[Users] compile problems on OSX High Sierra using homebrew

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Mon Jan 29 13:11:56 CST 2018

Hello all,

ok, one question I can possibly answer: the inrinsic _mm_hadd_ps is
in /usr/local/Cellar/gcc//7.3.0/lib/gcc/7/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin17.3.0/7.3.0/include/pmmintrin.h
(not the "p") which is only included in x86intrin.h which
vectors-4-SSE.h only includes if __FMA4__ is set.

However the line bringing _mm_add_ps into the code and the include for
FM4 are very old (from 2013) so should not be to blame. The layout of
files and includes also seem to be identical in both gcc 7 and gcc 6.


> Hello all,
> I am getting odd compile errors on OSX using osx-homebrew.cfg (in
> master). 
> There seem to be two different errors right now:
> * _mm_add_ps is not found (even though xmmintrin.h exists)
> * ranlib (it uses XCode's) complains about the .a files that it claims
>   have no symbols. Forcing the use of ranlib from homebrew does not
>   show the error but then I need to hard-code the full path since
>   homebrew does not put ranlib in /usr/local/bin
> I attach the make output (both types of errors are visible at the end).
> A side node: to have remote commands work on OSX (ie remote compiling
> *on* my OSX laptop not from it) only works if I add
> "source /etc/profile" to my envsetup (otherwise /usr/local/bin is not
> added to $PATH it seems).
> Has anyone seen these types of errors before and / or could point me to
> a "canonical" location for ranlib on OSX (rather
> than /usr/local/Cellar/binutils/2.30/x86_64-apple-darwin17.3.0/bin/ranlib)?
> Yours,
> Roland

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