[Users] libopenPMD missing, OpenPMD question
Roland Haas
rhaas at illinois.edu
Fri Jan 31 15:53:22 CST 2025
Hello Bill,
> [lots of stuff]
> /scratch/gabella/simulations/helloworld/SIMFACTORY/exe/cactus_sim: error while loading shared libraries: libopenPMD.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Hmm, ExternalLibraries/openPMD which provides this (most likely, unless
you are on a rare cluster that has it pre-installed) should set up an
--rpath so that libopenPMD is found at runtime. Though admittedly it
would also usually try to build a static library.
The library would be in configs/sim/scratch/external/ eg:
in my case (note that this is the statically linked one).
You you provide the file
and you option list, please?
> I see that that carpetX seems to have OpenPMD readers, etc. I also found the github, if it is the right OpenPMD at
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/openPMD/openPMD-api__;!!DZ3f
> jg!6chXrSK2Aob-tgiRz5UdTmcqIHLoXkWcH-hNaZhQhXY6V12RaAdQm2bSWB98IEudpHvF1rm5
> dBJcWQ5-QLCMww$ but expected ET to handle this or to see some text about installing OpenPMD as a pre-req.
> Any suggestions? I never saw a file format that I did not like, or at
> least install, so should I install this, or should ET?
If you are not using CarpetX, then you can comment out the
ExternalLibraries/OpenPMD line (and all CarpetX lines if you like) and
thing will be fine.
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