[Users] Meeting minutes for 2023-11-30

Leo Rosa Werneck wernecklr at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 09:50:34 CST 2023

Present: Leo, Steve, Zach, Peter, Sam, Roland

Chair: Steve
Minutes: Leo

* ET Release:

  = Blockers:
    - Locked simfactory repo was fixed
    - presync-only option in CarpetX was fixed
    - NSIMD compilation issues still present
      -> Any cluster which cannot access to the internet will fail
      -> Dependency on Python package 'requests'
      -> Dependency on OpenSSL
      -> Roland will try to fix today

  = ET gallery examples:
    - TOV started (Peter)
    - BBH started (Deborah)
    - BNS not started (Steve)
    - Scalar wave not started (TBD)
    - Poisson equation not started (TBD)

  = ET Testing:
    - Deep Bayou (Tests ran a couple of weeks ago with a couple of failures)
    - SuperMike (Tests ran a couple of weeks ago with a couple of failures)
      -> test_o11 (from CarpetProlongateTest)
      -> ML_BSSN_NewRad (from ML_BSSN_Test)
      -> ML_BSSN_O8_sgw3d (from ML_BSSN_Test)
    - SuperMUC (Compiled, can't run)
    - Delta (Compiled + Run)
    - Expanse (Compiled + Run)
    - Summit (Not done yet)
    - Sunrise (Tests ran and got a couple of failures)
      -> Balsara0 (from GRHayLHDX)
      -> sphere_pugh_ppm (from Hydro_InitExcision)
      -> rnsA2 (from Hydro_RNSID)
      -> ML_BSSN_NewRad (from ML_BSSN_Test)
      -> ML_BSSN_O8_sgw3d (from ML_BSSN_Test)
    - Frontera (Not done yet due to NSIMD compilation issues)
    - Gabriele Bozzola ran tests on Anvil and some failed:
      -> sphere_pugh_ppm (from Hydro_InitExcision)
      -> memspeed (from MemSpeed)
      -> checkpoint-openpmd (from TestOutput)
      -> output-openpmd (from TestOutput)
      -> recover-openpmd (from TestOutput)

  = Sam will push on getting the Zenodo and release announcement ready

* ET contribution to springer book on GRMHD codes

  = Need more writers (currently only Leo, Sam, and Zach)
  = No progress to report

* SPEC contribution

  = No update

* Open questions on the mailing list

  = Roland will look into compilation issues on Mac OS

* Open tickets

  = None discussed until release is done

* Other stuff

  = Roland asked Steve to update the ET youtube channel

  = Discussion on creating a repository for numerical relativity gravitational
    waveforms, and the ET could offer this to the community
    - Hardware requirements include a few TB for data storage

Leonardo R. Werneck, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Office EP 314 | Department of Physics | University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 0903
Moscow, ID 83844-0903, USA
leonardo at uidaho.edu <mailto:leonardo at uidaho.edu>
https://leowerneck.github.io <https://leowerneck.github.io/>
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