-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 1 0101 ************************ 01 1010 10 The Cactus Code V4.0 1010 1101 011 www.cactuscode.org 1001 100101 ************************ 00010101 100011 (c) Copyright The Authors 0100 GNU Licensed. No Warranty 0101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cactus version: 4.0.b16 Compile date: Jun 13 2011 (15:20:08) Run date: Jun 13 2011 (16:04:33-0500) Run host: hedges.belmont.edu Working directory: /home/shawley/runs/cactus/admtest Executable: /home/shawley/bin/cactus_texmex Parameter file: easyrun.par -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activating thorn Cactus...Success -> active implementation Cactus Activation requested for --->AEILocalInterp ADMMass Boundary CartGrid3D CoordBase SymBase Slab Carpet CarpetLib CarpetInterp CarpetReduce CarpetSlab CarpetRegrid IOUtil SphericalSurface NaNChecker ADMBase ADMCoupling ADMMacros CoordGauge SpaceMask StaticConformal TexMEx LegoExcision AHFinderDirect ADMAnalysis ADMConstraints<--- Activating thorn ADMAnalysis...Success -> active implementation ADMAnalysis Activating thorn ADMBase...Success -> active implementation ADMBase Activating thorn ADMConstraints...Success -> active implementation admconstraints Activating thorn ADMCoupling...Success -> active implementation ADMCoupling Activating thorn ADMMacros...Success -> active implementation ADMMacros Activating thorn ADMMass...Success -> active implementation ADMMass Activating thorn AEILocalInterp...Success -> active implementation AEILocalInterp Activating thorn AHFinderDirect...Success -> active implementation AHFinderDirect Activating thorn Boundary...Success -> active implementation boundary Activating thorn Carpet...Success -> active implementation Driver Activating thorn CarpetInterp...Success -> active implementation interp Activating thorn CarpetLib...Success -> active implementation CarpetLib Activating thorn CarpetReduce...Success -> active implementation reduce Activating thorn CarpetRegrid...Success -> active implementation CarpetRegrid Activating thorn CarpetSlab...Success -> active implementation Hyperslab Activating thorn CartGrid3D...Success -> active implementation grid Activating thorn CoordBase...Success -> active implementation CoordBase Activating thorn CoordGauge...Success -> active implementation CoordGauge Activating thorn IOUtil...Success -> active implementation IO Activating thorn LegoExcision...Success -> active implementation legoexcision Activating thorn NaNChecker...Success -> active implementation NaNChecker Activating thorn Slab...Success -> active implementation Slab Activating thorn SpaceMask...Success -> active implementation SpaceMask Activating thorn SphericalSurface...Success -> active implementation SphericalSurface Activating thorn StaticConformal...Success -> active implementation StaticConformal Activating thorn SymBase...Success -> active implementation SymBase Activating thorn TexMEx...Success -> active implementation TexMEx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (recover initial data) Recover parameters endif Startup routines [CCTK_STARTUP] Carpet: Multi-model Startup routine Carpet: Startup routine AEILocalInterp: register CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() interpolation operators CarpetInterp: Startup routine CarpetReduce: Startup routine CartGrid3D: Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry CoordBase: Register a GH extension to store the coordinate system handles IOUtil: Startup routine Slab: Create MPI datatypes for complex variables in C SymBase: Register GH Extension for SymBase Startup routines which need an existing GH [CCTK_WRAGH] ADMAnalysis: Register symmetry of Ricci tensor and scalar ADMBase: Set up GF symmetries ADMConstraints: Register GF symmetries for ADM Constraints Boundary: Register boundary conditions that this thorn provides CartGrid3D: Register coordinates for the Cartesian grid CoordGauge: Initialize slicing, setup priorities for mixed slicings CoordGauge: Identify the slicing for the next iteration Slab: Initialise timers SpaceMask: Set grid symmetries for mask SpaceMask: Set grid symmetries for emask (compatibility mode) GROUP SymBase_Wrapper: Wrapper group for SymBase GROUP SymmetryRegister: Register your symmetries here CartGrid3D: Register symmetry boundaries SymBase: Print symmetry boundary face descriptions Parameter checking routines [CCTK_PARAMCHECK] ADMAnalysis: Check that the metric_type is recognised ADMBase: Check consistency of parameters ADMConstraints: Check that we can deal with this metric_type and have enough conformal derivatives Boundary: Check dimension of grid variables CarpetRegrid: Check Parameters CartGrid3D: Check coordinates for CartGrid3D Initialisation [CCTK_BASEGRID] ADMBase: Set the shift_state variable to 0 ADMBase: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 0 ADMBase: Set the dtshift_state variable to 0 ADMMacros: Initialize the local_spatial_order CartGrid3D: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce: Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce: Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce: Set up the weight function for the restriction regions CartGrid3D: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH AHFinderDirect: setup data structures SpaceMask: Initialise mask to zero SpaceMask: Set old style mask to one SphericalSurface: Set surface resolution automatically SphericalSurface: Calculate surface coordinate descriptors SphericalSurface: Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface: Test the state of the spherical surfaces SymBase: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently if (NOT (recover initial data AND recovery_mode is 'strict')) [CCTK_INITIAL] StaticConformal: Set the conformal_state variable to 0 GROUP ADMBase_InitialData: Schedule group for calculating ADM initial data TexMEx: Calculate initial data with TexMEx GROUP ADMBase_InitialGauge: Schedule group for the ADM initial gauge condition ADMBase: Set the lapse to 1 at all points ADMMass: Initialise the loop counter for ADMMass GROUP ADMBase_PostInitial: Schedule group for modifying the ADM initial data, such as e.g. adding noise [CCTK_POSTINITIAL] ADMConstraints: Set conformal_state to 0 for physical, or check that it is at least 3 LegoExcision: Excise a fixed lego sphere GROUP Lego_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary: Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions [CCTK_POSTSTEP] ADMMass: Set the loop counter to the value of the parameter ADMMass:ADMMass_number while (ADMMass::ADMMass_LoopCounter) GROUP ADMMass: ADMMass loop ADMMass: Decrement loop counter ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass using a surface integral: local routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass using a surface integral: global routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass*lapse using a surface integral: local routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass*lapse using a surface integral: global routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass using a volume integral: local routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass using a volume integral: global routine end while AHFinderDirect: import the excision mask AHFinderDirect: find apparent horizon(s) after this time step AHFinderDirect: store apparent horizon(s) into spherical surface(s) AHFinderDirect: save apparent horizon(s) into Cactus variables AHFinderDirect: set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s) SpaceMask: Ensure that all mask values are legal SphericalSurface: Set surface radii GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface: Test the state of the spherical surfaces endif if (recover initial data) [CCTK_RECOVER_VARIABLES] [CCTK_POST_RECOVER_VARIABLES] AHFinderDirect: import horizon data from Cactus variables endif if (checkpoint initial data) [CCTK_CPINITIAL] endif if (analysis) [CCTK_ANALYSIS] ADMAnalysis: Compute the trace of the extrinsic curvature and the determinant of the metric ADMAnalysis: Calculate the spherical metric in r,theta(q), phi(p) ADMAnalysis: Calculate the spherical ex. curvature in r, theta(q), phi(p) GROUP RicciGroup: Calculate Ricci tensor, with boundary conditions ADMAnalysis: Calculate Ricci tensor, with boundary conditions GROUP RicciBoundariesGroup: Set Ricci tensor on the boundary ADMAnalysis: Select boundary conditions for the Ricci tensor GROUP ADMAnalysis_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to the Ricci tensor GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary: Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMConstraintsGroup: Evaluate ADM constraints, and perform symmetry boundary conditions ADMConstraints: Evaluate ADM constraints GROUP ADMConstraintsBoundariesGroup: Set ADM constraints on the boundary ADMConstraints: Select boundary conditions for the ADM constraints GROUP ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to the ADM constraints GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary: Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions CarpetLib: Print timing statistics if desired CarpetLib: Print memory statistics if desired endif Do periodic output of grid variables do loop over timesteps Rotate timelevels iteration = iteration + 1 t = t+dt [CCTK_PRESTEP] ADMBase: Copy the lapse to the current time level ADMBase: Copy the shift to the current time level ADMBase: Copy the metric and extrinsic curvature to the current time level CoordGauge: Identify the slicing for the next iteration [CCTK_EVOL] [CCTK_POSTSTEP] ADMMass: Set the loop counter to the value of the parameter ADMMass:ADMMass_number while (ADMMass::ADMMass_LoopCounter) GROUP ADMMass: ADMMass loop ADMMass: Decrement loop counter ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass using a surface integral: local routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass using a surface integral: global routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass*lapse using a surface integral: local routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass*lapse using a surface integral: global routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass using a volume integral: local routine ADMMass: Calculate the ADMmass using a volume integral: global routine end while AHFinderDirect: import the excision mask AHFinderDirect: find apparent horizon(s) after this time step AHFinderDirect: store apparent horizon(s) into spherical surface(s) AHFinderDirect: save apparent horizon(s) into Cactus variables AHFinderDirect: set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s) SpaceMask: Ensure that all mask values are legal SphericalSurface: Set surface radii GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface: Test the state of the spherical surfaces if (checkpoint) [CCTK_CHECKPOINT] endif if (analysis) [CCTK_ANALYSIS] ADMAnalysis: Compute the trace of the extrinsic curvature and the determinant of the metric ADMAnalysis: Calculate the spherical metric in r,theta(q), phi(p) ADMAnalysis: Calculate the spherical ex. curvature in r, theta(q), phi(p) GROUP RicciGroup: Calculate Ricci tensor, with boundary conditions ADMAnalysis: Calculate Ricci tensor, with boundary conditions GROUP RicciBoundariesGroup: Set Ricci tensor on the boundary ADMAnalysis: Select boundary conditions for the Ricci tensor GROUP ADMAnalysis_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to the Ricci tensor GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary: Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMConstraintsGroup: Evaluate ADM constraints, and perform symmetry boundary conditions ADMConstraints: Evaluate ADM constraints GROUP ADMConstraintsBoundariesGroup: Set ADM constraints on the boundary ADMConstraints: Select boundary conditions for the ADM constraints GROUP ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to the ADM constraints GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary: Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions CarpetLib: Print timing statistics if desired CarpetLib: Print memory statistics if desired endif Do periodic output of grid variables enddo Termination routines [CCTK_TERMINATE] Shutdown routines [CCTK_SHUTDOWN] Routines run after restricting: [CCTK_POSTRESTRICT] Routines run after changing the grid hierarchy: [CCTK_POSTREGRID] SpaceMask: Initialise mask to zero GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce: Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce: Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce: Set up the weight function for the restriction regions CartGrid3D: Set Coordinates after regridding SpaceMask: Set mask to one LegoExcision: Excise a fixed lego sphere AHFinderDirect: set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s) GROUP Lego_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary: Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model listing: model 0: "world" INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model processor distribution: processor 0: model 0 "world" processor 1: model 0 "world" processor 2: model 0 "world" processor 3: model 0 "world" processor 4: model 0 "world" processor 5: model 0 "world" processor 6: model 0 "world" processor 7: model 0 "world" INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model: This is processor 0, model 0 "world" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR driver provided by Carpet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO (Carpet): Carpet is running on 8 processors INFO (Carpet): CoordBase boundary specification for map 0: nboundaryzones: [[1,1],[1,1],[1,1]] is_internal : [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] is_staggered : [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] shiftout : [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] INFO (Carpet): CoordBase domain specification for map 0: physical extent: [-36,-36,-36] : [36,36,36] ([72,72,72]) interior extent: [-34.5,-34.5,-34.5] : [34.5,34.5,34.5] ([69,69,69]) exterior extent: [-36,-36,-36] : [36,36,36] ([72,72,72]) base_spacing : [1.5,1.5,1.5] INFO (Carpet): Adapted domain specification for map 0: convergence factor: 2 convergence level : 0 physical extent : [-36,-36,-36] : [36,36,36] ([72,72,72]) interior extent : [-34.5,-34.5,-34.5] : [34.5,34.5,34.5] ([69,69,69]) exterior extent : [-36,-36,-36] : [36,36,36] ([72,72,72]) spacing : [1.5,1.5,1.5] INFO (Carpet): Base grid specification for map 0: number of grid points : [49,49,49] number of ghost points: [2,2,2] INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (grid points): [0][0][0][0] exterior: proc 0 [0,0,0] : [24,24,24] ([25,25,25]) [0][0][0][1] exterior: proc 1 [0,0,25] : [24,24,48] ([25,25,24]) [0][0][0][2] exterior: proc 2 [0,25,0] : [24,48,24] ([25,24,25]) [0][0][0][3] exterior: proc 3 [0,25,25] : [24,48,48] ([25,24,24]) [0][0][0][4] exterior: proc 4 [25,0,0] : [48,24,24] ([24,25,25]) [0][0][0][5] exterior: proc 5 [25,0,25] : [48,24,48] ([24,25,24]) [0][0][0][6] exterior: proc 6 [25,25,0] : [48,48,24] ([24,24,25]) [0][0][0][7] exterior: proc 7 [25,25,25] : [48,48,48] ([24,24,24]) INFO (Carpet): Group and variable statistics: INFO (Carpet): There are 146 grid functions in 26 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 169 grid scalars in 25 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 0 1-dimensional grid arrays in 0 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 3 2-dimensional grid arrays in 1 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 2 3-dimensional grid arrays in 1 groups INFO (Carpet): (The number of variables counts all time levels) INFO (ADMMacros): Spatial finite differencing order: 4 INFO (CartGrid3D): Grid Spacings: INFO (CartGrid3D): dx=>1.5000000e+00 dy=>1.5000000e+00 dz=>1.5000000e+00 INFO (CartGrid3D): Computational Coordinates: INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[-36.000,36.000] y=>[-36.000,36.000] z=>[-36.000,36.000] INFO (CartGrid3D): Indices of Physical Coordinates: INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[0,48] y=>[0,48] z=>[0,48] INFO (AHFinderDirect): setting up AHFinderDirect data structures INFO (AHFinderDirect): to search for 2 horizons on 8 processors INFO (AHFinderDirect): constructing full sphere patch system INFO (AHFinderDirect): at origin (-5,0,0) INFO (AHFinderDirect): with 18 angular zones per right angle INFO (AHFinderDirect): ==> 2166 nominal, 3174 ghosted angular grid points INFO (AHFinderDirect): constructing full sphere patch system INFO (AHFinderDirect): at origin (5,0,0) INFO (AHFinderDirect): with 18 angular zones per right angle INFO (AHFinderDirect): ==> 2166 nominal, 3174 ghosted angular grid points INFO (TexMEx): Calling TexMEx INFO (TexMEx): Changing directories INFO (TexMEx): Loading mask codes INFO (TexMEx): Setting up domain decomposition INFO (TexMEx): Setting up log file divisions = [2,2,2] after MPI_Cart_create [0] neighbors: front = 1, back=-2, top=4, bottom=-2, left=-2, right=2 About to allocate mgh itself (but not GFs on levels) Done allocating mgh INFO (TexMEx): Getting coordinate data from Carpet's bounding boxes INFO (TexMEx): Done getting coordinate data from Carpet's bounding boxes coordinates = |[[([-36,-36,-36]:[36,36,36])], [([-21,-21,-21]:[21,21,21])], [([-12.75,-9.75,-9.75]:[12.75,9.75,9.75])], [([-8.625,-4.5,-4.5]:[-1.5,4.5,4.5]), ([1.5,-4.5,-4.5]:[8.625,4.5,4.5])], [([-6.5625,-1.875,-1.875]:[-3.5625,1.875,1.875]), ([3.5625,-1.875,-1.875]:[6.5625,1.875,1.875])]]| calling parse_bblist_string Printing bblist, *bblist = 0xabc2d60 parse_bblist_string: bblist, level 4: ([3.562500,-1.875000,-1.875000]:[6.562500,1.875000,1.875000]:[-1,-1,-1]), next = 0xabc2bb0 parse_bblist_string: bblist, level 4: ([-6.562500,-1.875000,-1.875000]:[-3.562500,1.875000,1.875000]:[-1,-1,-1]), next = 0xabc2a00 parse_bblist_string: bblist, level 3: ([1.500000,-4.500000,-4.500000]:[8.625000,4.500000,4.500000]:[-1,-1,-1]), next = 0xabc2850 parse_bblist_string: bblist, level 3: ([-8.625000,-4.500000,-4.500000]:[-1.500000,4.500000,4.500000]:[-1,-1,-1]), next = 0xabc26a0 parse_bblist_string: bblist, level 2: ([-12.750000,-9.750000,-9.750000]:[12.750000,9.750000,9.750000]:[-1,-1,-1]), next = 0xabc24f0 parse_bblist_string: bblist, level 1: ([-21.000000,-21.000000,-21.000000]:[21.000000,21.000000,21.000000]:[-1,-1,-1]), next = 0xabc17e0 parse_bblist_string: bblist, level 0: ([-36.000000,-36.000000,-36.000000]:[36.000000,36.000000,36.000000]:[-1,-1,-1]), next = (nil) finished parsing bblist, bblist = 0xabc2d60 initlevels = 5 Printing bblist, bblist = 0xabc2d60 bblist: L6 G1: ([3.562500,-1.875000,-1.875000]:[6.562500,1.875000,1.875000]:[-1,-1,-1]) bblist: L6 G0: ([-6.562500,-1.875000,-1.875000]:[-3.562500,1.875000,1.875000]:[-1,-1,-1]) bblist: L5 G1: ([1.500000,-4.500000,-4.500000]:[8.625000,4.500000,4.500000]:[-1,-1,-1]) bblist: L5 G0: ([-8.625000,-4.500000,-4.500000]:[-1.500000,4.500000,4.500000]:[-1,-1,-1]) bblist: L4 G0: ([-12.750000,-9.750000,-9.750000]:[12.750000,9.750000,9.750000]:[-1,-1,-1]) bblist: L3 G0: ([-21.000000,-21.000000,-21.000000]:[21.000000,21.000000,21.000000]:[-1,-1,-1]) bblist: L2 G0: ([-36.000000,-36.000000,-36.000000]:[36.000000,36.000000,36.000000]:[-1,-1,-1]) finished copying from bblist to mgh setting global_wcbb[0] using level 2 mgh[2]->wcbb[0]... setting global_wcbb[1] using level 2 mgh[2]->wcbb[1]... setting global_wcbb[2] using level 2 mgh[2]->wcbb[2]... setting global_wcbb[3] using level 2 mgh[2]->wcbb[3]... setting global_wcbb[4] using level 2 mgh[2]->wcbb[4]... setting global_wcbb[5] using level 2 mgh[2]->wcbb[5]... global_wcbb = [-36,36,-36,36,-36,36] [0] TexMEx, initial.cc: nxyz_c = 13, nlevels = 7, nx = 769 global_icbb = [0,768,0,768,0,768] [0] npx = 2, npy = 2, npz = 2 [0] ip = 0, jp = 0, kp = 0 [0] thisproc_icbb = [0,388,0,388,0,388] [0] thisproc_wcbb = [-36,0.375,-36,0.375,-36,0.375] [0] bound_type = [9,6,9,6,9,6] [0] L6G1: gbl->icbb = [314,346,364,404,364,404] [0] L6G1: new gbl->wcbb = [-6.5625,-3.5625,-1.875,1.875,-1.875,1.875] [0] L6G1: gbl->nx = 33, gbl->ny = 41, gbl->nz = 41 [0] L6G0: gbl->icbb = [422,454,364,404,364,404] [0] L6G0: new gbl->wcbb = [3.5625,6.5625,-1.875,1.875,-1.875,1.875] [0] L6G0: gbl->nx = 33, gbl->ny = 41, gbl->nz = 41 [0] L5G1: gbl->icbb = [292,368,336,432,336,432] [0] L5G1: new gbl->wcbb = [-8.625,-1.5,-4.5,4.5,-4.5,4.5] [0] L5G1: gbl->nx = 39, gbl->ny = 49, gbl->nz = 49 [0] L5G0: gbl->icbb = [400,476,336,432,336,432] [0] L5G0: new gbl->wcbb = [1.5,8.625,-4.5,4.5,-4.5,4.5] [0] L5G0: gbl->nx = 39, gbl->ny = 49, gbl->nz = 49 [0] L4G0: gbl->icbb = [248,520,280,488,280,488] [0] L4G0: new gbl->wcbb = [-12.75,12.75,-9.75,9.75,-9.75,9.75] [0] L4G0: gbl->nx = 69, gbl->ny = 53, gbl->nz = 53 [0] L3G0: gbl->icbb = [160,608,160,608,160,608] [0] L3G0: new gbl->wcbb = [-21,21,-21,21,-21,21] [0] L3G0: gbl->nx = 57, gbl->ny = 57, gbl->nz = 57 [0] L2G0: gbl->icbb = [0,768,0,768,0,768] [0] L2G0: new gbl->wcbb = [-36,36,-36,36,-36,36] [0] L2G0: gbl->nx = 49, gbl->ny = 49, gbl->nz = 49 [0] L6G1 intermediary gbl->icbb = [314,346,364,388,364,388] [0] L6G1 intermediary gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] L6G1: Assigning final bboxes. icstride = 1, nlevels-1 = 6 end of gbl loop [0] L6G0 intermediary gbl->icbb = [422,388,364,388,364,388] [0] L6G0 intermediary gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] L6G0: Assigning final bboxes. icstride = 1, nlevels-1 = 6 [0] Removing grid 0 on level 6, shape = [-33,25,25] [0] removebb: Removing last grid [0] Back from removebb [0] gbl==NULL. breaking! end of loop over levels, l = 6 [0] L5G1 intermediary gbl->icbb = [292,368,336,388,336,388] [0] L5G1 intermediary gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] L5G1: Assigning final bboxes. icstride = 2, nlevels-1 = 6 end of gbl loop [0] L5G0 intermediary gbl->icbb = [400,388,336,388,336,388] [0] L5G0 intermediary gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] L5G0: Assigning final bboxes. icstride = 2, nlevels-1 = 6 [0] Removing grid 0 on level 5, shape = [-3,29,29] [0] removebb: Removing last grid [0] Back from removebb [0] gbl==NULL. breaking! end of loop over levels, l = 5 [0] L4G0 intermediary gbl->icbb = [248,388,280,388,280,388] [0] L4G0 intermediary gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] L4G0: Assigning final bboxes. icstride = 4, nlevels-1 = 6 end of gbl loop end of loop over levels, l = 4 [0] L3G0 intermediary gbl->icbb = [160,388,160,388,160,388] [0] L3G0 intermediary gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] L3G0: Assigning final bboxes. icstride = 8, nlevels-1 = 6 end of gbl loop end of loop over levels, l = 3 [0] L2G0 intermediary gbl->icbb = [0,388,0,388,0,388] [0] L2G0 intermediary gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] L2G0: Assigning final bboxes. icstride = 16, nlevels-1 = 6 end of gbl loop end of loop over levels, l = 2 before MPI_Barrier b after MPI_Barrier b looping over levels again, l=6 [0] level 6, dx = 0.09375, dy = 0.09375, dz = 0.09375 [0] mgh[6].x[0] = -6.5625 [0] mgh[6].x[1] = -6.46875 [0] mgh[6].x[2] = -6.375 [0] mgh[6].x[3] = -6.28125 [0] mgh[6].x[4] = -6.1875 [0] mgh[6].x[5] = -6.09375 [0] mgh[6].x[6] = -6 [0] mgh[6].x[7] = -5.90625 [0] mgh[6].x[8] = -5.8125 [0] mgh[6].x[9] = -5.71875 [0] mgh[6].x[10] = -5.625 [0] mgh[6].x[11] = -5.53125 [0] mgh[6].x[12] = -5.4375 [0] mgh[6].x[13] = -5.34375 [0] mgh[6].x[14] = -5.25 [0] mgh[6].x[15] = -5.15625 [0] mgh[6].x[16] = -5.0625 [0] mgh[6].x[17] = -4.96875 [0] mgh[6].x[18] = -4.875 [0] mgh[6].x[19] = -4.78125 [0] mgh[6].x[20] = -4.6875 [0] mgh[6].x[21] = -4.59375 [0] mgh[6].x[22] = -4.5 [0] mgh[6].x[23] = -4.40625 [0] mgh[6].x[24] = -4.3125 [0] mgh[6].x[25] = -4.21875 [0] mgh[6].x[26] = -4.125 [0] mgh[6].x[27] = -4.03125 [0] mgh[6].x[28] = -3.9375 [0] mgh[6].x[29] = -3.84375 [0] mgh[6].x[30] = -3.75 [0] mgh[6].x[31] = -3.65625 [0] mgh[6].x[32] = -3.5625 [0] mgh[6].y[0] = -1.875 [0] mgh[6].y[1] = -1.78125 [0] mgh[6].y[2] = -1.6875 [0] mgh[6].y[3] = -1.59375 [0] mgh[6].y[4] = -1.5 [0] mgh[6].y[5] = -1.40625 [0] mgh[6].y[6] = -1.3125 [0] mgh[6].y[7] = -1.21875 [0] mgh[6].y[8] = -1.125 [0] mgh[6].y[9] = -1.03125 [0] mgh[6].y[10] = -0.9375 [0] mgh[6].y[11] = -0.84375 [0] mgh[6].y[12] = -0.75 [0] mgh[6].y[13] = -0.65625 [0] mgh[6].y[14] = -0.5625 [0] mgh[6].y[15] = -0.46875 [0] mgh[6].y[16] = -0.375 [0] mgh[6].y[17] = -0.28125 [0] mgh[6].y[18] = -0.1875 [0] mgh[6].y[19] = -0.09375 [0] mgh[6].y[20] = 0 [0] mgh[6].y[21] = 0.09375 [0] mgh[6].y[22] = 0.1875 [0] mgh[6].y[23] = 0.28125 [0] mgh[6].y[24] = 0.375 [0] mgh[6].z[0] = -1.875 [0] mgh[6].z[1] = -1.78125 [0] mgh[6].z[2] = -1.6875 [0] mgh[6].z[3] = -1.59375 [0] mgh[6].z[4] = -1.5 [0] mgh[6].z[5] = -1.40625 [0] mgh[6].z[6] = -1.3125 [0] mgh[6].z[7] = -1.21875 [0] mgh[6].z[8] = -1.125 [0] mgh[6].z[9] = -1.03125 [0] mgh[6].z[10] = -0.9375 [0] mgh[6].z[11] = -0.84375 [0] mgh[6].z[12] = -0.75 [0] mgh[6].z[13] = -0.65625 [0] mgh[6].z[14] = -0.5625 [0] mgh[6].z[15] = -0.46875 [0] mgh[6].z[16] = -0.375 [0] mgh[6].z[17] = -0.28125 [0] mgh[6].z[18] = -0.1875 [0] mgh[6].z[19] = -0.09375 [0] mgh[6].z[20] = 0 [0] mgh[6].z[21] = 0.09375 [0] mgh[6].z[22] = 0.1875 [0] mgh[6].z[23] = 0.28125 [0] mgh[6].z[24] = 0.375 level = 6, gridsize = 20625 mgh[6].icstride = 1, mgh[6].nx = 33, mgh[6].ny = 25, mgh[6].nz = 25 looping over levels again, l=5 [0] level 5, dx = 0.1875, dy = 0.1875, dz = 0.1875 [0] mgh[5].x[0] = -8.625 [0] mgh[5].x[1] = -8.4375 [0] mgh[5].x[2] = -8.25 [0] mgh[5].x[3] = -8.0625 [0] mgh[5].x[4] = -7.875 [0] mgh[5].x[5] = -7.6875 [0] mgh[5].x[6] = -7.5 [0] mgh[5].x[7] = -7.3125 [0] mgh[5].x[8] = -7.125 [0] mgh[5].x[9] = -6.9375 [0] mgh[5].x[10] = -6.75 [0] mgh[5].x[11] = -6.5625 [0] mgh[5].x[12] = -6.375 [0] mgh[5].x[13] = -6.1875 [0] mgh[5].x[14] = -6 [0] mgh[5].x[15] = -5.8125 [0] mgh[5].x[16] = -5.625 [0] mgh[5].x[17] = -5.4375 [0] mgh[5].x[18] = -5.25 [0] mgh[5].x[19] = -5.0625 [0] mgh[5].x[20] = -4.875 [0] mgh[5].x[21] = -4.6875 [0] mgh[5].x[22] = -4.5 [0] mgh[5].x[23] = -4.3125 [0] mgh[5].x[24] = -4.125 [0] mgh[5].x[25] = -3.9375 [0] mgh[5].x[26] = -3.75 [0] mgh[5].x[27] = -3.5625 [0] mgh[5].x[28] = -3.375 [0] mgh[5].x[29] = -3.1875 [0] mgh[5].x[30] = -3 [0] mgh[5].x[31] = -2.8125 [0] mgh[5].x[32] = -2.625 [0] mgh[5].x[33] = -2.4375 [0] mgh[5].x[34] = -2.25 [0] mgh[5].x[35] = -2.0625 [0] mgh[5].x[36] = -1.875 [0] mgh[5].x[37] = -1.6875 [0] mgh[5].x[38] = -1.5 [0] mgh[5].y[0] = -4.5 [0] mgh[5].y[1] = -4.3125 [0] mgh[5].y[2] = -4.125 [0] mgh[5].y[3] = -3.9375 [0] mgh[5].y[4] = -3.75 [0] mgh[5].y[5] = -3.5625 [0] mgh[5].y[6] = -3.375 [0] mgh[5].y[7] = -3.1875 [0] mgh[5].y[8] = -3 [0] mgh[5].y[9] = -2.8125 [0] mgh[5].y[10] = -2.625 [0] mgh[5].y[11] = -2.4375 [0] mgh[5].y[12] = -2.25 [0] mgh[5].y[13] = -2.0625 [0] mgh[5].y[14] = -1.875 [0] mgh[5].y[15] = -1.6875 [0] mgh[5].y[16] = -1.5 [0] mgh[5].y[17] = -1.3125 [0] mgh[5].y[18] = -1.125 [0] mgh[5].y[19] = -0.9375 [0] mgh[5].y[20] = -0.75 [0] mgh[5].y[21] = -0.5625 [0] mgh[5].y[22] = -0.375 [0] mgh[5].y[23] = -0.1875 [0] mgh[5].y[24] = 0 [0] mgh[5].y[25] = 0.1875 [0] mgh[5].y[26] = 0.375 [0] mgh[5].y[27] = 0.5625 [0] mgh[5].y[28] = 0.75 [0] mgh[5].z[0] = -4.5 [0] mgh[5].z[1] = -4.3125 [0] mgh[5].z[2] = -4.125 [0] mgh[5].z[3] = -3.9375 [0] mgh[5].z[4] = -3.75 [0] mgh[5].z[5] = -3.5625 [0] mgh[5].z[6] = -3.375 [0] mgh[5].z[7] = -3.1875 [0] mgh[5].z[8] = -3 [0] mgh[5].z[9] = -2.8125 [0] mgh[5].z[10] = -2.625 [0] mgh[5].z[11] = -2.4375 [0] mgh[5].z[12] = -2.25 [0] mgh[5].z[13] = -2.0625 [0] mgh[5].z[14] = -1.875 [0] mgh[5].z[15] = -1.6875 [0] mgh[5].z[16] = -1.5 [0] mgh[5].z[17] = -1.3125 [0] mgh[5].z[18] = -1.125 [0] mgh[5].z[19] = -0.9375 [0] mgh[5].z[20] = -0.75 [0] mgh[5].z[21] = -0.5625 [0] mgh[5].z[22] = -0.375 [0] mgh[5].z[23] = -0.1875 [0] mgh[5].z[24] = 0 [0] mgh[5].z[25] = 0.1875 [0] mgh[5].z[26] = 0.375 [0] mgh[5].z[27] = 0.5625 [0] mgh[5].z[28] = 0.75 level = 5, gridsize = 32799 mgh[5].icstride = 2, mgh[5].nx = 39, mgh[5].ny = 29, mgh[5].nz = 29 looping over levels again, l=4 [0] level 4, dx = 0.375, dy = 0.375, dz = 0.375 [0] mgh[4].x[0] = -12.75 [0] mgh[4].x[1] = -12.375 [0] mgh[4].x[2] = -12 [0] mgh[4].x[3] = -11.625 [0] mgh[4].x[4] = -11.25 [0] mgh[4].x[5] = -10.875 [0] mgh[4].x[6] = -10.5 [0] mgh[4].x[7] = -10.125 [0] mgh[4].x[8] = -9.75 [0] mgh[4].x[9] = -9.375 [0] mgh[4].x[10] = -9 [0] mgh[4].x[11] = -8.625 [0] mgh[4].x[12] = -8.25 [0] mgh[4].x[13] = -7.875 [0] mgh[4].x[14] = -7.5 [0] mgh[4].x[15] = -7.125 [0] mgh[4].x[16] = -6.75 [0] mgh[4].x[17] = -6.375 [0] mgh[4].x[18] = -6 [0] mgh[4].x[19] = -5.625 [0] mgh[4].x[20] = -5.25 [0] mgh[4].x[21] = -4.875 [0] mgh[4].x[22] = -4.5 [0] mgh[4].x[23] = -4.125 [0] mgh[4].x[24] = -3.75 [0] mgh[4].x[25] = -3.375 [0] mgh[4].x[26] = -3 [0] mgh[4].x[27] = -2.625 [0] mgh[4].x[28] = -2.25 [0] mgh[4].x[29] = -1.875 [0] mgh[4].x[30] = -1.5 [0] mgh[4].x[31] = -1.125 [0] mgh[4].x[32] = -0.75 [0] mgh[4].x[33] = -0.375 [0] mgh[4].x[34] = 0 [0] mgh[4].x[35] = 0.375 [0] mgh[4].x[36] = 0.75 [0] mgh[4].x[37] = 1.125 [0] mgh[4].x[38] = 1.5 [0] mgh[4].y[0] = -9.75 [0] mgh[4].y[1] = -9.375 [0] mgh[4].y[2] = -9 [0] mgh[4].y[3] = -8.625 [0] mgh[4].y[4] = -8.25 [0] mgh[4].y[5] = -7.875 [0] mgh[4].y[6] = -7.5 [0] mgh[4].y[7] = -7.125 [0] mgh[4].y[8] = -6.75 [0] mgh[4].y[9] = -6.375 [0] mgh[4].y[10] = -6 [0] mgh[4].y[11] = -5.625 [0] mgh[4].y[12] = -5.25 [0] mgh[4].y[13] = -4.875 [0] mgh[4].y[14] = -4.5 [0] mgh[4].y[15] = -4.125 [0] mgh[4].y[16] = -3.75 [0] mgh[4].y[17] = -3.375 [0] mgh[4].y[18] = -3 [0] mgh[4].y[19] = -2.625 [0] mgh[4].y[20] = -2.25 [0] mgh[4].y[21] = -1.875 [0] mgh[4].y[22] = -1.5 [0] mgh[4].y[23] = -1.125 [0] mgh[4].y[24] = -0.75 [0] mgh[4].y[25] = -0.375 [0] mgh[4].y[26] = 0 [0] mgh[4].y[27] = 0.375 [0] mgh[4].y[28] = 0.75 [0] mgh[4].y[29] = 1.125 [0] mgh[4].y[30] = 1.5 [0] mgh[4].z[0] = -9.75 [0] mgh[4].z[1] = -9.375 [0] mgh[4].z[2] = -9 [0] mgh[4].z[3] = -8.625 [0] mgh[4].z[4] = -8.25 [0] mgh[4].z[5] = -7.875 [0] mgh[4].z[6] = -7.5 [0] mgh[4].z[7] = -7.125 [0] mgh[4].z[8] = -6.75 [0] mgh[4].z[9] = -6.375 [0] mgh[4].z[10] = -6 [0] mgh[4].z[11] = -5.625 [0] mgh[4].z[12] = -5.25 [0] mgh[4].z[13] = -4.875 [0] mgh[4].z[14] = -4.5 [0] mgh[4].z[15] = -4.125 [0] mgh[4].z[16] = -3.75 [0] mgh[4].z[17] = -3.375 [0] mgh[4].z[18] = -3 [0] mgh[4].z[19] = -2.625 [0] mgh[4].z[20] = -2.25 [0] mgh[4].z[21] = -1.875 [0] mgh[4].z[22] = -1.5 [0] mgh[4].z[23] = -1.125 [0] mgh[4].z[24] = -0.75 [0] mgh[4].z[25] = -0.375 [0] mgh[4].z[26] = 0 [0] mgh[4].z[27] = 0.375 [0] mgh[4].z[28] = 0.75 [0] mgh[4].z[29] = 1.125 [0] mgh[4].z[30] = 1.5 level = 4, gridsize = 37479 mgh[4].icstride = 4, mgh[4].nx = 39, mgh[4].ny = 31, mgh[4].nz = 31 looping over levels again, l=3 [0] level 3, dx = 0.75, dy = 0.75, dz = 0.75 [0] mgh[3].x[0] = -21 [0] mgh[3].x[1] = -20.25 [0] mgh[3].x[2] = -19.5 [0] mgh[3].x[3] = -18.75 [0] mgh[3].x[4] = -18 [0] mgh[3].x[5] = -17.25 [0] mgh[3].x[6] = -16.5 [0] mgh[3].x[7] = -15.75 [0] mgh[3].x[8] = -15 [0] mgh[3].x[9] = -14.25 [0] mgh[3].x[10] = -13.5 [0] mgh[3].x[11] = -12.75 [0] mgh[3].x[12] = -12 [0] mgh[3].x[13] = -11.25 [0] mgh[3].x[14] = -10.5 [0] mgh[3].x[15] = -9.75 [0] mgh[3].x[16] = -9 [0] mgh[3].x[17] = -8.25 [0] mgh[3].x[18] = -7.5 [0] mgh[3].x[19] = -6.75 [0] mgh[3].x[20] = -6 [0] mgh[3].x[21] = -5.25 [0] mgh[3].x[22] = -4.5 [0] mgh[3].x[23] = -3.75 [0] mgh[3].x[24] = -3 [0] mgh[3].x[25] = -2.25 [0] mgh[3].x[26] = -1.5 [0] mgh[3].x[27] = -0.75 [0] mgh[3].x[28] = 0 [0] mgh[3].x[29] = 0.75 [0] mgh[3].x[30] = 1.5 [0] mgh[3].x[31] = 2.25 [0] mgh[3].x[32] = 3 [0] mgh[3].y[0] = -21 [0] mgh[3].y[1] = -20.25 [0] mgh[3].y[2] = -19.5 [0] mgh[3].y[3] = -18.75 [0] mgh[3].y[4] = -18 [0] mgh[3].y[5] = -17.25 [0] mgh[3].y[6] = -16.5 [0] mgh[3].y[7] = -15.75 [0] mgh[3].y[8] = -15 [0] mgh[3].y[9] = -14.25 [0] mgh[3].y[10] = -13.5 [0] mgh[3].y[11] = -12.75 [0] mgh[3].y[12] = -12 [0] mgh[3].y[13] = -11.25 [0] mgh[3].y[14] = -10.5 [0] mgh[3].y[15] = -9.75 [0] mgh[3].y[16] = -9 [0] mgh[3].y[17] = -8.25 [0] mgh[3].y[18] = -7.5 [0] mgh[3].y[19] = -6.75 [0] mgh[3].y[20] = -6 [0] mgh[3].y[21] = -5.25 [0] mgh[3].y[22] = -4.5 [0] mgh[3].y[23] = -3.75 [0] mgh[3].y[24] = -3 [0] mgh[3].y[25] = -2.25 [0] mgh[3].y[26] = -1.5 [0] mgh[3].y[27] = -0.75 [0] mgh[3].y[28] = 0 [0] mgh[3].y[29] = 0.75 [0] mgh[3].y[30] = 1.5 [0] mgh[3].y[31] = 2.25 [0] mgh[3].y[32] = 3 [0] mgh[3].z[0] = -21 [0] mgh[3].z[1] = -20.25 [0] mgh[3].z[2] = -19.5 [0] mgh[3].z[3] = -18.75 [0] mgh[3].z[4] = -18 [0] mgh[3].z[5] = -17.25 [0] mgh[3].z[6] = -16.5 [0] mgh[3].z[7] = -15.75 [0] mgh[3].z[8] = -15 [0] mgh[3].z[9] = -14.25 [0] mgh[3].z[10] = -13.5 [0] mgh[3].z[11] = -12.75 [0] mgh[3].z[12] = -12 [0] mgh[3].z[13] = -11.25 [0] mgh[3].z[14] = -10.5 [0] mgh[3].z[15] = -9.75 [0] mgh[3].z[16] = -9 [0] mgh[3].z[17] = -8.25 [0] mgh[3].z[18] = -7.5 [0] mgh[3].z[19] = -6.75 [0] mgh[3].z[20] = -6 [0] mgh[3].z[21] = -5.25 [0] mgh[3].z[22] = -4.5 [0] mgh[3].z[23] = -3.75 [0] mgh[3].z[24] = -3 [0] mgh[3].z[25] = -2.25 [0] mgh[3].z[26] = -1.5 [0] mgh[3].z[27] = -0.75 [0] mgh[3].z[28] = 0 [0] mgh[3].z[29] = 0.75 [0] mgh[3].z[30] = 1.5 [0] mgh[3].z[31] = 2.25 [0] mgh[3].z[32] = 3 level = 3, gridsize = 35937 mgh[3].icstride = 8, mgh[3].nx = 33, mgh[3].ny = 33, mgh[3].nz = 33 looping over levels again, l=2 [0] level 2, dx = 1.5, dy = 1.5, dz = 1.5 [0] WARNING: Possible naked singularity in background spec, for level 2. Condition 'r_mask < h' violated. [0] r_mask = 0.9, dx = 1.5, dy = 1.5, dz = 1.5 [0] mgh[2].x[0] = -36 [0] mgh[2].x[1] = -34.5 [0] mgh[2].x[2] = -33 [0] mgh[2].x[3] = -31.5 [0] mgh[2].x[4] = -30 [0] mgh[2].x[5] = -28.5 [0] mgh[2].x[6] = -27 [0] mgh[2].x[7] = -25.5 [0] mgh[2].x[8] = -24 [0] mgh[2].x[9] = -22.5 [0] mgh[2].x[10] = -21 [0] mgh[2].x[11] = -19.5 [0] mgh[2].x[12] = -18 [0] mgh[2].x[13] = -16.5 [0] mgh[2].x[14] = -15 [0] mgh[2].x[15] = -13.5 [0] mgh[2].x[16] = -12 [0] mgh[2].x[17] = -10.5 [0] mgh[2].x[18] = -9 [0] mgh[2].x[19] = -7.5 [0] mgh[2].x[20] = -6 [0] mgh[2].x[21] = -4.5 [0] mgh[2].x[22] = -3 [0] mgh[2].x[23] = -1.5 [0] mgh[2].x[24] = 0 [0] mgh[2].x[25] = 1.5 [0] mgh[2].x[26] = 3 [0] mgh[2].x[27] = 4.5 [0] mgh[2].x[28] = 6 [0] mgh[2].y[0] = -36 [0] mgh[2].y[1] = -34.5 [0] mgh[2].y[2] = -33 [0] mgh[2].y[3] = -31.5 [0] mgh[2].y[4] = -30 [0] mgh[2].y[5] = -28.5 [0] mgh[2].y[6] = -27 [0] mgh[2].y[7] = -25.5 [0] mgh[2].y[8] = -24 [0] mgh[2].y[9] = -22.5 [0] mgh[2].y[10] = -21 [0] mgh[2].y[11] = -19.5 [0] mgh[2].y[12] = -18 [0] mgh[2].y[13] = -16.5 [0] mgh[2].y[14] = -15 [0] mgh[2].y[15] = -13.5 [0] mgh[2].y[16] = -12 [0] mgh[2].y[17] = -10.5 [0] mgh[2].y[18] = -9 [0] mgh[2].y[19] = -7.5 [0] mgh[2].y[20] = -6 [0] mgh[2].y[21] = -4.5 [0] mgh[2].y[22] = -3 [0] mgh[2].y[23] = -1.5 [0] mgh[2].y[24] = 0 [0] mgh[2].y[25] = 1.5 [0] mgh[2].y[26] = 3 [0] mgh[2].y[27] = 4.5 [0] mgh[2].y[28] = 6 [0] mgh[2].z[0] = -36 [0] mgh[2].z[1] = -34.5 [0] mgh[2].z[2] = -33 [0] mgh[2].z[3] = -31.5 [0] mgh[2].z[4] = -30 [0] mgh[2].z[5] = -28.5 [0] mgh[2].z[6] = -27 [0] mgh[2].z[7] = -25.5 [0] mgh[2].z[8] = -24 [0] mgh[2].z[9] = -22.5 [0] mgh[2].z[10] = -21 [0] mgh[2].z[11] = -19.5 [0] mgh[2].z[12] = -18 [0] mgh[2].z[13] = -16.5 [0] mgh[2].z[14] = -15 [0] mgh[2].z[15] = -13.5 [0] mgh[2].z[16] = -12 [0] mgh[2].z[17] = -10.5 [0] mgh[2].z[18] = -9 [0] mgh[2].z[19] = -7.5 [0] mgh[2].z[20] = -6 [0] mgh[2].z[21] = -4.5 [0] mgh[2].z[22] = -3 [0] mgh[2].z[23] = -1.5 [0] mgh[2].z[24] = 0 [0] mgh[2].z[25] = 1.5 [0] mgh[2].z[26] = 3 [0] mgh[2].z[27] = 4.5 [0] mgh[2].z[28] = 6 level = 2, gridsize = 24389 mgh[2].icstride = 16, mgh[2].nx = 29, mgh[2].ny = 29, mgh[2].nz = 29 before MPI_Barrier c after MPI_Barrier c before MPI_Barrier e after MPI_Barrier e [0] before MPI_Barrier h, l = 2 [0] after MPI_Barrier h, l = 2 [0] TexMEx: allocating gridsize = 24389 for gbl->t1 [0] Before mset, L2G0 gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] TexMEx: Calling mset, r_mask = 0.9, esr_size = 1.35, nholes = 2 0 ] mset: mrad, esr_size = 0.90000000000000102 1.3500000000000001 syncibgz: calling isyncgz... [0] before MPI_Barrier l, l = 2 [0] after MPI_Barrier l, l = 2 [0] Back from mset, mpcount = 2 [0] after mset, mgh[2].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] addmrg: bound_type = 9 6 9 6 9 6 addmrg: mrb_width = 1 [0] Calling mprint. mgh[2].ghost_zones[5] = 4, mgh[2].bound_type[5] = 6 Mask: k, nz = 24 29 99999999999999999999999999999 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 90000000000000000000000006666 96666666666666666666666666666 96666666666666666666666666666 96666666666666666666666666666 96666666666666666666666666666 [0] before MPI_Barrier h, l = 3 [0] after MPI_Barrier h, l = 3 [0] TexMEx: allocating gridsize = 35937 for gbl->t1 [0] Before mset, L3G0 gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] TexMEx: Calling mset, r_mask = 0.9, esr_size = 1.35, nholes = 2 0 ] mset: mrad, esr_size = 0.90000000000000202 1.3500000000000014 syncibgz: calling isyncgz... [0] before MPI_Barrier l, l = 3 [0] after MPI_Barrier l, l = 3 [0] Back from mset, mpcount = 6 [0] after mset, mgh[3].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] addmrg: bound_type = 4 6 4 6 4 6 addmrg: mrb_width = 1 [0] Calling mprint. mgh[3].ghost_zones[5] = 4, mgh[3].bound_type[5] = 6 Mask: k, nz = 28 33 444444444444444444444444444446666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000300000006666 666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666 [0] before MPI_Barrier h, l = 4 [0] after MPI_Barrier h, l = 4 [0] TexMEx: allocating gridsize = 37479 for gbl->t1 [0] Before mset, L4G0 gbl->ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] TexMEx: Calling mset, r_mask = 0.9, esr_size = 1.35, nholes = 2 0 ] mset: mrad, esr_size = 0.90000000000000302 1.3500000000000030 syncibgz: calling isyncgz... [0] before MPI_Barrier l, l = 4 [0] after MPI_Barrier l, l = 4 [0] Back from mset, mpcount = 61 [0] after mset, mgh[4].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] addmrg: bound_type = 4 6 4 6 4 6 addmrg: mrb_width = 1 [0] Calling mprint. mgh[4].ghost_zones[5] = 4, mgh[4].bound_type[5] = 6 Mask: k, nz = 26 31 444444444444444444444444444444444446666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000000000000000000006666 400000000000000000003300000000000006666 400000000000000000033330000000000006666 400000000000000000033330000000000006666 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 [0] before MPI_Barrier h, l = 5 [0] after MPI_Barrier h, l = 5 [0] TexMEx: allocating gridsize = 32799 for gbl->t1 [0] Before mset, L5G1 gbl->ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] [0] TexMEx: Calling mset, r_mask = 0.9, esr_size = 1.35, nholes = 2 0 ] mset: mrad, esr_size = 0.90000000000000402 1.3500000000000045 syncibgz: calling isyncgz... [0] before MPI_Barrier l, l = 5 [0] after MPI_Barrier l, l = 5 [0] Back from mset, mpcount = 462 [0] after mset, mgh[5].ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] addmrg: bound_type = 4 4 4 6 4 6 addmrg: mrb_width = 1 [0] Calling mprint. mgh[5].ghost_zones[5] = 4, mgh[5].bound_type[5] = 6 Mask: k, nz = 24 29 444444444444444444444444444444444444444 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000003333300000000000000004 400000000000000033222330000000000000004 400000000000000032222233000000000000004 400000000000000332222223000000000000004 400000000000000322222223300000000000004 666666666666666662222226666666666666666 666666666666666662222266666666666666666 666666666666666666222666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 [0] before MPI_Barrier h, l = 6 [0] after MPI_Barrier h, l = 6 [0] TexMEx: allocating gridsize = 20625 for gbl->t1 [0] Before mset, L6G1 gbl->ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] [0] TexMEx: Calling mset, r_mask = 0.9, esr_size = 1.35, nholes = 2 0 ] mset: mrad, esr_size = 0.90000000000000502 1.3500000000000061 syncibgz: calling isyncgz... [0] before MPI_Barrier l, l = 6 [0] after MPI_Barrier l, l = 6 [0] Back from mset, mpcount = 2505 [0] after mset, mgh[6].ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] addmrg: bound_type = 4 4 4 6 4 6 addmrg: mrb_width = 1 [0] Calling mprint. mgh[6].ghost_zones[5] = 4, mgh[6].bound_type[5] = 6 Mask: k, nz = 20 25 444444444444444444444444444444444 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000000000000000000000004 400000000000003333330000000000004 400000000000333222233300000000004 400000000003322222222333000000004 400000000033222222222223300000004 400000000332222222222222300000004 400000003322222222222222330000004 400000003222222222222222230000004 400000003222222222222222233000004 400000003222222222222222223000004 400000003222222222222222223000004 666666666222222222222222226666666 666666666222222222222222266666666 666666666222222222222222266666666 666666666622222222222222666666666 Calling setbkgrnd for level 2 grid 0... mgh[2].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] setbkgrnd: using bg_type .eq. 2:kerr-schild background  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 3  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 31  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 17  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 34  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 6  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 20  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 37  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 10  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 24  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 41  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 72  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 13  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 27  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 75  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 44  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 58  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 79  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 48  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 62  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 82  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 51  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 65  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 55  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 68  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 86  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 100  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 89  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 93  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 96 Back from setbkgrnd Calling setbkgrnd for level 3 grid 0... mgh[3].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] setbkgrnd: using bg_type .eq. 2:kerr-schild background  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 3  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 27  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 15  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 30  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 6  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 18  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 33  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 9  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 21  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 36  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 12  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 24  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 63  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 39  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 51  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 66  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 42  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 54  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 69  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 45  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 57  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 72  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 48  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 60  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 100  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 75  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 87  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 78  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 90  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 81  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 93  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 84  setbkgrnd: nz = 33 , % done = 96 Back from setbkgrnd Calling setbkgrnd for level 4 grid 0... mgh[4].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] setbkgrnd: using bg_type .eq. 2:kerr-schild background  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 3  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 29  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 16  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 32  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 6  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 19  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 35  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 9  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 22  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 38  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 12  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 25  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 67  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 41  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 54  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 70  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 45  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 58  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 74  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 48  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 61  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 77  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 51  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 64  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 80  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 93  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 83  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 96  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 87  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 100  setbkgrnd: nz = 31 , % done = 90 Back from setbkgrnd Calling setbkgrnd for level 5 grid 1... mgh[5].ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] setbkgrnd: using bg_type .eq. 2:kerr-schild background  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 3  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 31  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 17  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 34  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 6  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 20  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 37  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 10  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 24  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 41  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 13  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 27  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 72  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 44  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 58  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 75  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 48  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 62  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 79  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 51  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 65  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 82  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 55  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 68  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 100  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 86  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 89  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 93  setbkgrnd: nz = 29 , % done = 96 Back from setbkgrnd Calling setbkgrnd for level 6 grid 1... mgh[6].ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] setbkgrnd: using bg_type .eq. 2:kerr-schild background  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 4  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 36  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 20  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 8  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 40  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 24  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 44  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 12  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 28  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 48  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 16  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 32  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 84  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 52  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 68  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 88  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 72  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 56  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 92  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 76  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 60  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 96  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 80  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 64  setbkgrnd: nz = 25 , % done = 100 Back from setbkgrnd before MPI_Barrier x after MPI_Barrier x Loop for setting CG IBs, l = 6 Overwriting inner boundary data on level 5, grid 1, using level 6 grid 1 cicstride = 2, ficstride = 1 mgh[6].ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] Loop for setting CG IBs, l = 5 Overwriting inner boundary data on level 4, grid 0, using level 5 grid 1 cicstride = 4, ficstride = 2 mgh[5].ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] Loop for setting CG IBs, l = 4 Overwriting inner boundary data on level 3, grid 0, using level 4 grid 0 cicstride = 8, ficstride = 4 mgh[4].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] Loop for setting CG IBs, l = 3 Overwriting inner boundary data on level 2, grid 0, using level 3 grid 0 cicstride = 16, ficstride = 8 mgh[3].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] TexMEx: Output of background... [0] TexMEx: Calling output_back for level 2... [0] TexMEx: Calling output_back for level 3... [0] TexMEx: Calling output_back for level 4... [0] TexMEx: Calling output_back for level 5... [0] TexMEx: Calling output_back for level 6... INFO (TexMEx): [-30,-30,-30]:[30,30,30] [0] admmass_wcbb = (-30,30,-30,30,-30,30) [0] TexMEx: ************* Calling texmex subroutine ********* [0] texmex: calling mgh_init_all mgh_init_all: init'ing on level 6... [0] mgh_init_all: Setting up initial guess on finest grid [0] mgh_init_all: filling inner boundary of phi with exact solution [0] mgh[6].ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] [0] mgh[6].bound_type = [4,4,4,6,4,6] [0] mgh_init_all: syncing phi mgh_init_all: init'ing on level 5... [0] mgh_init_all: Setting up initial guess on finest grid [0] mgh_init_all: filling inner boundary of phi with exact solution [0] mgh[5].ghost_zones = [0,0,0,4,0,4] [0] mgh[5].bound_type = [4,4,4,6,4,6] [0] mgh_init_all: syncing phi mgh_init_all: init'ing on level 4... [0] mgh_init_all: Setting up initial guess on finest grid [0] mgh_init_all: filling inner boundary of phi with exact solution [0] mgh[4].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] mgh[4].bound_type = [4,6,4,6,4,6] [0] mgh_init_all: syncing phi mgh_init_all: init'ing on level 3... [0] mgh_init_all: Setting up initial guess on finest grid [0] mgh_init_all: filling inner boundary of phi with exact solution [0] mgh[3].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] mgh[3].bound_type = [4,6,4,6,4,6] [0] mgh_init_all: syncing phi mgh_init_all: init'ing on level 2... [0] mgh_init_all: Setting up initial guess on finest grid [0] mgh_init_all: filling inner boundary of phi with exact solution [0] mgh[2].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] mgh[2].bound_type = [9,6,9,6,9,6] [0] mgh_init_all: syncing phi [0] mgh_init_all: calling mgh_coarse_init [0] mgh_coarse_init: nlevels = 7, initlevels = 5 [0] mgh_coarse_init: l = 1 [0] mgh[1].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] level 1, nx = 17, ny = 17, nz = 17, gridsize = 4913 Finished allocatin' Calling mrestrict syncibgz: calling isyncgz... Finished mrestrict Mask: k, nz = 13 17 99999999999999999 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 90000000000006666 96666666666666666 96666666666666666 96666666666666666 96666666666666666 Injecting coordinate grid functions [0] mgh_coarse_init: l = 0 [0] mgh[0].ghost_zones = [0,4,0,4,0,4] [0] level 0, nx = 11, ny = 11, nz = 11, gridsize = 1331 Finished allocatin' Calling mrestrict syncibgz: calling isyncgz... Finished mrestrict Mask: k, nz = 7 11 99999999999 90000006666 90000006666 90000006666 90000006666 90000006666 90000006666 96666666666 96666666666 96666666666 96666666666 Injecting coordinate grid functions mgh_init_all: back from mgh_coarse_init leaving mgh_init_all texmex: back from mgh_init_all [0] texmex: lstart = 6 [0] texmex: ltop = 6, lmin = 0 Before vcycle. cycle = 1, lfulldomain = 2 [0] Lev 6 Pre-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 4.8468209693657373e-02 [0] Lev 6 Pre-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 4.4639540577223961e-02 [0] Lev 6 Pre-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 4.2060145433123877e-02 [0] Restricting from level 6 to level 5... [0] restrict_soln: Restricting solution from level 6, grid 1 to level 5, grid 1... [0] after restriction, syncing... [0] calling calctau for levels 6 and 5... [0] back from calctau. [0] done computing tau & rhs for level 5, grid 1 [0] Lev 5 Pre-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 1.0725096758377378e-02 [0] Lev 5 Pre-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 1.0455291590674617e-02 [0] Lev 5 Pre-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 1.0183439773521060e-02 [0] Restricting from level 5 to level 4... [0] restrict_soln: Restricting solution from level 5, grid 1 to level 4, grid 0... [0] after restriction, syncing... [0] calling calctau for levels 5 and 4... [0] back from calctau. [0] done computing tau & rhs for level 4, grid 0 [0] Lev 4 Pre-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 2.9638045541955853e-03 [0] Lev 4 Pre-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 2.8228342147257747e-03 [0] Lev 4 Pre-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 2.6859850282225026e-03 [0] Restricting from level 4 to level 3... [0] restrict_soln: Restricting solution from level 4, grid 0 to level 3, grid 0... [0] after restriction, syncing... [0] calling calctau for levels 4 and 3... [0] back from calctau. [0] done computing tau & rhs for level 3, grid 0 [0] Lev 3 Pre-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 6.9424893334505907e-04 [0] Lev 3 Pre-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 6.0852422478162727e-04 [0] Lev 3 Pre-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 5.3885671558048277e-04 [0] Restricting from level 3 to level 2... [0] restrict_soln: Restricting solution from level 3, grid 0 to level 2, grid 0... [0] after restriction, syncing... [0] calling calctau for levels 3 and 2... [0] back from calctau. [0] done computing tau & rhs for level 2, grid 0 [0] Lev 2 Pre-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 1.4732322652497408e-04 [0] Lev 2 Pre-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 1.1536022956360720e-04 [0] Lev 2 Pre-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 9.5322198038906854e-05 [0] Restricting from level 2 to level 1... [0] restrict_soln: Restricting solution from level 2, grid 0 to level 1, grid 0... [0] after restriction, syncing... [0] calling calctau for levels 2 and 1... [0] back from calctau. [0] done computing tau & rhs for level 1, grid 0 [0] Lev 1 Pre-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 5.8914332658111024e-05 [0] Lev 1 Pre-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 4.9210887210558585e-05 [0] Lev 1 Pre-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 4.3334150474361726e-05 [0] Restricting from level 1 to level 0... [0] restrict_soln: Restricting solution from level 1, grid 0 to level 0, grid 0... [0] after restriction, syncing... [0] calling calctau for levels 1 and 0... [0] back from calctau. [0] done computing tau & rhs for level 0, grid 0 [0] CG solve on level 0: eps = 1e-08, maxsweep = 10000 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 2, norm = 4.2786253018067876e-05 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 3, norm = 3.8261327477769916e-05 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 4, norm = 3.4158654574690099e-05 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 5, norm = 2.5556322556546096e-05 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 6, norm = 1.6152436184253830e-05 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 7, norm = 1.0047618989085420e-05 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 8, norm = 6.2542019173270075e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 9, norm = 5.1814326096719911e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 10, norm = 5.0953472596213992e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 11, norm = 3.9969857911018488e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 12, norm = 3.7920137600651498e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 13, norm = 3.1734839512428008e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 14, norm = 2.8436081038111294e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 15, norm = 2.6135778140269166e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 16, norm = 2.3450660312286992e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 17, norm = 2.1726965814030129e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 18, norm = 1.9816247919070669e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 19, norm = 1.8204794559095970e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 20, norm = 1.6808936888050138e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 21, norm = 1.5501386338875356e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 22, norm = 1.4371377529309535e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 23, norm = 1.3329539277118169e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 24, norm = 1.2378358451462353e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 25, norm = 1.1518942402965350e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 26, norm = 1.0720482602823180e-06 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 27, norm = 9.9925953067877393e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 28, norm = 9.3208973857798583e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 29, norm = 8.6988631014775539e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 30, norm = 8.1253369445156670e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 31, norm = 7.5923556013422698e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 32, norm = 7.0979405746499219e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 33, norm = 6.6386519850008791e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 34, norm = 6.2108351789951172e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 35, norm = 5.8126601791777504e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 36, norm = 5.4413966736590776e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 37, norm = 5.0949850931403116e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 38, norm = 4.7717079792674935e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 39, norm = 4.4696840249389052e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 40, norm = 4.1874721528708162e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 41, norm = 3.9236381400943380e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 42, norm = 3.6768626353167160e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 43, norm = 3.4460074106537902e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 44, norm = 3.2299458338920900e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 45, norm = 3.0276964802974192e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 46, norm = 2.8383277909251441e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 47, norm = 2.6609785915691211e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 48, norm = 2.4948640059553728e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 49, norm = 2.3392402577358893e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 50, norm = 2.1934284458798229e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 51, norm = 2.0567914643676446e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 52, norm = 1.9287370462632048e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 53, norm = 1.8087156903277812e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 54, norm = 1.6962122766760327e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 55, norm = 1.5907484293139806e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 56, norm = 1.4918765927084083e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 57, norm = 1.3991789103585922e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 58, norm = 1.3122652792027403e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 59, norm = 1.2307706389878756e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 60, norm = 1.1543538957125971e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 61, norm = 1.0826958560112534e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 62, norm = 1.0154978512559832e-07 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 63, norm = 9.5248038115442106e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 64, norm = 8.9338173090314737e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 65, norm = 8.3795686584720122e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 66, norm = 7.8597628082311526e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 67, norm = 7.3722499326285787e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 68, norm = 6.9150159843559267e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 69, norm = 6.4861737624072052e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 70, norm = 6.0839548030776514e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 71, norm = 5.7067016836805867e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 72, norm = 5.3528609144886316e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 73, norm = 5.0209763091147149e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 74, norm = 4.7096827703026053e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 75, norm = 4.4177005186629460e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 76, norm = 4.1438296828166564e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 77, norm = 3.8869452504690785e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 78, norm = 3.6459923491389656e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 79, norm = 3.4199818300258545e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 80, norm = 3.2079861380052135e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 81, norm = 3.0091354477552810e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 82, norm = 2.8226140447863482e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 83, norm = 2.6476569397145765e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 84, norm = 2.4835466960656514e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 85, norm = 2.3296104603828079e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 86, norm = 2.1852171797106596e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 87, norm = 2.0497749936970514e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 88, norm = 1.9227287936355347e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 89, norm = 1.2340969277803878e-08 [0] Lev 0 Coarse grid, sweep 90, norm = 9.3423062478641545e-09 [0] Coarse grid solve completed [0] Lin. interp & CGC from Level 0 to 1... upmrg_soln: Updating FMR ghosts from level 0 up to level 1... upmrg_soln: finished Updating FMR ghosts from level 0 up to level 1... [0] Lev 1 Post-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 3.1531367782230052e-05 [0] Lev 1 Post-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 1.4911365538023663e-05 [0] Lev 1 Post-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 7.1767109280169543e-06 [0] Lin. interp & CGC from Level 1 to 2... upmrg_soln: Updating FMR ghosts from level 1 up to level 2... upmrg_soln: finished Updating FMR ghosts from level 1 up to level 2... [0] Lev 2 Post-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 7.6609289098627427e-05 [0] Lev 2 Post-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 3.4325215340526133e-05 [0] Lev 2 Post-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 1.5253695115821211e-05 [0] Lin. interp & CGC from Level 2 to 3... upmrg_soln: Updating FMR ghosts from level 2 up to level 3... upmrg_soln: finished Updating FMR ghosts from level 2 up to level 3... [0] Lev 3 Post-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 3.8269998307858757e-04 [0] Lev 3 Post-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 1.9240046101037204e-04 [0] Lev 3 Post-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 1.0442093873178774e-04 [0] Lin. interp & CGC from Level 3 to 4... upmrg_soln: Updating FMR ghosts from level 3 up to level 4... upmrg_soln: finished Updating FMR ghosts from level 3 up to level 4... [0] Lev 4 Post-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 1.9151386599520219e-03 [0] Lev 4 Post-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 9.5334012084289494e-04 [0] Lev 4 Post-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 5.1393694496972280e-04 [0] Lin. interp & CGC from Level 4 to 5... upmrg_soln: Updating FMR ghosts from level 4 up to level 5... upmrg_soln: finished Updating FMR ghosts from level 4 up to level 5... [0] Lev 5 Post-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 7.1605202833556125e-03 [0] Lev 5 Post-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 3.7296945050828236e-03 [0] Lev 5 Post-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 2.1275020636914270e-03 [0] Lin. interp & CGC from Level 5 to 6... upmrg_soln: Updating FMR ghosts from level 5 up to level 6... upmrg_soln: finished Updating FMR ghosts from level 5 up to level 6... [0] Lev 6 Post-CGC, sweep 1, norm = 3.0272638975937790e-02 [0] Lev 6 Post-CGC, sweep 2, norm = 1.6755965003488586e-02 [0] Lev 6 Post-CGC, sweep 3, norm = 1.0693416125810736e-02 [0] leaving v-cycle [0] Injecting final {phi, w^i} from level 6 grid 1 to level 5 grid 1. [0] Injecting final {phi, w^i} from level 5 grid 1 to level 4 grid 0. [0] Injecting final {phi, w^i} from level 4 grid 0 to level 3 grid 0. [0] Injecting final {phi, w^i} from level 3 grid 0 to level 2 grid 0. [0] output_soln: l = 6, gridnum = 1 [0] output_soln: l = 5, gridnum = 1 [0] output_soln: l = 4, gridnum = 0 [0] output_soln: l = 3, gridnum = 0 [0] output_soln: l = 2, gridnum = 0 [0] ---- ADM Mass calculation using phi and background [0] admmass_wcbb = [-30,30,-30,30,-30,30] [0] Checking if grid on level 2 contains ADM Mass box... [0] thisgrid_wcbb = [-36,6,-36,6,-36,6] contains_adm = 1 [0] Checking if grid on level 3 contains ADM Mass box... [0] thisgrid_wcbb = [-21,3,-21,3,-21,3] contains_adm = 0 [0] Calling phi-based ADM Mass calculation subroutine, Using level 2 [0] admmass_wcbb = [-30,30,-30,30,-30,30] nnewer padmmass: gw = 0 4 0 4 0 4 padmmass: dx, dy, dz = 1.5000000000000000 1.5000000000000000 1.5000000000000000 padmmass: boxwcbb = -30.000000000000000 30.000000000000000 -30.000000000000000 30.000000000000000 -30.000000000000000 30.000000000000000 padmmass: -x face: imx, x(imx) = 5 -30.000000000000000 padmmass: +x face: ipx, x(ipx) = 25 0.0000000000000000 padmmass: -y face: jmy, y(jmy) = 5 -30.000000000000000 padmmass: +y face: jpy, y(jpy) = 25 0.0000000000000000 padmmass: -z face: kmz, z(kmz) = 5 -30.000000000000000 padmmass: +z face: kpz, z(kpz) = 25 0.0000000000000000 padmmass: -x face adds = 4.3992606923790722 padmmass: +x face adds = 0.0000000000000000 padmmass: -y face adds = 4.2437060947714356 padmmass: +y face adds = 0.0000000000000000 padmmass: -z face adds = 4.2531371598884320 padmmass: +z face adds = 0.0000000000000000 final value (after/16/pi) padmmass = 0.25655983622477629 [0] thisproc_numpoints = 1200, total_numpoints = 10086 [0] ADM Mass: For phi and background: thisproc_admmass = 0.25656, total_admmass = 2.052290606747466 [0] ---- Done calculating ADM mass using phi and background [0] texmex: Applying conformal transformation (i.e. calling newgk) on level 2... [0] texmex: Calling sync_most... [0] texmex: Applying conformal transformation (i.e. calling newgk) on level 3... [0] texmex: Calling sync_most... [0] texmex: Applying conformal transformation (i.e. calling newgk) on level 4... [0] texmex: Calling sync_most... [0] texmex: Applying conformal transformation (i.e. calling newgk) on level 5... [0] texmex: Calling sync_most... [0] texmex: Applying conformal transformation (i.e. calling newgk) on level 6... [0] texmex: Calling sync_most... [0] Injecting final g's & K's from level 6 grid 1 to level 5 grid 1. [0] Injecting final g's & K's from level 5 grid 1 to level 4 grid 0. [0] Injecting final g's & K's from level 4 grid 0 to level 3 grid 0. [0] Injecting final g's & K's from level 3 grid 0 to level 2 grid 0. [0] texmex: About to free up memory... [0] texmex: Finished freeing up memory. [0] TexMEx: ************* Back from texmex subroutine ********* [0] ---- ADM Mass calculation using full metric [0] admmass_wcbb = [-30,30,-30,30,-30,30] [0] Checking if grid on level 2 contains ADM Mass box... [0] thisgrid_wcbb = [-36,6,-36,6,-36,6] contains_adm = 1 [0] Checking if grid on level 3 contains ADM Mass box... [0] thisgrid_wcbb = [-21,3,-21,3,-21,3] contains_adm = 0 [0] Calling Full ADM Mass calculation subroutine, Using level 2 calcadm: -x face: imx, x(imx) = 5 -30.000000000000000 calcadm: +x face: ipx, x(ipx) = 25 0.0000000000000000 calcadm: -y face: jmy, y(jmy) = 5 -30.000000000000000 calcadm: +y face: jpy, y(jpy) = 25 0.0000000000000000 calcadm: -z face: kmz, z(kmz) = 5 -30.000000000000000 calcadm: +z face: kpz, z(kpz) = 25 0.0000000000000000 calcadm: -x face gives admmass 4.3992724104239507 calcadm: +x face adds 0.0000000000000000 calcadm: -y face adds 4.2437167089859162 calcadm: +y face adds 0.0000000000000000 calcadm: -z face adds 4.2531475420503995 calcadm: +z face adds 0.0000000000000000 [0] thisproc_numpoints = 1200, total_numpoints = 10086 [0] ADM Mass: thisproc_admmass = 0.25656, total_admmass = 2.052295546961913 [0] ---- Done calculating full ADM mass [0] test_texmex: Output... [0] texmex: Calling output back (for physical spacetime)... [0] texmex: Calling output back (for physical spacetime)... [0] texmex: Calling output back (for physical spacetime)... [0] texmex: Calling output back (for physical spacetime)... [0] texmex: Calling output back (for physical spacetime)... [0] Now copying physical spacetime into Cactus data structure INFO (TexMEx): Done with TexMEx INFO (ADMMacros): Spatial finite differencing order: 4 INFO (ADMMacros): Spatial finite differencing order: 4 INFO (ADMMacros): Spatial finite differencing order: 4 INFO (ADMMacros): Spatial finite differencing order: 4 WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 0 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 1 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 2 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 4 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 5 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 7 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 3 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 6 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors INFO (SpaceMask): Type "OutsideMask" has not been registered. INFO (SpaceMask): Requested state "outside" could not be found in type "OutsideMask" WARNING level 0 in thorn ADMMass processor 0 host hedges.belmont.edu (line 62 of /home/shawley/Cactus/configs/texmex/build/ADMMass/volume_integral.c): -> Error in obtaining OutsideMask state descriptors -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 5 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with errorcode 0. NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes. You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on exactly when Open MPI kills them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun has exited due to process rank 7 with PID 3489 on node hedges.belmont.edu exiting without calling "finalize". This may have caused other processes in the application to be terminated by signals sent by mpirun (as reported here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hedges.belmont.edu:03480] 7 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-api.txt / mpi-abort [hedges.belmont.edu:03480] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all help / error messages