[Users] Meeting minutes for 2025-03-06

Leo Rosa Werneck wernecklr at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 23:10:38 CST 2025

Hi all,

Here are the minutes from today’s meeting


Present: Lucas (Chair), Leo (Minutes), Roland, Peter, Zach, Johnny,
         Keith, Maxwell, Cheng-Hsin, Lu Yao, Bing-Ran He

Lu Yao and Bing-Ran want to contribute thorn documentation in Chinese so users
can benefit from it. They had previously talked to Steve about this, who was
unfortunately not present. Roland and Lucas explained how they do not need to
provide HTML files, but rather LaTeX files. They will follow up over email.

*ET Release*
  - Z4c: Trying to get tests up and running.
  - BHaHAHA: Is working great, will be discussed at APS talk.
  - FLRWSolver: No response from champion yet.

*Upcoming NA ET Summer School (Austin, TX)*
  - Website is up and running: https://indico.global/event/14071/
  - Registration will open soon.

*Open Tickets*
  - #2861: User experienced issues running qc0 with CarpetX and Punctures thorn.
           Lucas will follow up, as no one present is sure what that thorn does.
           It could be a simple as an outdated parameter file.
  - #2860: Fixed finite difference calls in CactusNumerical; assigned to Peter.
  - #2633: SummationByPart missing documentation for aliased function Diff_gv.
  - #2625: CarpetMask should not be scheduled before SphericalSurface_Set.
  - #2856: CarpetX errors out when it cycles time levels if those levels are not
           valid everywhere. Roland still sees issues, so Lucas will poke Steve.

*Tickets Ready for Review (not discussed above)*
  - #2761: bundled version of CMake, as it's needed by some external libraries.
  - #2855: Lucas will try to make NoiseX more similar to Noise thorn.
  - #2839: Leo tested on macOS 15.3.1 using homebrew and it fixed linker issues.

Leonardo R. Werneck, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Office EP 314 | Department of Physics | University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 0903
Moscow, ID 83844-0903, USA
leonardo at uidaho.edu <mailto:leonardo at uidaho.edu>
https://leowerneck.github.io <https://leowerneck.github.io/>
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