[Users] Meeting minutes for 2023-06-08

Leonardo Rosa Werneck wernecklr at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 09:37:25 CDT 2023

Hi all,

Here are the minutes for today’s meeting:

Chair  : Steve
Minutes: Leo

Present: Steve Brandt, Peter Diener, Zach Etienne,
         Roland Haas, Leo Werneck, Yosef Zlochower

Nothing specific added to the agenda.

* Next ET release manager search:
  - Sam Cupp is currently expected to be the lead release manager of the
    ET_11_2023 release, but he was not in today's telecon. Leo will ask him in

* ET Summer School and Workshop:
  - Yosef said a discount code that allows folks to book their room at the RIT
    Inn has been sent to everyone who already registered. Participants are
    encouraged to book their rooms as soon as possible. As a reminder, the RIT
    Inn is the only hotel that offers free ground transportation to/from the

  - If someone booked their hotel earlier without using their code, they should
    reach out to Yosef so that they can see what can be done.

  - There are people who began their registration but never
    finished. Unfortunately the organizers do not have access to any information
    that identifies these people. They are encouraging everyone who wants to
    register to do so by completing the registration forms all the way through.

* NRPy+ modernization:
  - Zach wants to announce that NRPy+ is undergoing an extensive modernization
    that will allow it to be pip installed.

  - Steve suggests all core NRPy+ modules should be moved inside a nrpy/
    directory as soon as possible to avoid future issues.

  - Steve suggests a 'project class' that would hold all global variables (e.g.,
    gridfunction list), but Zach does not think it is necessary since modules
    containing global variables contain very few of them.

  - This new version of NRPy+ (still under development) requires Python >=3.6,
    and thus supports f-strings and type hinting/mypy. Support for Python 2 will
    be dropped once this new version becomes the official version.

* Unanswered question on the mailing list:
  - Bernard Kelly asked a question regarding whether or not ADMMacros should be
    removed from parameter files that use GRHydro for the MHD evolution. Steve
    is writing a reply to that question, which likely involves removing the
    ADMMacros thorn from the parameter file but updating the value of a new
    GRHydro parameter that replaces the one from ADMMacros.

Next week chair  : Peter
Next week minutes: Roland


Leonardo R. Werneck, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Office EP 314 | Department of Physics | University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 0903
Moscow, ID 83844-0903, USA
leonardo at uidaho.edu <mailto:leonardo at uidaho.edu>
https://leowerneck.github.io <https://leowerneck.github.io/>
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