[Users] meeting minutes for 2023-07-06

Steven R. Brandt sbrandt at cct.lsu.edu
Thu Jul 6 09:34:04 CDT 2023

Present: Steven, Roland, Sam, Yosef

No updates on SPEC benchmark

ET release planning
     Sam's updates:
         - Illinois GRMHD updated to use the thorn that provides Grhayllib
         - Grhayllib proposed for includion
         - GrhaylHD is a pure hydro version that also depends on Grhayllib
         - GrhaylHDX is the CarpetX version
           and other Grhayl thorns.
         - 3 new thorns + 2 or 3 if CarpetX makes it.
         - Updates to 2 thorns
         - Also Sam has a list of deprecations
     CarpetX is attempting to be on track
         - no docs as yet
         - no clear idea which thorns come with it
         - Erik is renaming to avoid conflicts

The RIT workshop:
     - Mostly set
     - One change in speaker but no change in topics
     - Visualization video instead of live
     - Request notebooks get sent to me ahead of time
Working Workshop:
     - Roland will set things up

     - rdwr.pl is too noisy

Next week:
Chair: Yosef
Minutes: Roland

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