[Users] meeting minutes for 2023-11-16

Cupp, Samuel D. scupp1 at my.apsu.edu
Thu Nov 16 14:06:44 CST 2023

present: Sam Roland Zach Leo

ET_2023_11 release

ongoing NSIMD issue: downloading sleef fails on some clusters
proposed solution: patch python code and include sleef file in tarball
needs to be done before release

  Roland can also do testing on supermuc, summit, expanse

Gallery examples:
  Deborah agreed BBH, hasn't started yet
 scalar wave, poisson equation examples aren't claimed yet; Roland will try to find students to run them

draft release announcement done, needs to be sent to maintainers, contributors

no update for springer book
should look for more contributors
hope to return to this topic once proposals are submitted and people have more time

only remaining issue with the new bitbucket restriction on the number of users is with simfactory (owned by Frank Loffler)
Roland will try to call him at his office to talk about this

Unanswered emails:
"Spikes" in density for FLRWSolver single-mode simulation
seeing spikes in density with GRHydro; doesn't recall seeing this in 2017
ask if an older release version of the ET resolves the issue, since that would narrow the search for the problem
Sam will send a response

Tickets for review
PR to fix issue; question about what is the best thing to do given the closeness to the release
consensus to accept Steve's change; will be merged in this week

want to be able to call CarpetX interpolator through standard Cactus Framework handles
future-proofs this code against any changes involving the Cactus-CarpetX connective tissue

Other topics
larger token limits in chatgpt-4 could fix the issue we had with auto-generating minutes

Next meeting in two weeks (2023-11-30)
chair: Steve
minute taker: Leo

   Samuel Cupp
   Postdoctoral Researcher
   Department of Physics
   University of Idaho
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