[edison] # last-tested-on: 2015-05-07 # last-tested-by: Erik Schnetter # Machine description nickname = edison name = Edison location = NERSC description = The Cray XC30 at NERSC webpage = https://www.nersc.gov/users/computational-systems/edison/ status = production # Access to this machine hostname = edison.nersc.gov envsetup = <= 4097 nodes have 12:00:00 submit = salloc -N 2 -p debug -L SCRATCH #sbatch @SCRIPTFILE@ getstatus = squeue -j @JOB_ID@ stop = scancel @JOB_ID@ submitpattern = 'Submitted batch job (\d+)' statuspattern = '@JOB_ID@ ' queuedpattern = ' PD ' runningpattern = ' (CF|CG|R|TO) ' holdingpattern = ' S ' scratchbasedir = /scratch1/scratchdirs/kchen/CHIAHUI/simulations #exechost = qstat -f @JOB_ID@ #exechostpattern = exec_host = (\w+)/ stdout = cat @SIMULATION_NAME@.out stderr = cat @SIMULATION_NAME@.err stdout-follow = tail -n 100 -f @SIMULATION_NAME@.out @SIMULATION_NAME@.err