[Users] Gravitational waves using toolkit

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Mon Jul 31 16:41:50 CDT 2023

Hello Thejas A Nair,

> I am  a master's student doing a project on gravitational wave, is there
> work done in gravitational wave using this toolkit. I would like to work on
> some codes for my project.

Depends on what you mean by "work on gravitational waves", which is a
large area of research.

The toolkit is used for numerical astrophysics and gravitational waves
produced by colliding compact objects have been a long standing target
for these types of simulations.

Eg the GW150914 gallery example:


contains an extensive set of Mathematica notebooks that show how one
can process the gravitational waves produced.

If you are thinking of eg post-Newtonian work, then no the ET is the
wrong toolkit for this.

If you are thinking of extreme mass ratio inspirals then the black hole
perturbation toolkit 


may be useful for you. 

To get an idea what the ET is currently being used for you can query eg
the arXiv for it:


which gives some idea of what it can be and is used for.


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