# Configuration for an Ubuntu installation, assuming the following list of # packages is installed: # # build-essential perl gfortran g++ libmpich2-dev # # In addition, installing the following list of packaed will prevent Cactus # from compiling it's own versions of these libraries: # # libfftw3-dev libgsl0-dev libatlas-base-dev libjpeg-dev libssl-dev libhdf5-serial-dev hdf5-tools # # Tools like GetComponents and Simfactory like to have the following list # installed too # # python subversion git # Whenever this version string changes, the application is configured # and rebuilt from scratch VERSION = 2012-09-28 CPP = cpp FPP = cpp CC = icc CXX = icpc F77 = ifort F90 = ifort CPPFLAGS = -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK FPPFLAGS = -traditional CFLAGS = -xhost -openmp -Ofast -align -std=gnu99 CXXFLAGS = -xhost -openmp -Ofast -align -std=gnu++11 F77FLAGS = -xhost -openmp -Ofast -align -pad -safe-cray-ptr F90FLAGS = -xhost -openmp -Ofast -align -pad -safe-cray-ptr LDFLAGS = -rdynamic C_LINE_DIRECTIVES = yes F_LINE_DIRECTIVES = yes VECTORISE = yes VECTORISE_ALIGNED_ARRAYS = no VECTORISE_INLINE = no DEBUG = no CPP_DEBUG_FLAGS = -DCARPET_DEBUG FPP_DEBUG_FLAGS = -DCARPET_DEBUG C_DEBUG_FLAGS = -O0 CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS = -O0 F77_DEBUG_FLAGS = -O0 -check bounds -check format F90_DEBUG_FLAGS = -O0 -check bounds -check format HDF5_DIR=/usr/ HDF5_ENABLE_CXX=no MPI_DIR = /usr MPI_INC_DIRS = /usr/include/mpi MPI_LIB_DIRS = /usr/lib MPI_LIBS = mpi PTHREADS = yes