[Users] POWER code issues

Anuj Kankani aak00009 at mix.wvu.edu
Wed Aug 30 13:36:41 CDT 2023


I was recently suggested the POWER (
https://git.ncsa.illinois.edu/elihu/Gravitational_Waveform_Extractor/) code
for some GW extrapolation work I was doing by Gabriele Bozzola but I
believe I found some bugs and he suggested I send an email here.

Running the script as is on the GW150914 gallery example gives me results
significantly different from what the plots on the ET website show. I found
replacing where the code currently fits the strain amplitude and phase to a
polynomial expression with numpy polyfit seems to fix the main problem.

I also noticed in the getCutoffFrequencyFromTwoPuncturesBBH function, lines
341 - 347 have an incorrect equation for angular momentum, it looks like a
typo between position and momentum. Right now its position *  momentum -

I'm not sure if this code is being actively used, but I saw there were git
branches for the latest ET release.

Anuj Kankani
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