[Users] Meeting Minutes 2021-09-16

Gabella, William E b.gabella at Vanderbilt.Edu
Thu Sep 16 12:10:48 CDT 2021

Present: Roland H, Helvi W, Peter D, Steve B, David B, Niklas M, 
Leonardo R, Bruno G, Gabriele B, Bill G, Atul K, Miguel G

Chair: Helvi, Minutes: Bill

* next ET release [SB, YZ, RH]


Steve, has created a timeline in Release Details, and it seems nothing 
requires urgent attention right now.  If you have a new feature you want 
in the ET, you should make that known.  And we need to check on 
reviewing new features.  Kuibit, reviewer Yosef not present.  RePriMand 
thorn, Roland has compiled it and you do need Meson installed and then 
the external libraries thorn that is included does build.  So at this 
point need to look through the code.  It is a stand-alone code, so 
considering how/what the tests should be.

Steve, added a list of new items proposed for the next release above the 
Release Details timeline under New Functionality (after some 
discussion).  Roland, in the past created a Milestone on the release 
that includes these items.  Helvi, FRWSolver from Hayley McPherson needs 
external Python compilation and try to see how to make it robust.

Fuka, is anyone reviewing it and the Kadath elliptic solver? Roland, it 
uses C++ features we do not support in the ET, needs C++14 vs C++11 
(now).  Not going in.

Some links:
Fuka, https://kadath.obspm.fr/fuka/
Kuitbit, https://sbozzolo.github.io/kuibit/
RePriMand, https://github.com/wokast/RePrimAnd
FLRWSolver_public, https://github.com/hayleyjm/FLRWSolver_public

* Seminar and tutorial series [RH]

Roland, in the ET meeting there was discussion to revive the seminar 
series and to have it more open...and to offer tutorials, and would like 
those using the tutorials to share how it worked for them.  One 
presenter Wolfgang Kastaun, but that is it.

Frequency, Steve suggests once a month is good.  General agreement.  
Helvi, Num Rel community call is first Monday of the month---Nils 
getting speakers from different code infrastructure. So maybe go with 
the second or third week of the month.

Collect suggestions at the link



** Gabriele B volunteered for Kuibit tutorials.

** Roland, suggests CarpetX and GRHydroX talks.

** Bruno,  Jay Vijay Kalinani and Lorenzo Ennoggi for Spritz, similar.

** Helvi, Giuseppe Ficarra.

** Roland, Sam Cupp maybe...he is currently working with Roland and 
Steve benchmarking the low-level infrastructure for CarpetX.

** Roland on how to setup Simfactory on a cluster, probably in one or 
two months from now.

** Helvi, Hayley McPherson give apresentation on the FRLW solver.  
Hands-on about generating initial data maybe.

** Helvi for xTensor tutorial part 2, BSSN or Initial Data.  She is 
giving it next week Monday, 20 Sept, UCLA tutorial week Math Comput 
challenges.  Tutorial / School week this week and next week.

Helvi, Start on October 21st, the third week...and November 18th 
following...and December 16th after that.

* SPEC status[RH, SB]

Roland, have not done anything since last week.  Trying to satisfy the 
short and long runs parameter file.  Timeline?  SPEC is valuable for 
being benchmarked and spreading around the community, as well as 
reporting to NSF.

* Atul, asks about the Midwest Relatvitiy Meeting and Helvi responds 
that it will be hybrid, i.e. in-person and online.


[https://www.einsteintoolkit.org/tools/unanswered.php unanswered 
question on mailing list]

Topolski on THC Thorn, Kadath elliptic solver in Fuka branch. Seems 
mostly a THC question.  David Radice seems to be responding.

Hee Il Kim on Intel compilers.  Helvi, can anyone follow-up with him?  
Yosef said something about difficulties with newer compilers.

Helvi, could compile on Mac with M1 chip which is great, with Roland's 
help.  Will send the Pull Request and it can be included in the release.

open tickets sorted by update time]

#2551, ReprMand

#2549, FLRW solver

#2538, Inlude Kuibit, waiting for review.

#2487, *_evolution_method = "LeanBSSNMoL", Helvi can look at it, but is 
busy right now.

#2565, compiling PETSc, Roland hopes the new verison of PETsc fixes 
this, currently defaults to Python 2.

#2564, Catctus' configure test, Roland, a bit technical.  We test C++ by 
creating a file with extension *.C but this fails for CUDA which wants 
.cxx (or .cpp).  A fix might be our own test for C++ compiles and if you 
can parse the Autoconf there, it should work. If that works, will make 
it into a Pull Request.

#2254, Cactus thorns register citation request at runtime, this would be 
nice.  Adds two function calls to Formaline that adds string to use this 
citation if you use the thorn.  Right now hard to read, because in 
Formaline text format.  Bibtex file and format is best.  Seems 
straightforward but takes some time.

tickets ready for review]

* Any other business

** Compiler Warnings

David, how many people compiling the ET watch the compile, esp the 
compiler warnings?  Roland, compiles from scratch and does not look for 
the whole ET, but for a thorn being developed he pays them a lot of 
attention.  And many warnings come from F77, ancient code that we mostly 
do not use.  Roland, if you do have fixes for the warnings then put in 
the pull request for it.  Some of the warnings should be easy to fix.

* Next week

Chair: Peter D, Minutes: Miguel G

William Gabella
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Nashville, TN USA
(o) 615-343-2713

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