[Users] Failure to run static_tov simulation using more than 1 node on cluster

Wei Sun wsun3 at nd.edu
Tue Jun 20 15:01:42 CDT 2023


I am trying to run the static_tov simulation on my university's cluster (CRC
Notre Dame <https://docs.crc.nd.edu/new_user/quick_start.html>). However, I
got this error when acquiring 48 cores:

Error: Too many nodes specified: nodes=2 (maxnodes is 1)

I am assuming this is due to the *#Source tree management* module in the
Cactus/simfactory/mdb/machines/<host>.ini file. In my case, the automatic
*.ini file I got has these configuration:

ppn             = 24

max-num-threads = 24

num-threads     = 12

nodes           = 1

However, the machine I use has 24 cores for each node, and the number of
threads for each core is 1. That means if I run the simulation using 48
cores, I need 2 nodes.

Although I didn't get 2 hosts successfully(I got only 1), I am wondering if
I have to edit the <host>.ini file after the command ./simfactory/bin/sim
setup-silent by hand, for example: num-threads=1, nodes=2? Or is there any
other correct way for getting more than 1 node?

I would be appreciate it if you could give me some ideas on this problem.

Best regards,
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