[Users] Meeting Minutes for 2025-03-13

Lucas Timotheo Sanches lucas.t.s.carneiro at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 11:28:27 CDT 2025

Present: Lucas (Minutes), Bill Gabella, Maxwell Rizzo, Roland Hass (Chair),
Steven R. Brandt, Keith, Johnny Tsao, Zach Etienne

# Upcoming release possible inclusions

- Roland still has to set up the service account for the release manager.
-Z4C: Roland still to create test cases for the code.
-BHaHAHA: Zach reports it being in review.
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre: I will talk to Deborah
- Modules for FLRWSolver: Hayley Macpherson says she will have something up soon
  Zach Etienne will be the reviewer when the thorns are ready.

# ETK Summer School at Austin Texas, June 9-13th.

- Registration is still going to take a while. The group is working on setting
  it up, but there were technical issues.
- Johnny reports having sent the announcement without the website to Hyperspace.
- Johnny says he will also advertise the meeting at the NR community call,
  either through the mailing list or Slack channel.

# Unanswered questions on the mailing list:

- There was a question asking for a BBH parameter file that does not use Llama
  Roland mentioned he Knows of a parameter file that can be used and will talk
  to Pablo to ask if it can be shared with the asker.
- There was a question on translating ETK web pages to Chinese. Steve moved
  these discussions to the user list.

# Open tickets sorted by update time

2861: Lucas reports that the `Punctures` thorn cannot be made to work with
      simple edits to parameter files. He created a qc0 parameter file using
      Z4C to supply the bug reporter.
2862: Lucas reports this to be a simple update to a parameter file and is a
      self contained simple change. Roland asks for Z4C reviewers to take a look

# Tickets ready for review

2855: Roland will link example where variables to be modified are supplied via
      parameter strings while still respecting driver reads and writes, which
      is one of Lucas's concerns

# Final notes:

- We will not have a call next week, due to APS meetings.
- Roland will talk to Maxwell to have the timeline set up.

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