[Users] question about Thornburg04nc on Llama

Luciano Combi lcombi at perimeterinstitute.ca
Wed Feb 22 23:06:51 CST 2023

Hi everyone,

I started testing the Thornburg04nc coordinates (spherical patches without
Cartesian box) from Llama with (a modified version) of GRHydro. I started
with just an atmosphere around a Kerr-Schild metric evolving only hydro.
I'm seeing instabilities near the origin, so I was wondering if someone
already encountered this issue. In particular, I wanted to know if someone
has a good idea of how to treat the inner boundary. Right now, I'm putting
the inner boundary inside the horizon, above the ring singularity, and
applying hydro excision. I've tried a combination of things playing with
those parameters but without success. Has anyone tried a similar thing
evolving hydro? Just want to double check if there's something obvious in
the grid setup I'm missing.

Below I attach the relevant part of the par file I'm using. Main difference
with the public version of GRHydro is that I'm using Siegel+2017 c2p which
works just fine with the same setup in Cartesian coordinates.

Thanks a lot!!


ActiveThorns = "Time MoL"
ActiveThorns = "Coordbase CartGrid3d Boundary StaticConformal"
ActiveThorns = "SymBase ADMBase TmunuBase HydroBase InitBase ADMCoupling
ActiveThorns = "IOUtil Formaline"
ActiveThorns = "SpaceMask CoordGauge Constants LocalReduce aeilocalinterp
ActiveThorns = "Carpet CarpetLib CarpetReduce CarpetRegrid2 "
ActiveThorns = "Coordinates GenericFD Interpolate2 CarpetInterp2
ActiveThorns = "CarpetIOASCII CarpetIOScalar CarpetIOHDF5 CarpetIOBasic"

# Grid setup and general parameters

# Grid

CartGrid3D::type               = "multipatch"
Coordinates::coordinate_system = "Thornburg04nc"
CartGrid3D::set_coordinate_ranges_on    = "all maps"

Coordinates::h_radial            =   0.35
Coordinates::sphere_inner_radius =  3.0
Coordinates::sphere_outer_radius =  90.0
Coordinates::n_angular           =  25

#Coordinates::radial_stretch             = yes
#Coordinates::stretch_rmin_1             = 10.0
#Coordinates::stretch_rmax_1             = 90.0

Coordinates::stagger_patch_boundaries = "no"
Coordinates::stagger_outer_boundaries = "no"

Interpolate::interpolator_order = 4
Interpolate2::shift_edges        = no

Coordinates::store_jacobian            = yes # I need to
Coordinates::store_inverse_jacobian    = yes # Check for runtime errors
#Coordinates::store_jacobian_derivative = yes
Coordinates::store_volume_form         = yes

#GenericFD::jacobian_group            = "Coordinates::jacobian"
#GenericFD::jacobian_derivative_group = "Coordinates::jacobian2"

# General Carpet parameters:
Carpet::enable_all_storage       = "no"
Carpet::use_buffer_zones         = "yes"
Carpet::use_overlap_zones        = "no"
Carpet::schedule_barriers        = "no"
#Carpet::processor_topology       = "recursive" # recursive breaks

Carpet::check_for_poison         = "no"
Carpet::init_3_timelevels        = "no"
Carpet::init_fill_timelevels     = "yes"

CarpetLib::poison_new_memory         = "yes"
CarpetLib::poison_value              = 114
CarpetLib::check_bboxes              = "no"
CarpetLib::interleave_communications = "yes"
CarpetLib::combine_sends             = "no" # Erik says this is faster and
does not use more memory than yes
CarpetLib::combine_recompose         = "no" # yes is the default, set to no
if we run out of memory during recomposing
#CarpetLib::restriction_order_space   = 0

CarpetInterp::tree_search = "yes"
CarpetInterp::check_tree_search = "no"

Coordinates::additional_overlap_size = 3

# BOUNDARY ZONES (needs to be set to three)
Coordinates::patch_boundary_size = 3
Coordinates::outer_boundary_size = 3
#Carpet::prolongation_order_space = 5
#Carpet::prolongation_order_time  = 2
Carpet::refinement_centering     = "vertex"

# TmunuBase & HydroBase
TmunuBase::stress_energy_storage = yes
TmunuBase::stress_energy_at_RHS  = yes
TmunuBase::timelevels            =  1
TmunuBase::prolongation_type     = none
HydroBase::timelevels            = 3

# Carpet

Carpet::domain_from_multipatch = yes
Carpet::ghost_size             = 3
# not for FD
#Carpet::granularity            = 5   # (order+1)*m
#Carpet::granularity_boundary   = 1
#Carpet::poison_new_timelevels = "yes"   # does not work with persistent RHS

ActiveThorns = "CarpetMask"
CarpetMask::excluded_surface       [0] = 1
CarpetMask::excluded_surface_factor[0] = 1.0
# Time integration

Cactus::terminate       = "time"
Cactus::cctk_final_time = 2000000000000
#Cactus::cctk_itlast = 1

Time::timestep_method = "given"
Time::timestep        = 0.10

MethodOfLines::ODE_method             = "RK4"
MethodOfLines::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 4
MethodOfLines::MoL_Num_Scratch_Levels = 1
MethodOfLines::MoL_NaN_Check = no

# Hydro evolution

SpaceMask::use_mask      = "yes"

# GRHydro
ActiveThorns = "EOS_Omni"
ActiveThorns = "GRHydro"

HydroBase::evolution_method      = "GRHydro"
HydroBase::Bvec_evolution_method = "GRHydro"
# use c++ version of GRHydro
GRHydro::use_cxx_code = "yes"

GRHydro::method_type               = "RSA FV"
GRHydro::riemann_solver            = "HLLE"
GRHydro::recon_method              = "ppm"
GRHydro::recon_vars                = "primitive"
GRHydro::GRHydro_stencil           = 3
GRHydro::bound                     = "flat" #also tried none
GRHydro::rho_abs_min               = 1e-15
GRHydro::initial_rho_abs_min       = 5e-14
GRHydro::GRHydro_atmo_tolerance    = 0.01

# -- settings for 3-param (tabulated) EOS --
grhydro::grhydro_eos_type                =  "General"
grhydro::grhydro_eos_table               =  "nuc_eos"
EOS_Omni::nuceos_read_table = "yes"
EOS_Omni::nuceos_table_name =
GRHydro::GRHydro_eos_rf_prec = 1e-10
hydrobase::Y_e_evolution_method          =  "GRHydro"
hydrobase::temperature_evolution_method  =  "GRHydro"

GRHydro::reconstruct_temper             =  "yes" # more robust for
GRHydro::GRHydro_hot_atmo_temp          =  0.012 #8.62e-06=1e5K
GRHydro::GRHydro_hot_atmo_Y_e           =  0.5
grhydro::grhydro_y_e_min               =  0.012
grhydro::grhydro_y_e_max               =  0.599

GRHydro::Grhydro_MaxNumConstrainedVars = 34 #33
GRHydro::GRHydro_MaxNumEvolvedVars     = 10

# -- settings for con2prim --
GRHydro::GRHydro_c2pMHD_method = 1
GRHydro::GRHydro_c2pMHD_method_backup = 5
GRHydro::GRHydro_use_c2pMHD_method_backup = "yes"
GRHydro::GRHydro_c2p_grace_radius  = 7.5
grhydro::grhydro_c2p_warnlevel          = 1 #1
grhydro::grhydro_c2p_warn_from_reflevel = 5 #5 # 6

# --- EOS Omni ---
eos_omni::poly_gamma                            = 1.33333333
#eos_omni::poly_gamma_initial                    = 1.333333333
eos_omni::poly_k                                = 0.3605 #145.877704 #100
eos_omni::gl_gamma                              = 1.33333333
eos_omni::gl_k                                  = 0.3605 #145.877704 #100

# Spacetime evolution

ADMBase::metric_type     = "physical"
ADMBase::evolution_method        = "static"
ADMBase::lapse_evolution_method  = "static"
ADMBase::shift_evolution_method  = "static"
ADMBase::dtlapse_evolution_method= "static"
ADMBase::dtshift_evolution_method= "static"

ADMBase::metric_timelevels = 3
ADMBase::lapse_timelevels = 3
ADMBase::shift_timelevels = 3
ADMMacros::spatial_order = 4

# Apparent horizon & excision
ActiveThorns = "hydro_initexcision"
hydro_initexcision::hydro_initexcision  = "yes"
hydro_initexcision::hydro_initexcision_type  = "sphere"
hydro_initexcision::hydro_initexcision_coordinate_length  = 4.2 # should be
slightly larger than a_BH = spin_BH*mass_BH

# --- Settings for apparent horizon ---
ActiveThorns = "AHFinderDirect SetMask_SphericalSurface"
AHFinderDirect::N_horizons                               = 1
AHFinderDirect::find_after_individual_time[1]            = 0
AHFinderDirect::find_every                               = 20000
AHFinderDirect::output_h_every                           = 20000
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess_method[1]                   =
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__x_posn[1] = 0.0
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__y_posn[1] = 0.0
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__z_posn[1] = 0.0
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__mass[1] = 3.0  # adjust to
settings for TorusID
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__spin[1] = 0.8  # adjust to
settings for TorusID
AHFinderDirect::geometry_interpolator_name               = "Lagrange
polynomial interpolation"
AHFinderDirect::geometry_interpolator_pars               = "order=4"
AHFinderDirect::surface_interpolator_name                = "Lagrange
polynomial interpolation"
AHFinderDirect::surface_interpolator_pars                = "order=4"
AHFinderDirect::mask_buffer_thickness                    = 0
AHFinderDirect::mask_radius_multiplier                   = 0.8
AHFinderDirect::mask_radius_offset                       = 0
AHFinderDirect::max_allowable_horizon_radius[1]          = 10
AHFinderDirect::max_allowable_Theta_growth_iterations    = 10
AHFinderDirect::max_allowable_Theta_nonshrink_iterations = 10
AHFinderDirect::max_Newton_iterations__initial           = 50
AHFinderDirect::max_Newton_iterations__subsequent        = 50
AHFinderDirect::which_surface_to_store_info_by_name  [1] = "apparent

# Initial data

InitBase::initial_data_setup_method = "init_some_levels"
ADMBase::initial_data            = "exact" #TorusID"
ADMBase::initial_lapse           = "exact" #TorusID"
ADMBase::initial_shift           = "exact" #TorusID"
ADMBase::initial_dtlapse         = "zero"
ADMBase::initial_dtshift         = "zero"

ActiveThorns = "Exact"
Exact::exact_model = "Kerr/Kerr-Schild"
Exact::Kerr_KerrSchild__mass     = 3.0
Exact::Kerr_KerrSchild__parabolic = "yes"

*Dr. Luciano Combi*
Postdoctoral Researcher
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
CITA National Fellow (U. of Guelph)
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