/scratch3/06933/fcipolle/simulations/SLy4_Spr_T_NL_NB_3D_ExtID_TCANslice_ParAsBNS_dev_NEW mer 6 gen 2021, 05.03.38, CST Setting up environment Modules loaded TACC: Starting up job 2324568 TACC: Starting parallel tasks... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 1 0101 ************************ 01 1010 10 The Cactus Code V4.8.0 1010 1101 011 www.cactuscode.org 1001 100101 ************************ 00010101 100011 (c) Copyright The Authors 0100 GNU Licensed. No Warranty 0101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cactus version: 4.8.0 Compile date: Jan 06 2021 (04:34:02) Run date: Jan 06 2021 (05:03:42-0600) Run host: c161-081.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu (pid=249657) Working directory: /scratch3/06933/fcipolle/simulations/SLy4_Spr_T_NL_NB_3D_ExtID_TCANslice_ParAsBNS_dev_NEW Executable: /scratch3/06933/fcipolle/simulations/SLy4_Spr_T_NL_NB_3D_ExtID_TCANslice_ParAsBNS_dev_NEW/cactus_SPRITZ_O2 Parameter file: SLy4_Spr_T_NL_NB_3D_ExtID_TCANslice.par -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activating thorn Cactus...Success -> active implementation Cactus Activation requested for --->Time MoL Coordbase CartGrid3d Boundary StaticConformal SymBase ADMBase TmunuBase HydroBase InitBase ADMCoupling ADMMacros IOUtil Formaline SpaceMask CoordGauge Constants LocalReduce aeilocalinterp LoopControl Carpet CarpetLib CarpetReduce CarpetRegrid2 CarpetInterp CarpetIOASCII CarpetIOScalar CarpetIOHDF5 CarpetIOBasic ID_NrotStar EOS_Omni Spritz Spritz_SetBeta TerminationTrigger NaNChecker ADMMass Hydro_Analysis GenericFD NewRad ML_BSSN ML_BSSN_Helper SphericalSurface Dissipation TimerReport <--- Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of MPI Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of Timers Thorn CarpetIOHDF5 requests automatic activation of HDF5 Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of Vectors Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of Boost Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of CycleClock Thorn Formaline requests automatic activation of pthreads Thorn Hydro_Analysis requests automatic activation of Fortran Thorn ID_NrotStar requests automatic activation of LORENE Thorn LoopControl requests automatic activation of hwloc Thorn Spritz requests automatic activation of Recovery_Util Thorn HDF5 requests automatic activation of zlib Thorn LORENE requests automatic activation of BLAS Thorn LORENE requests automatic activation of LAPACK Thorn LORENE requests automatic activation of GSL Activating thorn ADMBase...Success -> active implementation ADMBase Activating thorn ADMCoupling...Success -> active implementation ADMCoupling Activating thorn ADMMacros...Success -> active implementation ADMMacros Activating thorn ADMMass...Success -> active implementation ADMMass Activating thorn aeilocalinterp...Success -> active implementation AEILocalInterp Activating thorn BLAS...Success -> active implementation BLAS Activating thorn Boost...Success -> active implementation Boost Activating thorn Boundary...Success -> active implementation boundary Activating thorn Carpet...Success -> active implementation Driver Activating thorn CarpetInterp...Success -> active implementation interp Activating thorn CarpetIOASCII...Success -> active implementation IOASCII Activating thorn CarpetIOBasic...Success -> active implementation IOBasic Activating thorn CarpetIOHDF5...Success -> active implementation IOHDF5 Activating thorn CarpetIOScalar...Success -> active implementation IOScalar Activating thorn CarpetLib...Success -> active implementation CarpetLib Activating thorn CarpetReduce...Success -> active implementation reduce Activating thorn CarpetRegrid2...Success -> active implementation CarpetRegrid2 Activating thorn CartGrid3d...Success -> active implementation grid Activating thorn Constants...Success -> active implementation Constants Activating thorn Coordbase...Success -> active implementation CoordBase Activating thorn CoordGauge...Success -> active implementation CoordGauge Activating thorn CycleClock...Success -> active implementation CycleClock Activating thorn Dissipation...Success -> active implementation Dissipation Activating thorn EOS_Omni...Success -> active implementation EOS_Omni Activating thorn Formaline...Success -> active implementation Formaline Activating thorn Fortran...Success -> active implementation Fortran Activating thorn GenericFD...Success -> active implementation GenericFD Activating thorn GSL...Success -> active implementation GSL Activating thorn HDF5...Success -> active implementation HDF5 Activating thorn hwloc...Success -> active implementation hwloc Activating thorn Hydro_Analysis...Success -> active implementation Hydro_Analysis Activating thorn HydroBase...Success -> active implementation HydroBase Activating thorn ID_NrotStar...Success -> active implementation ID_NrotStar Activating thorn InitBase...Success -> active implementation InitBase Activating thorn IOUtil...Success -> active implementation IO Activating thorn LAPACK...Success -> active implementation LAPACK Activating thorn LocalReduce...Success -> active implementation LocalReduce Activating thorn LoopControl...Success -> active implementation LoopControl Activating thorn LORENE...Success -> active implementation LORENE Activating thorn ML_BSSN...Success -> active implementation ML_BSSN Activating thorn ML_BSSN_Helper...Success -> active implementation ML_BSSN_Helper Activating thorn MoL...Success -> active implementation MethodOfLines Activating thorn MPI...Success -> active implementation MPI Activating thorn NaNChecker...Success -> active implementation NaNChecker Activating thorn NewRad...Success -> active implementation NewRad Activating thorn pthreads...Success -> active implementation PTHREADS Activating thorn Recovery_Util...Success -> active implementation Recovery_Util Activating thorn SpaceMask...Success -> active implementation SpaceMask Activating thorn SphericalSurface...Success -> active implementation SphericalSurface Activating thorn Spritz...Success -> active implementation Spritz Activating thorn Spritz_SetBeta...Success -> active implementation Spritz_SetBeta Activating thorn StaticConformal...Success -> active implementation StaticConformal Activating thorn SymBase...Success -> active implementation SymBase Activating thorn TerminationTrigger...Success -> active implementation TerminationTrigger Activating thorn Time...Success -> active implementation time Activating thorn TimerReport...Success -> active implementation timerreport Activating thorn Timers...Success -> active implementation Timers Activating thorn TmunuBase...Success -> active implementation TmunuBase Activating thorn Vectors...Success -> active implementation Vectors Activating thorn zlib...Success -> active implementation zlib INFO (IOUtil): Recovery directory 'checkpoint' doesn't exist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (recover initial data) Recover parameters endif Startup routines [CCTK_STARTUP] Carpet::MultiModel_Startup: Multi-model Startup routine CycleClock::CycleClock_Setup: Set up CycleClock LoopControl::lc_setup: Set up LoopControl ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_SetGroupTags: [meta] Set checkpointing and prolongation group tags Timers::Timer_Startup: Prepare hierarchical timers Carpet::Driver_Startup: Startup routine IOUtil::IOUtil_Startup: Startup routine CarpetInterp::CarpetInterpStartup: Startup routine CarpetReduce::CarpetReduceStartup: Startup routine CartGrid3D::SymmetryStartup: Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry CoordBase::CoordBase_Startup: Register a GH extension to store the coordinate system handles AEILocalInterp::AEILocalInterp_U_Startup: register CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() interpolation operators Formaline::Formaline_PrintIDs: [meta] Print the build and simulation ids HydroBase::HydroBase_StartUp: Startup banner CarpetIOASCII::CarpetIOASCIIStartup: [global] Startup routine LocalReduce::LocalReduce_Startup: Startup routine CarpetIOBasic::CarpetIOBasicStartup: [global] Startup routine ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_Startup: [meta] create banner ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_RegisterSlicing: [meta] Register slicing CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_Startup: Startup routine MoL::MoL_Startup: Startup banner SymBase::SymBase_Startup: Register GH Extension for SymBase TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_StartSignalHandler: Start signal handler CarpetIOScalar::CarpetIOScalarStartup: [global] Startup routine Vectors::Vectors_Startup: Print startup message GROUP hwloc_startup: hwloc startup group hwloc::hwloc_version: Output hwloc version Startup routines which need an existing grid hierarchy [CCTK_WRAGH] ADMBase::Einstein_InitSymBound: [global] Set up GF symmetries Boundary::Boundary_RegisterBCs: [global] Register boundary conditions that this thorn provides CarpetRegrid2::CarpetRegrid2_Initialise: [global] Initialise locations of refined regions CartGrid3D::RegisterCartGrid3DCoords: [meta] Register coordinates for the Cartesian grid CoordGauge::Einstein_ActivateSlicing: Initialize slicing, setup priorities for mixed slicings CoordGauge::Einstein_SetNextSlicing: Identify the slicing for the next iteration EOS_Omni::EOS_Omni_Startup: [global] Set up conversion factors and other fun stuff Formaline::Formaline_OutputSource: [meta] Output Cactus source tree Formaline::Formaline_RegisterWarnings: [meta] Register to receive warnings and info messages from the flesh Formaline::Formaline_AnnounceInitial: [global] Put some meta information about the current run into permanent storage ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ParamCompat: [meta] Handle parameter backward compatibility MoL::MoL_SetupIndexArrays: Set up the MoL bookkeeping index arrays MoL::MoL_SetScheduleStatus: [global] Set the flag so it is ok to register with MoL TmunuBase::TmunuBase_SetStressEnergyState: [global] Set the stress_energy_state variable GROUP MoL_Register: The group where physics thorns register variables with MoL ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_RegisterVars: [meta] Register Variables for MoL ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_RegisterConstrained: [meta] Register ADMBase variables as constrained Spritz::Spritz_Register: Register variables for MoL Recovery_Util::Recovery_INIT: [global] Initialization of Recovery_Flag. SpaceMask::MaskSym: [global] Set grid symmetries for mask SpaceMask::MaskSym_emask: [global] Set grid symmetries for emask (compatibility mode) Spritz::Spritz_Startup: Startup banner GROUP SymBase_Wrapper: Wrapper group for SymBase GROUP SymmetryRegister: Register your symmetries here CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_RegisterSymmetryBoundaries: [meta] Register symmetry boundaries ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_RegisterSymmetries: [meta] register symmetries SymBase::SymBase_Statistics: Print symmetry boundary face descriptions MoL::MoL_ReportNumberVariables: [meta] Report how many of each type of variable there are Parameter checking routines [CCTK_PARAMCHECK] ADMBase::ADMBase_ParamCheck: [global] Check consistency of parameters Boundary::Boundary_Check: Check dimension of grid variables Carpet::CarpetParamCheck: Parameter checking routine CarpetLib::CarpetLib_test_prolongate_3d_rf2: [global] Test prolongation operators CarpetRegrid2::CarpetRegrid2_ParamCheck: Check parameters CartGrid3D::ParamCheck_CartGrid3D: Check coordinates for CartGrid3D Dissipation::dissipation_paramcheck: Check dissipation parameters for consistency Fortran::CheckFortranParameters: Test whether Fortran parameters work correctly ID_NrotStar::ID_NrotStar_check_parameters: Check parameters ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ParamCheck: [meta] Check parameters MoL::MoL_ParamCheck: Basic parameter checking SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_ParamCheck: [global] Check that all surface names are unique Spritz::Spritz_ParamCheck: Check parameters Spritz_SetBeta::Spritz_SetBeta_check_parameters: Check parameters Vectors::Vectors_Test: Run correctness tests. Initialisation if (NOT (recover initial data AND recovery_mode is 'strict')) [CCTK_PREREGRIDINITIAL] Set up grid hierarchy [CCTK_POSTREGRIDINITIAL] CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions SpaceMask::MaskZero: Initialise mask to zero SpaceMask::MaskOne: Set mask to one Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level [CCTK_BASEGRID] ADMBase::ADMBase_SetShiftStateOn: Set the shift_state variable to 1 ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtLapseStateOn: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1 ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtShiftStateOn: Set the dtshift_state variable to 1 ADMMacros::ADMMacros_SetLocalSpatialOrder: Initialize the local_spatial_order CartGrid3D::SpatialSpacings: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates (on all grids) CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_SetupRes: [global] [loop-local] Set surface resolution automatically Dissipation::dissipation_basegrid: Ensure that there are enough ghost zones EOS_Omni::nuc_eos_readtable_cactus_wrapper: [global] Read EOS HDF5 table EOS_Omni::EOS_OMNI_get_energy_shift: [global] setup energy_shift in EOS_Omni_Module Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_Init: [global] Initialize variables ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment NaNChecker::NaNChecker_ResetCounter: [global] Reset the NaNChecker::NaNsFound counter SpaceMask::MaskZero: Initialise mask to zero SpaceMask::MaskOne: Set old style mask to one SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Setup: [global] Calculate surface coordinate descriptors GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces Spritz::Spritz_InitSymBound: Schedule symmetries Spritz::SpritzStartLoop: [level] Set the flux_direction variable SymBase::SymBase_Check: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_ResetTrigger: Clear trigger state TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_StartTimer: Start timer TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CreateFile: Create termination file Time::Time_Initialise: [global] Initialise Time variables Time::TemporalSpacings: [singlemap] Set timestep based on Courant condition (courant_static) [CCTK_INITIAL] StaticConformal::StaticConformal_InitialiseState: Set the conformal_state variable to 0 GROUP ADMBase_InitialData: Schedule group for calculating ADM initial data Spritz::Spritz_Initialize: Initialize GRMHD variables to zero ADMMass::ADMMass_InitLoopCounter: [global] Initialise the loop counter for ADMMass CarpetIOASCII::CarpetIOASCIIInit: [global] Initialisation routine CarpetIOBasic::CarpetIOBasicInit: [global] Initialisation routine CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_Init: [global] Initialisation routine CarpetIOScalar::CarpetIOScalarInit: [global] Initialisation routine Spritz::Spritz_EOSHandle: [global] Set the EOS number Spritz::Spritz_Rho_Minima_Setup: Set up minimum for the rest-mass density in the atmosphere (before intial data) Spritz::Spritz_MHD_Initialize: Initialize MHD analysis quantities Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level GROUP ADMBase_InitialGauge: Schedule group for the ADM initial gauge condition GROUP HydroBase_Initial: HydroBase initial data group ID_NrotStar::ID_NrotStar_initialise: Set up rotating neutron star initial data Spritz_SetBeta::Spritz_SetBetaEquilibrium_Lorene: Set up temperature and electron fraction reading from file in Lorene format GROUP Spritz_Initial: Spritz initial data group MoL::MoL_StartLoop: [level] Initialise the step size control GROUP ADMBase_PostInitial: Schedule group for modifying the ADM initial data, such as e.g. adding noise Spritz::Spritz_TemperatureCheck: Make sure the temperature is uniform if constraining it. GROUP HydroBase_Prim2ConInitial: Recover the conservative variables from the primitive variables Spritz::Spritz_Prim2ConInitial: Setup the atmosphere and the conserved variables ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2BoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2BoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ExtrapolateGammas: Extrapolate Gammas and time derivatives of lapse and shift GROUP SetTmunu: Calculate the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor [CCTK_POSTINITIAL] CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_CloseFiles: [global] Close all filereader input files GROUP MoL_PostStepModify: The group for physics thorns to schedule enforcing constraints ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere: ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after the initial data have been set up ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP Do_Spritz_Boundaries: Spritz Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions Spritz::Spritz_Boundaries: [level] Select Spritz boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_outer_boundaries_on_A_mu: Linear extrapolation on A_mu at outer boundaries GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables Spritz::Con2Prim: Convert back to primitive variables (general, GRMHD version) GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolution: Calculate pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Initialise finer grids recursively Restrict from finer grids [CCTK_POSTRESTRICTINITIAL] GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after restriction ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP Do_Spritz_Boundaries: Spritz Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions Spritz::Spritz_Boundaries: [level] Select Spritz boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_outer_boundaries_on_A_mu: Linear extrapolation on A_mu at outer boundaries GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables Spritz::Con2Prim: Convert back to primitive variables (general, GRMHD version) GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_MHD_Initialize: Initialize MHD analysis quantities GROUP SetTmunu: Calculate the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor [CCTK_POSTPOSTINITIAL] Spritz::Spritz_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final: Set the value of the rest-mass density of the atmosphere which will be used during the evolution GROUP Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables (might be redundant) Spritz::Con2Prim: Convert back to primitive variables (general, GRMHD version) GROUP SetTmunu: Calculate the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor GROUP ADMConstraintsGroup: Evaluate ADM constraints, and perform symmetry boundary conditions [CCTK_POSTSTEP] ADMMass::ADMMass_SetLoopCounter: [global] Set the loop counter to the value of the parameter ADMMass:ADMMass_number while (ADMMass::ADMMass_LoopCounter) GROUP ADMMass: ADMMass loop ADMMass::ADMMass_Loop: [global] Decrement loop counter ADMMass::ADMMass_Surface: [global] [loop-local] Calculate the ADMmass using a surface integral: local routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Surface_Global: [global] Calculate the ADMmass using a surface integral: global routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Surface_Lapse: [global] [loop-local] Calculate the ADMmass*lapse using a surface integral: local routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Surface_Lapse_Global: [global] Calculate the ADMmass*lapse using a surface integral: global routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Volume: [global] [loop-local] Calculate the ADMmass using a volume integral: local routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Volume_Global: [global] Calculate the ADMmass using a volume integral: global routine end while SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii GROUP Hydro_Analysis: Group for Hydro_Analysis routines Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_PrepareReduction: [global] [loop-local] Compute the local reduction results Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_Reduction: [global] Compute the global reduction results GROUP Hydro_Analysis_Masses: Computation of rest masses contained within given radii Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_Masses_Local: Rest masses within given radii, local calculations Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_Masses_Global: [global] Rest masses within given radii, reduction operation GROUP zzz_NaNChecker_NaNCheck: Check for NaNs and count them in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Prepare: [level] Prepare data structures to check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Check: [local] Check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Finish: [level] Count NaNs in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_TakeAction: [global] [loop-level] Output NaNChecker::NaNmask and take action according to NaNChecker::action_if_found SpaceMask::CheckMask: Ensure that all mask values are legal GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level (for the check of the C2P mask) Spritz::Spritz_CheckConstrainT: Check if constraining temperature. endif if (recover initial data) [CCTK_BASEGRID] ADMBase::ADMBase_SetShiftStateOn: Set the shift_state variable to 1 ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtLapseStateOn: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1 ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtShiftStateOn: Set the dtshift_state variable to 1 ADMMacros::ADMMacros_SetLocalSpatialOrder: Initialize the local_spatial_order CartGrid3D::SpatialSpacings: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates (on all grids) CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_SetupRes: [global] [loop-local] Set surface resolution automatically Dissipation::dissipation_basegrid: Ensure that there are enough ghost zones EOS_Omni::nuc_eos_readtable_cactus_wrapper: [global] Read EOS HDF5 table EOS_Omni::EOS_OMNI_get_energy_shift: [global] setup energy_shift in EOS_Omni_Module Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_Init: [global] Initialize variables ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment NaNChecker::NaNChecker_ResetCounter: [global] Reset the NaNChecker::NaNsFound counter SpaceMask::MaskZero: Initialise mask to zero SpaceMask::MaskOne: Set old style mask to one SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Setup: [global] Calculate surface coordinate descriptors GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces Spritz::Spritz_InitSymBound: Schedule symmetries Spritz::SpritzStartLoop: [level] Set the flux_direction variable SymBase::SymBase_Check: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_ResetTrigger: Clear trigger state TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_StartTimer: Start timer TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CreateFile: Create termination file Time::Time_Initialise: [global] Initialise Time variables Time::TemporalSpacings: [singlemap] Set timestep based on Courant condition (courant_static) [CCTK_RECOVER_VARIABLES] IOUtil::IOUtil_RecoverGH: [level] Checkpoint recovery routine Recovery_Util::Recovery_Set: [global] We set Recovery_Flag=1(i.e., TRUE). [CCTK_POST_RECOVER_VARIABLES] CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_InitCheckpointingIntervals: [global] Initialisation of checkpointing intervals after recovery CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_CloseFiles: [meta] Close all initial data checkpoint files after recovery GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function Spritz::Spritz_EOSHandle: [global] Set the EOS number GROUP zzz_NaNChecker_NaNCheck: Check for NaNs and count them in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Prepare: [level] Prepare data structures to check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Check: [local] Check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Finish: [level] Count NaNs in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_TakeAction: [global] [loop-level] Output NaNChecker::NaNmask and take action according to NaNChecker::action_if_found GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after recovery ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP Do_Spritz_Boundaries: Spritz Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions Spritz::Spritz_Boundaries: [level] Select Spritz boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_outer_boundaries_on_A_mu: Linear extrapolation on A_mu at outer boundaries GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables Spritz::Con2Prim: Convert back to primitive variables (general, GRMHD version) GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor Recovery_Util::Recovery_Reset: [global] We reset Recovery_Flag=0(i.e., FALSE). TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_ResetMinutes: [global] Reset Watchtime endif if (checkpoint initial data) [CCTK_CPINITIAL] GROUP Recovery_Sync_BeforeCheckpoint: synchronization before creating checkpoint files GROUP Spritz_Sync: synchronization of hydro variables CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_InitialDataCheckpoint: [meta] Initial data checkpoint routine endif if (analysis) [CCTK_ANALYSIS] CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printtimestats: [global] Print timing statistics if desired CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printmemstats: [global] Print memory statistics if desired Formaline::Formaline_AnnounceUpdate: [global] Put some meta information about the current run into permanent storage LoopControl::lc_statistics_analysis: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysis: Calculate RHS at analysis ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS Spritz::Spritz_divB: Compute the divergence of B and other useful quantities TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckWalltime: Check elapsed job walltime TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckSignal: Check if we received a termination signal TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckFile: Check termination file TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report endif Output grid variables do loop over timesteps [CCTK_PREREGRID] Change grid hierarchy [CCTK_POSTREGRID] CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation Spritz::Spritz_MHD_Initialize: Initialize MHD analysis quantities GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after regridding ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP Do_Spritz_Boundaries: Spritz Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions Spritz::Spritz_Boundaries: [level] Select Spritz boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_outer_boundaries_on_A_mu: Linear extrapolation on A_mu at outer boundaries GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables Spritz::Con2Prim: Convert back to primitive variables (general, GRMHD version) GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor SpaceMask::MaskZero: Initialise mask to zero SpaceMask::MaskOne: Set mask to one GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Rotate timelevels iteration = iteration+1 t = t+dt [CCTK_PRESTEP] CoordGauge::Einstein_SetNextSlicing: Identify the slicing for the next iteration LoopControl::lc_steer: [meta] Update LoopControl algorithm preferences NaNChecker::NaNChecker_ResetCounter: [global] Reset the NaNChecker::NaNsFound counter [CCTK_EVOL] MoL::MoL_StartLoop: [level] Initialise the step size control while (MoL::MoL_Stepsize_Bad) GROUP MoL_Evolution: A single Cactus evolution step using MoL GROUP MoL_StartStep: MoL internal setup for the evolution step MoL::MoL_SetCounter: [level] Set the counter for the ODE method to loop over MoL::MoL_SetTime: [level] Ensure the correct time and timestep are used MoL::MoL_AllocateScratchSpace: [level] Allocate storage for scratch levels GROUP MoL_PreStep: Physics thorns can schedule preloop setup routines in here Spritz::Spritz_Scalar_Setup: Set up and check scalars for efficiency Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level MoL::MoL_AllocateScratch: Allocate sufficient space for array scratch variables MoL::MoL_InitialCopy: Ensure the data is in the correct timelevel while (MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Step) GROUP MoL_Step: The loop over the intermediate steps for the ODE integrator MoL::MoL_InitRHS: Initialise the RHS functions GROUP MoL_CalcRHS: Physics thorns schedule the calculation of the discrete spatial operator in here GROUP HydroBase_RHS: Groups for scheduling tasks for calculating RHS of hydro variables GROUP SpritzRHS: Calculate the update terms Spritz::SourceTerms: Source term calculation Spritz::SpritzStartLoop: [level] Set the flux_direction variable while (Spritz::flux_direction) GROUP FluxTerms: Calculation of intercell fluxes Spritz::Reconstruct: Reconstruct the functions at the cell boundaries Spritz::Riemann: Solve the local Riemann problems Spritz::UpdateCalculation: Calculate the update term from the fluxes Spritz::SpritzAdvanceLoop: [level] Decrement the flux_direction variable end while Spritz::SpritzMHDCT: Constrained Transport scheme for the magnetic field fluxes ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_EvolutionBoundaryScalar GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy: ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1 ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2 ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3 ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS GROUP MoL_PostRHS: Modify RHS functions Dissipation::dissipation_add: Add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation to the right hand sides GROUP MoL_RHSBoundaries: Any 'final' modifications to the RHS functions (boundaries etc.) MoL::MoL_Add: Updates calculated with the efficient Runge-Kutta 4 method MoL::MoL_DecrementCounter: [level] Alter the counter number MoL::MoL_ResetTime: [level] If necessary, change the time GROUP MoL_PostStepModify: The group for physics thorns to schedule enforcing constraints ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere: ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere GROUP MoL_PostStep: The group for physics thorns to schedule boundary calls etc. ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP Do_Spritz_Boundaries: Spritz Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions Spritz::Spritz_Boundaries: [level] Select Spritz boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_outer_boundaries_on_A_mu: Linear extrapolation on A_mu at outer boundaries GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables Spritz::Con2Prim: Convert back to primitive variables (general, GRMHD version) GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor MoL::MoL_ResetDeltaTime: [level] If necessary, change the timestep end while MoL::MoL_FinishLoop: [level] Control the step size MoL::MoL_RestoreSandR: Restoring the Save and Restore variables to the original state MoL::MoL_FreeScratchSpace: [level] Free storage for scratch levels GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase Boundary conditions group GROUP Do_Spritz_Boundaries: Spritz Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions Spritz::Spritz_Boundaries: [level] Select Spritz boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_outer_boundaries_on_A_mu: Linear extrapolation on A_mu at outer boundaries GROUP SetTmunu: Calculate the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor end while GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolution: Calculate pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Evolve finer grids recursively Restrict from finer grids [CCTK_POSTRESTRICT] GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after restriction ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP Do_Spritz_Boundaries: Spritz Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions Spritz::Spritz_Boundaries: [level] Select Spritz boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_outer_boundaries_on_A_mu: Linear extrapolation on A_mu at outer boundaries GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables Spritz::Con2Prim: Convert back to primitive variables (general, GRMHD version) GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions [CCTK_POSTSTEP] ADMMass::ADMMass_SetLoopCounter: [global] Set the loop counter to the value of the parameter ADMMass:ADMMass_number while (ADMMass::ADMMass_LoopCounter) GROUP ADMMass: ADMMass loop ADMMass::ADMMass_Loop: [global] Decrement loop counter ADMMass::ADMMass_Surface: [global] [loop-local] Calculate the ADMmass using a surface integral: local routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Surface_Global: [global] Calculate the ADMmass using a surface integral: global routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Surface_Lapse: [global] [loop-local] Calculate the ADMmass*lapse using a surface integral: local routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Surface_Lapse_Global: [global] Calculate the ADMmass*lapse using a surface integral: global routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Volume: [global] [loop-local] Calculate the ADMmass using a volume integral: local routine ADMMass::ADMMass_Volume_Global: [global] Calculate the ADMmass using a volume integral: global routine end while SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii GROUP Hydro_Analysis: Group for Hydro_Analysis routines Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_PrepareReduction: [global] [loop-local] Compute the local reduction results Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_Reduction: [global] Compute the global reduction results GROUP Hydro_Analysis_Masses: Computation of rest masses contained within given radii Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_Masses_Local: Rest masses within given radii, local calculations Hydro_Analysis::Hydro_Analysis_Masses_Global: [global] Rest masses within given radii, reduction operation GROUP zzz_NaNChecker_NaNCheck: Check for NaNs and count them in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Prepare: [level] Prepare data structures to check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Check: [local] Check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Finish: [level] Count NaNs in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_TakeAction: [global] [loop-level] Output NaNChecker::NaNmask and take action according to NaNChecker::action_if_found SpaceMask::CheckMask: Ensure that all mask values are legal GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level (for the check of the C2P mask) Spritz::Spritz_CheckConstrainT: Check if constraining temperature. if (checkpoint) [CCTK_CHECKPOINT] GROUP Recovery_Sync_BeforeCheckpoint: synchronization before creating checkpoint files GROUP Spritz_Sync: synchronization of hydro variables CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_EvolutionCheckpoint: [meta] Evolution checkpoint routine TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Checkpoint: [global] Print the timer report endif if (analysis) [CCTK_ANALYSIS] CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printtimestats: [global] Print timing statistics if desired CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printmemstats: [global] Print memory statistics if desired Formaline::Formaline_AnnounceUpdate: [global] Put some meta information about the current run into permanent storage LoopControl::lc_statistics_analysis: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysis: Calculate RHS at analysis ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS Spritz::Spritz_divB: Compute the divergence of B and other useful quantities TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckWalltime: Check elapsed job walltime TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckSignal: Check if we received a termination signal TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckFile: Check termination file TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report endif Output grid variables enddo Termination routines [CCTK_TERMINATE] GROUP Recovery_Sync_BeforeCheckpoint: synchronization before creating checkpoint files GROUP Spritz_Sync: synchronization of hydro variables Formaline::Formaline_AnnounceFinal: [global] Put some meta information about the current run into permanent storage LoopControl::lc_statistics_terminate: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics MoL::MoL_FreeIndexArrays: Free the MoL bookkeeping index arrays CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_TerminationCheckpoint: [meta] Termination checkpoint routine TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report Shutdown routines [CCTK_SHUTDOWN] Timers::Timer_Shutdown: Prepare hierarchical timers Routines run after changing the grid hierarchy: [CCTK_POSTREGRID] CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation Spritz::Spritz_MHD_Initialize: Initialize MHD analysis quantities GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after regridding ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards Spritz::Spritz_RefinementLevel: Calculate current refinement level GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP Do_Spritz_Boundaries: Spritz Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions Spritz::Spritz_Boundaries: [level] Select Spritz boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Spritz::Spritz_outer_boundaries_on_A_mu: Linear extrapolation on A_mu at outer boundaries GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables Spritz::Con2Prim: Convert back to primitive variables (general, GRMHD version) GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here Spritz::Spritz_Tmunu: Compute the energy-momentum tensor SpaceMask::MaskZero: Initialise mask to zero SpaceMask::MaskOne: Set mask to one GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model listing: model 0: "world" INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model process distribution: processes 0-63: model 0 "world" INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model: This is process 0, model 0 "world" Current core file size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=0 MB Current addres space size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=[unlimited] Current data segment size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=[unlimited] Current resident set size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=[unlimited] INFO (CycleClock): Measuring CycleClock tick via OpenMP... INFO (CycleClock): Calibrated CycleClock: 0.371228 ns per clock tick (2.69376 GHz) INFO (Formaline): Configuration id: config-SPRITZ_O2-login2.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu-home1-06933-fcipolle-Cactus INFO (Formaline): Build id: build-SPRITZ_O2-login2.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu-fcipolle-2021.01.06-10.30.56-204795 INFO (Formaline): Simulation id: run-SLy4_Spr_T_NL_NB_3D_ExtID_TCANslice-c161-081.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu-fcipolle-2021.01.06-11.03.42-249657 INFO (Formaline): Run id: run-SLy4_Spr_T_NL_NB_3D_ExtID_TCANslice-c161-081.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu-fcipolle-2021.01.06-11.03.42-249657 INFO (Vectors): Using vector size 8 for architecture AVX512 (64-bit precision) INFO (hwloc): library version 1.11.12, API version 0x10b00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR driver provided by Carpet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HydroBase: Let it flow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 0D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 1D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 2D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 3D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR info I/O provided by CarpetIOBasic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ML_BSSN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 0D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 1D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 2D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 3D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MoL: Generalized time integration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR scalar I/O provided by CarpetIOScalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO (Carpet): MPI is enabled INFO (Carpet): Carpet is running on 64 processes INFO (Carpet): This is process 0 INFO (Carpet): OpenMP is enabled INFO (Carpet): This process contains 7 threads, this is thread 0 INFO (Carpet): There are 448 threads in total INFO (Carpet): There are 7 threads per process INFO (Carpet): This process runs on host c161-081.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu, pid=249657 INFO (Carpet): This process runs on 7 cores: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 INFO (Carpet): Thread 0 runs on 7 cores: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 INFO (Carpet): Thread 1 runs on 7 cores: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 INFO (Carpet): Thread 2 runs on 7 cores: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 INFO (Carpet): Thread 3 runs on 7 cores: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 INFO (Carpet): Thread 4 runs on 7 cores: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 INFO (Carpet): Thread 5 runs on 7 cores: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 INFO (Carpet): Thread 6 runs on 7 cores: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 INFO (Carpet): This simulation is running in 3 dimensions INFO (Carpet): Boundary specification for map 0: nboundaryzones: [[3,3,3],[3,3,3]] is_internal : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] is_staggered : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] shiftout : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] INFO (Carpet): CoordBase domain specification for map 0: physical extent: [-128.64,-128.64,-128.64] : [128.64,128.64,128.64] ([257.28,257.28,257.28]) interior extent: [-126.72,-126.72,-126.72] : [126.72,126.72,126.72] ([253.44,253.44,253.44]) exterior extent: [-132.48,-132.48,-132.48] : [132.48,132.48,132.48] ([264.96,264.96,264.96]) base_spacing : [1.92,1.92,1.92] INFO (Carpet): Adapted domain specification for map 0: convergence factor: 2 convergence level : 0 physical extent : [-128.64,-128.64,-128.64] : [128.64,128.64,128.64] ([257.28,257.28,257.28]) interior extent : [-126.72,-126.72,-126.72] : [126.72,126.72,126.72] ([253.44,253.44,253.44]) exterior extent : [-132.48,-132.48,-132.48] : [132.48,132.48,132.48] ([264.96,264.96,264.96]) spacing : [1.92,1.92,1.92] INFO (Carpet): Base grid specification for map 0: number of grid points : [139,139,139] number of coarse grid ghost points: [[3,3,3],[3,3,3]] INFO (Carpet): Buffer zone counts (excluding ghosts): [0]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [1]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] [2]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] [3]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] [4]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] INFO (Carpet): Overlap zone counts: [0]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [1]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [2]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [3]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [4]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] INFO (Carpet): Group and variable statistics: INFO (Carpet): There are 1087 grid functions in 124 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 272 grid scalars in 95 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 81 1-dimensional grid arrays in 7 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 1 2-dimensional grid arrays in 2 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 0 3-dimensional grid arrays in 0 groups INFO (Carpet): (The number of variables counts all time levels) INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_0D' registered: 0D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files INFO (CarpetIOASCII): Periodic 0D AMR output requested for: ADMMASS::ADMMass_SurfaceMass[0] ADMMASS::ADMMass_SurfaceMass_Lapse[0] ADMMASS::ADMMass_VolumeMass[0] HYDRO_ANALYSIS::total_rest_mass INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_1D' registered: 1D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_2D' registered: 2D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_3D' registered: 3D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5' registered: AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_0D' registered: 0D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_1D' registered: 1D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_2D' registered: 2D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): Periodic 2D AMR output requested for: ADMBASE::gxx ADMBASE::gxy ADMBASE::gxz ADMBASE::gyy ADMBASE::gyz ADMBASE::gzz ADMBASE::alp ADMBASE::betax ADMBASE::betay ADMBASE::betaz HYDROBASE::rho HYDROBASE::press HYDROBASE::eps HYDROBASE::vel[0] HYDROBASE::vel[1] HYDROBASE::vel[2] HYDROBASE::w_lorentz HYDROBASE::Y_e HYDROBASE::temperature HYDROBASE::entropy ML_BSSN::H ML_BSSN::M1 ML_BSSN::M2 ML_BSSN::M3 INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_3D' registered: 3D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOScalar): Periodic scalar output requested for: ADMBASE::alp ADMBASE::betax ADMBASE::betay ADMBASE::betaz CARPET::physical_time_per_hour CARPET::current_physical_time_per_hour CARPET::time_total CARPET::time_evolution CARPET::time_computing CARPET::time_communicating CARPET::time_io CARPET::evolution_steps_count CARPET::local_grid_points_per_second CARPET::total_grid_points_per_second CARPET::local_grid_point_updates_count CARPET::total_grid_point_updates_count CARPET::local_interior_points_per_second CARPET::total_interior_points_per_second CARPET::local_interior_point_updates_count CARPET::total_interior_point_updates_count CARPET::io_per_second CARPET::io_bytes_per_second CARPET::io_bytes_ascii_per_second CARPET::io_bytes_binary_per_second CARPET::io_count CARPET::io_bytes_count CARPET::io_bytes_ascii_count CARPET::io_bytes_binary_count CARPET::comm_per_second CARPET::comm_bytes_per_second CARPET::comm_count CARPET::comm_bytes_count CARPET::time_levels CARPET::current_walltime CARPET::syncs_count HYDROBASE::rho HYDROBASE::press HYDROBASE::eps HYDROBASE::vel[0] HYDROBASE::vel[1] HYDROBASE::vel[2] HYDROBASE::w_lorentz HYDROBASE::Y_e HYDROBASE::temperature ML_BSSN::H ML_BSSN::M1 ML_BSSN::M2 ML_BSSN::M3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO (Formaline): Writing tarballs with the Cactus sources into the directory "SLy4_Spr_T_NL_NB_3D_ExtID_TCANslice/cactus-source" INFO (MoL): Using Runge-Kutta 4 as the time integrator. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of evolved variables is 698. 35 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of slow evolved variables is 698. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of constrained variables is 698. 46 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of SandR variables is 698. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of evolved array variables is 698. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of constrained array variables is 698. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of SandR array variables is 698. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum size of any array variables is 0. INFO (Spritz): Temperature will be dealt with using EOS_Omni and nuc_eos. INFO (Spritz): At beginning, I'm NOT constraining temperature. INFO (Spritz): Spritz will use the physical metric and set conformal_state=0. INFO (Vectors): Testing vectorisation... [errors may result in segfaults] INFO (Vectors): 18943/18943 tests passed INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [138,138,138] ([139,139,139] + PADDING) 2685619 [1][0][0] exterior: [71,71,71] : [205,205,205] ([135,135,135] + PADDING) 2460375 [2][0][0] exterior: [209,209,209] : [343,343,343] ([135,135,135] + PADDING) 2460375 [3][0][0] exterior: [475,475,475] : [629,629,629] ([155,155,155] + PADDING) 3723875 [4][0][0] exterior: [1021,1021,1021] : [1187,1187,1187] ([167,167,167] + PADDING) 4657463 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-132.48,-132.48,-132.48] : [132.48,132.48,132.48] : [1.92,1.92,1.92] [1][0][0] exterior: [-64.32,-64.32,-64.32] : [64.32,64.32,64.32] : [0.96,0.96,0.96] [2][0][0] exterior: [-32.16,-32.16,-32.16] : [32.16,32.16,32.16] : [0.48,0.48,0.48] [3][0][0] exterior: [-18.48,-18.48,-18.48] : [18.48,18.48,18.48] : [0.24,0.24,0.24] [4][0][0] exterior: [-9.95999999999999,-9.95999999999999,-9.95999999999999] : [9.96000000000001,9.96000000000001,9.96000000000001] : [0.12,0.12,0.12] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 2757k active, 3917k owned (+42%), 5979k total (+53%), 31 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 369, pts: 4220M active, 5777M owned (+37%), 9082M total (+57%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 291, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 72.460 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 11M 14M 16M 1M owned 17% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 13M 14M 15M 0M owned 2% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 13M 14M 15M 0M owned 2% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 20M 21M 22M 0M owned 2% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 25M 27M 27M 0M owned 2% INFO (CartGrid3D): Grid Spacings: INFO (CartGrid3D): dx=>1.9200000e+00 dy=>1.9200000e+00 dz=>1.9200000e+00 INFO (CartGrid3D): Computational Coordinates: INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[-132.480,132.480] y=>[-132.480,132.480] z=>[-132.480,132.480] INFO (CartGrid3D): Indices of Physical Coordinates: INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[0,138] y=>[0,138] z=>[0,138] INFO (EOS_Omni): ******************************* INFO (EOS_Omni): Reading nuc_eos table file: INFO (EOS_Omni): /home1/06933/fcipolle/EOS/SLy4_3335_rho391_temp163_ye66.h5 INFO (EOS_Omni): ******************************* INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.576 (courant_static) INFO (Spritz): Initializing GRMHD variables to zero... INFO (Spritz): Spritz will use the nuc_eos equation of state. INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting up LORENE ID_NrotStar initial data hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 Tabulated EoS: EOS of class Eos_CompOSE. Built from file /home1/06933/fcipolle/EOS_SLICES/SLy4_3335_rho391_temp163_ye66_SliceTCAN/LoreneInput0.01.txt Old LORENE format Authors : Number of points in file : 391 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Calling Star_rot constructor... hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done constructor on reflevel 0. INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting time derivatives of lapse and shift INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Beta Equilibrated data for Lorene format. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Temperature[MeV] will be set to 0.010000 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Spritz_hot_atmo_Y_e has been set to 0.450849 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): rho_abs_eos_min has been set to 1.72794e-15 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Temperature, Y_e and entropy. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Beta set on on reflevel 0. INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.288 (courant_static) INFO (Spritz): Initializing GRMHD variables to zero... INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting up LORENE ID_NrotStar initial data hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 Tabulated EoS: EOS of class Eos_CompOSE. Built from file /home1/06933/fcipolle/EOS_SLICES/SLy4_3335_rho391_temp163_ye66_SliceTCAN/LoreneInput0.01.txt Old LORENE format Authors : Number of points in file : 391 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Calling Star_rot constructor... hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done constructor on reflevel 1. INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting time derivatives of lapse and shift INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Beta Equilibrated data for Lorene format. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Temperature[MeV] will be set to 0.010000 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Spritz_hot_atmo_Y_e has been set to 0.450849 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): rho_abs_eos_min has been set to 1.72794e-15 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Temperature, Y_e and entropy. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Beta set on on reflevel 1. INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.144 (courant_static) INFO (Spritz): Initializing GRMHD variables to zero... INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting up LORENE ID_NrotStar initial data hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 Tabulated EoS: EOS of class Eos_CompOSE. Built from file /home1/06933/fcipolle/EOS_SLICES/SLy4_3335_rho391_temp163_ye66_SliceTCAN/LoreneInput0.01.txt Old LORENE format Authors : Number of points in file : 391 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Calling Star_rot constructor... hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done constructor on reflevel 2. INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting time derivatives of lapse and shift INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Beta Equilibrated data for Lorene format. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Temperature[MeV] will be set to 0.010000 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Spritz_hot_atmo_Y_e has been set to 0.450849 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): rho_abs_eos_min has been set to 1.72794e-15 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Temperature, Y_e and entropy. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Beta set on on reflevel 2. INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.072 (courant_static) INFO (Spritz): Initializing GRMHD variables to zero... INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting up LORENE ID_NrotStar initial data hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 Tabulated EoS: EOS of class Eos_CompOSE. Built from file /home1/06933/fcipolle/EOS_SLICES/SLy4_3335_rho391_temp163_ye66_SliceTCAN/LoreneInput0.01.txt Old LORENE format Authors : Number of points in file : 391 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Calling Star_rot constructor... hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done constructor on reflevel 3. INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting time derivatives of lapse and shift INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Beta Equilibrated data for Lorene format. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Temperature[MeV] will be set to 0.010000 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Spritz_hot_atmo_Y_e has been set to 0.450849 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): rho_abs_eos_min has been set to 1.72794e-15 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Temperature, Y_e and entropy. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Beta set on on reflevel 3. INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.036 (courant_static) INFO (Spritz): Initializing GRMHD variables to zero... INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting up LORENE ID_NrotStar initial data hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 Tabulated EoS: EOS of class Eos_CompOSE. Built from file /home1/06933/fcipolle/EOS_SLICES/SLy4_3335_rho391_temp163_ye66_SliceTCAN/LoreneInput0.01.txt Old LORENE format Authors : Number of points in file : 391 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Calling Star_rot constructor... hmin, hmax : 1.00006808390063e-14 2.95830031987621 INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done constructor on reflevel 4. INFO (ID_NrotStar): Setting time derivatives of lapse and shift INFO (ID_NrotStar): Done. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Beta Equilibrated data for Lorene format. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Temperature[MeV] will be set to 0.010000 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Spritz_hot_atmo_Y_e has been set to 0.450849 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): rho_abs_eos_min has been set to 1.72794e-15 INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Setting up initial Temperature, Y_e and entropy. INFO (Spritz_SetBeta): Beta set on on reflevel 4. INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): --------------------------------------------------------- INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): Dumping initial checkpoint at iteration 0, simulation time 0 INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): --------------------------------------------------------- INFO (TimerReport): Timer Report at iteration 0 time 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iteration Time | *me_per_hour | HYDROBASE::rho | HYDROBASE::temperature | | minimum maximum | minimum maximum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0.000 | 0.0000000 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014349 | 0.0100000 0.0100000 16 0.576 | 15.4383570 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014346 | 0.0010000 1.4369495 32 1.152 | 14.7309132 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014347 | 0.0010000 1.5464878 48 1.728 | 14.4249321 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014346 | 0.0010000 1.5981436 64 2.304 | 14.3313590 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014346 | 0.0010000 1.6683034 80 2.880 | 14.2860571 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014345 | 0.0010000 1.7156681 96 3.456 | 14.2548047 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014345 | 0.0010000 1.8420786 112 4.032 | 14.2027797 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014346 | 0.0010000 1.9596482 128 4.608 | 14.1805691 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014347 | 0.0010000 2.0625908 144 5.184 | 14.1397018 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014345 | 0.0010000 2.1563737 160 5.760 | 14.1253530 | 1.000000e-10 0.0014342 | 0.0010000 2.2229729 =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = PID 285847 RUNNING AT c161-084 = EXIT CODE: 6 = CLEANING UP REMAINING PROCESSES = YOU CAN IGNORE THE BELOW CLEANUP MESSAGES =================================================================================== Intel(R) MPI Library troubleshooting guide: https://software.intel.com/node/561764 =================================================================================== TACC: MPI job exited with code: 6 TACC: Shutdown complete. Exiting.