[Users] Meeting Minutes for 2023-10-26

Cupp, Samuel D. scupp1 at my.apsu.edu
Thu Oct 26 09:51:23 CDT 2023

Present: Sam, Peter, Roland, Steve, Zach, Leo

GRHayLHDX test failing on Anvil due to segfault
running on cpu
a ticket would be helpful
Testsuite shouldn't hang once a test fails
Try removing GRHayLHDX and see if other tests fail

Gallery runners:
Deborah might do BBH, Steve will switch to BNS

Request came in July for contribution to Springer book on GRMHD codes in ET, but it was never discussed
People representing several codes (GR-Athena, SPHINCS BSSN, KHARMA) have agreed to contribute other sections to this book
GRHydro (Steve?) and IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Leo) would be in an ET section; should also discuss the spacetime codes (ML_BSSN, Baikal)

Unanswered emails:
Help with GW150914 Black Hole simulation
Problem: vtk files are missing in simulation output
Gallery example sets vtk output to behave the same as 3D output, but 3D output is disabled.

kuibit currently has an issue with the most recent version of tikzplotlib. It appears to be a bug with that package and not kuibit itself; Gabriele is working on a workaround

Peter implemented Zach's ML_BSSN improvements into SPHINCS BSSN, and it appears to have significant reduction of constraint violations (still running)
May release should include this fix for both ML_BSSN and Baikal

   Samuel Cupp
   Postdoctoral Researcher
   Department of Physics
   University of Idaho
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