[Users] Thorn SphericalSlice

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Mon Aug 15 08:24:51 CDT 2022

Hello Alex,

> I am trying to set up the multipatch domain with Carpet and I am following
> what is done in the LlamaWaveHyperboloidal thorn (
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://lists.einsteintoolkit.org/pipermail/users/2013-July/003115.html__;!!DZ3fjg!4NhwinzhrGij5pHdqDxs89bitcJW2fMXcbSdqINyW-cwFyEGO4hW7OHvzrBkdrRkO8O0C8gct4U-iAsuj2EezL8uCljSEiKdH_N7$  ).
> Its parameter file activates a thorn called SphericalSlice (with the
> capabilities of SphericalSurface and more useful features), which I have
> only been able to find listed in
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Thorns_we_know_of__;!!DZ3fjg!4NhwinzhrGij5pHdqDxs89bitcJW2fMXcbSdqINyW-cwFyEGO4hW7OHvzrBkdrRkO8O0C8gct4U-iAsuj2EezL8uCljSEirkKGPh$  . The svn repo
> given does not seem to work for me. Is the SphericalSlice thorn still
> supported and accessible?

SphericalSlice is in Llama:


And this thornlist fragment should let you check it out:

# Llama
!TYPE     = git
!AUTH_URL = https://bitbucket.org/llamacode/llama.git
!URL      = https://bitbucket.org/llamacode/llama.git
                                !REPO_PATH= $2 !CHECKOUT = Llama/doc

Note that Llama is part of the ET so likely you already have things
checked out and are only missing the symbolic link from
arrangements/Llama/SphericalSlice to

I will update the thorns we now of page.


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