<p>Hello,<br />I'm a new user of the ET. I did an installation of Cactus and EinstainToolkit using the "Tutorial for the new users" on wiki. <br />I have an account on kraken and I modified <a target="_blank" href="http://udb.pm/">udb.pm</a> according to the 'ranger' example in a tutorial. Namely I changed: <br /> YOUR_LOGIN, <br /> YOUR@EMAIL.ADDRESS <br />and added<br /> set option 'kraken', 'user', 'MY_LOGIN'<br /> set option 'kraken', 'allocation', 'MY_ALLOCATION'<br /><br />I tried to compile the test suite on kraken using the command:</p><pre>
./simfactory/sim build --thornlist=manifest/<a target="_blank" href="http://einsteintoolkit.th/">einsteint<wbr></wbr>oolkit.th</a>
</pre><p>and I got the following error:</p><br /><p>'Simulation Factory:</p><br /><p>Configuration name(s) not specified -- using default configuration "sim"</p><br /><p>Uncaught exception from user code:</p><br /><p> Unknown machine name "</p><a target="_blank" href="http://krakenpf4.nics.utk.edu/">krakenpf4.nics.utk.edu</a><p>" at ./simfactory/sim line 5049.</p><br /><p> at ./simfactory/sim line 5049</p><br /><p> main::get_machine('') called at ./simfactory/sim line 1498</p><br /><p> main::command_build() called at ./simfactory/sim line 454'</p><br /><br /><p>I was wondering if you could help me with this? It's seem like I didn't modify</p><a target="_blank" href="http://udb.pm/">udb.pm</a><p>in proper way.</p><br /><p>Thank you.</p><br /><font color="#888888"> Petr Tsatsin<br />Florida Atlantic University</font>