |        0.00062599 |        0.00138904 
MoL             | Initialise the step size control        |          0.00021200 |       0.00041700 |   0.00021106 |        0.00001919 |        0.00003482 |        0.00001489 |        0.00001534 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Extrapolate Gammas and time derivatives |          0.00134300 |       0.00267100 |   0.00134186 |        0.00012199 |        0.00054707 |        0.00005920 |        0.00006161 
                | Total time for CCTK_INITIAL             |         40.71748400 |      55.78045900 |  40.71592198 |        3.70144745 |       24.79642334 |        0.43880092 |        0.90442259 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Close all filereader input files        |          0.00010000 |       0.00020300 |   0.00009859 |        0.00000896 |        0.00006036 |        0.00000281 |        0.00000311 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere               |          0.00449500 |       0.00894200 |   0.00449381 |        0.00040853 |        0.00170831 |        0.00011703 |        0.00018504 
ML_BSSN         | select boundary conditions              |          5.77758000 |       7.53331700 |   5.77735841 |        0.52521440 |        3.31894297 |        0.08767876 |        0.14547796 
ML_ADMConstraint| select boundary conditions              |          0.00028100 |       0.00055300 |   0.00027957 |        0.00002542 |        0.00006056 |        0.00001644 |        0.00001644 
Boundary        | Apply all requested local physical bound|          0.00711500 |       0.01251100 |   0.00711178 |        0.00010775 |        0.00077437 |        0.00003070 |        0.00010219 
CartGrid3D      | Apply symmetry boundary conditions      |          0.00214700 |       0.00386500 |   0.00214204 |        0.00003246 |        0.00004334 |        0.00002668 |        0.00004450 
ReflectionSymmet| Apply reflection symmetries             |          0.00666900 |       0.01168500 |   0.00666658 |        0.00010101 |        0.00086184 |        0.00002485 |        0.00006809 
Boundary        | Unselect all grid variables for boundary|          0.00048200 |       0.00084900 |   0.00048967 |        0.00000742 |        0.00001571 |        0.00000539 |        0.00000720 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior                 |          0.03968600 |       0.07827500 |   0.03968450 |        0.00360768 |        0.01951890 |        0.00058019 |        0.00158172 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar           |          0.37533000 |       0.73700700 |   0.37531729 |        0.03411975 |        0.12456755 |        0.00216768 |        0.02802611 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere               |          0.01875600 |       0.03638600 |   0.01875562 |        0.00170506 |        0.00702742 |        0.00048906 |        0.00150509 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Select boundary conditions for ADMBase v|          0.00042000 |       0.00083000 |   0.00041608 |        0.00003783 |        0.00010861 |        0.00002265 |        0.00002356 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate              |          0.19559900 |       0.39028600 |   0.19559133 |        0.01778103 |        0.08304541 |        0.00331433 |        0.00873156 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs    |          1.60880400 |       2.27856600 |   1.60874220 |        0.14624929 |        0.98688743 |        0.00203103 |        0.00401563 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere           |          0.00332700 |       0.00655800 |   0.00332912 |        0.00030265 |        0.00096659 |        0.00010525 |        0.00017255 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs |          0.22373000 |       0.44005200 |   0.22371887 |        0.02033808 |        0.16247300 |        0.00163916 |        0.00289695 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior             |          0.09084800 |       0.17800600 |   0.09084583 |        0.00825871 |        0.04255791 |        0.00130111 |        0.00372273 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs   |          0.09167400 |       0.17793100 |   0.09166684 |        0.00833335 |        0.01561479 |        0.00363434 |        0.00933926 
                | Total time for CCTK_POSTINITIAL         |          8.44704300 |      11.89582200 |   8.44670814 |        0.76663937 |        4.76523506 |        0.10318747 |        0.20591967 
ML_BSSN         | select boundary conditions              |          0.23248300 |       0.45074500 |   0.23248256 |        0.02113478 |        0.04476651 |        0.00713003 |        0.01407897 
ML_ADMConstraint| select boundary conditions              |          0.00022200 |       0.00040300 |   0.00022033 |        0.00002003 |        0.00001101 |        0.00001729 |        0.00001813 
Boundary        | Apply all requested local physical bound|          0.00681100 |       0.01297100 |   0.00679994 |        0.00010303 |        0.00079924 |        0.00002990 |        0.00008064 
CartGrid3D      | Apply symmetry boundary conditions      |          0.00211800 |       0.00391900 |   0.00211462 |        0.00003204 |        0.00003369 |        0.00002730 |        0.00002876 
ReflectionSymmet| Apply reflection symmetries             |          0.00677400 |       0.01258200 |   0.00676697 |        0.00010253 |        0.00090214 |        0.00002667 |        0.00006149 
Boundary        | Unselect all grid variables for boundary|          0.00053800 |       0.00097000 |   0.00053135 |        0.00000805 |        0.00002224 |        0.00000567 |        0.00000673 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior                 |          0.04153400 |       0.08247000 |   0.04153087 |        0.00377553 |        0.02006285 |        0.00056081 |        0.00163780 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar           |          0.07055400 |       0.13688200 |   0.07054888 |        0.00641353 |        0.01425658 |        0.00274186 |        0.00516154 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere               |          0.01602500 |       0.03096900 |   0.01602345 |        0.00145668 |        0.00492324 |        0.00038633 |        0.00084204 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Select boundary conditions for ADMBase v|          0.00033700 |       0.00066800 |   0.00033532 |        0.00003048 |        0.00002556 |        0.00002302 |        0.00003363 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs    |          0.05998100 |       0.11968500 |   0.05997855 |        0.00545260 |        0.01191748 |        0.00165161 |        0.00317589 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs |          0.04062800 |       0.07907500 |   0.04062555 |        0.00369323 |        0.01491892 |        0.00122348 |        0.00165810 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs   |          0.05678400 |       0.11108800 |   0.05678180 |        0.00516198 |        0.00993150 |        0.00259289 |        0.00405273 
                | Total time for CCTK_POSTRESTRICTINITIAL |          0.53478900 |       1.04242700 |   0.53474019 |        0.04738450 |        0.12257097 |        0.01641687 |        0.03083644 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Initial data checkpoint routine         |          0.00010900 |       0.00021400 |   0.00010905 |        0.00000991 |        0.00007094 |        0.00000222 |        0.00007713 
                | Total time for CCTK_CPINITIAL           |          0.00010900 |       0.00021400 |   0.00010905 |        0.00000991 |        0.00007094 |        0.00000222 |        0.00007713 
CoordGauge      | Identify the slicing for the next iterat|          0.02092700 |       0.04021100 |   0.02084758 |        0.00003897 |        0.00008087 |        0.00003411 |        0.00003803 
LoopControl     | Update LoopControl algorithm preferences|          0.03116900 |       0.05997300 |   0.03112794 |        0.00005818 |        0.00138139 |        0.00000236 |        0.00011328 
                | Total time for CCTK_PRESTEP             |          0.05209600 |       0.10018400 |   0.05197551 |        0.00009715 |        0.00146226 |        0.00003648 |        0.00015131 
MoL             | Initialise the step size control        |          0.00933900 |       0.01803300 |   0.00934952 |        0.00001748 |        0.00005639 |        0.00001471 |        0.00001696 
MoL             | Set the counter for the ODE method to lo|          0.00842100 |       0.01613100 |   0.00831763 |        0.00001555 |        0.00006169 |        0.00001383 |        0.00001469 
MoL             | Ensure the correct time and timestep are|          0.00761400 |       0.01459700 |   0.00757433 |        0.00001416 |        0.00003371 |        0.00001270 |        0.00001389 
MoL             | Allocate storage for scratch levels     |          0.13967400 |       0.27174400 |   0.13964589 |        0.00026102 |        0.00523895 |        0.00003869 |        0.00047658 
MoL             | Allocate sufficient space for array scra|          0.03145200 |       0.06040700 |   0.03142542 |        0.00005874 |        0.00052676 |        0.00003564 |        0.00007595 
MoL             | Ensure the data is in the correct timele|          1.78708000 |       3.49299100 |   1.78709001 |        0.00334036 |        0.04104319 |        0.00106085 |        0.00397582 
MoL             | Initialise the RHS functions            |          2.52999500 |       4.94073000 |   2.52945138 |        0.00118199 |        0.03513703 |        0.00040926 |        0.00106905 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1       |          7.61283100 |      15.14373000 |   7.61240620 |        0.00355720 |        0.16147717 |        0.00100389 |        0.00365493 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2       |          9.30940200 |      18.53942900 |   9.30930980 |        0.00435014 |        0.19287987 |        0.00146557 |        0.00460012 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3       |          9.59130700 |      19.09814800 |   9.59090350 |        0.00448173 |        0.22194782 |        0.00144763 |        0.00483382 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS |          0.55853200 |       1.09649400 |   0.55830871 |        0.00026089 |        0.04467033 |        0.00014510 |        0.00020393 
Dissipation     | Add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation to the rig|          1.94142700 |       3.82147100 |   1.94124842 |        0.00090713 |        0.02161582 |        0.00042632 |        0.00096108 
MoL             | Updates calculated with the efficient Ru|          5.83930400 |      11.47943300 |   5.83929842 |        0.00272864 |        0.10608275 |        0.00098699 |        0.00279820 
MoL             | Alter the counter number                |          0.04762300 |       0.09269500 |   0.04731516 |        0.00002211 |        0.00016109 |        0.00001656 |        0.00002457 
MoL             | If necessary, change the time           |          0.03586800 |       0.06896600 |   0.03556450 |        0.00001662 |        0.00008524 |        0.00001432 |        0.00001668 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere               |          0.78140800 |       1.50446200 |   0.78150899 |        0.00036519 |        0.01033924 |        0.00015572 |        0.00037057 
ML_BSSN         | select boundary conditions              |         36.19589700 |      70.01656400 |  36.19435169 |        0.01691325 |        0.82813717 |        0.00216793 |        0.02127053 
ML_ADMConstraint| select boundary conditions              |          0.04568400 |       0.08855500 |   0.04543141 |        0.00002123 |        0.00016241 |        0.00001340 |        0.00001779 
Boundary        | Apply all requested local physical bound|          0.71558300 |       1.37923200 |   0.71488292 |        0.00008908 |        0.00363455 |        0.00002990 |        0.00010976 
CartGrid3D      | Apply symmetry boundary conditions      |          0.26022800 |       0.49243800 |   0.25940623 |        0.00003232 |        0.00032825 |        0.00002724 |        0.00003147 
ReflectionSymmet| Apply reflection symmetries             |          0.89130800 |       1.68293700 |   0.89077669 |        0.00011100 |        0.00674112 |        0.00002657 |        0.00006323 
Boundary        | Unselect all grid variables for boundary|          0.06467300 |       0.11980900 |   0.06432881 |        0.00000802 |        0.00016516 |        0.00000571 |        0.00000696 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior                 |          3.41948800 |       6.69532800 |   3.41946838 |        0.00159788 |        0.07410239 |        0.00048815 |        0.00156680 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar           |         10.44213200 |      20.38278200 |  10.44147623 |        0.00487919 |        0.22492378 |        0.00131844 |        0.00362810 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere               |          2.27435400 |       4.47804700 |   2.27450669 |        0.00106285 |        0.02550556 |        0.00032607 |        0.00138731 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Select boundary conditions for ADMBase v|          0.06091800 |       0.11892000 |   0.06039734 |        0.00002822 |        0.00021942 |        0.00002188 |        0.00002304 
MoL             | If necessary, change the timestep       |          0.03493200 |       0.06474300 |   0.03488894 |        0.00001630 |        0.00012188 |        0.00001309 |        0.00001426 
MoL             | Control the step size                   |          0.00797900 |       0.01438100 |   0.00783076 |        0.00001464 |        0.00008465 |        0.00001255 |        0.00001306 
MoL             | Restoring the Save and Restore variables|          0.02747600 |       0.04911300 |   0.02742175 |        0.00005126 |        0.00029302 |        0.00003893 |        0.00004682 
MoL             | Free storage for scratch levels         |          0.02927800 |       0.04849900 |   0.02926119 |        0.00005469 |        0.00265154 |        0.00003262 |        0.00003998 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate              |          5.09286300 |      10.12593900 |   5.09264825 |        0.00951897 |        0.16247639 |        0.00238962 |        0.00998199 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs    |          4.85919300 |       9.49116800 |   4.85903231 |        0.00908230 |        0.13577287 |        0.00264990 |        0.00423530 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere           |          0.09023400 |       0.16864700 |   0.09031612 |        0.00016882 |        0.00167089 |        0.00008989 |        0.00015822 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs |          2.64241900 |       5.14822700 |   2.64224471 |        0.00493878 |        0.07377124 |        0.00090979 |        0.00201070 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior             |          1.92683400 |       3.81553900 |   1.92682639 |        0.00360154 |        0.07988286 |        0.00117961 |        0.00390562 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs   |          5.71740700 |      11.13879800 |   5.71717702 |        0.01068631 |        0.14970454 |        0.00310540 |        0.00652330 
                | Total time for CCTK_EVOL                |        115.03015700 |     225.17912700 | 115.02139172 |        0.08445560 |        2.61170676 |        0.02209446 |        0.07814107 
ML_BSSN         | select boundary conditions              |          9.94265200 |      19.30908600 |   9.94225247 |        0.02595888 |        0.40993753 |        0.00725266 |        0.01420608 
ML_ADMConstraint| select boundary conditions              |          0.00695500 |       0.01369400 |   0.00694906 |        0.00001814 |        0.00003786 |        0.00001426 |        0.00001837 
Boundary        | Apply all requested local physical bound|          0.17537100 |       0.33993500 |   0.17521243 |        0.00007625 |        0.00111525 |        0.00002952 |        0.00007455 
CartGrid3D      | Apply symmetry boundary conditions      |          0.07111300 |       0.13600300 |   0.07118978 |        0.00003098 |        0.00014736 |        0.00002659 |        0.00002958 
ReflectionSymmet| Apply reflection symmetries             |          0.19274100 |       0.36548500 |   0.19260817 |        0.00008382 |        0.00285478 |        0.00002582 |        0.00006074 
Boundary        | Unselect all grid variables for boundary|          0.01654600 |       0.03100900 |   0.01649461 |        0.00000718 |        0.00006206 |        0.00000569 |        0.00000679 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior                 |          0.53279200 |       1.04236000 |   0.53280617 |        0.00139114 |        0.02257783 |        0.00052977 |        0.00170558 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar           |          3.22017000 |       6.29359200 |   3.22003043 |        0.00840739 |        0.13209480 |        0.00219798 |        0.00512011 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere               |          0.32760600 |       0.63861400 |   0.32766006 |        0.00085551 |        0.00732481 |        0.00039639 |        0.00142494 
ML_BSSN_Helper  | Select boundary conditions for ADMBase v|          0.01039800 |       0.02026100 |   0.01034596 |        0.00002701 |        0.00007402 |        0.00002194 |        0.00002361 
ML_ADMConstraint| ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs    |          2.60274500 |       5.05764800 |   2.60263585 |        0.00679539 |        0.10497394 |        0.00203084 |        0.00349316 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs |          1.20123300 |       2.33216700 |   1.20122887 |        0.00313637 |        0.04873608 |        0.00095203 |        0.00155021 
ML_BSSN         | ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs   |          2.64019000 |       5.10103500 |   2.64010788 |        0.00689323 |        0.10215537 |        0.00289144 |        0.00416470 
                | Total time for CCTK_POSTRESTRICT        |         20.94051200 |      40.68088900 |  20.93952175 |        0.05368129 |        0.83209169 |        0.01637493 |        0.03187842 
SphericalSurface| Set surface radii                       |          0.00618600 |       0.01133600 |   0.00612878 |        0.00001174 |        0.00020858 |        0.00000225 |        0.00001919 
SphericalSurface| Test the state of the spherical surfaces|          0.00487800 |       0.00886800 |   0.00489841 |        0.00000938 |        0.00016138 |        0.00000219 |        0.00001578 
Dissipation     | Setup spatially varying dissipation     |          0.46301100 |       0.87327600 |   0.46298787 |        0.00088695 |        0.01476393 |        0.00027618 |        0.00048309 
                | Total time for CCTK_POSTSTEP            |          0.47407500 |       0.89348000 |   0.47401506 |        0.00090807 |        0.01513389 |        0.00028062 |        0.00051806 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Evolution checkpoint routine            |          0.13454000 |       0.26414500 |   0.13448402 |        0.00026318 |        0.01145380 |        0.00000233 |        0.00020953 
TimerReport     | Print the timer report                  |          0.00454400 |       0.00868200 |   0.00453109 |        0.00000887 |        0.00014847 |        0.00000218 |        0.00001487 
                | Total time for CCTK_CHECKPOINT          |          0.13908400 |       0.27282700 |   0.13901511 |        0.00027205 |        0.01160227 |        0.00000451 |        0.00022440 
CarpetLib       | Print timing statistics if desired      |          0.00466500 |       0.00882400 |   0.00458563 |        0.00000878 |        0.00014675 |        0.00000216 |        0.00001494 
CarpetLib       | Print memory statistics if desired      |          0.01459500 |       0.02664200 |   0.01456567 |        0.00002790 |        0.01015914 |        0.00000213 |        0.00001429 
LoopControl     | Output LoopControl statistics           |          0.01322600 |       0.02449800 |   0.01320091 |        0.00002529 |        0.00054910 |        0.00000215 |        0.00004795 
TimerReport     | Print the timer report                  |          0.01717800 |       0.02243600 |   0.01699460 |        0.00003256 |        0.01098569 |        0.00000214 |        0.01087155 
                | Total time for CCTK_ANALYSIS            |          0.04966400 |       0.08240000 |   0.04934682 |        0.00009453 |        0.02184068 |        0.00000859 |        0.01094873 
CarpetIOHDF5    | Termination checkpoint routine          |          0.00010900 |       0.00021700 |   0.00011022 |        0.00001002 |        0.00006969 |        0.00000224 |        0.00007596 
LoopControl     | Output LoopControl statistics           |          0.00007900 |       0.00015800 |   0.00008014 |        0.00000729 |        0.00005212 |        0.00000218 |        0.00005697 
MoL             | Free the MoL bookkeeping index arrays   |          0.00059700 |       0.00118800 |   0.00059522 |        0.00005411 |        0.00002909 |        0.00003880 |        0.00003880 
TimerReport     | Print the timer report                  |          0.01036000 |       0.01053700 |   0.01035833 |        0.00094167 |        0.00985264 |        0.00000222 |        0.01033579 
                | Total time for CCTK_TERMINATE           |          0.01114500 |       0.01210000 |   0.01114391 |        0.00101308 |        0.01000354 |        0.00004543 |        0.01050752 
Timers          | Prepare hierarchical timers             |          0.00046200 |       0.00092200 |   0.00046300 |        0.00046300 |        0.00000000 |        0.00046300 |        0.00046300 
                | Total time for CCTK_SHUTDOWN            |          0.00046200 |       0.00092200 |   0.00046300 |        0.00046300 |        0.00000000 |        0.00046300 |        0.00046300 
                | Total time for simulation               |        221.45474500 |     380.37577000 | 221.44630970 |       55.36157742 |      117.13599673 |        0.00016973 |        0.00016973 
TACC:  Shutdown complete. Exiting. 

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