[Users] Meeting minutes for 2025-01-23

Leo Rosa Werneck wernecklr at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 09:52:01 CST 2025

Hi all,

Here are the minutes for today’s meeting.

Chair: Lucas
Minutes: Leo
Present: Johnny, Leo, Lucas, Roland, Steve, Zach

* Reproducibility of Data from Binary Neutron Star Simulations
    - Roland sees binary differences in Space Mask when comparing BNS gallery
      example with different MPI ranks, but otherwise they seem identical.
    - Observes issues in the post-merger, but inspiral looks the same.
    - Option MoL::run_MoL_PostStep_in_Post_Recover_Variables = "no" should make
      checkpoints bitwise identical.

* Possible ET Inclusions
    - Z4c: no updates.
    - BHaHAHAH: needs reviewer.
    - CCE code to hook up with Specter: needs reviewer.
    - Updated FLRWSolver thorn: needs reviewer.
    - New gallery examples: need champions and reviewers.
        Leo will work on IllinoisGRMHD's and GRHayL's with David's help.

* Unanswered Questions on the Mailing List

* Open Tickets
    - #2282: Erik pointed out a potential double-counting issue, but Zach
      says that, upon reviewing, there should be no issue because the code
      assumes cell centering instead of vertex centering. Zach is opposed to
      using higher order integration methods on potentially noisy data.

* Tickets Ready for Review
    - #2776: this helps on macOS using the system installed zlib.
    - #2364: avoid opening and closing HDF5 files multiple times during output.
    - #2846: added PreSync support in regrid.
    - #2842: Silo captures incorrect LIBS values on second CST run.
    - #2845: support (again) filesystem in std::experimental in Silo output.
    - #2843: update FFTW3 to 3.3.10.
    - #2821: update PETSc to 3.21.5.
    - #2841: update GSL tar file to version 2.8.
    - #2840: supplement rather than supersede auto-guessed data with gsl-config.
    - #2839: look for multiple flavors of hdf5 library names (Leo will look).

* Lucas is experiencing an issue in CarpetX, but with suggestions form Steve
  and Roland he has a good idea of how to fix it.

Next Chair: Peter
Next Minutes: Roland


Leonardo R. Werneck, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Office EP 314 | Department of Physics | University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 0903
Moscow, ID 83844-0903, USA
leonardo at uidaho.edu <mailto:leonardo at uidaho.edu>
https://leowerneck.github.io <https://leowerneck.github.io/>
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