[Users] Warning: Cannot output variable because it has no storage (ADMAnalysis OR ADMMass)

Haas, Roland rhaas at illinois.edu
Thu Oct 3 10:36:55 CDT 2019

Hello Yu Liu,

sorry for the very late response.

There seem to be two questions in your email:

1. how to output a particular variable
2. about the layout of output directories in simfactory

To output ADMMass::ADMMass_box the varariable needs to first be
computed (or more accurate have storage allocated for it, which is what
the warning is about). The ADMMass thorn's schedule.ccl file
(repos/einsteinanalysis/ADMMass/schedule.ccl) shows that STORAGE for
ADMMass_box is only enabled during the group ADMass:

schedule GROUP ADMMass AT POSTSTEP AFTER ADMMass_SetLoopCounter WHILE ADMMass::ADMMass_LoopCounter
} "ADMMass loop"

which means it cannot be output since storage is turned off once the
group of functions finish executing. The variable is a temporary
variable only. 

If you do need to output them you will have to copy the STORAGE
statements into the top level of schedule.ccl ie outside of any GROUP
or FUNCTION schedule block (see the couple of STORAGE statements at the
beginning of the file).

I cannot say though whether or not the output will be sensible, i.e. it
is possible that ADMMass_box contains the physical location inside of
each component (or each refinement level) and not some sort of global
box. Since I am not familiar with actual ADMMass code, I cannot tell
either way and can only advise you to check the code to see what
ADMMass_box will contain.

For your second question: output-0000-active is a symbolic link to
output-0000. With simfactory there can be multiple output segments
output-0000, output-0001, output-0002 etc each for the data produced
during one checkpoint-recovery cycle. Exactly one of those will be
"active" and has a symbolic link to it that ends in -active. That one
is the one that is currently executing (or queued up to executed with
the cluster's queuing system).


> Hello Cactus users,
> I am new to Einstein Toolkit. I want to write a simple parameter file,
> according to my understanding of Thorn. When I use the Thorn in
> EinsteinAnalysis, I encountered a warning (Level 1) and CarpetIOBasic can't
> output normally.
> I couldn't find the reason for the warning, because the warning message is
> brief.
> ------------------------ par file -----------------------
> ######################################
> # Flesh parameters
> ######################################
> Cactus::terminate       = "iteration"
> Cactus::cctk_itlast     = 0
> ######################################
> # Coordinate
> ######################################
> ActiveThorns = "Carpet CarpetLib CoordBase CartGrid3D"
> Carpet::domain_from_coordbase = yes
> CartGrid3D::type = "coordbase"
> CartGrid3D::domain       = "full"
> CoordBase::domainsize = "minmax"
> CoordBase::xmin       = -20.0
> CoordBase::ymin       = -20.0
> CoordBase::zmin       = -20.0
> CoordBase::xmax       = +20.0
> CoordBase::ymax       = +20.0
> CoordBase::zmax       = +20.0
> CoordBase::dx         =     1
> CoordBase::dy         =     1
> CoordBase::dz         =     1
> driver::ghost_size       = 3
> ######################################
> # Boundary
> ######################################
> ActiveThorns = "boundary symbase"
> CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower        = 3
> CoordBase::boundary_size_y_lower        = 3
> CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower        = 3
> CoordBase::boundary_size_x_upper        = 3
> CoordBase::boundary_size_y_upper        = 3
> CoordBase::boundary_size_z_upper        = 3
> ######################################
> # Initial Condition
> ######################################
> ActiveThorns = "ADMBase"
> ADMBase::initial_data    = "Cartesian Minkowski"
> ADMBase::initial_lapse   = "one"
> ADMBase::initial_shift   = "zero"
> ADMBase::initial_dtlapse = "zero"
> ADMBase::initial_dtshift = "zero"
> ######################################
> # Analysis
> ######################################
> ActiveThorns = "ADMMass StaticConformal SpaceMask ADMMacros"
> ADMMass::ADMMass_surface_distance[0] = 12
> ######################################
> # IO
> ######################################
> ActiveThorns = "IOUtil CarpetIOBasic CarpetReduce CarpetIOASCII
> CarpetIOHDF5 CarpetIOScalar"
> IO::out_dir             = $parfile
> IO::out_every = 1
> IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "ADMMass::ADMMass_box"
> ------------------------ Warning --------------------
> WARNING[L1,P0] (CarpetIOBasic): Cannot output variable
> "ADMMASS::ADMMass_box_x_max" because it has no storage
> I also want to know the difference between output-0000 and
> output-0000-active in simulation directory.
> Thanks,
> Yu Liu
> ---------------------------
> Yu Liu
> PhD Student
> School of Physics
> Huazhong University of Science and Technology

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and signing email messages. Get my PGP key from http://pgp.mit.edu .
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