[Users] meeting minutes for 2025-02-20

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Fri Feb 21 18:24:48 CST 2025

Present: Leo, Roland, Steve, Lucas, Johnny, Zach, Bill

Leo inquired about options to use an IDE with the Einstein Toolkit
* cmake was suggested as a possible helper
* Roland voiced dislike for cmake

New Einstein Toolkit inclusions

* Roland Z4c will be adding test cases to Z4c
* Zach has BHaHAHA ready, paper should be out shortly after APS
* Spectre CCE exporter: Roland says there should be progress and
  regular meetings have started
* FLRWSolver: Roland has not yet heard back from Hayley
* gallery example for axi-dilaton: done. Remove item from agenda.
* remove remaining gallery example items from agenda going forward

Unanswered question

* no specific questions: Lucas is already in contacted Valdir Márcio
  Sena Vitalino but has not received any response


* Roland will apply tickets https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2839/look-for-multiple-flavors-of-hdf5-library https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2838/supplement-pkg-config-information-by-h5cc unless objected and https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2840/supplement-rather-than-supercede-auto

* no updates on https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2626/multipole-is-not-openmp-parallelized

US ET summer school

* will be at UTexas at Austin, TX june 9 - 13th, website will be up soon

New functionality

* Lucas has abstracted out a NoiseX thorn from ADMBaseX with
  controllable noise. To be proposed for inclusion in the Einstein


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