nid00016 nid00017 nid00017 nid00017 nid00017 nid00018 nid00019 nid00019 nid00019 nid00019 nid00016 nid00016 nid00016 nid00018 nid00018 nid00018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 1 0101 ************************ 01 1010 10 The Cactus Code V4.10.0 1010 1101 011 1001 100101 ************************ 00010101 100011 (c) Copyright The Authors 0100 GNU Licensed. No Warranty 0101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cactus version: 4.10.0 Compile date: Aug 13 2021 (21:30:52) Run date: Aug 20 2021 (12:26:51+0200) Run host: nid00016 (pid=37486) Working directory: /lustre/tetyda/home/topolski/Cactus Executable: /home/topolski/Cactus/exe/cactus_okeanos_custom Parameter file: BHNS_THC_3.par -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activating thorn Cactus...Success -> active implementation Cactus Activation requested for --->ADMBase ADMCoupling ADMMacros ADMAnalysis AEILocalInterp Boundary Carpet CarpetIOASCII CarpetIOBasic CarpetIOHDF5 CarpetIOScalar CarpetInterp CarpetLib CarpetReduce CarpetSlab CarpetRegrid2 CartGrid3d CoordBase CoordGauge Dissipation EOS_Barotropic EOS_Thermal EOS_Thermal_Idealgas GenericFD HydroBase HRSCCore InitBase IOUtil LoopControl ML_ADMConstraints ML_BSSN ML_BSSN_Helper MoL NaNChecker NewRad PizzaBase PizzaIDBase PizzaNumUtils KadathImporter ReflectionSymmetry Slab SpaceMask SphericalSurface StaticConformal SymBase TerminationTrigger THC_Core Time TimerReport TmunuBase Timers HDF5 MPI KadathThorn Boost Vectors CycleClock CPPUtils FDCore hwloc GSL BLAS zlib PunctureTracker CarpetMask CarpetTracker<--- Activating thorn ADMAnalysis...Success -> active implementation ADMAnalysis Activating thorn ADMBase...Success -> active implementation ADMBase Activating thorn ADMCoupling...Success -> active implementation ADMCoupling Activating thorn ADMMacros...Success -> active implementation ADMMacros Activating thorn AEILocalInterp...Success -> active implementation AEILocalInterp Activating thorn BLAS...Success -> active implementation BLAS Activating thorn Boost...Success -> active implementation Boost Activating thorn Boundary...Success -> active implementation boundary Activating thorn Carpet...Success -> active implementation Driver Activating thorn CarpetInterp...Success -> active implementation interp Activating thorn CarpetIOASCII...Success -> active implementation IOASCII Activating thorn CarpetIOBasic...Success -> active implementation IOBasic Activating thorn CarpetIOHDF5...Success -> active implementation IOHDF5 Activating thorn CarpetIOScalar...Success -> active implementation IOScalar Activating thorn CarpetLib...Success -> active implementation CarpetLib Activating thorn CarpetMask...Success -> active implementation CarpetMask Activating thorn CarpetReduce...Success -> active implementation reduce Activating thorn CarpetRegrid2...Success -> active implementation CarpetRegrid2 Activating thorn CarpetSlab...Success -> active implementation Hyperslab Activating thorn CarpetTracker...Success -> active implementation CarpetTracker Activating thorn CartGrid3d...Success -> active implementation grid Activating thorn CoordBase...Success -> active implementation CoordBase Activating thorn CoordGauge...Success -> active implementation CoordGauge Activating thorn CPPUtils...Success -> active implementation CPPUtils Activating thorn CycleClock...Success -> active implementation CycleClock Activating thorn Dissipation...Success -> active implementation Dissipation Activating thorn EOS_Barotropic...Success -> active implementation EOS_Barotropic Activating thorn EOS_Thermal...Success -> active implementation EOS_Thermal Activating thorn EOS_Thermal_Idealgas...Success -> active implementation EOS_Thermal_Idealgas Activating thorn FDCore...Success -> active implementation FDCore Activating thorn GenericFD...Success -> active implementation GenericFD Activating thorn GSL...Success -> active implementation GSL Activating thorn HDF5...Success -> active implementation HDF5 Activating thorn HRSCCore...Success -> active implementation HRSCCore Activating thorn hwloc...Success -> active implementation hwloc Activating thorn HydroBase...Success -> active implementation HydroBase Activating thorn InitBase...Success -> active implementation InitBase Activating thorn IOUtil...Success -> active implementation IO Activating thorn KadathImporter...Success -> active implementation KadathImporter Activating thorn KadathThorn...Success -> active implementation Kadath Activating thorn LoopControl...Success -> active implementation LoopControl Activating thorn ML_ADMConstraints...Success -> active implementation ML_ADMConstraints Activating thorn ML_BSSN...Success -> active implementation ML_BSSN Activating thorn ML_BSSN_Helper...Success -> active implementation ML_BSSN_Helper Activating thorn MoL...Success -> active implementation MethodOfLines Activating thorn MPI...Success -> active implementation MPI Activating thorn NaNChecker...Success -> active implementation NaNChecker Activating thorn NewRad...Success -> active implementation NewRad Activating thorn PizzaBase...Success -> active implementation PizzaBase Activating thorn PizzaIDBase...Success -> active implementation PizzaIDBase Activating thorn PizzaNumUtils...Success -> active implementation PizzaNumUtils Activating thorn PunctureTracker...Success -> active implementation PunctureTracker Activating thorn ReflectionSymmetry...Success -> active implementation ReflectionSymmetry Activating thorn Slab...Success -> active implementation Slab Activating thorn SpaceMask...Success -> active implementation SpaceMask Activating thorn SphericalSurface...Success -> active implementation SphericalSurface Activating thorn StaticConformal...Success -> active implementation StaticConformal Activating thorn SymBase...Success -> active implementation SymBase Activating thorn TerminationTrigger...Success -> active implementation TerminationTrigger Activating thorn THC_Core...Success -> active implementation THC_Core Activating thorn Time...Success -> active implementation time Activating thorn TimerReport...Success -> active implementation timerreport Activating thorn Timers...Success -> active implementation Timers Activating thorn TmunuBase...Success -> active implementation TmunuBase Activating thorn Vectors...Success -> active implementation Vectors Activating thorn zlib...Success -> active implementation zlib -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (recover initial data) Recover parameters endif Startup routines [CCTK_STARTUP] Carpet::MultiModel_Startup: Multi-model Startup routine CycleClock::CycleClock_Setup: Set up CycleClock LoopControl::lc_setup: Set up LoopControl ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_SetGroupTags: [meta] Set checkpointing and prolongation group tags Timers::Timer_Startup: Prepare hierarchical timers CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_SetNumRefinementLevels: [meta] Overwrite 'CarpetRegrid::refinement_levels' with the number of levels found in the checkpoint file Carpet::Driver_Startup: Startup routine IOUtil::IOUtil_Startup: Startup routine CarpetInterp::CarpetInterpStartup: Startup routine CarpetReduce::CarpetReduceStartup: Startup routine CartGrid3D::SymmetryStartup: Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry CoordBase::CoordBase_Startup: Register a GH extension to store the coordinate system handles AEILocalInterp::AEILocalInterp_U_Startup: register CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() interpolation operators EOS_Thermal_Idealgas::EOS_Idealgas_Register: Register ideal gas EOS as global evolution EOS HRSCCore::HRSCC_Startup: [global] Register banner HydroBase::HydroBase_StartUp: Startup banner CarpetIOASCII::CarpetIOASCIIStartup: [global] Startup routine CarpetIOBasic::CarpetIOBasicStartup: [global] Startup routine ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_Startup: [meta] create banner ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_Startup: [meta] create banner ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_RegisterSlicing: [meta] Register slicing CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_Startup: Startup routine MoL::MoL_Startup: Startup banner PizzaBase::PizzaBase_Startup: Parameter Conversions PizzaIDBase::PizzaIDBase_Startup: Parameter Conversions Slab::Slab_InitMPIDatatypes: Create MPI datatypes for complex variables in C SymBase::SymBase_Startup: Register GH Extension for SymBase THC_Core::THC_Init: [global] Register banner TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_StartSignalHandler: Start signal handler CarpetIOScalar::CarpetIOScalarStartup: [global] Startup routine Vectors::Vectors_Startup: Print startup message GROUP hwloc_startup: hwloc startup group hwloc::hwloc_version: Output hwloc version Startup routines which need an existing grid hierarchy [CCTK_WRAGH] ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_RegisterSymmetry: [global] Register symmetry of Ricci tensor and scalar ADMBase::Einstein_InitSymBound: [global] Set up GF symmetries Boundary::Boundary_RegisterBCs: [global] Register boundary conditions that this thorn provides CarpetRegrid2::CarpetRegrid2_Initialise: [global] Initialise locations of refined regions CartGrid3D::RegisterCartGrid3DCoords: [meta] Register coordinates for the Cartesian grid CoordGauge::Einstein_ActivateSlicing: Initialize slicing, setup priorities for mixed slicings CoordGauge::Einstein_SetNextSlicing: Identify the slicing for the next iteration HRSCCore::HRSCC_GetGridCoordinates: [global] Store the Cactus indices of the grid coordinates and weights HRSCCore::HRSCC_GetMetric: [global] Store the Cactus indices of the diagonal components of the metric and the lapse ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ParamCompat: [meta] Handle parameter backward compatibility MoL::MoL_SetupIndexArrays: Set up the MoL bookkeeping index arrays MoL::MoL_SetScheduleStatus: [global] Set the flag so it is ok to register with MoL TmunuBase::TmunuBase_SetStressEnergyState: [global] Set the stress_energy_state variable GROUP MoL_Register: The group where physics thorns register variables with MoL ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_RegisterVars: [meta] Register Variables for MoL ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_RegisterVars: [meta] Register Variables for MoL ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_RegisterConstrained: [meta] Register ADMBase variables as constrained THC_Core::THC_MoLRegister: [global] Register variables with MoL Slab::Slab_InitTimers: Initialise timers GROUP SymBase_Wrapper: Wrapper group for SymBase GROUP SymmetryRegister: Register your symmetries here CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_RegisterSymmetryBoundaries: [meta] Register symmetry boundaries ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_RegisterSymmetries: [meta] register symmetries ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_RegisterSymmetries: [meta] register symmetries ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Register: Register reflection symmetry boundaries SymBase::SymBase_Statistics: Print symmetry boundary face descriptions THC_Core::THC_SetupAtmosphere: [global] Setup atmosphere parameters THC_Core::THC_HRSCCRegister: [global] Register variable indices with HRSCCore MoL::MoL_ReportNumberVariables: [meta] Report how many of each type of variable there are Parameter checking routines [CCTK_PARAMCHECK] ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_ParamCheck: [global] Check that the metric_type is recognised ADMBase::ADMBase_ParamCheck: [global] Check consistency of parameters Boundary::Boundary_Check: Check dimension of grid variables Carpet::CarpetParamCheck: Parameter checking routine CarpetLib::CarpetLib_test_prolongate_3d_rf2: [global] Test prolongation operators CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceParamCheck: [global] Check parameters CarpetRegrid2::CarpetRegrid2_ParamCheck: Check parameters CartGrid3D::ParamCheck_CartGrid3D: Check coordinates for CartGrid3D Dissipation::dissipation_paramcheck: Check dissipation parameters for consistency HRSCCore::HRSCC_ParamCheck: [global] Check consistency of the parameters ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ParamCheck: [meta] Check parameters MoL::MoL_ParamCheck: Basic parameter checking SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_ParamCheck: [global] Check that all surface names are unique THC_Core::THC_ParamCheck: [global] Check parameters TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_ParamCheck: Check consitency of parameters TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ParamCheck: [global] Check that no deprecated parameters are used. Vectors::Vectors_Test: Run correctness tests. kadathimporter::KadathImporter_check_parameters: Check parameters Initialisation if (NOT (recover initial data AND recovery_mode is 'strict')) [CCTK_PREREGRIDINITIAL] Set up grid hierarchy [CCTK_POSTREGRIDINITIAL] CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetMask::CarpetExcludedSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded regions CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded spherical surfaces CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions [CCTK_BASEGRID] ADMBase::ADMBase_SetShiftStateOn: Set the shift_state variable to 1 ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtLapseStateOn: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1 ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtShiftStateOn: Set the dtshift_state variable to 1 ADMMacros::ADMMacros_SetLocalSpatialOrder: Initialize the local_spatial_order CartGrid3D::SpatialSpacings: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates (on all grids) CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_SetupRes: [global] [loop-local] Set surface resolution automatically Dissipation::dissipation_basegrid: Ensure that there are enough ghost zones HRSCCore::HRSCC_ParamStore: [global] Store parameters in private namespace ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment NaNChecker::NaNChecker_ResetCounter: [global] Reset the NaNChecker::NaNsFound counter SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Setup: [global] Calculate surface coordinate descriptors GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetMask::CarpetExcludedSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded regions CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded spherical surfaces CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces SymBase::SymBase_Check: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently THC_Core::THC_SetSym: [global] Setup symmetries TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_ResetTrigger: Clear trigger state TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_StartTimer: Start timer TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CreateFile: Create termination file Time::Time_Initialise: [global] Initialise Time variables Time::TemporalSpacings: [singlemap] Set timestep based on Courant condition (courant_static) [CCTK_INITIAL] StaticConformal::StaticConformal_InitialiseState: Set the conformal_state variable to 0 GROUP ADMBase_InitialData: Schedule group for calculating ADM initial data GROUP ADMBase_InitialGauge: Schedule group for the ADM initial gauge condition ADMBase::ADMBase_DtLapseZero: Set the dtlapse to 0 at all points ADMBase::ADMBase_DtShiftZero: Set the dtshift to 0 at all points CarpetIOASCII::CarpetIOASCIIInit: [global] Initialisation routine CarpetIOBasic::CarpetIOBasicInit: [global] Initialisation routine CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_Init: [global] Initialisation routine CarpetIOScalar::CarpetIOScalarInit: [global] Initialisation routine GROUP HydroBase_Initial: HydroBase initial data group GROUP PizzaIDBase_InitialData: Construct initial data GROUP PizzaIDBase_Analysis_Unpert: Analysis of unperturbed data GROUP PizzaIDBase_Perturb: Add Perturbation to initial data PizzaIDBase::PizzaIDBase_Timelevels: Copy ID to previous timelevels kadathimporter::KadathImporter: Set up black hole neutron star initial data GROUP HydroBase_Prim2ConInitial: Recover the conservative variables from the primitive variables THC_Core::THC_PrimToAllInitial: Initialize all the other variables GROUP ADMBase_PostInitial: Schedule group for modifying the ADM initial data, such as e.g. adding noise ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase1Everywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior: ML_BSSN_InitialADMBase2Interior MoL::MoL_StartLoop: [level] Initialise the step size control PunctureTracker::PunctureTracker_Init: [global] Calculate initial location of punctures ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ExtrapolateGammas: Extrapolate Gammas and time derivatives of lapse and shift [CCTK_POSTINITIAL] CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_CloseFiles: [global] Close all filereader input files GROUP MoL_PostStepModify: The group for physics thorns to schedule enforcing constraints ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere: ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after the initial data have been set up ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions THC_Core::THC_SelectBC: [singlemap] Select boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables GROUP THC_SetExcisionMask: Thorns providing excision should set the bitmask THC_Core::THC_ConsToAll: Computes the primitives from the conservatives GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here THC_Core::THC_AddToTmunu: Adds the contribution of the fluid to the global stress-energy tensor GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolution: Calculate pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Initialise finer grids recursively Restrict from finer grids [CCTK_POSTRESTRICTINITIAL] GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after restriction ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions THC_Core::THC_SelectBC: [singlemap] Select boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables GROUP THC_SetExcisionMask: Thorns providing excision should set the bitmask THC_Core::THC_ConsToAll: Computes the primitives from the conservatives GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here THC_Core::THC_AddToTmunu: Adds the contribution of the fluid to the global stress-energy tensor GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions [CCTK_POSTPOSTINITIAL] GROUP Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables (might be redundant) GROUP THC_SetExcisionMask: Thorns providing excision should set the bitmask THC_Core::THC_ConsToAll: Computes the primitives from the conservatives [CCTK_POSTSTEP] SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces GROUP zzz_NaNChecker_NaNCheck: Check for NaNs and count them in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Prepare: [level] Prepare data structures to check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Check: [local] Check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Finish: [level] Count NaNs in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_TakeAction: [global] [loop-level] Output NaNChecker::NaNmask and take action according to NaNChecker::action_if_found PunctureTracker::PunctureTracker_SetPositions: [global] Copy puncture positions to spherical surfaces Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetMask::CarpetExcludedSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded regions CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded spherical surfaces CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function endif if (recover initial data) [CCTK_BASEGRID] ADMBase::ADMBase_SetShiftStateOn: Set the shift_state variable to 1 ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtLapseStateOn: Set the dtlapse_state variable to 1 ADMBase::ADMBase_SetDtShiftStateOn: Set the dtshift_state variable to 1 ADMMacros::ADMMacros_SetLocalSpatialOrder: Initialize the local_spatial_order CartGrid3D::SpatialSpacings: Set up ranges for spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates (on all grids) CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_SetupRes: [global] [loop-local] Set surface resolution automatically Dissipation::dissipation_basegrid: Ensure that there are enough ghost zones HRSCCore::HRSCC_ParamStore: [global] Store parameters in private namespace ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_CheckBoundaries: [meta] check boundaries treatment NaNChecker::NaNChecker_ResetCounter: [global] Reset the NaNChecker::NaNsFound counter SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Setup: [global] Calculate surface coordinate descriptors GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetMask::CarpetExcludedSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded regions CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded spherical surfaces CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii to be used for initial setup in other thorns GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces SymBase::SymBase_Check: Check whether the driver set up the grid consistently THC_Core::THC_SetSym: [global] Setup symmetries TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_ResetTrigger: Clear trigger state TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_StartTimer: Start timer TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CreateFile: Create termination file Time::Time_Initialise: [global] Initialise Time variables Time::TemporalSpacings: [singlemap] Set timestep based on Courant condition (courant_static) [CCTK_RECOVER_VARIABLES] IOUtil::IOUtil_RecoverGH: [level] Checkpoint recovery routine [CCTK_POST_RECOVER_VARIABLES] CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_InitCheckpointingIntervals: [global] Initialisation of checkpointing intervals after recovery CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_CloseFiles: [meta] Close all initial data checkpoint files after recovery GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetMask::CarpetExcludedSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded regions CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded spherical surfaces CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after recovery ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions THC_Core::THC_SelectBC: [singlemap] Select boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables GROUP THC_SetExcisionMask: Thorns providing excision should set the bitmask THC_Core::THC_ConsToAll: Computes the primitives from the conservatives GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here THC_Core::THC_AddToTmunu: Adds the contribution of the fluid to the global stress-energy tensor GROUP zzz_NaNChecker_NaNCheck: Check for NaNs and count them in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Prepare: [level] Prepare data structures to check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Check: [local] Check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Finish: [level] Count NaNs in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_TakeAction: [global] [loop-level] Output NaNChecker::NaNmask and take action according to NaNChecker::action_if_found TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_ResetMinutes: [global] Reset Watchtime endif if (checkpoint initial data) [CCTK_CPINITIAL] CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_InitialDataCheckpoint: [meta] Initial data checkpoint routine endif if (analysis) [CCTK_ANALYSIS] ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_EvaltrK: Compute the trace of the extrinsic curvature and the determinant of the metric ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_MetricCartToSphere: Calculate the spherical metric in r,theta(q), phi(p) ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_CurvCartToSphere: Calculate the spherical ex. curvature in r, theta(q), phi(p) GROUP RicciGroup: Calculate Ricci tensor, with boundary conditions ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_Ricci: Calculate Ricci tensor, with boundary conditions GROUP RicciBoundariesGroup: Set Ricci tensor on the boundary ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_Ricci_Boundaries: [level] Select boundary conditions for the Ricci tensor GROUP ADMAnalysis_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to the Ricci tensor GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printtimestats: [global] Print timing statistics if desired CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printmemstats: [global] Print memory statistics if desired LoopControl::lc_statistics_analysis: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysis: Calculate RHS at analysis ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckWalltime: Check elapsed job walltime TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckSignal: Check if we received a termination signal TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckFile: Check termination file TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report endif Output grid variables do loop over timesteps [CCTK_PREREGRID] CarpetTracker::CarpetTracker_SetPositions: [global] Set positions of refined regions Change grid hierarchy [CCTK_POSTREGRID] CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetMask::CarpetExcludedSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded regions CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded spherical surfaces CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after regridding ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions THC_Core::THC_SelectBC: [singlemap] Select boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables GROUP THC_SetExcisionMask: Thorns providing excision should set the bitmask THC_Core::THC_ConsToAll: Computes the primitives from the conservatives GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here THC_Core::THC_AddToTmunu: Adds the contribution of the fluid to the global stress-energy tensor GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions Rotate timelevels iteration = iteration+1 t = t+dt [CCTK_PRESTEP] CoordGauge::Einstein_SetNextSlicing: Identify the slicing for the next iteration LoopControl::lc_steer: [meta] Update LoopControl algorithm preferences NaNChecker::NaNChecker_ResetCounter: [global] Reset the NaNChecker::NaNsFound counter [CCTK_EVOL] MoL::MoL_StartLoop: [level] Initialise the step size control while (MoL::MoL_Stepsize_Bad) GROUP MoL_Evolution: A single Cactus evolution step using MoL GROUP MoL_StartStep: MoL internal setup for the evolution step MoL::MoL_SetCounter: [level] Set the counter for the ODE method to loop over MoL::MoL_SetTime: [level] Ensure the correct time and timestep are used MoL::MoL_AllocateScratchSpace: [level] Allocate storage for scratch levels GROUP MoL_PreStep: Physics thorns can schedule preloop setup routines in here MoL::MoL_AllocateScratch: Allocate sufficient space for array scratch variables MoL::MoL_InitialCopy: Ensure the data is in the correct timelevel while (MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Step) GROUP MoL_Step: The loop over the intermediate steps for the ODE integrator MoL::MoL_InitRHS: Initialise the RHS functions GROUP MoL_CalcRHS: Physics thorns schedule the calculation of the discrete spatial operator in here GROUP HydroBase_RHS: Groups for scheduling tasks for calculating RHS of hydro variables THC_Core::THC_InitSource: Initializes the source term THC_Core::THC_GRSource: Computes the geometric source terms THC_Core::THC_RHS: Compute the RHS for MoL GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy: ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy1 ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy2 ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3: ML_BSSN_EvolutionInteriorSplitBy3 ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS GROUP MoL_PostRHS: Modify RHS functions Dissipation::dissipation_add: Add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation to the right hand sides GROUP MoL_RHSBoundaries: Any 'final' modifications to the RHS functions (boundaries etc.) MoL::MoL_Add: Updates calculated with the efficient Runge-Kutta 4 method MoL::MoL_DecrementCounter: [level] Alter the counter number MoL::MoL_ResetTime: [level] If necessary, change the time GROUP MoL_PostStepModify: The group for physics thorns to schedule enforcing constraints ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere: ML_BSSN_EnforceEverywhere GROUP MoL_PostStep: The group for physics thorns to schedule boundary calls etc. ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions THC_Core::THC_SelectBC: [singlemap] Select boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables GROUP THC_SetExcisionMask: Thorns providing excision should set the bitmask THC_Core::THC_ConsToAll: Computes the primitives from the conservatives GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here THC_Core::THC_AddToTmunu: Adds the contribution of the fluid to the global stress-energy tensor MoL::MoL_ResetDeltaTime: [level] If necessary, change the timestep end while MoL::MoL_FinishLoop: [level] Control the step size MoL::MoL_RestoreSandR: Restoring the Save and Restore variables to the original state MoL::MoL_FreeScratchSpace: [level] Free storage for scratch levels end while GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolution: Calculate pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions PunctureTracker::PunctureTracker_Track: [global] Calculate new location of punctures Evolve finer grids recursively Restrict from finer grids [CCTK_POSTRESTRICT] GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after restriction ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions THC_Core::THC_SelectBC: [singlemap] Select boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables GROUP THC_SetExcisionMask: Thorns providing excision should set the bitmask THC_Core::THC_ConsToAll: Computes the primitives from the conservatives GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here THC_Core::THC_AddToTmunu: Adds the contribution of the fluid to the global stress-energy tensor GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions [CCTK_POSTSTEP] SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_Set: [global] Set surface radii GROUP SphericalSurface_HasBeenSet: Set the spherical surfaces before this group, and use it afterwards SphericalSurface::SphericalSurface_CheckState: [global] Test the state of the spherical surfaces GROUP zzz_NaNChecker_NaNCheck: Check for NaNs and count them in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Prepare: [level] Prepare data structures to check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Check: [local] Check for NaNs NaNChecker::NaNChecker_NaNCheck_Finish: [level] Count NaNs in NaNChecker::NaNsFound NaNChecker::NaNChecker_TakeAction: [global] [loop-level] Output NaNChecker::NaNmask and take action according to NaNChecker::action_if_found PunctureTracker::PunctureTracker_SetPositions: [global] Copy puncture positions to spherical surfaces Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetMask::CarpetExcludedSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded regions CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded spherical surfaces CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function if (checkpoint) [CCTK_CHECKPOINT] CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_EvolutionCheckpoint: [meta] Evolution checkpoint routine TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Checkpoint: [global] Print the timer report endif if (analysis) [CCTK_ANALYSIS] ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_EvaltrK: Compute the trace of the extrinsic curvature and the determinant of the metric ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_MetricCartToSphere: Calculate the spherical metric in r,theta(q), phi(p) ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_CurvCartToSphere: Calculate the spherical ex. curvature in r, theta(q), phi(p) GROUP RicciGroup: Calculate Ricci tensor, with boundary conditions ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_Ricci: Calculate Ricci tensor, with boundary conditions GROUP RicciBoundariesGroup: Set Ricci tensor on the boundary ADMAnalysis::ADMAnalysis_Ricci_Boundaries: [level] Select boundary conditions for the Ricci tensor GROUP ADMAnalysis_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to the Ricci tensor GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printtimestats: [global] Print timing statistics if desired CarpetLib::CarpetLib_printmemstats: [global] Print memory statistics if desired LoopControl::lc_statistics_analysis: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics GROUP ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysis: Calculate RHS at analysis ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInit ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior: ML_BSSN_EvolutionAnalysisInterior ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_NewRad: Apply NewRad boundary conditions to RHS TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckWalltime: Check elapsed job walltime TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckSignal: Check if we received a termination signal TerminationTrigger::TerminationTrigger_CheckFile: Check termination file TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report endif Output grid variables enddo Termination routines [CCTK_TERMINATE] CarpetIOHDF5::CarpetIOHDF5_TerminationCheckpoint: [meta] Termination checkpoint routine LoopControl::lc_statistics_terminate: [meta] Output LoopControl statistics MoL::MoL_FreeIndexArrays: Free the MoL bookkeeping index arrays TimerReport::zzz_TimerReport_Output: [global] Print the timer report Shutdown routines [CCTK_SHUTDOWN] Timers::Timer_Shutdown: Prepare hierarchical timers Routines run after changing the grid hierarchy: [CCTK_POSTREGRID] CartGrid3D::SpatialCoordinates: Set Coordinates after regridding GROUP MaskBase_SetupMask: Set up the weight function GROUP MaskBase_SetupMaskAll: Set up the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_AllocateMask: [global] Allocate the weight function CarpetReduce::MaskBase_InitMask: [global] [loop-local] Initialise the weight function GROUP SetupIMaskInternal: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::CoordBase_SetupMask: [global] [loop-local] Set up the outer boundaries of the weight function CarpetReduce::CarpetMaskSetup: [global] [loop-singlemap] Set up the weight function for the restriction regions GROUP SetupIMask: Set up the integer weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetMask::CarpetExcludedSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded regions CarpetMask::CarpetSurfaceSetup: [global] [loop-local] Set up the weight function for the excluded spherical surfaces CarpetReduce::MaskBase_SetMask: [global] [loop-local] Set the weight function GROUP SetupMask: Set up the real weight function (schedule other routines in here) CarpetReduce::MaskBase_TestMask: [global] Test the weight function Dissipation::setup_epsdis: Setup spatially varying dissipation GROUP MoL_PostStep: Ensure that everything is correct after regridding ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_SelectBoundConds: [level] select boundary conditions GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseBoundaryScalar ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere: ML_BSSN_ADMBaseEverywhere ML_BSSN_Helper::ML_BSSN_ADMBase_SelectBCs: [level] Select boundary conditions for ADMBase variables GROUP ML_BSSN_ADMBase_ApplyBCs: Apply boundary conditions to ADMBase variables GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ADMBase_SetADMVars: Set the ADM variables before this group, and use them afterwards GROUP HydroBase_PostStep: Post step tasks for hydro thorns GROUP HydroBase_Boundaries: HydroBase-internal Boundary conditions group GROUP HydroBase_Select_Boundaries: Group to schedule the boundary condition functions THC_Core::THC_SelectBC: [singlemap] Select boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_ApplyBCs: Apply the boundary conditions of HydroBase GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP HydroBase_Con2Prim: Convert from conservative to primitive variables GROUP THC_SetExcisionMask: Thorns providing excision should set the bitmask THC_Core::THC_ConsToAll: Computes the primitives from the conservatives GROUP SetTmunu: Group for calculating the stress-energy tensor TmunuBase::TmunuBase_ZeroTmunu: Initialise the stress-energy tensor to zero GROUP AddToTmunu: Add to the stress-energy tensor here THC_Core::THC_AddToTmunu: Adds the contribution of the fluid to the global stress-energy tensor GROUP MoL_PseudoEvolutionBoundaries: Apply boundary conditions to pseudo-evolved quantities GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_bc_group: ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate ML_ADMConstraints::ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs: [level] ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_SelectBCs GROUP ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_ADMConstraints_evaluate GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsEverywhere GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_bc_group: ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior ML_BSSN::ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs: [level] ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_SelectBCs GROUP ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior_ApplyBCs: Apply BCs for groups set in ML_BSSN_ConstraintsInterior GROUP BoundaryConditions: Execute all boundary conditions Boundary::Boundary_ApplyPhysicalBCs: Apply all requested local physical boundary conditions CartGrid3D::CartGrid3D_ApplyBC: Apply symmetry boundary conditions ReflectionSymmetry::ReflectionSymmetry_Apply: Apply reflection symmetries Boundary::Boundary_ClearSelection: [level] Unselect all grid variables for boundary conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model listing: model 0: "world" INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model process distribution: processes 0-15: model 0 "world" INFO (Carpet): Multi-Model: This is process 0, model 0 "world" Current core file size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=[unlimited] Current addres space size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=[unlimited] Current data segment size limit: hard=[unlimited], soft=[unlimited] Current resident set size limit: hard=124800 MB, soft=124800 MB INFO (CycleClock): Measuring CycleClock tick via OpenMP... INFO (CycleClock): Calibrated CycleClock: 0.384593 ns per clock tick (2.60015 GHz) INFO (Vectors): Using vector size 4 for architecture AVX (64-bit precision) INFO (hwloc): library version 2.0.4, API version 0x20000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR driver provided by Carpet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRSCCore: HRSC for Cactus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HydroBase: Let it flow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 0D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 1D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 2D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 3D ASCII I/O provided by CarpetIOASCII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR info I/O provided by CarpetIOBasic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ML_ADMConstraints -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ML_BSSN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 0D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 1D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 2D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR 3D HDF5 I/O provided by CarpetIOHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MoL: Generalized time integration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PizzaBase: pizza infrastructure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PizzaIDBase: pizza initial data infrastructure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Templated Hydrodynamics Code: a modular (relativistic) CFD code for Cactus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMR scalar I/O provided by CarpetIOScalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO (Carpet): MPI is enabled INFO (Carpet): Carpet is running on 16 processes INFO (Carpet): This is process 0 INFO (Carpet): OpenMP is enabled INFO (Carpet): This process contains 12 threads, this is thread 0 INFO (Carpet): There are 192 threads in total INFO (Carpet): There are 12 threads per process INFO (Carpet): This process runs on host nid00016, pid=37486 INFO (Carpet): This process runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 0 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 1 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 2 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 3 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 4 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 5 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 6 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 7 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 8 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 9 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 10 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): Thread 11 runs on 12 cores: 0-5, 24-29 INFO (Carpet): This simulation is running in 3 dimensions INFO (Carpet): Boundary specification for map 0: nboundaryzones: [[3,3,3],[3,3,3]] is_internal : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] is_staggered : [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] shiftout : [[0,0,1],[0,0,0]] INFO (Carpet): CoordBase domain specification for map 0: physical extent: [-80,-80,0] : [80,80,80] ([160,160,80]) interior extent: [-79,-79,0] : [79,79,79] ([158,158,79]) exterior extent: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] ([164,164,85]) base_spacing : [1,1,1] INFO (Carpet): Adapted domain specification for map 0: convergence factor: 2 convergence level : 0 physical extent : [-80,-80,0] : [80,80,80] ([160,160,80]) interior extent : [-79,-79,0] : [79,79,79] ([158,158,79]) exterior extent : [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] ([164,164,85]) spacing : [1,1,1] INFO (Carpet): Base grid specification for map 0: number of grid points : [165,165,86] number of coarse grid ghost points: [[3,3,3],[3,3,3]] INFO (Carpet): Buffer zone counts (excluding ghosts): [0]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [1]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] [2]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] [3]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] [4]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] [5]: [[9,9,9],[9,9,9]] INFO (Carpet): Overlap zone counts: [0]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [1]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [2]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [3]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [4]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] [5]: [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] INFO (Carpet): Group and variable statistics: INFO (Carpet): There are 926 grid functions in 93 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 385 grid scalars in 54 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 81 1-dimensional grid arrays in 7 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 3 2-dimensional grid arrays in 2 groups INFO (Carpet): There are 0 3-dimensional grid arrays in 0 groups INFO (Carpet): (The number of variables counts all time levels) INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_0D' registered: 0D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files INFO (CarpetIOASCII): Periodic 0D AMR output requested for: CARPET::physical_time_per_hour CARPET::current_physical_time_per_hour CARPET::time_total CARPET::time_evolution CARPET::time_computing CARPET::time_communicating CARPET::time_io CARPET::evolution_steps_count CARPET::local_grid_points_per_second CARPET::total_grid_points_per_second CARPET::local_grid_point_updates_count CARPET::total_grid_point_updates_count CARPET::local_interior_points_per_second CARPET::total_interior_points_per_second CARPET::local_interior_point_updates_count CARPET::total_interior_point_updates_count CARPET::io_per_second CARPET::io_bytes_per_second CARPET::io_bytes_ascii_per_second CARPET::io_bytes_binary_per_second CARPET::io_count CARPET::io_bytes_count CARPET::io_bytes_ascii_count CARPET::io_bytes_binary_count CARPET::comm_per_second CARPET::comm_bytes_per_second CARPET::comm_count CARPET::comm_bytes_count CARPET::time_levels CARPET::current_walltime CARPET::syncs_count INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_1D' registered: 1D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_2D' registered: 2D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files INFO (CarpetIOASCII): I/O Method 'IOASCII_3D' registered: 3D AMR output of grid variables to ASCII files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5' registered: AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): Periodic AMR output requested for: ADMANALYSIS::detg ADMANALYSIS::Ricci ADMBASE::alp ADMBASE::betax ADMBASE::betay ADMBASE::betaz HYDROBASE::rho HYDROBASE::press ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::H ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M1 ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M2 ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M3 INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_0D' registered: 0D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_1D' registered: 1D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_2D' registered: 2D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): Periodic 2D AMR output requested for: ADMANALYSIS::detg ADMANALYSIS::Ricci ADMBASE::alp ADMBASE::betax ADMBASE::betay ADMBASE::betaz GRID::x GRID::y GRID::z GRID::r HYDROBASE::rho HYDROBASE::press ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::H ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M1 ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M2 ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M3 INFO (CarpetIOHDF5): I/O Method 'IOHDF5_3D' registered: 3D AMR output of grid variables to HDF5 files INFO (CarpetIOScalar): Periodic scalar output requested for: ADMBASE::alp ADMBASE::betax ADMBASE::betay ADMBASE::betaz HYDROBASE::rho HYDROBASE::press HYDROBASE::w_lorentz ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::H ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M1 ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M2 ML_ADMCONSTRAINTS::M3 INFO (MoL): Using Runge-Kutta 4 as the time integrator. INFO (SymBase): Symmetry on lower z-face: reflection_symmetry INFO (MoL): The maximum number of evolved variables is 686. 31 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of slow evolved variables is 686. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of constrained variables is 686. 30 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of SandR variables is 686. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of evolved array variables is 686. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of constrained array variables is 686. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum number of SandR array variables is 686. 0 are registered. INFO (MoL): The maximum size of any array variables is 0. INFO (MoL): The evolved variables are: INFO (MoL): 0 : At11 INFO (MoL): 1 : At12 INFO (MoL): 2 : At13 INFO (MoL): 3 : At22 INFO (MoL): 4 : At23 INFO (MoL): 5 : At33 INFO (MoL): 6 : A INFO (MoL): 7 : B1 INFO (MoL): 8 : B2 INFO (MoL): 9 : B3 INFO (MoL): 10 : Xt1 INFO (MoL): 11 : Xt2 INFO (MoL): 12 : Xt3 INFO (MoL): 13 : alpha INFO (MoL): 14 : phi INFO (MoL): 15 : gt11 INFO (MoL): 16 : gt12 INFO (MoL): 17 : gt13 INFO (MoL): 18 : gt22 INFO (MoL): 19 : gt23 INFO (MoL): 20 : gt33 INFO (MoL): 21 : beta1 INFO (MoL): 22 : beta2 INFO (MoL): 23 : beta3 INFO (MoL): 24 : trK INFO (MoL): 25 : dens INFO (MoL): 26 : scon[0] INFO (MoL): 27 : scon[1] INFO (MoL): 28 : scon[2] INFO (MoL): 29 : tau INFO (MoL): 30 : densgain INFO (MoL): The constrained variables are: INFO (MoL): 0 : gxx INFO (MoL): 1 : gxy INFO (MoL): 2 : gxz INFO (MoL): 3 : gyy INFO (MoL): 4 : gyz INFO (MoL): 5 : gzz INFO (MoL): 6 : kxx INFO (MoL): 7 : kxy INFO (MoL): 8 : kxz INFO (MoL): 9 : kyy INFO (MoL): 10 : kyz INFO (MoL): 11 : kzz INFO (MoL): 12 : alp INFO (MoL): 13 : betax INFO (MoL): 14 : betay INFO (MoL): 15 : betaz INFO (MoL): 16 : dtalp INFO (MoL): 17 : dtbetax INFO (MoL): 18 : dtbetay INFO (MoL): 19 : dtbetaz INFO (MoL): 20 : rho INFO (MoL): 21 : vel[0] INFO (MoL): 22 : vel[1] INFO (MoL): 23 : vel[2] INFO (MoL): 24 : zvec[0] INFO (MoL): 25 : zvec[1] INFO (MoL): 26 : zvec[2] INFO (MoL): 27 : eps INFO (MoL): 28 : press INFO (MoL): 29 : w_lorentz INFO (Vectors): Testing vectorisation... [errors may result in segfaults] INFO (Vectors): 2311/2311 tests passed INFO (kadathimporter): Checking ID parameters INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,623,21] : [828,689,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1279,45] : [1623,1345,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2591,93] : [3213,2657,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.125,-0.375] : [21.5,4.125,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.0625,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2.0625,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.03125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,1.03125,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 281k active, 529k owned (+89%), 896k total (+69%), 32 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CartGrid3D): Grid Spacings: INFO (CartGrid3D): dx=>1.0000000e+00 dy=>1.0000000e+00 dz=>1.0000000e+00 INFO (CartGrid3D): Computational Coordinates: INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[-82.000,82.000] y=>[-82.000,82.000] z=>[-3.000,82.000] INFO (CartGrid3D): Indices of Physical Coordinates: INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[0,164] y=>[0,164] z=>[0,85] INFO (HRSCCore): Using FV. Method ID = 18. INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.4 (courant_static) INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up KADATH initial data INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up coordinates INFO (kadathimporter): Starting data import INFO (kadathimporter): Moving Matter Data to output vars INFO (kadathimporter): Filling took 318.896 sec INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.4 (courant_static) INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up KADATH initial data INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up coordinates INFO (kadathimporter): Starting data import INFO (kadathimporter): Moving Matter Data to output vars INFO (kadathimporter): Filling took 106.137 sec INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.2 (courant_static) INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up KADATH initial data INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up coordinates INFO (kadathimporter): Starting data import INFO (kadathimporter): Moving Matter Data to output vars INFO (kadathimporter): Filling took 97.9902 sec INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.1 (courant_static) INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up KADATH initial data INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up coordinates INFO (kadathimporter): Starting data import INFO (kadathimporter): Moving Matter Data to output vars INFO (kadathimporter): Filling took 120.964 sec INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.05 (courant_static) INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up KADATH initial data INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up coordinates INFO (kadathimporter): Starting data import INFO (kadathimporter): Moving Matter Data to output vars INFO (kadathimporter): Filling took 193.64 sec INFO (TerminationTrigger): Reminding you every 60 minutes about remaining walltime INFO (Time): Timestep set to 0.025 (courant_static) INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up KADATH initial data INFO (kadathimporter): Setting up coordinates INFO (kadathimporter): Starting data import INFO (kadathimporter): Moving Matter Data to output vars INFO (kadathimporter): Filling took 671.514 sec ------------------- Iteration Time ------------------- 0 0.000 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% 16 0.400 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% 32 0.800 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1277,45] : [1623,1343,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.1875,-0.1875] : [19.4375,1.9375,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% 48 1.200 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2588,93] : [3213,2654,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.125,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.9375,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% 64 1.600 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,622,21] : [828,688,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.25,-0.375] : [21.5,4,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,623,21] : [828,689,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.125,-0.375] : [21.5,4.125,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,623,21] : [828,689,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.125,-0.375] : [21.5,4.125,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,623,21] : [828,689,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.125,-0.375] : [21.5,4.125,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% 80 2.000 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,623,21] : [828,689,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.125,-0.375] : [21.5,4.125,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 0 INFO (CarpetRegrid2): Enforcing grid structure properties, iteration 1 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, grid points): [0][0][0] exterior: [0,0,0] : [164,164,85] ([165,165,86] + PADDING) 2341350 [1][0][0] exterior: [94,121,3] : [179,130,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][1] exterior: [94,131,3] : [232,197,39] ([139,67,37] + PADDING) 344581 [1][0][2] exterior: [94,198,3] : [179,207,39] ([86,10,37] + PADDING) 31820 [1][0][3] exterior: [94,121,40] : [179,207,49] ([86,87,10] + PADDING) 74820 [2][0][0] exterior: [365,295,9] : [431,361,45] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [2][0][1] exterior: [230,285,9] : [316,371,55] ([87,87,47] + PADDING) 355743 [3][0][0] exterior: [762,623,21] : [828,689,57] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [3][0][1] exterior: [503,613,21] : [588,699,67] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [4][0][0] exterior: [1557,1278,45] : [1623,1344,81] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [4][0][1] exterior: [1049,1269,45] : [1134,1355,91] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 [5][0][0] exterior: [3147,2589,93] : [3213,2655,129] ([67,67,37] + PADDING) 166093 [5][0][1] exterior: [2141,2581,93] : [2226,2667,139] ([86,87,47] + PADDING) 351654 INFO (Carpet): Grid structure (superregions, coordinates): [0][0][0] exterior: [-82,-82,-3] : [82,82,82] : [1,1,1] [1][0][0] exterior: [-35,-21.5,-1.5] : [7.5,-17,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][1] exterior: [-35,-16.5,-1.5] : [34,16.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][2] exterior: [-35,17,-1.5] : [7.5,21.5,16.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [1][0][3] exterior: [-35,-21.5,17] : [7.5,21.5,21.5] : [0.5,0.5,0.5] [2][0][0] exterior: [9.25,-8.25,-0.75] : [25.75,8.25,8.25] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [2][0][1] exterior: [-24.5,-10.75,-0.75] : [-3,10.75,10.75] : [0.25,0.25,0.25] [3][0][0] exterior: [13.25,-4.125,-0.375] : [21.5,4.125,4.125] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [3][0][1] exterior: [-19.125,-5.375,-0.375] : [-8.5,5.375,5.375] : [0.125,0.125,0.125] [4][0][0] exterior: [15.3125,-2.125,-0.1875] : [19.4375,2,2.0625] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [4][0][1] exterior: [-16.4375,-2.6875,-0.1875] : [-11.125,2.6875,2.6875] : [0.0625,0.0625,0.0625] [5][0][0] exterior: [16.34375,-1.09375,-0.09375] : [18.40625,0.96875,1.03125] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] [5][0][1] exterior: [-15.09375,-1.34375,-0.09375] : [-12.4375,1.34375,1.34375] : [0.03125,0.03125,0.03125] INFO (Carpet): Global grid structure statistics: INFO (Carpet): GF: rhs: 702k active, 1323k owned (+89%), 2240k total (+69%), 80 steps/time INFO (Carpet): GF: vars: 282, pts: 889M active, 1242M owned (+40%), 1983M total (+60%), 1.0 comp/proc INFO (Carpet): GA: vars: 464, pts: 0M active, 0M total (+0%) INFO (Carpet): Total required memory: 15.808 GByte (for GAs and currently active GFs) INFO (Carpet): Load balance: min avg max sdv max/avg-1 INFO (Carpet): Level 0: 33M 36M 39M 2M owned 9% INFO (Carpet): Level 1: 7M 8M 8M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 2: 8M 9M 9M 0M owned 7% INFO (Carpet): Level 3: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 4: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% INFO (Carpet): Level 5: 8M 8M 9M 0M owned 5% ERROR from host nid00016 process 0 while executing schedule bin CCTK_EVOL, routine PunctureTracker::PunctureTracker_Track in thorn PunctureTracker, file /lustre/tetyda/home/topolski/Cactus/arrangements/EinsteinAnalysis/PunctureTracker/src/ -> Shift at puncture #0 is (-nan,-nan,-nan). This likely indicates an error in the simulation.