[cfca_intel] # last-tested-on: CFCA # last-tested-by: Maxim Barkov # Machine description nickname = cfca name = cfca location = NAOJ description = The Cray XC30 at NAOJ webpage = http://www.cfca.nao.ac.jp/ status = production # Access to this machine hostname = xc.cfca.nao.ac.jp envsetup = <= 4097 nodes have 12:00:00 submit = qsub @SCRIPTFILE@ getstatus = qstat @JOB_ID@ stop = qdel @JOB_ID@ submitpattern = (\d+)[.] statuspattern = ^@JOB_ID@[. ] queuedpattern = " Q " runningpattern = " R " holdingpattern = " H " scratchbasedir = /work/@USER@ exechost = qstat -f @JOB_ID@ exechostpattern = exec_host = (\w+)/ stdout = cat @JOB_ID@.edi.OU stderr = cat @JOB_ID@.edi.ER stdout-follow = tail -n 100 -f @JOB_ID@.edi.OU @JOB_ID@.edi.ER