[dell-Precision-7920-Tower] # This machine description file is used internally by simfactory as a template # during the sim setup and sim setup-silent commands # Edit at your own risk # Machine description nickname = Jim-Pie name = jimmy-pie location = Shanghai-Jiaotong-University description = Chen's-work-station status = personal # Access to this machine hostname = dell-Precision-7920-Tower aliaspattern = ^jmbai\.sjtu\.edu$ # the configure scripts strip /usr/local from XXX_DIR to avoid chosing system # libraries, however not all compilers will search in there by default Here we # explicitly add the filtered out locations so that they appear last in the # search path removed by strip-libdirs.sh # removed by strip-incdirs.sh envsetup = < @RUNDIR@/@SIMULATION_NAME@.out 2> @RUNDIR@/@SIMULATION_NAME@.err & echo $! getstatus = ps @JOB_ID@ # need to kill the whole set of processes descending from @JOB_ID@, not just the # (simfactory) top-level process stop = pkill -g $(ps -o pgid= -p @JOB_ID@) submitpattern = (.*) statuspattern = "^ *@JOB_ID@ " queuedpattern = $^ runningpattern = ^ holdingpattern = $^ exechost = echo localhost exechostpattern = (.*) stdout = cat @SIMULATION_NAME@.out stderr = cat @SIMULATION_NAME@.err stdout-follow = tail -n 100 -f @SIMULATION_NAME@.out @SIMULATION_NAME@.err