<html><head></head><body><div class="ydp881bcd60yahoo-style-wrap" style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3">Hi everyone,</font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3"><br></font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3">I've been unsuccessfully trying to run the latest version of Einstein Toolkit on the Sciama HPC cluster where I have been using the 2020_05 version so far. </font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3">Could someone please help? </font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3"><br></font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3">I have tried three different approaches and put the terminal output and config.log files of each in the folder here (too heavy for email)</font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3"><a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sWaBfO44Say_7NRdOhtB7EMeq8_7-n1W?usp=sharing" class="ydp881bcd60enhancr_card_7265707429" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Compiling_ET_2023_11_on_Sciama - Google Drive</a><br></font><div><font size="3">as well as the Sciama config files I used in the B approach.<br></font></div></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3"><br></font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><font size="3">A) Using the config files already included in Einstein Toolkit, using intel_comp/2019.2 it gives the error</font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><div><p class="ydp83f75074yiv9453896366ydp8a0103e4p1" style="margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; color: rgb(201, 211, 240); background-color: rgb(15, 14, 54);"><span class="ydp83f75074yiv9453896366ydp8a0103e4s1"><font size="3" style="background-color: inherit;">Cactus requires a C++11 compiler -- check your C++ compiler and C++ compiler flags</font></span></p><p class="ydp83f75074yiv9453896366ydp8a0103e4p1" style="margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; color: rgb(201, 211, 240); background-color: rgb(15, 14, 54);"><span class="ydp83f75074yiv9453896366ydp8a0103e4s1"><font size="3" style="background-color: inherit;">If using g++ at least version 6 is required, if using icpc use -gxx-name to use libstc++ from g++ at least version 6</font></span></p></div><font size="3">I tried using intel_comp/2020.1 <span>(the latest available on Sciama) and got the same error (and some module warnings). I found the path to g++ and so tried to add -gxx-name = /opt/apps/compilers/gnu_comp/cfg/9.1.0/intel64/bin/g++ to CXXFLAGS in sciama.cfg but this didn't change anything. </span></font></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><span><font size="3" style="background-color: inherit;"><br></font></span></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><span><font size="3" style="background-color: inherit;">B) Using gnu_comp/13.2.0 instead, I changed modules and flags where you can see in the Google Drive folder the .ini and .cfg files I use. </font></span></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><span><font size="3" style="background-color: inherit;"><div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">It compiles all the way to the part "Creating cactus_sim" where it lists all the thorns then I get lots of errors of the type </div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><div><p class="ydpc8d49fbyiv2211802830ydp3d6566b4p1" style="margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span class="ydpc8d49fbyiv2211802830ydp3d6566b4s1" style="background-color: rgb(68, 0, 98);">patch_system.cc:(.text+0xbe): undefined reference to `H5open'</span></p><p class="ydpc8d49fbyiv2211802830ydp3d6566b4p1" style="margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span class="ydpc8d49fbyiv2211802830ydp3d6566b4s1" style="background-color: rgb(68, 0, 98);">/usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '1', this reader only handles version 2, 3 and 4 information.</span></p></div>I have this message for lots of files .cc, .c, .f90 undefined reference to lots of different H5 functions (and also dsytrf_ dgetrf_ dgesv_ dsysv_ dposv_ dgbsv_) complaining about dwarf version 'any number'. The only other somewhat similar example I found of this online is here <a shape="rect" href="https://github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/issues/1415" style="color: rgb(25, 106, 212); text-decoration-line: underline;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/issues/1415</a> but it's not that helpful. I'm guessing it's unhappy with hdf5, unfortunately, the latest version on Sciama is 1.10.5. Do I just need a later version of hdf5 or is this something else?</div></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><br></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">C) <span>I tried with the EinsteinToolkit hdf5 (that I see is version 1.12.0) with HDF5_DIR = BUILD and commented out HDF5_LIB_DIRS and HDF5_INC_DIRS, as it compiles it doesn't get as far. In the output, I'm under the impression it manages to build it properly, but later it seems to not be unable to find it, but it should just be within Einstein Toolkit right?</span></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><span><br></span></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><span>Thank you for your help,</span></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><span>Robyn</span></div></font></span></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false" style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><br></div><div style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><br></div><div style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><br></div></div></body></html>