[Users] request for assistance

Liu Xiang 13689678307 at 163.com
Fri Dec 15 06:42:03 CST 2023

Dear Einstein Toolkit developers,

My name is Liu and I am a student from Nagoya University. I am now learning to use ET to do some simulations. This time I am trying to reproduce this:
which is a simulation of binary neutron stars.

During execution, I noticed this segmentation fault here when creating the simulation directory structure. (The screenshot file is attached to this email) This seems to be caused by a mismatch in memory settings. I've tried many debugging methods, but it still doesn't work.

Could you please help me identify the issue? I am using Ubuntu 22.04.3 and I have already built the Einstein Toolkit and run a sample simulation successfully.

Thank you very much for your sincerest help.

Best regards,
Liu Xiang

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