[Users] multipatch visualization of Thornburg04

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Mon Mar 14 07:19:17 CDT 2022

Hello Tomas,

VisIt only support 3d outout generated by the out_vars (so not out2d_vars or out3d_vars) method. You must also enabled output for grid::x grid::y grix::z.


----- Original Message -----
From: Tomas Andrade <tandrade at icc.ub.edu>
Sent: 2022-03-14 - 05:02
To: users at einsteintoolkit.org
Subject: [Users] multipatch visualization of Thornburg04

> Hi,
> I’m trying to create a multipatch visualization using VisIt’s GUI (version
> 3.1.4, on MacOS). I am following the tutorial
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/GW150914_VisIt_Tutorial__;!!DZ3fjg!o1N1lQxBXOqBLXQ12OZScLdgqubS_nf0FQA1sw3i61fevouoUjY19TyUt4Vqil7I$ 
> which allows me to correctly visualize the Cartesian portion of the grid as
> in the provided example.
> However, I am unable to visualize the spherical part of the grid, which, if
> I understand correctly, should be in the data since the grid settings in
> the parfile include
> Carpet::domain_from_multipatch          = yes
> CartGrid3D::type                        = "multipatch"
> CartGrid3D::set_coordinate_ranges_on    = "all maps"
> Coordinates::coordinate_system          = "Thornburg04"
> For concreteness, let’s say we are working with the data from the file
> `phi.0.xy.h5`. Taking some hints from the thread
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://lists.einsteintoolkit.org/pipermail/users/2019-January/006716.html__;!!DZ3fjg!o1N1lQxBXOqBLXQ12OZScLdgqubS_nf0FQA1sw3i61fevouoUjY19TyUtxKXEhdK$ 
> it seems that the coordinate files `x.0.xy.h5`, `y.0.xy.h5`, `z.0.xy.h5`
> are required to visualize the spherical part of the grid, so I open all of
> these files before doing, say, Add > Pseudocolor > ML_BSSN_phi.
> This produces the Cartesian portion of the grid. I’ve tried looking for the
> option "Carpet Multipatch” but it doesn’t seem to be available.
> Any recommendations?
> Thank you!
> Tomas
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